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THE MARKETS AT A GLANCE. '.iENETtAL IMPROVI-TMES'I IS DEM AM) " Auckland Star" Office, Thursday, June 24, IOM. With orders on of raont!i account In fill! dispatch n-h'.lesiuera are having a , busy »-i-i'k. yuite a f.-aiure of trade is the roluine offering, aud it Iβ very eriUeua. fituli-ra cannot maintain a policy ot ri'.-itrl'Li'iii mi purchase without renec-tlns ■eri'.us cucdKioUQ*. Che demand being put •mi the retail shows a growing tendency, treated l>y increasing population, and, tv do ju.-tl.-e to oue's own interest, tt I" to t«p stocks up to turnover ami lieniiiml. J.iine Ims shown an exceptionally quiet mouth, liitilnly attributed to the sensational reports of failing markets, which has caused rrraUer* to hold back from buying. unti an eudcuvour on their pant has bouu tuaJe to reduce shocks to a minimum. Wkllv this altitude has been adopted stocka haviboon depleted to such an extent that July should show a very heavy demand, as public requirements cannot be held back peudiug a fali in costs. Merchants have been unxious to us.-ertaiu the eiteut of these reports, an<i every endeavour has been made to secure tie actual position of various iiiarkets. and , , wirh very lew exception*. the Tesul: has (>opu tv show very firm tendencies in general, and quite a number ot everyday ronimoditii-s moving even to higher levels, Thus showing thin there 1* not •much pr«n|>ect of lower prices prevailing. tJSu-iraT continues to he a cause for general Inquiry, the position having been nggravattd' by the wet weather preventing normal "distribution. English nianirfac'turers, wno are now paying over 1 per lb, are feeling the handicap this if placing on their export business. There Is little pros-pert cif easier conditions ruling in sugar distribution. , . Both kerosene and benzine are reported to be showini: growing scarcity, and the position is Ukely to as-same serious conditions before Improvement, as uotirieatlon or expected arrivals are far ■behind requireUocoas.—nevised prices are showing on certain packings, and, with various re of the cocoa markets, the possibility l* lor utlll higher lev-els. Prunes.—Offerings from Frisco for new season's pack do not point to prices "Js'uS; and hig-h rates ruling this year are llkelj to be maintained for new iruit. Salmon.—While actual values are not available, and though puck shows snorter ■than last season, yet by American adrices it wouJd appear that Soefceyes are likely to show dourer for new pack but cheap 9^liis P C' u uf demand through anticipation of lower prices ruling, inferior kinds are more In e»-W«£C, has just been received of lower costs in msmmm wFMgm 2/4 to 3/6 per 100 ft. POTATOES. Tiw local market la well supplied with EitffiiS qX ""^"^.SLS* to Australia it must have a decidedly Orm lug tendency on prices at this end. The iiufflHty of moat of the potatoes coniLns to land from the South Is reported to be -ood. The consumption, however, In AuckFund, is not so heavy as usual at this time of the year. -This is partly attributed to the fact *bat there are stilljpaple of local potatoes held in conn-try dltar.Cts. which means less inquiry for lines from t c .SEED POTATOES. Merchants report a. fair demand far early Feed" potatoes. Great difficulty Is. however experienced In securing space for shipment:-* from the South. It Is hoped that part o? the cargo of the Wai to mo rhis trip »11 'bo seed potatoes. In anticipation of .s.ieh being -the case sales are being uiniie •for delivery lr«ni ship's side. ONION'S. The market for onions Iβ decidedly firmer this week. Southern supplies axe now ge-t----tln" iiu» short compass, and those that come to hand require to bo constantly picked over. Best samples, replcked. are ■worth tfl6 per ton ex store. It Is quite evident that onions will he dear from now on until the Auckland new crop is ready for marke-t. The only other source ot supply in Melbourne, where the 'latest quotation Is SIT per ton f.o.b. Onions from the t'ulted