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-■ AUCKLAND RACING CLUB. STHE SEASON'S PROGRAMME, :: _' AUCKLAND CUP £3000. A special meeting of the committee of the Auckland Racing Club was held yesterday Jtfternoou, when the programme for the coming season, drawn up l>y the subcommittee, whs considered. The total to Ik; given away in stakes is £49,350, the Auckland Cup behiK raised to £3000. AUCKLAND TROTTING CLUB. ANNUAL MEETING. THE PRESIDENT'S ADDRESS. The annum meeting <>f the Auckland TroUlng Club was held yesterday, the president (Mr. John Kowe) presiding over a. good attendance of members. In moving the adoption of the report and balancesheet the president, after referring to the (••inclusion i>r the war mid the great part played by the New Zealand troops, said this club hail lost ii most valued steward In the late *Ir. It. Macduir. und another valued member, Mr. 11. S. Wilson, both of -whom succumbed to the dreadful disease Influenza. Still another loss had to lie deplored In the late Mr. F. D. Yonge. who lind also passed away. To «ll their relatives nnd families he offered heartfelt sympathy. THE SPORT. The subject of increased permits for trotting had been engaging quite «i lot of attention recently. In the past, and up till a few years ago, so Tar as the North Island has been concerned, except with a. few enthusiasts, tin- breeding of the tr u tter has been absolutely necle'-ted. Not so, however, in the southern portion of the Dominion. Trotting breeding mid trotting racing nourished exceedingly In those provinces which took It up. and' to-day In I'anlerliury. Ilie earliest bleeding-place' of the trotter, racing and trottlUK run side by si,],., and he would s:iy that with the majority of the Canterbury people trotting was the more popular sport and the breeding ..f Hie trotter a more popular industry than the breeding of the galloper. The" great war proved that the trotter was the real utiMty horse, and the production of that animal should be encouraged. The way to «'n rage It In undoubtedly to have a largely Increased number of" days <>f rac in::. It was a well authenticated fact that when a racing or troiiiuc dull was formed in any district it .rented a Kreat local in-ti-resl. and the immediate result was that the more enterprising farmers—yen, and townspeople-hegnn to purcliuKe first for r.-winc purpose* only, and then for breedinc. until eventually ii wn« found that pi.nticilly eiieh illHtrli-l bred more than ('Hough horses to supply Its own reiiulireuients. new cr.ri'.s. lie was pleased io »«e the- Auckland province so troll t,» Ihe fore ill the formation " r J"-"" '■ s. At the latter cud of the pasi McliiK M-a-.m Te Awa urn til. Te Aroha and Nhnngnrel each formed strong clubs in every Instance with nn Initial membership of alioni -IX. repn-sentatlv,. men. and from what he could learn it only needed penults to li,, grunti-d to have the II ibership doubled In i.|i.h case. With thing* in this shapi- all over the Dominion, ii was riulit up l<« them t.i see thai the simrt sot Jus--11.-.-. They did not want anything "taken from the kindred sport, but ,11,1 want the extra days required. They iuul fewer .lavs' trottli.K in New Zealand than they had w I'U the population was less limn half what It was to-day. aJid he contended that the .lays should automatically Increase in reasonable proportion to the population At the conference Inst month the Hon. the Minister of Internal Affairs put the ■natter very clearly, and very üblv. If the <i"est:on. of increase wns not tnUen m> or Granted by the Cabinet It was then up to us to Interview Individual members nnd have It dealt with by a prlvi.te bill Phe executive of the conference nnd n subcommittee of the Association, together with the Sports Protection Lengne had the matter In hand, and were