AUCKLAND TROTTING CLTJB _ j SPRING MEETING. f OPENING OF THE SEASON, ' Harold junior wins double. i 1 he Auckland racing season was opened «ii Saturday afternoon, when the Auckland j rri.tting Club's sprini: Meeting took place | a- Alexradra P.irk. The .lub were lucky with the we:n!,er. f..r rain fell to the cast- -j waru and westward ..f tht urse. but was , line as as Alexandra Park was con- • ccrned. - >tl t tbe tra.-k was en the heavy side. • The attendance was large. The racing was interesting, and the management of the l officials. Tinder the secretary (Mr. C. !'. Marki. highly satisfactory. Mr. F. McMancin'n officiated as starter, ihe rtelds away right up t.> time. Mr. r. 11. Davey. the chief stipendiary ; .-t'w.ini. -,>:is present, the only occurrence .■ailing for his attention being in the October Handicap, when orange, the driver of Alt' M.-Kiuney. was before the stewards f..r , alleged interference with Harold Junior. The stewards accepted Oranges explanation thai the ..-eurren-e was accidental, t.ut warni-l bi-u t,. be mere can-fill in the TIIE TOTAI.ISATOES. Speculation dc.ring tbe afternoon w;is br:-k. the sum of £17..Yd passing through the machines. Following are the cr.nclu.ling results: — VNKIU'MiA HANDICAP (Harness) of 12" soys. Two miles. Mr. J. 11. Lloyd's Waiteranni. oyds, by Hal Zolock— Nerval mure. 24yds .D. Nvhau 1 Mr. F. H. Fonle's b c lioodxtck. -">yrs. iiinit n'ameron 2 >lr. C. Rislshaws b h Bronze Patch, .lyrs. H4yds .P.edsliaw) 2 a:-.> started: Miss Chevalier, limit. Retninanuka. limit, s-.vect Lillian, limit: Manuk? I'.irU. 12yds. Hymen. 36yds: Todd Bells, ' -(syds: Kempsey. tsyds: Tim Doolan. 72yds: Vermillion. 72yds; Quadroon. Slvds: and AVereoa. or.yds. Waiteranni and Goo'lrieli were on terms going along the back, but crossing the t<>p the farmer drew out. and eventually won comfortably by four lengths from Gnodrieh. which stalled oiT Bronze •Patch's niiishtiig effort, and get second honours i, r a length and n-hulf. Rotumantika was four-h. ami then came VerBtti''.i.ui and Manuka Park. Time, 4.0,. W.i ; tcra-.:ui was favourite. UOFNTAIN TROT HANDICAP iHarncssi, ~f lo"sov~. due mile and. a-half. Mr -la-, lice's b g Amberite. ageil. by Castaway—Blair Cowrie mare, 12yds ((i-.-e. 1 11- J. D. Piper's b m tlrattan Chimes. a=ed. s-!vds iNvhar.i 2 Mr •'. R. Bailey's eh in lirattan Almov, aged. 72yds iMcilasten 3 AN., started: Sweet Memory limit. Miss Htioh Junior i..yds. Miss Salisbury 120 yds. Kirikiriroa 114 yds. Black Thorn 136 yds, aud King Capitalist 130 yds. Amberite his advantage g'->----ing along -he v a .-k. with Miss lluon Junior, (".rattan Chimes, ilnittan Abbey following, and althonch jiullcl to almost a walk. Auil-eriic -■•- the judged verdict by a length and a-half. Grattan Chimes was eight lengths away, fhird. an.l Black Thorn fourth. Miss lluon Junior breaking Isellv over the hist furlong. Time, 11.52 :i-,p Amberite wii.- favourite. (STEWARDS' HANDICAP iSaddle) of i.