States, later in the year, are expected to oe still higher in price. IJLAIZE. There is little chance ot maize easing In price as it Is understood. ■Ujat very small stocks of old grain are now held on the East -Coast, and -there have not been any recent arrivals from Hie Islands. The agitation regarding the risk of introducing a pest with the -Istaml lriaize has had the iresnlt In the Government issuing a regulation iTHintrins all imported dines to be fumigated before being disposed of. This costs 1/ per sack, apart from charges for extra handling and. carting. OAT 3. Prices for this line continue firm in .fhe South. Thi3 is attributed .to the fact that the outs have now passed, out of farmers' hands, and it wUi not pay the purchasers to sell under present rates. Under such circumstanceu prices are likely to continue hlffh until next harvest. SEED OATS. The demand continues good for seed oats. liowevar, experience some difficulty in securing lines of good Algerians in the South. Plenty o< Algerian Is offering, bat a large proportion of the samples axe (thin, and ml ted with foreign matter. OHAJP.F. This line rues firm in price. Recent lots from Jlattgltikei were of Inferior quality, and it Is understood that .the great ibuik suffered damage from toad weather at harvest time. The case i≤ somewhat similar in regard to 'Blenheim chaff. "By far the best chair this season comes from Canterbury ibut at the present .time it U prae•tlcaily Impossible to get space for ship ments to Auckland. It is fairly certain that prices for chaff tvM continue to rule high for the rest of the wintCT. At the present: time there is a very big demand lor cnaliBUTTE7R AN"T> EGGS. The price of factory bntter has advanced to 1/7* per lb wholesale, with one halfpenny rebate for prompt cash. This means 1/8 per pound as the retail price. JCgjts on the other hand, have declined 2d per dozen since last report. WHOLESALE CURRENT PRICES. Farm and Dairy Produce Factory 'butter 1/6 per lb. less rebate for prom D t payment; farmers' bntter. 1/7* per IdOJd ? er lb; factor y =Qeese,' 10d to lOjd per Id; hams, 1/G per lb netbacon, 1/5 per lb net; fresh esgs 3« ncr dozen wholesale. p Flour. £IS, less discount of 2J per 4pcAZL« o% r to v s -si FoSoTs^Vro/per l W T*' cw Om ons ._Cai»terbury, repicked, 18/ per lUUJBIT SIQXS Tor rlu ft ,ii n 'Kl; Prices paid in Europe 1 Htatee th,t , . ?h ' "f a circular I>are<l yrtfl, moa ; eelectod incomlnes IOM a* agnliuit 21(M; and prime racks at aualust law at the previous silo. ' I'HIOB OF LEATHER. American advices are Io the effect tint Kh<M kW Iβ down in price lud 1, ■ihl» Is Bupyoscd tv be the outconie of thn tank* in thi.. United States having pulled v\i luujjcni uolding heavy stocks thn, S'°' TlnX SeU " !°^ er to Vi, i , sinillar result la reported by Owt a n 4 the Cumiueut at lowe?
rates, ilipvertint; to the question of leather, a drop in tlie price of colonial sole and chrome upper Is stated In Dnuedln to be equal to 1/ per pair In the cos: of making ■'- pair of boots of men's size. OUR PRIMARY PRODUCT?. An Australian Journal has pointed out Mi.v .Yew Zealand in outward trade of domestic produce leads most other countries wnen Judged .in a per capita basis. A recent ouVia] computation puts the figure at rJS 4-10 per head, and no other country showed a higher average. In 1917-18 Australia's foreign trade represented £26 14. S per head. WORLD'S SlTrAit SHORTAGE. Various trade circulars to bandy by mail rofer to the shortage of lv surar was ((noted at 114/ per rut. which is over 1/ per II). In America ttic position I" despribcl :;s acute, and hli;u prli'es are belcg >nVred f..r the Cuban crops. At Java, siitfar which two years ami solj for -d per 1!.. Is now realising 1 ' per lb. The native, who does ihe work and liuds hlinscif for one shniin- p.