- HUWTLT. ■, I , On Friday, before MessfS. E. .T. Farrell land .1. McKinnon, J.l'.'B, n farmer named Theodore Casey, of llanglrlri, was charged I that un March 6, at Hangirlri he did cruelly ! illtreat a horse by working the same in a plough while it was suffering from several ! open sores on shoulders and sides; also I •that on March S he did cruelly illtreat a | ■lmrse by working the same In a plough ,■ while it was suffering from several open ; sores on the shoulders and sides. DP-. feudal]t, who was represented liy Mr. ! Kobertsou, of Messrs. Xorthcroft -and j Robertson, solicitors, pleaded guilty to both Informations. Constable Ingram, of i lluntly, who prosecuted, stated that lioth horses were in a very bail state, being covered with sores on the whotilders, and also | <vi the sides, caused by the eliaflne off the plough drains. Mr. Robertson asked ! for the leniency of the Court, as defendant! bud offered Ills services for the front as nn ! officer, having had nearly two years' ex-1 ' lierlcuce in the South African War. Both I j Justices stated that the case was a very j i bad onp. and. owing to the fact that de- j I rendu nt had three previous convictions for | j gldered tliat a term of imprisJmnent j was the only sentence that would, meet the olTcnce. On defendant giving I his promise that he would turn out the j 'horses for three months' spell, they fined | I him £."> on each charge, and court costs 1 amounting to £;i 2/6. If he came before I them again for the same offence they • would have no hesitation In sending him I to prison for the maximum term allowed. I
A meotlii!; of burgesses was hpl<l nn Thursday prpuin? to i-ou.sider the qiiretion >f Ihu option of the freehold for Te Aroha. • The roi>ort of the Koyal Commission was I rend, which stated the present tenure is J unsatisfactory. The fulJowins resolution I was passed nnaniniously "That the pre- ! sent tenure unsatisfactory to the 1 IcuantK of Te Arolia, this meeting resolves ito ask the Government to grant the option of till! freehold in terms of the recommendation of the recent Ito.vnl Commission." . A Freehold League wns "also formed, coneisting of nil property owners in the borough, the annual subscription being •2/d. The following games have hepn played on the Bmvling Green this week—Cttam- ! plonship T. Box. 'J4, v. 1 , . Henfhcote. 18: !T. Box, 21, v. ,1. A. Clothier. 13. Pairs: Simsou, Trpwheel;! v. Noonan. Palmer, ! 19; He.itheote. Kell. 24. T. Clothier, Allan, 121; Mningay, Wash. .IS. v. Miller, (Jarroi way. 10: Muingny, Wash. 22. v. Arthur, j Melkle. U- Palton, Carroll. 'JO. v. Heath : I cote, Kale, 11. l< firadn .Singles:Kelly 17. Iv. <;:irdiuer 12; Kelly _'4, v. If. Willls 16; I Kell Ift. v. Onrdlner 13, R. Willis 28, v. 1 Watson 20: Trerehrela 24. v. ir. Willis 10: I Gardiner 22, v. Wash 12; Tre-wneela 21, v. I Gardiner 13; Bygrarc IC, v. Gardiner 16.
1 The fnrtniehtly" raretin? of the Paeroa Borough Council" was held on Thursday nlsht. anil presided over by the Mayor (Mr. VT. J. Towrrsi. All cnimrillors were present. Tffb Prime Minister wrote statins that ho would have a report made on the sertious of which the Council desire vestment. It ivas decided to ask the Works Committee to consider a schero,e for improving the footpaths lor the coming ■winter. It was resolved to call applications for the position of Borough Inspector at a salary of £23 per annum. A declaration of gold shipment amounting to 2.<i."3.01 ounces was received from the National Bank. On account of the spreading of infantile paralysis the Town Clerk was instructH to write to the proprietors of the two pirturp theatres in the town asMns them to disinfect the halls each day. A I deputation was received from the new ! Paeroa Toadies' Croouet Club seekinjr the ■use of the Domnfn lawns for nest season ,at a rental or £10 per annnm. The matter was lengthily discnssM at ji meetine of the Domiln Board, held later in the evening, and it was flnallv decider) to allow the Pnero,, Tennis and Croquet Club nnd the I Ladies - .ilr.nmtet.f'liib to_nK£ lawn each at an annual rental of £10 each.