-.isi.v-. i >iie mile. Air. M Edwards' br h Leo Bell. tivr-. by <.-en,-ral l.y.n Bell I...rimer. 24yds (Jir.iem 1 Mr. U. V. Ward - * b g Lincoln Star, tlvrs, limit .Trigg-n 2 Mi-s K. McShano's b g Selkirk, agetl, :<isyds iScorti .'i Al.-o started: Little Hector, limit: Siren-'. limit: Prin. c Child. limit: Waiteranni. Igvd~: llti-M. 12y«ls: l.erd Lvtton. 24yds; Full Sail. 0Cv.'.,.; i-eltle. rt.yds: Silver Bla.-k. i-uv.i- Victor C, 7-Jvds; and Dorothy Dimple. '.'6yds. Lin-.iu star w.-rs the leader as they • •ross*-d the ;.-:. aid turned for home. out in th- ra-.i down the stral-'ht Leo Be!'. • ha'ceng.-L. and a desperate race home resulted ir. the last - named gerrn~ the verdi, by a head. Selkirk ■>vj- :hree lengths away, tiiird. and ihen '.uu.- Lord l.ytton. Little Hector, and PiTiro... Titr.c. 2.'.'"i 4-f. Leo Bell wa ß OCTOBER HANDICAP iHamessi 0 f IJO ,-o-,-s. une mile and a-quarter. Sir. A. Brown's b g Harold Junior. aged, by Harold Rothschild—Octoroon. 24vds behind ißrowni 1 Mr. \V. J. Harper's I) m Pearl D'Or. age!. :i_i; (Gladdingi 2 Mr The*. Kaes g n: S:ecl Bell. aged. >-iyi_ behind iLyucbi Z Also started: Brown's Nugget. limit; Im ;.gw.»_i. 12yds behind: August child. 12vds; Alf M.Kinticy. 21yds; Prince Rufus, 24yd-r.-.ari DC- was well clear is they •w,nt aiong the back, but Harold Junior, pulling in a great run, caught fcer crossing the top. and turning for home In tbe lead easily held his own in the cir. ti» the judge, and won by two lengths. Pviirl D't'r got second, a length and a-half in front of Steel Bell, which finished with A great bur-: of speed Alf McKinney vwis lour'li. Time, -'.-,■'.. Steel Bell was fcT-niriie. ELK' TRIC HaNDHAP .!Lirncs-i of I<«jkuvs. One mile. Mr S. Wooions b ,• Pitiroa. svrs. 24yds behind iW.-itoiu 1 Mr. i:. A. Shepherd's I. b I'rin.-e < hlhl. aged, limit iSliepherdi 2 Mr. M. Kdwnrds- br - c a ii„n. jyrs. limit (Edwards :: Al-., start-i; Dabster, limit: Wilding. Unfit: Treanao. 12vds Wildfire. 12..15: Tim Dooiau.; Lucille. 72yds: ii;-s Roll.-. 72yds; Waverley. IMlyds. In the ~oii to the liox Pitiroa easily held his ..- A - n . eventually winning by a length ai. 1 a-half from Prince child, which was three-parts «.f a len-sth in front of Calton. I' was ruirth. and then came Miss K-.l.'e and Time, 2.2 C 2-0. lltir-'ii ».is lavoiirii-. DUNEDIN JOCKEY CLUB. (Ey "1 eiegraph. - Pre-e Assn c i a ;jr>n. i ITNKDIN. Saturday. Tbe Imucdin Jo~iey club's Spring Meeting \.i- enni inded to-day in line weather, though the c,,ijrso was still heavy The totalisator handled the sum of £14.. tin pi . «s compared with ilo.liib on the same day ls=t year. The total investments for the meeting amounted :.. c:.Virir. io , compared with £2:>.f4.>C. la-; year. I_ater results arc: — DOMINION HANDICAP. Four furlongs. 2-Car-rock. 7.11 , 3 -Pr-fa. ■■. li.ln 2- Hiteti . H.n « Ais,, starred: !. Irish Briar. 7.11. Tbe race was spoiled from tbe start. Cave.