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jj Msp "Always Busy." NE I .i npiL _ 4 * 'H . 4 Trie I st a ff S Bargains on bix Floors staff 1 R V_# I* ____• AIL \«J !_■_„__. __.__■_■ n_i_r~_____-tn~T_ , I TO _»(f» _ t9 ____________ ii .nfiiii-i ■»-_■-■"■■"■- _»._.■__■,»_._»■_■(■-— ir_Tr_«.4- 'J I Effort ' at - iLriiort II ■ 'miii miw" HM-ii 1,, iiiiip.ii..ui_i»u__iii | An inspection will convince you that now is a most opportune time to secure your require*ments. Prices are lowered in all departments, and every purchaser will benefit by " The Staff's Effort S-TI.PI Sk-i. .. fit Cf.lo.Sal CHARMING STYLES IN NINON ANU CROCHET EDOEII CENTRE,, with eyes am IT. _iK.II Li. at .UlUbsa.l crepe DE CHINE BLOUSES, in every let work centre. Usually I/O cacti nrtlUllTTf • Sale Prices. *.%% 0 •._.-_* I "" '"'' ''"" Bargain Ppioe ' 1/ - eaoh "- .! ¥ m MkmiS • TO Clear at 17/6, 17/6, 22/6, ri.AI.N PILLOW slips, made from good, _,?___. 1.2 ___*_.__ A _J Special Purchase ~r DARK NAVY SERGE ->2E to 29/6 |mre-llllis_ Calico, size IS _ Kmi SKIRTS, in (liii-ahle quality; cut full ' ' " Usually T.d each— r are Marked specially low Uliu " !i!l "- l>llu " y "' l/0 COLOSSAL SALE OF TOILET GOODS. sale price, e ia eaC h. 1 l J Colossal Sale Price, 25 -. "YARhLEY'S" TOOTH PASTE, large FO_I.-P.ECE LACE DI'CHESSE SETS 1 See the Tables on the model skirts in smart check- tubes . .-sunny 1/3— eami nutation crochet Lace • I _.__ in_ lauie- UU 111- si lJv\ nicely (fathered, or tn new win, colossal Sale Price, I.'-. llnishcd with insertion. Uau _(_j™ 5 _ , - rnMnl , (lesi.aii. A few only. Usually../.— ..y..RDLEY'S" SOAPS, In the following-: 1U.(1 set— 1 Ist ana _nQ I'LUUHS. to Clear at 29/ S. Horaeic Oatmeal. VI t Scented. Reduced to Bl.d set RH LATiIES' NAVY lUDI.N.G SKIRT;, in fine clover Sceule.l. Pine Scented, and rnA « H ,■,--;,, rnN - ,- n ,-i.-„_ ~' „ , I quality genre, all sizes. Usually I.emonmeal. Usually BCI cake- CR &bntoZ™\te™h££?«jm m -i'J, C - Reduced Price, 6.d cake. ~/," ~',__ ' " om: '' Us U- | Costumes and Frocks Reduced to 45/-. Turkish hath soap. usually, cm '- "" „._._._.. I substantially reduced. ais« m_Huu_ii tui-vioi sop... usually cake- Now 4,,, cake . : '^- i . M.RT COVERT COSTUMES, in l-'iiwn Reduced to 35 •'-. ROSE FOAM SHAVLSO STICK. Usually ,_.Ff_v_<_Af ciTjf At. r_t>D_.C 1 -Hoi.-. ~,,. unci w„i, siii.-. he iat LAIIIKS , ]tllJlv , Sk . mTSi ,„ snnri , ~.._ ,_,_,, .. L-LU..AL _AL£ OF CARPETS. ■i " ; " :: -" M! ''" u 'hk'. IsuullJ - miniitv Holland and Crash. Usually Colossal Sale Price, 1, -. ALL-WOOL EASTERN carpi* _§ I '""?.'i„.-., .c„p,i_ «7T .'..,- ami .(i/i.— "PEAR'S" FULLER*. EARTH. Usually SQUARES, in Brown, Fawn, and"___? 1 , Coossal Sale Phco, 87/6. Colossal Sale Price, 19 3 and _d— • Ci.o_r.ll__— *"?, I .'!.,■,', 11 ,V | ~' .; . r 'i ,m. 25,-. Reduced to 6d. Sizes— t. ■"-' .'-,.-t,'i 'I'li'i.-iie'i'i vvi'i'ii 'licit -m.l Special Value in NAVY "PETONE" metal lIMRPLN BOX. ('..iitaitiini. as- :.»i»,. X 10.6, Jxl., 10.6_ 13g Eg .',..'