doing' their best Io further It. It was necessary t,» push hard when anything was wanted through Parliament, so to those districts flint require licenses he would snv. -rush your member hard. THE CI.IIVS POSITION. He could not refrain from congratulating members on the position In .which the club stood. It was just a little over seven years since-they purchased Alexandra Part, and he could safely say thnt since then they hud cone ahead at extreme speed. It was always pleasing to lie associated with a tlonrMiing and progressive Institution, and the balance-sheet before them gave every Indication of n nourishing state of affairs First and most important ..f the assets was the freehold of our course: then in order the carriage- paddock, and the office In which they met They would ohserve that they had written off all improvements furnishings, and tlttlncs. nnd that all the imildliiL's represent on the balance sheet wns n.VMI. while the insurances over the said htiildlliicx amounted to nearly £70011. They had ijfsio in the war loan niid C'.iHiri ill call, and on the other side had only one liability, i.e.. the Imila in f the original mortgage on Alexandra Park of £11 -.111 111 so thai If it suited tin- policy of the club they could realise the wnr loan. and. nslng the cash obtained with Ihe rush .it cull, could reduce the total liability to £iVhK): while the assets if written mi to their real mine would be quite in the reeion of £SO.IJ«X>—a truly pleasing stale of things. IM PRO VEM KN'TS. In (he report of the committee reference wjis made to the scheme of Improvements, which it is intended to take In hand at an early date. It was the intention now to push the course flcht over to the new ground recently secured, and to retain it still as a six -furlong track. This would give us nn in.Tease of ground for the accommodation of the club's patrons of practically five chains for the full length of the fireen I.nne boundary, ennbllng all Ihe stands to be erected or moved into what wns the old. football ground, nnd leave plenty of room behind for totalizator houses, ten rooms, and any other buildings that may be necessary for the dub's purposes. II was the Intention if funds were available to erect a stand In the paddock capable of carrying people seated, to remove the present stand, nnd place it nn a concrete foundation outside the enclosure for the outside public, and to terrace in front of both stands tn a considerable height. Ry these tinn for about 2r>.otif) people, nil of whom would be able to view the races frnm end to end without Koins into the centre of the frroimrl. They had under consideration, but had' not yet decided, whether they would have n grass track for rncinc purposes, with an Inner dirt track- for training. He would sny thai up till the present the consensus of opinion is in favour of the grass racing track. lie regretted the conference ngain failed Those clubs which have given it a fair trlnl arc enthusiastically in ils favour, but there are still some of the lending clubs which are opposed to it. He hoped shortly to see them converted and one system in practice throughout the Dominion. The new season's programme had just been prepared, nnd wns on the usual progressive lines. Stnkes amounting to flfi.loo ore to bp given away during the season. The report and balnnee-sheet were aflo-uted. The following were re-elected to fill the vacnneler) on the committee and as stewards:—Connnitfeo: (has. Bailey, sen., T Buxton, Lindsay Cooke. John Morrison. J <:. Rutherford, and .1. Howe. Stewards: A. Donald, 11. Grayson, R. P. Kinloch, G. S I.intott C. S. H. McKliiney, C. J. Schnnuer. nnd H. Charteris. Votes of thanks to tlie outgoing committee nnd the secretary (Mr. C. F. Mark) concluded the meeting. MARTON WEIGHTS. (By Telegraph.