-ock won by a length and a-half. the fame disiame separating se.-ond and third. KAIKuI'.AI HANDICAP. Seven furiongs. 4 -Leaping Burn. 7.8 i 2 Clen-hi.'ie. s.n ~ 3 Multoe, >.; '.'.'.'.'.'. 3 A.-, started: I. Euripos. b.S; f, _on r.i-ifi.-.. S.i:: : .-,. j„hn Rellly. s.l: 7, PartiBan. ~1.,: s. Henrietle, carried 7.2. After tw,, furlong- Leaping Burn went to the front, and stayed there, winning by awa? t7_!.' i - :i 4-' Was two lonsths SHORTS HANDICAP. Six furlongs. 2—Kilhovru-. S4 . . , 3— Tin In. 9..-. .. }, I—Zuland, 9.: i j: -x T**iHi an exciting finish Kilboyne won by a ?e^h f a ray TI TIm L e 1 ;- »*-*■ TELEGRAPH WELTER. One mile 2—Awahou, S'j 4-ogier. carried 7.l<i ..* ~ 1 -*ilendower. S..S ** 7 Also started: 3. Lion 7 IV-"-''",', B 7.6: «, Qulrlnus. '"' -^rsinah, Auahou won nicely by a lpn th Cower >ie:ag only a he-i.t .« »'ien--1 r.2 I■.-,. " ' JW ay. Time, CLARr.NTXIX 11AN1HCVP <ii T <■ , 2-Borodin.. SS s i furlongs. lb.svi-ear. S.lO . . ' C- ileijcn. S.lo — • tD-ad her,:, — Wingform. *>: 7. Ai,' th^'sV''"' S '° : S
OTAHUHU TROTTING CLUB. HANDICAPS FOR SPRING M__TLN_. The following handicaps have been de- , clared by Mr. F. W. Edwards for the Ota- 1 hnhu Trotting Club's .Spring Meeting, j ± whbh takes place next Saturday:— Innovation Handicap, one mile and a-half- ! —Byrl Mac limit. Roger Wood limit, Hint limit, Black Queen limit. Special Irish, ' limit. Waikoukou limit- Miss Murphy limit, \ Mtijlk 12yds behind, Armcntlercs llryd.s bo- J hind, The Native 12yds behind, Maethorn J 12yds behind. White Wings 12yds behind, j Bronze Bell 38yds behind. Dignity 48yds j behind. Flora Frauz 4Syds behind, Sweet j Memory 72yds behind. Sandy latch 72yds behind. Javlyn 72yda behind. Klta Galimlo . ■S4.vJs behind. Lord Lonsdale .S4y<ls behind, | \ ■Panatina 120 yds beUind, Moncyka not eiig-L ible. ; Ward Handicap, one mile.—Patch of I (odd limit, lluon Gratton limit. Victor; Wood limit. Nancy Maxwell ]2vds behind. The Bathe 12yds behind. 'George the Fourth, I j 12yds behind. Wilding 12yds 'behind, Orua- ! ratigi 12yds behind. Albert Wilkes 12yds be- \ hind. Lord Bacon 12yds behind. Sweet Mint ', T2yds behind. Ingorlun 12yds behind. Molly ]. Koyat pjvds behind. Flying Scotchman j J 12yds behind. Lady Crattan 12yds behind. |, Gold Rod 12vd-• behind, Newlando 12yds j behind. Comedy Chief 24yds behind. Gatli- , .Klyds behind. Nellie Cllve HOyds behind. George Abwood 30yds behind. Charm- , ing Bod 4Syds behind. Belgian Queen , 4*yds behind, Slrene 00yds behind. Wild , Daisy 72yds behind, Lincoln Star 00yds i behind. National Handicap, two miles.- Auckland . Cirl limit. Tim Doolan limit. Celtic 12yds i behind. Ansturio 12vds behind, Chans 24yds behind. Prince' Rufus 24yds behind. Lieutenant 4Syds behind. Irviosrwood «s»yd« behind, Pearl dOr tiOvds behind, Strategy S4yds behind. Harold .Junior 120 yds be- ; hind, steel Re!! ]«>yds beliiud. Beanie Handicap, two miles.