j Tb» following detail-! re the Orurn A. enfl P. sho-tr will be of Intpre-st. It is nn-tl<-inated that the sum nf fuOO, or nearly, I will be netted. f-tfO beine assured at- pre- | s»nt .and £300 actually paid in to the fund. I This is a mnEhiflmnt result for a show in • such a small district as Oruru: and much ■credit is due to Mr. K. J, Samuels the -;™- n sw -' " h0 "•" worked heart and' soul to ensure a large profit ■i]| Tl fir- Sale ,, ° f ,' lonate< i stf "-t realised in ail flGi; other donations £-10; art union of Ptwds presented by JLrs. Coitall £13 12/----by Mrs. Berry. £.t l/ : by Mrs. 'Adamsou' £1 U/0. The Kulus Bros, pive a picture simv „„ Jriday evening, donating everything above expenses to the fund.' the t> ;"i <■ .? •'• They arc 'lesening of thanks for their loyal and patriotic action The sheep weight .guessing brought in ,K lr, n<Li ; 1 , ,"' 1 sh R«« s sed the exact tteisht. Uie following acted as judges-— tattle. Messrs. T. aud M. Fraser; sheep, Mr. H. Crawford: horses, Messrs. A Finlayson and V. Holder; vecetables, Mr S JlastiTs; needlework. Mrs. l-'arjiell- cookery 'Mr ami Mrs *e£toa: juvenile, Mr. Farnell; general, Mr. 11. A. Williams, and Miss liilliilan, I_lfS,r.Eat1 _ I fS, r . Eat . uuion w ?s held, in connection i fri « t I- 0 "' , - aUd P rove(f | v ery successfiil, -tue following being the winners:— I Mr. Uosleur. Mrs R. J. Campbell, Mr T j Long, Mr. T. Wallace, Mrs. Duttou Mr ! Costall, Mrs. Fox, Mr. T. Sliaw. j -Sir Hobert and Lady Stout were Ln Man- ■ Rouul last week on a visit .to their sou, Mr 0. Stout, E.A.. LL.B., who is in practice there as a solicitor. During their stay they motored out to Kaltaia to inspect the rapid progross bciug made by that part :of .the North. • The question of recruiting was brought before the County Council at its meetTu" last Thursday, ami the Council passed a re° solution iv favour ot compulsion of. some , form. I Privates G. L. Tenney and E. Ilarrop :h.ome on final, leave, were farewelled iv Mangonui before leaving for the front Private "Fredo" Bergham, invalided home las the result of a bullet wound, in tho ■ chest, was in the district seeing his old fneiias. but Oias been called up before the i Medical Board in order to find if he is fit Ito resume his duties. TJie .Settlers' Stock Shipping Association may now be said to be firmly founded, articles of association .having been approved :uid materials obtained for making shippins yards at. Tai-pa. Another Southrou moving North is Mr Short, a well-known slock breeder in the Feildtng district. The Farmers' Union held a stock sale at I'eria on Monday. There was a keen dc- | .maud for all classes, good prices being realised,
The ordinary meeting of the Town Council was held on Monday night. Present: Messrs. ,1. Urnisby (yuairinan), Bcuner, and .Miller. On the motion of the chairman it was resolved to interview the Minister o£ Defence at Tβ Kultl ou Wednesday re the difficulties of "working as a Native Council.- The chairman said the Council should be given precisely, the same powers as other municipal bodies, which, like it, worked for the public. Tlie Chamber of Commerce wrote asking the Council if anything further 'had been done re the electric lighting scheme. The Council has all particulars re cost 'before It. Councillor Miller su"gested interviewing the mayor and councillors of T e Kuiti when visiting there and finding out if Otorohanga could come in on equal terms with the other two towns Te Kuiti and Te Awamutu. It was decided .to reply to the Chamber of Commerce that the matter was under consideration and that at a later date a report ivouiii i>p eubmitted to the Chamber and public Father Finn -wrote asking that the Boman Catliolic section be exempt from rates it was decided to apply to the Valuation' Dp partment stating that both the Catholic" and Presbyterian bodies had erected build Ings'and asked for exemption. A special meeting of the Patriotic Com mlttee was held in the Town Hafi, to dIT cuss the recruiting question. Mr. Benncr was in the chair. It was decided to ?»,frt I -representatives to the Te Kultl Confer ence. Mr. Phillips moved: ? ™hat thi« meeting tiough in favour of conscription pledges itself to do all it can in helpin' r P ' cruiting under the present scheme " nit |Piggot seconded the motion, and sai a they delegates were to support It aised - Messrs. Ormsby. ArrowsmitlT Wim. and H. Henner atteurtpj the How i.F 8, _ Conference In Te Kuiti yesterday Ultins