-r djy, <-:iunot be bliuiied f..r having caused the advance as his wapes have not advanced. A recent visitor to Java slated that last year one snuar compauy uitli a ."1(111:11 of a million p.iiiii.ta. niaUe .six niillion puundu prortt. lr this is true, an aiiti-proßteering law is badly needed iv Java. FLAX. Advice from London is tn t!ie effect that the market for licmp is very dead. Aβ far iis New shipments arc concerned. African sisal can be gut to London at t'l 10' per ton less, freight than hemp from the Dominion. Shipments are now made from New, via Vancouver, "which, uf course, entails extra cost of handling. ON 'CHANGE. Business has been rather quiet nn •Change during the last couple of weeks. Mining stocks especially are neglected and tjoth Waihi and (;rand Junction shares are offered ut lower rates, biinkias stock liad jt little more attention yesterday Ausiraliisias are inquired for at £X> "and New South Wales at t.'J5 17 G. fales took place yesterday afternoon of iSuuk of New Zealand shares at £25 17/6. South British insurance changed hands during rhe week at tIU and IUO 1/. beiu ff offered at £10 2 U at the third rail yesterday, i. and 0. deferred •stock dropped to sellers at f-lMi -nith no'ra i|U..te>i. Kalpoi Woollen are In steady demand at £10. Auckland Trams are wanted at 15/ and 17/7 for the respective issues. Buyers eume in for Qjlonial AtistraUau issne. at £.tj 10/, but no seller i.'-n"'' 1 ' xweUl '- td - W,M at £1 12/e. ana Wllsoas .N.Z. Ceinen-t at Hi/. t?TOiCK SALES. AUOKLAM). The Xew Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Compauy. Limited, report:— On Thursday last, at Westtteld. dairy cattle were pvnned in large niuabers, und soUi under steady competlUon at late quotations. ißest dairj - cows, close to pron-t, £16 lv. to ;,,; best dairy heifers, close to proftt. £13 to £23 3/; other cows und leifers. close to profit, £11 to £14 JS ; 'backward culvers, n to £14 10. Store cattle, penned in small numbers -were airaiu dull of suJe. illogsets, £1 to £1 4/G. At Atfris<ton on Friday we held Mr. Henry Mulr's clearing tale. There was a lame attendance, and we report a Kootl sale. The dairy cows sold at from £S to £1« 10;: horse. £A\i 10/; hoggets £1 4/<>' ewes, £1 7.6: calves. £0. On Tuesday, at iianuxewa, we held a •clearms sale on account of Mr. i£. R. l--an-nell, and report a most satisfactory clearance. The dairy cows and heifers eohl at from £T> 15/ to £23; Jersey bull. 12igs. We held a very successful special horse sale at Pukekohe on Friday, the advertised Tramber cominff forward. Bidding was keen for all goc*! sorts, especially young medium to heavy farm horses, which sold from £30 to £41; older sound horses of same class. £18 to £33: affed aud warn, £7 to £15; sood youus hack and harness sorts, £10 to £17: others, £'» to £9 10. ; Usrht unbroken. £-J 10/ to £3; iweedy and unsountL, 20/ n*p<wurcl. There i\-as a biff entry of dairy cattle at Henderson on Monday, the bidding brisk from a large gathering fit buyers, and we report one of the best sales for some time, backward sorts and youag stock siiowlns firm improvement. No eitra choice cows entered. Good sound cows, £1?. 10 to £18 for early culvers; backward sorts. £9 to £J3: old and poor, £4 to £S 15 ; three-year killable Jersey heifer calves. £4, to" £0 26; "other cnlves. best £1 13/ to £2 3/, poor upwards; yearlinsr to IS-months heifers, £3 to £3 lU/; bulls, £4 to £(>. Alfred Buckland and .Sons Ltd., report:— There was again a large entry of dairy cnttle and few stores at Westfleld on Thursday. First-class cows and heifers continue to fiell well, prices ranging from £20 to £20, second quality cows £13 10/ to £1S 10/. others £3 10/ to £13; empty cows, £3 to £6 10.': yearling to 18-montis heifers, £3 5/ to £U a/, according to quality; cnlves. £1 .