—Nancy i Maxweli limit. Miss Chevalier limit. Gnllipoli limit. George Akwood 32yds behind. Belgian Queen 12yds behind. Xavier 24yds | behind. Sweet liihin Sfiyds behind. Slrene , •Htvds behind. Cat ton 4-Syds behind. Rush- ■ h'lld <a>v<!s liehlnd. Rototmuiuka tSoyds be- , hind. Prince Childo 72vds behind. Goodrich . behind, jlvmen. I:r2vds behind. Kempsey. 144 yds behiud. Pitiroa 136 yds behind. Verralllinu IfiSvds behind. Royal Oak Handicap. iw„ miles.—Sweet Memory limit. RUn Galinuo umit. Lord lyonsdale limit. Scientist limit. Miss tltioll. .Tunior. ' behind. Amberite I.e. hind. Ivan lluon iHivds behind. Grnttan Abbey 72yds behind. (irattan Chimes KSvd's behind. Tod Bells I' behind. Miss Salishurv l._yds hciiind. Strip 144 yds v_ind. Klrikiriroa loftyds behind. Blackthorn ISOyds i>ehiud. King Capitalist ISoyds behind. Massev Handicap, one mile and a-ha'.f. - Manuka' Park limit. Tod Bells limit. L..r,l Lytlou limit. Hymen limit, Kempsey limit. Tim Doolan limit. Selkirk limit. Vermillion 24yds behind. Miss Rolfe otiyds behind. Asturlo llrtvds behind. Wercoa 36yds In-hind. Bronze Patch 60vds behind. Lucille behind, Waverlev 72yus behind, Alf. McKinnev biSvds behind, Derby Dillon l«6yds "behind. Haig Handicap, one mile.—Silver Black limit. Celtic limit. Dorothey Dimple 12yds behind, Irvingwood 12vds behind, False Alarm 12yds behind. Prince Rufus 24yds behind, Sanddrift 36yds behind. lierhy IHUon :Wvds behind. Harold Junior 4Syds behind. Grey Handicap, one mile and a-quarter.--Nancy Maxwell limit. Miss Chevalier limit. | Wilding limit. Sweet Lillian limit. Little Hector" limit. Wild Daisy limit. Dabstctlimit. Pnkearube limit. Itotomunuka limit. Wiidnre 12yds behind. Treauac 12yds behind. Calton 12vds liehlnd. Prince Child 24yd- behind. Lincoln Star 24yds behind, Kirikiriroa 3t!yds behind. Selkirk 4Syds behind. Leo Bell (JOyds behind. Pitiroa 72yds behind. Waitoranui fn' behind, Qnadr.-vou 96yds behind. Victor G. lUSyds behind. Were.>a 96yds behind. August. Child 120 yds behind. Acceptances .-'.ose with the secretary at his otnee. High Street, on Wednesday next, at 'j p.m. POVERTY BAY TURF CLUB. I WEIGHTS DECLARED. j i By Telegraph—Press Association.! WELLINGTON. Saturday. The following weights have been declared for the Poverty Bay Turf Club's meeting: — Junction Handicap, five furlongs. —Ruamanuwhiri P. 7, Carl-, sian f.7, Rewanga n.4. Marimba S.ll. Mistie SO. BlairQnde 5.6 Malaya SO, Colonnade 8.0, Metallum 7.4. Karema 7.4, Vandubbe 7.4. Lady Gazeley 7.0, Pao 7.b, Mysterious 7.", Prince Multiline 7.0. First Hurdles, one mile and threequarter': — Master Titnl 11.10. Tatimi 10.10. (Jluetanus 10.6, Zeus 1b.2. Otara T'.2. Sensitive 10.2, Regio O.S. Con 9.0, Forgot 0.2, Santio 0.0. Ttikua 9.". Koseland Ilack mjong|.rob'nnX °Sl. treasure K1ng"7.13. Lord MnsUe 7PI Woodrow 7.13. Hylami 7.10. Kaliumangu 7.10, Brurnswick .... < arburetter 7 c Waiakas 7.4. *>ir Mnltliid ..2. rymer 7.0, Multiplane 7.0. Tauhinu 7.0, Nowra 7.n. Multilines 7.0. Spring Handicap, one mile and a-quarter. T . k , ."» Hvthread «..">, Tofel S.O. Pertldy 7.127 The Summit 7.11. Mistiy 7.6. Flash Lady 7. Cynic 7.0. Glucian 6.7. Welter Handicap, seven furlongs.