Sunset: This evening, 5.31. Sunrise: To-morrow morning. G. 9. Moon: First Quarter, Sept. 3, 1.02 a.m. HIGH WATE.R. "Auckland To-day, 0.20 a.m. o.«p.n. Anckfcmd Tours., 1.11 a.m. 1.39 p.m. Onemicga Thurs., 4.41 a.m. 5.9 p.m. KaiparaHds...Thurs.. 4.31 a.m. _59 p.m. iManukau lids.. Thurst, 3.31 a.m. 4.9 p.m. Tidal constants 'to he added to or subtracted from high water at Auckland:— "Whangarei minus 5 minutes. Thames plus 30 minutes. Tatiranga minus 12 minutes, ißttssell plus 17 minutes, Coromandel minus 8 minutes, ARRIVALS. YESTERDAY. TtniTJ, as., 3T>S tons, at 6.33 p.m., from Slercnry Bay.—Northern S.S. Co.. agents. MANAIA, S.S.. from -Whangarei. In eaJoon: Misses Stepher-->on. Odlls (2). PutMcMasters. Ellis, Swanberg. Tatchfield. Miller (3), McKay, McGraham, Morpan, Sutherland, Mesdames Pascoe, Coe. ■McMasters, TitcnneUl, Kemp, Brown and child, Ficlayson. Wails. McCarthy. T. McGraham. McGarvey, Brown, Gillespie, "S'utsford. 'Harrington. Clive and two children, Dawson and four children. Hamlin. Jansen and three child Ten. MrAuley. Nurse Cross, Nurse Grant. Nurse Kennedy. Messrs Turner, Pasx-oe. Culley. Ooe. Costlnnl, Cutforth. Leigh. Berry. Ftalayson. Tomson. Young. Walker. Adams. McQueen, Mulvllill. Cfcirk, Whiteliead. Retiivie, Kemp, S"hirteliffe. Hanlon. McCanthy, Jones. Trotter. Butler, Roulston, Sparkes. Mr.rkham. Coleman. May. Gardiner, Peterson, Simich, StaveUey, Grundy, Litherland. Brown. N~"i«=b. Cave. Bak«r. Bnrt. Chccseninn. Twidle. Hodrson. Flnlayson, P.igden, (Pinfold, Bigden. Glaios. fv\e~. Forsyth (2). nayter. MeK'nr.on. McKerzie. Swnnbcrg. Howan. Pev.n?!'.. Hamilton. Holmes. P.nker. Fremoie. Atkinson. Jkvvokoritch. Forsyth. McLean. Jenson. Grovan. Robinson. M<--■Fadgeon, Hansen, CohnM, ""tewart. Echo.d. ?>£V-Anley. TonrbtuL Colore! Ho'~i*e. Rev. Griffiths nr.d 11 steerage. —Northern S-S-Co.. 3T-PTITS. KUROW. r«!., trf«. pt fur, t<m.. from Newcastle.—l"n".<n S.?. Co.. agents. •■■-■■ THIS DAY. DAPHNE, s s.. KB tons, .it G. 50 a.m., from Mercury Buy.—Northern Co.. nsrents. NOAPT'III. s.s.. fiOl tons at 7.2ri a.m., from Tnnranga.—Northern Co.. agents. WAIMAKTK. s.s.. 2-tn toils, at 7.4." a.m., from Netherton.—Northern Co., agents. DEPARTUR-BS". YESTERDAY. TAXIWHA. s.s.. for Paeroa. at 4 p.m. CLANSMAN. 5.8.. for Russell, at G. 5 p.m. THIS DAY. MASULA. s.s.. for Wellington, a! 7.2."" a.m. WAKATERE, s.s., for Thames, at 5.40 a.m. "SOUTHERN COMPANY'S MOVEMENTS. Expected Arrivals. To-day.—Waipu. from Mangapai. at 9 Jim.; Taniwha. from Paeroa. at 9 p.m.; Kauieri, from Whangarei. at 9.30 p.m. To-morrow.—Hauiti. from Orewa, Wai■wera. Maburangi, and Wnrkwortb, at 5 p.m.; Kotiti. from 1-uhoi. at 7 p.m.; Orewa, tfrom Brown's Bay. Arkle's Ray. and Silverdale, at 4 p.m.; Manaia. from Whangarei. at 6-30 p.m.; Daphne, from Great Barrier, at 5.30 p.m.: WhakateTe. from Thames, at 4.30 p.m.; Walma-rie. from ivoim, Turua. ■nd Paeroa. at 10 p.m. Projected Departures. To-day.—Welmarie. for Paeroa. at 4.30 p.m.; Manaia. for Whangarei. at 10 p.m.; Daphne, for Great Barrier, at midnight. To-morrow.—Ngapuhi for Taurani-a. at 8.15 p.m.; Taniwha, for Kopu. Turua. nnd Paeroa. at D.30 p.m.: Kotiti, for Kopu. Turua. Oyer's. Hikutaia. and Netherton. at midnight: Waipu. for Mangapnl. at 3 p.m.; Kanieri. for Wnangar«-i, at 2 p.m.; Claymore, for nokiamga, at 2 p.m. EXPECTED ARRIVALS AT AUCKLAND. Intercolonial and Coastal. "KATAPOL from Tltnarn. September 9 KAJTANGATAj from Lyttelton, September 6. TALTTNE. from Suva. September 4. FLORA, from Papeete, September S. PALOONA. from Fiji. September 5. OMANA, from Newcastle, .September 6. WESTRALIA. from Sydney, September 9 ARAHUBA, from East Coast. September 5 FIONA, from Fiji, September 12. WIIANGAPE. from Papeete. September 12 ATT*A. From Suva. September 14. SIOKOIA. from Dunedin, September 12 KATOA. from "Westnort. September 7. MAKT'RA. from Sydney. September S. KAROEI, from Newcastle, September 4.