—Press Association.) WELLINGTON. Wednesday. The following weights have been declared for the .Marton Jockey Club's ineettnK: — Hack Hurdles, one mile nnd a-ball.— Orleans 10.11, Yankee Jack 10.0, Vacuum 10.8, Sweet Tlppeniry 10.5, Itoliur 10.3, Cello 10.3. I'npauui 1<1.2. Austin 10.2, Rio 10.A iltoyal Chef 10.0, Wapplng, 9.11, Merry 'Poto 11.10, Umttiui 0.8, Ngakunul !1.6, Veto 9.3, Cyra 0.0, Signorella. !).!>, (Movement Si.o, Vigilo 9.0, TaLkorea 9.0, Master Boris 9.0, Combustion 9.0, Dusty Knight 9.0. Bellevue Hack Handicap, live furlongs.— Perfect Day !•.-, Vaiice S.lii, Sir .Kanc-WiU 8.11, Black Mark 5.9, Rose Wreath 5.4, Engart B.H, Ruddy 8.3/ Tempo 8.0, Nursing Sister 7.5, American I'.eauty 7.7, Knimanawanui 7.7, Kgmont Pmrk 7.7, Arch Lassie 7.4, IRusset 7.;>, Valencia 7.<>. Ktnpyrenn 7.0, (Beloved 7.0, Mannish Belle 7.0, The Camp 7.0; Farw 7.0, Preface 7.0, Kawhuu 7.0, Toddy 7.0, HaJeonibe 7.0, Tiranika 7.0, Bcclestoa 7.0, {Poona. 7.0, Liule Pk-lc 7.0,

Coral Queen 7.0, Self Alliance 7.0, EstranUse 7.0. View Halloa Steeplechase, about two miles and a-half.—Deeside 11.8, Onlpoto 13.15, 'Stetson 11.5, Argo 11.0, Papatere 10 6 Pafcarikl 10.3, 'Colonei Paul 10.3, Steel Paul 10.0, N'elische 10.0, Aurlke 10.0, Gale 10.0, Walker's Ridge 10.0, "Mac lO.O.Jlmishl 10.0. .'.Marton Handicap, one mile and a-quartera Volo 0.10, All Over 8.5, tParaoa 8.4, Zola 7.11, Toe Speaker 7.9, White 'Blaze 7.5, Onitthu 7.8, Tirana 7.2, Tiranga 7.1, Robur ti.l2, Arrowfield CIO, Want 0.10, Bingham 6.9. Kose Queen G. 7, iPenury Rose 6.7, White Rajiger (J. 7, Trombone G. 7. ■Victory Steeplechase, about three miles.— '.Gang Awa , 11.13; Muster Websber 10.13, Want 10.13, First Line 10.4, Merry Jack 10.2, Kurapai l<o.o, Austin 0.10, Matbock 0.10, 'Cornelian 0.9, Sensitive 0.7, BoUin 9.7. Railway Handicap, six furlongs.—Volo 9.3, Sweet Corn 8.13, Affectation 8.7, All Over 8.3, 'Birkenvale S.u, Murlhiku 7.12, Depredation 7.12, Ermine 7.11. Hose Pink 7.10, Kipling 7.9, .Matsitun 7.8, Oratress 7.4, Tirana 7.4, (Black Mark 7.0. Gayi-ium 6.12, Doric 0.10, Blngharu 6.0, Ahika 6.7, Trentliam Rose 0.7, Zela (i.7, Gold Problem 6.7. Ladies' Bracelet, eight furlongs and alinlf.- Silenus ISJ.II, Ulctulliim 12.11. Deeside 12.4, Sail Home 11.12, Delngc 11.8, 'Pnwcrewere U.S. Kliartoum 11.0, Maulahero 10.11. Colonel Paul 10.10, Kaufour 10.7 Hau. ipapa 10.7. Domain 10.7. Martlneaio 10.7, 'Walker's Ridge. 10.7, Wakaruku 10.7, Mau 10.7. Hlngey 10.7. Tutaenul Welter, .seven furlongs.— Tirangii 10.5, OmiiJin 0.18. Sir Fanciful 8.12, Trombone 9.5. White Hanger 9.2. Rose Qui'en 0.0, Utiwal 'J.O, iProbity 8.12. Zela 8.!). Maymorn 8.8, St. Omer 8.7, Papanui 8.7, Kgmont iPark 8.6, Arch Ijassle 8.5, Empyrean 5.2. Hautawn 8.0. Russet 8.0. 'Master Boris 8.0, Bello 8.0. The Camp 8.0, War Star 8.0. Miiltum 8.0, Gleaming 8.0, Cheer l.'p 8.0, Toddy 8.0. TiTiiraka 8.0. Dramatist 8.0. 'Kuriri 8.0, I'o-merov 8.0, Tekopua 8.0. Coral Queeu S.O. Tuuatua 8.0. DAXXEVIRKE WEIGHTS. (By Telegraph.—Preen Association.) WELLINGTON, Wednesday. The following weights have been declared for tlm Dunnerlrke Racing Club's meeting: Asbcott Hunters' Hurdles.—Red feni 11.13, Tornea 11.9, Grattan U.S. Deluge 11.7. Sail Home 11.3, Mctallum Io.S. Manialiera lo.s, siuniix Io.S. Hlkurangl Ki.s. Colonel 'Paul 1<1.3, Captain .Black n>.. - !. Slgnysian 10.3. Steel iPuul 10.3, Alartiuella 10.2, Gallagher M.a. L'mutnonm Hack Handicap.—Old Gold fl.n, Rose Wreath 8.4, Lady Witcliet 8.2. Salute 8.1. .Magistrate 8.1. Beloved 7.1 X Knnnee Ufvor 7.13, May i.Morn 7.12 1..i(1.v Kllnorlli 7.12. Arch Lassie 7..',, SunluirHl 7..".. Pirn Pir.> 1.7,, Ilussett 7:t Slink! 7.2. M.vstitied 7.2, Master Boris 7.2. Mlniniar r.o, Karlrl 7.0, Muutclmka 7.0. Glentinlas 7.0. CiHizlrtka 7.0. Diiiinevlrko - Sleight of Hniicl n. :i, (i.Mokwai- 10.1.t. Want 10.1:1, 'Master Webster 10.12, Kirst Line 10.11, LMerry J.n-k in.:!. St.vrax 0.13, Mattock 0.13, Rolllu n. 12. Sir Dotuild 0.11, Aiwtin, liiipnstnr fl.B. Sensitive 8.7. Tornea !