—Raumanuwhiri 1">. T"kl 9.13. Otara 0.11. Mistie >>7 Despatch Carrier 0.r,. The Colfer •>.; War 'rax !>.2. I'hosplJorus 0.0. Colonnade s'lii Master Tlrai S.s. Brunswh-k 8.3. Platoon 5.2. Multiplane so. Whaugako S.O. Leadlight S.C Auldaua S.o. Flying Handicap, six furlongs. —Lado- ..---' llt 'id Carlvsian Downham S.lO. Rewanea'Si It'airusdale 5.4. Carlatour 7.1", Colonnade 7.". l.'.rd Aiuslie 15.12 I October Haudi.-.ip. one mile.—M ltive O.n. Slipstit.u c.luvlan S.R. r..n >-.:.. Hylami iv 4 lbipa s.: - .. Wniaka 7.13, f'yraer ah ; Grey 7.10, Torchlight 7.10, Malatuourt 7.7. : Sail" 7.7. '■ \TCTORIA AJIATEUR TI'RF CLUB. I TIIHICF. WINS C.U'LFIEI.D CFINEAS. s MKI.BOL'RNE. October 13. The Victoria Amateur Turf Club's Spring - Meeting opened at I'aultleld to-day. The weather was tine, and t hero was a large attendance. The following were the results:— , b.l.i Welter, nine furlong*-—Kunegetls. l: Prince Royal. 2: Dueler. 3. Nineteen started. Kunegetis led in'.o the straight and wen by a length. Time. l.r,<U. Debutant -Stakes, four furlongs.—Liquid Fire. I: Aries. 2: Kings Treasure. S. Nineteen started. Aries led into tiie straight. - in a great finish Liquid Fire got the .best . of it and won by a short ner-k. Time, ,-ji s c Caulfleid Stakes, nine furlongs. -Lanins , linip.l, 1: Laveudo (itnp.'i. 2: Pah King. .".. r Seven started: Mistier got away with an > eight length" of tbe field, but was i c.:'.ig'it nt tbe half-mile post. Lanius led at the turn, and he eventually WOH by tw.i lengths. Time. I..V)}. Ringwnoil Sieculecaase. two miles.— 1 Pin.hi. I: Fleet Lady. 2: Yen Error. 3. J Twelve started. Pinon was always pronii- :; nr-nt and won by lhrec-r|iiarters of a length. Time. . CAILFIELD GI'INEAS of 2(Viogns. For s three-year-olds. One mile. Mr E. E. D. Clarke's *> c Thrice, by The Welkin—Teppo 1 Messrs P 11. Mortou and S. M. Osborne-.s b c Bronzetti 2 ~ Mr F. W. Norman's br c Lnteplayer 3 - Fifteen started. Dremoon and Modesto ' led the field to the straight, where Thrice i took command, and from thence out the - latter was alwjvs in front, winning by a length. Time. 1.42 J. i Toorak Handicap. one mile—King's •- Bounty. 1; Rnel Locln. 2: Reil Signal. 3. 5 Fourteen started. Dnverney and King's Bounty led to the half-mile. Klnc'n Bounty showed the way into the straight. Rnel Locin challenged on the outside, but failed 1 to head Kine's Bouutv. who won by half-a- - length. Wedge was fonrtb. Time, 1.41 J.
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Auckland Star, Volume XLVIII, Issue 246, 15 October 1917, Page 6
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2,247RACING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume XLVIII, Issue 246, 15 October 1917, Page 6
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