Overseas. KARAMEA. from U.K.. -*c-pt»mher G AUSTRALPLAIN, from New York ' September S. POET MELBOURNE, from Plymouth September 4. WAIPARA. from Montreal. September 22. ' KUMAR A. from London. September 10 ARGYLLSHIRE, from Liverpool. October. A.TANA. from London. September ''O PORT ALMA, from New York, to sail LORAIN, from New York. September 4 WAITEMATA. from Calcutta. Sept 15" CITY OF WINCHESTER, from New YorkSeptember 18. ' HORORATA. from London. September 22. AYRSHIRE, frrun Liverpool. September"''!!' WHANGARATA. from Montreal. OctoberV PORT SYDNEY, from U.K., to sail REMUERA, from London. October 26. XAKWHAL. from San Francisco, sailed Angnst 27. SURREY, from New York. BEULBUCKLE. from New York. -November -LUZON MARU, from November VESSELS DUE AT NEW ZEALAND PORTS. Transports. ELLENGA, from Egypt, September in CORDOBA, from U.K., due Wellington September 17. HORORATA, from Plymouth, due Wellington. September 20. AYRSHIRE, from Londou, due Lyttelton September 19. TATNUI. due Wellington, September 21 OOiWNTHIC. dn? Wellington. September ADOLPH WOERJLANN, due Wellin"ton September 28. A NEW SURREY. According to the Sydney shipning list the Surrey, a new vessel, is to load at New York this month for Auckland. Wellin-ton and Australian ports. She Is expected to saU on September 5, and has 70.000 cases of oil. WESTRALIA DELAYED. The local office of the Huddart Parker Company have received advice from Wellington stating that the departure of the Westralia from Sydney for Auckland has been delayed until September 12. She is due here four days later. Her departure for Melbourne from Auckland, via East Coast ports and the Bluff, has been Used for September 20.
The Navna Is expected to sail this evening for Southern ports.
The lima came off the slip yesterday, and berthed at the Hobson wharf, where Bhe is awaiting a cargo of rimrX-r for Sydney.
The Koromiko is up to sail for Newcastle to-night, but it Is doubtful -whether she will get away until to-morrow.
Tho Wannka is to load a cargo of coal at Newcastle lor Auckland about September 11, and is due here about a week later.
The Prlnzessin left Apia, on August 27 (where she had called in to pat ashore the fourth engineer, who tvas suffering from an acute attac of appendicitis) for Vancouver.
The Regnlus Is due at Onehnnsa from Nelson on Wednesday next. September 10. She loads there for Nclsou and West Coast ports.
The Waipori's departure for Newcastle to load coal has again been postponed, and she is now timed to rail on Saturday. However, 'her extensive repairing operations are still far from being completed, and will hardly be finished by the end of the week.