... V-'ckei-- ciiat lined --Ik- wide SEHCE SKIRTS, cut in latest shape-, sorted Hairpins. Usually 9d— Usually— « ■ ~■ i -uall.v II Cuiiiea-i— w,tM l ""-'' '"it vi. waist, and trimmed Bargain Price, 6d. _r, ../, _7 to/, £S in/ r__ _q/ ': '. '"To Clear at 8 Guineas. witli l.iittoiis of; seir. Usually .-/— COLOL'REO XVLOMTE SOAP BOXES. Reduced to— ' " y lio-E I'M-T'ETA MI.X SEMI- Bargain Price, 37; 6. Usually lOJd— £3 3/, £4 19/6, £5 19/6 £8 10/' | LVEMNC lillL.sS. with wide lien.- Reduced to Sd each. HAND-MADE INDIA.N CARPET SQUARE. M -111.'1.c.: cilar, and licit triniiucil ELLEN TERRY HATPINS, larfreKnob. very rich colourinirs .t S> __ '"". i ', ", :l ';:",i!- r i ", 1, : i.,?,..- "" W Ul "' rrl LADIES'BLOUSES PRICED TO CLEAR. in Riack, White, or Sky. usually, Id , only, i_ x IS, in Fawn an_ R e _ i. -im ' I. i - U.llls f» < illlUOd each— <.hnrl__<_ I'annllir i. 4 a - / ca I ,„ F. m "X S -SK_.r_S_sM Sale Price, 6d dozen. ' . 8/e I nec,;-^',,''!';;;;-"';;;;."^^'''.H4« .o7« , L co, " m - ,sua,ly Si/0 - " / "- hodsehold goods.attractively anriied^ourinVs. 1 " G SiJ a^ 1 Sr- .;;;:,;;;::rVi_:.;.',^e''y;ni!_ r Mu.E^^jr'^ 1 !^ PfiICEI> - J ' J/_ «-.«.„» m el nif-r. f-uallv 7:i 0— made in shirt stvie ' witli low neck I!EAVV MEDIUM CALICO, Pure Finish 1 only, 11.. _ 12, m rich Red OrU i Colossal Sale Pries, 89/6. '",|, n i", . "h'nve*- ah ,I,_. Lsualtv and flood Serviceahle Quality. Usu- entaldesipn. Usually £18— li IiREY -in IN. CdSTI'.MK, ,' plain '-- 1, ' - ,'. sjj „ Ilri .'./i'i - aliv I'd yard— Reduced to £14 19/6. t'-J lailore.l 1-0.11. and s manly cut yoked ' ' ', ,'' ,' . -.___,__ Colossal Sale Price, 3/11 dozen. _ only ~, ~ , rream rrn„n_ ___ ,a -kid will, ;.-.nil.•:-,.,-- at hack. Usually Colosssl Sale Prices, 4/11, 5/11, 34-LNCH SATIN FINISH CALICOES, a , rct tv (V.een liesiJ., r- ~_u?- d . ltl - ® '■'" and G, 11. popular make. Usually, ...d yard-r- Reduced to £14 10/ '". Reduced to 70 6. PAINTY CREPE HE .CHINE RI.OI SES. Baroain Price, 4/11 dozen. „„,„ '' i ; _ ~ in Ivor.. Sky. and Pule Pink, made 36-INCH PURE IT.NISII CALICOES, stout SP £S\ A J± U * E 0F REVERSIBLE SE\ ,"j LaClies CoatS marked COn- in ciiarmlnii -tylc-. and niilshcd with makes and . ood weann. cloths. Usu- ~n, -"-\r-llNi.s. m Oreen, Brown, l . .id .riblv 'PCs rt.nnn.n_l ,::i; " 1 '•'"-'>'"•' a:l " hemstitchms-. a tiy GJd, . Hi. SHI, Old, and "''■' )31ue ,. Colounn.s. i>7in and 361n. 1$ bIULI any itijb Llian UStW.I. u.-ual!y .'- '". y:u-d— wide. Usually 3/8 and -i/li yard—j li I.MHK*-' I.KEY TWEKIi COSTS. With Reduced to 22 S. I-OW 5/11, 6/11, 7/11, 8/11, and 9/11 Row 2/11 and 3/1J yard. RJ nanrn w -!i-i|i.'-. d.'-i. lied with R:i. Lan ,-,.,,„ ~imiiv .hum' nr i-iiivp dozen. ALL OK OUR LARGE STOCK OF FURMfa -leeve.s, iui.i,.,| hack cuirs, and roll ' ... ~', .'!,!,,,, ~,'... „,„,'„ ~ ~,•■. 36-I.Nf.H I.OMICI.OTII, extra line sort TURE REDUCED DURING THE c..! 1:.