-)/ to £2 12/. Durlnjj the -week we cond-octed eijrht clearing sales, and in each instance there was a full attendance, and the demand for dairy cows remains keen farm Implements also seUlnz -well. Best cows made from £25' to £20. second srade £15 to £2i. others £11 to £14 10/. aged and. unsound £0 to £10 10/; farm horses. £10 to £42. At Waltakaruru on Friday. ISth. -we held our monthly sale. There was a small yardlup. which sold at ruling rates. At the Haymarket hist Friday -we had an average yarding of horses, •which sold at recent v.ilues. On Saturday, at Mr. W. .Plntfs Opaheke. there was a large attendance. The dairy cows realised from £11 10/ to £30 5/; heifers in~ calf* £H» 5/ to £1?.: yearline ■heifers, £2 111) to £5 W, farm horses, £44 to £4S 10. At 'Mr. W. Clark's, Tuakau, on Monday, buyers were In attendance. The dairy cows brought from £12 to £20 10/; helfeTS, £4 15/ to £10 2/C. At Mr. J. Miller's. I>airy Flat, on Tuesday, there was a representative attendance of buyers, and high value ruled. The dairy caws braußht from £!!> 10/ to £30 for best, others £4- 10/ to £14 10/ averaglTie £1O B//6: IS-"m«mtlis lietfers. £11: yearling Tieifers. £j 10/. The implements and sundries brought full vahi'es. Hoggets, £1 8/9; ewes (in lamb), £1 IS/ , . TVESTFIELD FAT STOCK MARKET. The Xcw Zealand Ix>an and Mercantile Agency. Ltd., reports:— At Westfleld fat stock market on Wednesday beef was penned in smaller numbers than usual, Gelling under keen competition, prices Improving as the sale progressed. We quote choice ox selling to £2 14/ per 1001b; prime ox. £2. !>.' to £2 13/: rough inferior ox. £2 3/ to £2 8/; cow and heifer beef, £2 2/ to £2 11/. Steers sold at from for best, £1!) to £27 2/U, for a pen of bullocks fattened by Mr. Rotrt. Clark, Waiau Pah; other steers, £12 to £1S IT/G. Cows and heifers sold ut from £9 to £17 for a cow fattened by Mr. Jae. Taylor, Cambridge. Some of the averages were: 17 steers from 'Mr. .Robt. Clark, Walau l'att, ■C 5 1.1/9; 8 from Waikato, £20 1/9; 14 from East Tamaki, £13 2/0; 10 (small) from Mr. G. B. Fisher, Mangere. £15 0/: S from Mr. W. Gray. Cnmbrldge. £14 12?6: 7 cows from Mr. Jas. Taylor, Cambridge, £14 1/. Sheep were penned in average numbers, and for those of prune cruelity competition, "was keen, prices advancing slightly on late quotations. Interiorly-fattened sheep did not sell so readily, and were easier in price. No extra heavy prime ewes or prime £2 2/6 to £2 7/C, medium £1 19/ to £2 2/3, light £1 15/0 to £1 18/0, unfinished and small £1 11/ to £1 15/3; ewes, heavy prime £1 10/t) to £1 IS/C medium £1 13/ to £1 15/3, light £1 £>/ to £1 12-9, Inferiorfattened £1 3/6 to £1 7/9. Calves came forward in larger numbers, and sold firm at last week's improved prices. Runners sold at from £0 13/ to £10 10/; vealers, heavy £4 10/ to £O 12/6, medium £S 5/ to £4 9/; vealers, light £1 15/ to £3 3/; lighter fat calves, £1 to £1 14/; fresh-dropped, 13/ to ID/. Lambs were peflned in less than average numbers, and sold under steady competition at late quotations. No extra heavy lambs were penned. Lambs, heavy prime £1 11/ to £1 14/6, medium prime £1 7/9 to £1 10/0, light prime £1 4/ to £1 7/0, small and unfinished IS/6 to £l 3/0. Pigs were penned in less than usual numbers, and improved in prices on late quotations. Medium to heavy baconers, £B 10/ to £7 16/; heavy eoTkers and light baconers, £4 12/ to I £5 9/;>medium porkers, £3 15/ to £4. 11/; j light porters, £1 10/ to £3 14/. Alfred Bnekland and Song report:—Yesterday at onr weekly Wescfleld fat stock market we sold beef to the number of 313 head. oomprisinE 243 steers, 69 cows and heifers, and one bull. Several lines failed to come forward. Owing to the reduced entry prices firmed, the advance being most noticeable in choice and prime ox. Choice ox sold to £2 12/ per lOOtb, prime £2 8/ to f2 11/, ordinary and plain £2 V to £2 6/; Jf n f fc^ e ?S , , £a 10 , / f? fl 13/: e °w and heifw * • S- 13/ to£2 '/i steers ranged in price (™JJ £» to £23 15/ for heavy prime steers, lighter prime steers £1C 10/ to £19 10/ llzht St^^f 5 - /?•? 10 - KmaU aai unfinished