Two sailing vessels are at present at anchor in the stream. The Raupo is waiting favourable weather to sail to Vavan, Tonga, to load copra for San Francisco. The other, the Northern Chief, has over three hundred tons of Newcastle coal to discharge when its disposal has been arranged. KARORI FOF. -COAL. The Union Company's collier Karori is due on Thursday from Newcastle with coal. On completion of discharge she returns to Newcastle and loads again for Auckland. TARAWERA FOR SYDNEY. The Tarawera. which is underKoini; repair, is to be dispatched to Sydney on completion, the date fixed for her departure being Septenrher 12. She is advertised to take general cargo for the Australian port. HORORATA LEAVES DURBAN. Advice has been received by the Now Zealand Shipping Company that the transport; Hororata, with troops from England, left Durban on August 27. She is due at Wellington on September 20. ELLENGA DELAYED. The transport Ellenga, which is bringing troops from Egypt to Auckland, has been delayed at Newcastle, and will not leave there until Friday, making her due here on Wednesday, September 10. KUROW WITH COAL. The Union Company's Kurow arrived Inst nisht witli a shipment of coal from Newcastle. She Is at present in the stream undergoing detention, and will berth tomorrow morning at the King's wharf. BELLBUCKLE FROM NEW YORK. The Bellbuckle. a unit of the U.S. and A. Lino, has been placed on the loading list at New York for Auckland, Wellington, Brisbane. Sydney. Melbourne, and Adelaide, and is expected to sail about the end of September. Messrs. Dalgety and Co.. Ltd.. who are the agents for the line in southern ports, have also taken over the local agency. TALUNE TOMORROW. A wireless message received from the Island steamer Taluue yesterday afternoon announced that she would arrive here at _ p.m. to-morrow. She will berth at the Oucen's wharf to land her passengers and cargo, and Is timed to sail on the return voyage to Suva. Samoa, uud longa on Monday. MAnENO AND MAUNGANUI. The work of dismantling and refitting the Union eteamers Maheno and Maunganul is still proceeding at Port Chalmers, but it will be several weeks yet before either vessel will be ready for sea service. It is proposed to build an extra boat deck aft on the Maheno. The work of converting the Maunganul's furnaces to burn oil fuel 'has liveu commenced. Before the war •.•lie Maheno was employed in the (Sydney--Vi:ckl-.ind passenger service, and tho Maunganul in the Sydney-Wellington trade. No arrangements have yet b«?n made in regard to the future movements of the Maheno and Maunganui. MOF.RAKI FROM SYDNEY. | The Moeraki. from Sydney to Wellington, brought the following [mssengers'.—Saloon: For Wellington—Messrs. Alexander, Bushnvll. Harrow, Bunny, Bond. Bcdwell, i L-ovce, Blackmail Campbell, Frets, Flint, I W." Gray, W. A. Cray. Hannlgan, Hill, Jull, Trooper Kent. Lieutenant Keifjbloy, -Messrs K:m. trr.p. KnlKht. batlmer, Lewer. "-Üb=on, G. McVeane, J. McVeane, McCullough, McCrun, Morgan, Mc.Landiess, Osborne, O'Brien. O'Dea. Pearson, Prentice. Prouse, Rac. Uoss (2). Rowley. Taylor, Webb. Weaver. Well, Woods. Williams, Zimmerman. Young, Mesdames Anderson, Bax, Bond. IJ'-vce. Blackxnan, Oorrlgan, W. Gray. Gillon*. W. A Gray. Ishikawa. Knight, Kaustnrp, Looney. McVeane. MeKinney. McOrnn, Jlaxwell, Dhßlips, Konlands. Speei-ble*-. W.c-och-5. Wallace. Misses Allan (2). Banks-, Blackmail, A. Campbell. Dimant. Dewsbury. Wallace. Flint. McDonald. Fltzcerald. MacNtubbs, Katistrup. Mtilren, Poiden, Sister Hv-ams. Sifter O'Connor, Misses Gunn. Mcintosh. Itowatson. Knowles, Giovest (21. Everirt. Lnirn, Syme. Mayo. McCulloujrh (2). Surtees. For Lyttelton— MessTS. Trimmer. Hocir. Rnownins. Ward, Iluttrm. Sutherland, Dr. Ross. Campbell. Itie. West. Captain Ftraunnn. Horn, Hart. Wrisht. Pearson. Mesdames Meyer. Ward. an'? boy. Horn and infant. Dr. Gladys Straw. Mesdames Wricht, Mnt.son. Menzl«-s. Menzies mul infant. Misses Hogg (*-> Millin White. Attkin. The vessel, which' had a fair trip across, has 1.500 tons of caTgo to land, including over 500 <vises of fruit. She then -roes on to Uyt-telton to complete. The vessel is scheduled to return to Sydney on Saturday.
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Auckland Star, Volume L, Issue 209, 3 September 1919, Page 6
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1,626SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume L, Issue 209, 3 September 1919, Page 6
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