The Otewa Hall Committee ha» dra»n - up an excellent programme tor tie ownlh..'■ '?-" of their new hall on St. PatrictTniv I : Mr. W. T. Jennings, member for thi triet, will open the hall, and give'an' S^ r ' dress. A picnic will also be held d«rf n ■the day at .Mr. Larson's homestead ° S " ' ■Sergeant <:. Phillips is at present h« •' ' ' on leave. He loaves with the lUh fe forcements. Private L. Claridee a« 11' :: ' promoted to the rank of corpof aL De? . a • M Tbe f Wiripa Blver is lower thm'/ft h^Ml i,r:.vs were realised. There was a roM ' entry. a B°™ ;
Messrs. Abraham and Williams Iμ.. iSH port ull thfi. cyecial caule sajp i,! "' I Thursday, iuc wtb bst, m lie iSni 0 *!! yards:- De "■ape iritn other stock" centres'! and -X satisfaction to tlie vcimiiw. We ouoti : ' : Knt and forward bullocks, £12 u/e JHvSfl ioi.ks, tn ill i/b to £12: 2»-yp-. r ,(„„„ (Suorthoru , £8. a«/, l 0 ■ steers (lldcford), £S l\i> to £10 9/- ■{£«»$ 1 etecrs (.rolled Angus), £10; V: ' small, £4 is/; a steers, better & "' £B, .£<! a/0, £i> 8/ t<. £7 H>; fat cows* £S 10/. £0 10/, £0 17/6, £10 10/ to £11 1 «/; towa and calves, £j 10/, £5 15/ w > 17/0 to £8 8/; null", £4 to £7; >yeir-ou \ Shorthorn heifers, £7 1/: 3-year-old Short; - tioni heifers (sinailer surtev, £4 17/0 to 10/; ls-iiioiiLh Kflorthorn Jielfere, £3 iy/ £;. 15/, to £4 4/: wearier steers, 35/ ■ 50/; weaner tellers, HO/, 35/, to 37/o. ' A serious accident occurred on Thnrsaar at Punch Tine's farm at Opaea. One be ~ (he employees, .lack bolton, wag drivlns a • ' braUe, wuon the horse bolted, struck: a strainer post, and pitched the driver heavily ; « ou ilie ground. He was brought into Taiteape Hospital, where It was fonnd" tnac •he had broken his arm, besides brulSingV himself very severely. Up is progressing Vv-ry iavouiably under the circumstances. ; Two seats became vacant in the Talhape Borough Council through the retirement ol Dr. Barnett and llr W. McLennan. Three xiciTtinatious for the positions were accented, and at the last moment Mr K. Loader, one of the nominees, decided to / withdraw. Tbe names of the two new coin." M c'.iion aie J. U. Cunuinghauie and J. Turn- ; ' bull. - . I - ,; '■) The annual picnic was held at iMrF. Mljkieson's farm, Tc Kapaa, at the beginning of the week. Visitors from all parts !of the district came pouring in, and It was I<i grand sight to see both old and. lining ! taking part in the programme. Tne cttain-; V. ] stepping competition, and the tug-of-war - I for the ladles, caiaMd much merriment. Mr /: IK. W. Smith, M.1., was present, and - ad-, : dressed the cougratulatiug .tdtt.:: residents on iheir picnic .('.>■"=••■ Next Friday, the 17th inst., promise!) ■.;to be a very busy day in Taihape. ,Ilie Hibernian Society are holding their fiftli--J ; annual sports on the Recreation Urounrta., The whole of tile takings are to be de- ■; voted to a fund If. order to provide a muuu. needed club for the returned soldiers; Mr< ; feck, the champion chop of Xcw Zealand, ; : ■',' is taking part. The Ked Cross Soeietj ( r accepted the offer of the Hibernian Society to provide lunch, and alternoon tea to tbe ; visitors. . ' ■, ' '
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Auckland Star, Volume XLVII, Issue 61, 11 March 1916, Page 8
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2,035COUNTRY NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume XLVII, Issue 61, 11 March 1916, Page 8
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