M. A. .Brady, Te Arena, £18 14/5; 9 from Mr. J. McDonald, Jan., Onewbero, £1" 8/j 8 from Messrs. Bowler Bros., Mnt»matu, Uβ 12 V- 18 from the Waikato. £1« 8/11; 24 from Messrs. Death Bros., Wnitakamru, £15 3/; 0 from Mr. F. Mnlcoat. Papatoetoc. £14 15/; S cowe from Mr. Ueo. Johns tone, >lata-m-ata, £14 4/* i. The sheep pens were well filled with a nice class of mutton. There was a keen demand, aud all prime mutton mot with a still further advance In values. Extra heavy prime wethers, £2 7/ to £2 V.", Cli from Mr. E. <J. >rhlllipu*. Te Heke. Ilelensrvllle. averaged £2 S.-3: heavy prime wetiiers, £2 2/ to £2 6/; medium to heavy prime wethers'. £1 IS/ to £2 1/; lighter prime wethers, £1 Ho/ to £1 ITAS; unfinished aud llfilu weihere, £1 10/ to £1 H4/0; heavy prime ewes. £1 14 <C, to £1 18/6; a pen of 10 extra special ewes from Messrs. Woodward llres., Mount Albert, made C- 10/8; liphccr prime ewes, £1 11!/ to iU 14 : Hgin eives, £1 0. to £1 y ; oiher ewes, l!>/6 to £1 j' iLt'OS soldi. Lambs were scanty, and sold nt higher rates. Kxtra heavy prime. £1 13/ to £J for an odd pet lamb; good lambs. £1 7/ to £1 11/. small J» 'O to £1 I'ti. Kat young calve* rmue forward la increased numbers. Competition wa.s keen, and mines were slightly easier than last week's advanced rates. Itunuers made from fu .10/ rotS 17 i>; heavy . vealers £4 5 to £5 J , inodlimi CA 11, t.. £4 J'U lizht £2 T<> to £3 in . small £1 -1/ to 2.'. fresh dropped 11/ to IfV U-'o sold). were yarded In less numbers rhun ueual. iCornpet-ition wa.s spirited, aud all classes of fat pijrs advanced in prices. -Choppers, to £S; heavy liaconera, £ti VI 0 to £7 VJ . lif,'ht to medium £o U>/ to tti 10 ; heavy porkers, £4 K>/ .to £3 15 ; medium porkers, £;t ]7 to £4 76: Hcht porkers, £3 to £1 Vi i>: small porkers. £i 2/ to £2 17,.; small ellps. £1 ."•/ to £1 iG, ; weanere, 13/ to £1 1/ (204 sold). I'nicety and co. report havinz held a medium yarding of all classes of fat> stock at Wcstfleld yesterday. Trices Improved COUsiderahly on last week's market. I'.eei'.-Kit.-a prime IS/, prime £"- 15/ tn £2 lo . ordinary £zi T-' -to 0^, , "; cow, f", 7i>, good £i 3/ to 12. Sheep. —Extra pood withers £2 R', Roml £3 ».' to 3S/, forward 35/ to 30'; ewes, extra TJ. prime 33/ to .TS/. I'ulves.—llunnerx, £U) to £7 10': vealeis. £.' 10 to i"3 10 ; suckers. 2.V to 1.".'. I.nmbis. —Extra good 34, , prime 32/ to 20/, others IT7/ to '. I'igs. -Small yardlngr- Prices Improved couslderably. iiaconors, £0 to fiv ciioupcN, £7 10/ to £6; porkers. £5 lv> to £i io/neaoers, 20.'. iriDEIS, SK.IXS, AND TAU.OW. Alfred Buckland and. Sons. Ltd.. of the Ilaymurket. report liariag held their weekly : Bale of hides, skins, and talltnv on Tues- i day. Good lines of cow- ami , ox bides fsold ! on a par wlti Last week's prices, while heavy aud stout lines wsre firmer, being required hy tanners. Faulty grades wtire hard to of. Caliaitlns also were lv I poor demand. | Hidee.-<'o-vT. hearjr Hid to 12. light 10(1 ' to HMd. eeoouii-s 7Jd to Sil: ox. to li»I, medium ll}d to liljd heavy led to laid; rut hides. !HI to KM; tips, best lOd to IOAd, jieoonds 7Jd to i>d; yearlings, !M to lOci; cal/sfcins. heavy M to Jod, medium Ud to 13d, lUfht H<l"to 15d. (•« and meaty Sd to lOd. slippy and damaged '2d to Oil;, hese hides, 12/ to 20/ eacli- j Tallow. —10/ to :»/ per c*t. ! Hones —!>/ per cwt. I Horsehair—l S to 2/ per Jb for best; 1/3 I to 1/6 foi second Snides. The rarmesrs- Co-operative Auctioneering Company, btd. 'eport as foltow-s on their mile of 'hides, skins, aud talk>w, held on, Tuesday: — — Hides.—Ox. extra heavy 3H*d, heavy 13id. mertiiim 12jd. Ugh-t 12d; be?n l\ii\. "(1-; tips. IOd: <-alf" oest 21x1, tUimaged at relnti\ely lower pxlce. Tallcrw.-jrShipptni; casks, up t*> <V 5/ cwt; barrels, do' to CI : tins. 50/ to GO/. Bones. —Dry. up to £0 ton. Horsehair—Long, 2/2, long Ml; mixed, l'tj Hi. CowtalU.— Large, 2/ per dozen; small, 1 4 per dozen .^^^__^^^^__^^^^^^,
You get the flavour of the Berry.
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Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 10
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3,506COMMERCIAL. Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 10
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COMMERCIAL. Auckland Star, Volume LI, Issue 150, 24 June 1920, Page 10
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