-. 1 siially ;T. .-.lj-Vr'" i'ml <mall reel"'., t' ed wih he.ish. very seryi.-enlile makes. U__- COLOSSAL SALE. I Colossal Sale Price, 13 6. P. msl'ilc liiir ill Ivory of I'm. ally 7.(1. BJrt, IOJU. and 1/ yard— AXMLNSTER BODY AND BORDER I NAVY .-I.'R.'.i; COATS, small .-shape, will. , -~,-iiVv "V. — Reduced to 6,11, 7/11, 8/11, piece CARPETS—A Tew choiceide- : : J";*.'. tX^»". ,, _i W __Ti7 I Ur r V"__i Colossal Sale Price, 19 6. VK ,. V AL "'l". ""> EXTRA B ' Ue ' Br ° W " «* 6 witli env and w.nte rttrip.-.I Satin POI'I'L.R HESIONS I.N CREPE DE HEAVY WHITE TURKISH TOWELS, m ile I.n\c. l-iially i.i i._— CHINE HI.Ot SES, made with new stroll, ly woven, si/.e _i X ISins. 1 sual Price Sale Price. H Eargcin Price, 29/6. deep sailor collar ami tie; sleeve. Usual Price. 1 ii— ~nr!. v ' l-/6yarrt Body, fl/11 yard, lM N v .' ~'\ sEltc.E liiiA'l's. with Ras-lan sl Idee and enllar outlined I.em- Colossal Sale Price, 1 '41. Border, 1 1/6 yard Border, 8/11 yard kg --~...-. i.n ....liar. iinisi|..,i wnii .iiiehimc: In Ivory. I'm!. Sky, Nile, '-ERIN" DAMASK SERVIETTES. in 1 only Piece Seir-colour Brown lilc-i, sill, I'.rinil. rasteniiiK up to Navy, nr I'la-k. Usually s'./0 — Pretty Floral Hesipns, hrifrtu mercer- Usual Price Sale Pries, ffj :; ' , '»-'- in" ; i""i. I stiiily :i!!/r, - Bargain Price, 25 -. ' <o,i nnish. size is x ISins. Usually Body, i.'/c, yard Body, 8/11 yard. M Colossal Salo Price, 29/6. ..,.,,, nnnsF. in 1I I I dozen — Border. 1I /. yard Border, 7/11 yard, 1 -M 'Vv cn.'.T. in (.recti or Rroivn *-"!:" "' A . ,""' ' \ F ",.\ ,,''', Colossal Sale Price, 4 6 dozen. X „.„, Q E v fiTHS 0 F ROnv r» . g MiMuie. wilii Itairlan sleeves, shaped .."''.', . f,. h , - : ' r r Ifr' DAMASK SUPPER Cl.olils. .ood heavy a !',.•> U1 V- '', .i m-.ce i-/r 2?r_ AH " t" ..liar and cull's i«,ckei. ami 1...11 '" ' • :I,uJ touches nT rnlout uifr. m ,.,iii.- vprv nreity tvTi-'il desiinis size JElo. I sual prire. l_/6 yard—■ M I -iialiy "■!-.'.. li.n-lii'il with hcmstitchini. ami *1 M a |^" : ::^ J ri,,ally i''l I each— Salo-Price, 7/11 yard. f| Reduced to 23 6. Ijca.'iu.. Usually -~''. - '" _j«. g ._ n Price, 2/3 each. - PIECES AXMLNSTER STAIR CARPET, [3 A- -oil 11 li l'\\ ;.i n i-oats, with Reduced Price, 19 6. uoi.oi'RED RED SPREADS, in iiretty In Brown Colouring's— M -le. v.-s. -i|,,:i|.|- . .lilac, tin- I-back MODEL BLOUSES, reattirliifr all the Rural and rruit desipns, in I'ink. Blue. -Tin, Usual Price, I I/f> —. ■■'IT ■ hell nm-iie.i «-iin two sets latest (le.u-ns iv veilin.s and colour- and Oreen Colouriuss, size 72 X 90in. Sale Price, 8/11 yard, I liiiu.ii.. Usually -i-.i/r. — , ng: _ u.uaiiv 40/0. r.9/fi, it.'— Usually tV/o each--, L'sual Price, 10/6— I Colossal Sale Price, 39 6 Eargain Prices, 39 6, 45 -, 49/6. Reduced to 6/11 each. Sale Price, 7/11 yard, l pMI (J m m li ft b r llf I i £_fl The whole of 9Ur stock ' IJUllil liUUllli _Llila FURNITURE The J.C.L., Qwcen Street, AT i » Reduced PrSces.

