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News from All Quarters

FRENCH CHATEAUX SOLD. L'ndi r forced conditions and at nominal pieces tbe Germans are selling many beautiful French chateaux and homes in Alsace, prince Wiil!a..-u of HohenaoUern has jnst bought the chateau of Baron de near Mulhauson. The <;orinan Crown Prince already has bought two placo.s at ridiculously Iw prices, nnd is said to be neso'infiiic for another. ECONOMIC POLICE TO GUARD FOOD. A force of economic police is heihg organised by Victor ltoret. Vronch Minister of Provisions, to assist the Pood Ministry o< food ordinances. The members will concern themselves "with prices, speculation In foods, and fluctuations of the market, and will snpervise wholesale nnd rrtall dealers. cubism: in war. '■Raffle painting" is the latest delevopment of marine camouflage, the Idea being not to make the ship invisible, bat to break np all accepted forms or a ship by masses of strontly contrasting colours, distorting her appearance so as to destroy her general symmetry and hulk. ttu< result bring to keep the T boats cuessing as to whether she is "iroine or coming." A practical use has been found for cubism, after all. SINGLE SHOES SOLD IN LONDON of the many pathetic sidelights on nnr war Ls retlevted in advertisements published by KritKh shoe inerehants. whi-h vividly impress upon one's mind the sacrl-rad.-s are gallantly makinc. Owing to the larce number of crippled veterans of the Western front. London dealers in men's footwear now sell single Rho-d for onehalf thf price of pairs. To i-juote mi advertisement that reo-ntly appenreil In a fashionable illustrated magazine: 'Wartime boots at 2r> ?> a pMr. or 1.1 'J n b..ot. The single boots, rizht or left, are for those tnen who have hii*n so nnfortunate as to lose a lee." A SUCCESSFUL NEWSPAPER. There is a newspaper In London called 'The News of the World." which has a circulation said to be creator than that of any other newspaper, runnlnc up t< l more than 3.000,000 copies a week. This paper not only cl-iims the larsest circulation, but it now boasts on its front pace that it is "the only newspaper publishing news only," havinc recently inaugurated the policy .if refusing nil advertisements. Its proprietor. Sir Oeorge Riddell. seems prond of the innovation. He says that with the increasing ''ost of paper his space is too valuable to sell to advertisers, and that he <*an make money by selling his paper alone at lid a copy, RUMANIA'S DEATH ROLL. (□mania's toll ..f deaths since her entrance into the mr in August, lfllfl. tins he-en more than sjto.iXiO jKrsr'ns, or abont 11 per cent of the total population. This probably is a higher percentage of mortality then in any other country of like size. War. famine. disease and starvation rlaini"d the largest number of victims, whtie a • onsiderahlo portion of the deaths tbe prison camps in Rnlgnria. Turkey. Austria and I'.errnany. In Bulgaria, more than 20.000 Rumanian prisoners of war. including officers and soldier", were deliberately pnt to death. These facts have been brought to Paris by Clonal 11. Ttossottt. of the Rumanian army, who lias mnde a study Of the subje.t. RUMANIAN CUP OF BITTERNESS An inter,Min.: vie* "1" the Rumaular Oown ''rince lias been obtained througr news that baa only recently become public. He t*eems to be a lad of some fxiurage. fot wh.'ii the r.erman nltlmatuni was to tie Council of state he entered the fhiunwr where the Council n-as sitting mio excitedly addressed t.he king and tnemberf of the council "I come here." he said, "tr ask you in the name of the soldiers, in the mother, and in my mwn name not to accept ■ni'-h pvn<-e conditions, hut nither t.. eontjmie the war until the Sitter end." lint there was D.iniinL' for Rumania to do but to drink the cup of bitterness to the dregs. The frown Pri.i ■<■. throuEJi his mother, is a fcrtindson of the I>nk<- of KUlnbargh, brother of Kirn- Eilward VII. WHAT SAVED COLOGNE. "Clouds Save Coloi:n<- From Attack" was the headline to a recent r.-j.ort of a K.A.F. wjuadrnn's trip over that Herman city. In a way that was true, says the !<ondon correspondent of th<> "New York Herald." but what really saved Cologne on Uii.t occasion was the characteristic dislike of the British to imitate the linns vile policy of indiscriminate bombinp. It being impossible tti observe and find the range upon their objectives of real military importance. the British airmen refrained from the easnal bomb dropping which might have hit hospitals or Innocent women and children, which simply illustrates the difference !>•>- tween the scrupulously legitimate methods of the Allies' airmen and the brutal promlscnity, apart from calculated frichtfuluess. of Germany's metl.ods of waging war. THE NAVY'S STRASGLE-HOLD. How the relenllewi grip of tlie British Navy is siitlhiK (ierniany Industrially is prove I afresh by the impending collapse or the linn ojg-ir-inaking trade. It is now officially announced that as tobacco supplies ivill be completely exhausted by the end of the year, ail of Cermuny'e Ci>o(> clgarmannfneturing establishments will be ohlizw! i., clusn down. Formerly 220,n0<j persons were employed in the trade, but restrictions of output and cnrnhlnjz-out for the Army have left only about 00.000 at work. These will :i l] b P idle by Christinas. The "Berliner TiiKeblntt" eslirnatcs that 8<) per cent oi" the capita] Invested in the German robM<-o,i industry la tied up in cigar manufannre, the tnrnover amonnting to i£.V).i>xj.<«»i a }P;ir . Stopple of tohacco ImportF from trip iMitrt, Pnloaira Is rpsponKible f,, r ,| lf . Hlllis' r-i.-:,? ,-risis. £50.000 FOR BREACH OF PROMISE. A suii f ( , r CiO.OOO damages for breach of promise, said U, be the largest sum ever «»Urlit in an action of this natare tilwl in fallfornia, „„ ,„„,, , lt S;ni raD ,. is re . '"ntly l.v Mrs 0,,,, 0 ,, 0u ap . ||nst ||er former hu.m,:,nd. Krir, Clsen, San Pran-H-o. presi,l,. nt „( ~,,. N ,, rwiJv . Vacitir Steamship Ijnw The ~,u p (v ,, r ',. marrled in U.ndon In I-... ernh.r. I!M3. They "ere aivor.vr| | U \orway in Atlirust, 1916, by ■ pwlnl permi.-siou of the King ,jf Norway, on grounds of Incompatahlllty of temperament Subsequent correspondence between the ..-ouple regarding the -welfare of their child, aecordlni? to the complaint, eventuay " Mu > " I"- Ml by (llsen that they remarry Tli* ~n.-r.-.! prnmiee the corar"' l " ,l recited, «as tmi kept. Mrs (llsen 1' "1... dautht-r ~f llwirv 1..-,,1,.,,(,,,,- head of a large bnnkins Iα Ix.ndon. Oleen Is the h.,n of v weultliv shipowner of Norway,

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Auckland Star, Volume XLIX, Issue 262, 2 November 1918, Page 15

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News from All Quarters Auckland Star, Volume XLIX, Issue 262, 2 November 1918, Page 15

News from All Quarters Auckland Star, Volume XLIX, Issue 262, 2 November 1918, Page 15