>.7. Spriu? MuTidlcap, one mile and a quarter. It. Tink SMI. I.ii.-ill S.B. The Speaker R.:t, .Sweet Tippeni ry 5.2. Kei! SVpper 8.2, P<-Miir.r 1(..-e 7.'.). Maraetotimi 7.2. HiiTiie.-s- Steeplech.ise.—Cornelian ll.St, Rfd iVnl Sil«.iiiis 11.0, Stetson 11.n, Tonic.i II.C. linintan 11..".. Argo 11.2. I'atirikl 111.4. Metallum 10.4, I'tillty 10.3, 10.2. Colonel Taul 10.2. Walker's HMbi' 10.2, Merry Owen 10.2. Hollyhock 10.0, Uallagliei- ln.ii. oianga Handicap.—Croesus Sweet Corn tt.S, IMalnlin 8.11. Affectation s<, Heraua s.s, tieneral s.t>. Lu.-ld 8.3, Jilrkcnv.ile S.j. Red 'Pej.per 7.13. Mntatun 7.12, Mtirililku 7.11. Old (:,,ld 7.7. Ahlka 7.1.' Treiithani !!.»se 7.1. Cold Proidem 7(1 VeTnUllion 0.13. Drihble (1.13, Zeus 0.12 Hindi 0.12, Hnuniaknkfl 0.7. Tnmilkl lliick Welter.—Sacramento 0.11. Tllwni >.».4. Flash Lady 8.11, Knhmnanira «.!>. Warlike 8.0. Pa]>nnui 8.0, Carillon 8.4, ■May Morn 5.4. Woo.llark 5.4. Willy's Knigl.t X.4. War Star 5.4. Keformiitimi X.4. Bonny Hetlier 7.12. Rnss,.t 7.U1. Vlfdlo 7.11 Cvra 7.11. Sartoline 7.11. ' JELLTCOE TROTTTXG MEETTNTfi. (By Telegraph. - Press AssorintioD.) <HRISTCHmm. Wednesday. The tolloivinß|r handi.-aps have lieen declared JBr Trotting meeting In liontiur of the visit of I-onl Jelllcoe: - Sydney Handicap, one mile and live furloMgs.—Star guecn s<iatch. Our Chum scratch. Silver i.nilck scratch. King Kauri Is, liiwooil 2s, Dillon Dlrcit 2s, Silver Nut 2s, Tax 2.5, Xavier 2s, Bundura 2s, Harold i Devon 2s, Makumako 2s. Peter Ma.- 2s I Breadliane 3s. Mlhs Holfe .Js. Pleasant ;.Mount :is. Oiiimct Ss. liamitiairi r.s. Uold I Crest r,s. The Whip Cs, Lochuagar iis, . iLegacy .'is, Kuergy ,Is. I Minesweepers- Handicap, two miles - I Lord Minti. scratch, Kuugml Is. Asturlo Is. Cora Dillon :is, oympathy :ts. Nain-y Stair I :t», llectorata :t>, n;ts i'eter :1m J-.-w i Arrah 4s. lt,,rkes lirift 4s. Lieutenant 4a, , Captain Stanley 4s, Pltaroa 4s. New Zeuluud Handicap, two miles.— ! Cathedral (Uilines scratch, Admiral Wood I 2s. Muichlight 2s. Sherwood Us. Agathos Us. j-Trlx I'oiiiter i;s, John Dillon Vs. Willie Lincoln 7s, Krtn s Queen Ss, Moneymaker , !is. Cello Sydney \\ likes lls, Sungo<l !>s, Kiniliiis Ms, MlutMon Ins. Vice Admiral 10s. Victory Handicap;, one mile und aquurter. Sherwwd s.nitch. Chid Is, , Moneymaker 2s, Pax 4s, Frank Tracey 4s, ' Admiral Hal r.s. Pita roil .Vs. Makomako .Vs. Dill<.|i Direct 7s. Pleas.ii.t Mount Ss, Prince ■Corouado Bs. Gold Crest Ss, Our Girl Us, The Whip Ss, Knergy Ss. tjueell Mary Han. llea)!: two miles. —WhisjrxTlng Willie scratch, Kila Pet«r Is, Nelson Iliiigen 4s, Red Heather 4s. Olive D. 7s. Imperial Crown Bs. Whisht Ss, Electrocute Ss, Gay Wilkes Ss. Bon Patch !>s. Lady l'utricln lls, L<milc Drift Ms. Queen Elizabeth Handicap; one mile and si.inartcr. Author Dillon scratch. Admiral Wood 2s. Cora Dillon 3m, Kmllius 4s, Trii Pointer Is. Chid 4s, Sungod 4s. Derm Dillon .Vs. VicvAdminil Os, Moneymaker ss, General Link :>s. Iron Duke IlandU-iip; one mile.-Lord Mill to scratch, Hiioii Putch Is. Mkitson 2s, Cello Sydney Wilkes Its. Tamarisk 4s, Roikes Drift 4s. Ilundoiig 4s. Ilectonua «s, Krank Tra.-cy ss, C-.i;.riccio ss. Silver Quick ss, Inwood .Vs. Joan of Arc ss. Irvnr ss, Browns Nugget ss, Sir >"ul ha in ss, Captuln Stanley .">s, Pitoroti ss.

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Auckland Star, Volume L, Issue 198, 21 August 1919, Page 8

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RACING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume L, Issue 198, 21 August 1919, Page 8

RACING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume L, Issue 198, 21 August 1919, Page 8


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