- .■_.-_' ia^^rr'v. ,m ~* , y*vrra.v , _B______B__jß_q|__-_-_ij_Pß__Bl | , -i,Ti;i C CIV* * /2?sa?s___ I ror a oolaier— fiSPI > j lECv M 1 _TULi\_-_ I 1 (77.c Soldier's Kodak) 3 | Fits ihe Vest Pocket Never in the way ! So sma!l that ;t sll ? s into <*>= I I l^'' ! corner of a coat pocket; so ii ftf'.-Vy efficient that it will make I -it.' "f> X.'.^>-\_J'^*'' v -'' 1 clear, sharp pictures—scenes i 111- x k \f& > \ or p° rtrait^ »y © M A soldier can easily take it j W~y i IP T^^V' 1 anywhere and make a valu- _^ r SSrM^; able picture record of the ' greatest event of his life. Such PB__lJ__FV_? :y '-'V'-._rP % ' i| ' ! -i -ii i • ■ i I |HN_3 .•-$■- --- •' - -"J pictures will be interesting at the time, and become more | valuable with the passing cf . |; Mj;l ; years. mm ffl The Autographic feature [j JM H& enables pictures to be titled - : lis®! Wssm and dated at the time they are taken ' The Kodak is the > i only camera w 'th this im- . ,yV "' ' .fttP provement. . Pnce 35/- - with Kodak Anastigmat ||| F6 ' 9 Lens Pric e £4/15/- ---. the earner, for '" I Other Kodaks up to £15/1 5/----i SOLD BY ALL nilll KODAK .DEALERS, ;! Koda!i (Australasia) Ltd., Auckland, Wellington, Dunedin g Exact Sire of }| Soldier's K. da 1 ; j. i' __________ 39 _r__ .-i i_-t_-_----i--___ J _____ 1 M el^^^ MUSIC. ARCHITECTS. ___$ M L " SIC - j EDWARD MAHONEY AND SON. ■ii—i>jgg________, PHONOGRAPHS ! Arr.TITT. i-tq ' " (AND Ulil'AllIS) AK_..fc_ITECTS, ]\ EL ' OKDS - [bank budding _. swa.-sox st _.___. — y:> op.i:k tso :;, ! ______S _g____ ISO, QUKEN ST., I MTrK _- ——- _K_Be__ i Audi -"_____!. x _». (£$ J IS_, KAHAXGAHAPB ~ ' ■ —. —-=__1 Itl,A -- ■ °.i [j^^^^^^i^^^^co^ur^ui^fi-^^ "'JEW ZEAI_AND PAIRT ASSOCIA- ! 1 , ,_ An ..- .. sr,,^*" 1 "very thi-iS. -lON'S lUTTIvK VAN Delivers! £_~_._ R_7iiTi,-™ s . ON «. A 'i?ori_s_P_t M t A___t_ cutter iv City aud Suburbs Daily. " j L Bn »P lre Building., A_.__.ud K»t. iSug

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Auckland Star, Volume XLVIII, Issue 156, 2 July 1917, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XLVIII, Issue 156, 2 July 1917, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume XLVIII, Issue 156, 2 July 1917, Page 8