IN' MEMOKIAM. r.KncKLKSI'.Y.—In momnn »f Leu. lir.ii-kli-liy. kllleil in m-Mi'iu, Measiiii's, June -I. ' li'lT. I'.ver lii.-crtei| liy his Iri.-n.i. J.-n k Carr. ;ir.\T. I" I'.viiii: iii.iii..ry ;( in\ dear son. -. i-,-[.e,| .-II liallii ..I:. .1 .Mie -I. 11)1.1. l';ir aw.-iv Cruii tli...e u!m loved him, i'..inr:uiiH laid him il.nvn u> rest: 111 M scililiers μ-rav.■ h-'s sl.-oplliK. nn,. ,)f i;,,,|'s l.rijjliJi-si ami best. lnser:i-d l.y ItN l.ivini; father and nmtliiT. .1. itti'l i . Clarlio. M \LI.AP.(iN"P. hi fund mid InvltiK memory r.r .li>m-|,li iFninki E'.L'hti-entii i:i.lnf..ri-r.|iieiiis. « In, nas killed in a-:;.:, at. M,--!ne- on June S. T. 117. N..1 lost jrniie bef.-re. Inserted tiy liLs lovius prandma, M. A. Ma'lal.fiid. l;rssKl 1., in fund and im-injj mpiiinry or iky i| -iirly lured liriHlier Ilinrv. killed in O'-iion iv Frnn. i<. .liini" ■!::, I<Jl7. One i.f i lie lie.-t. Evrr In i in. ili'iiiKhiM of his lovlnii pister i)ml hrnther-ln-lnw, Clara \Silli.iin BlslKip. Deviinj-ori.
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 12
Word Count
Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 12
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