(By ACTAEON.) AQUATICS. Saturday was a miserable day—heavy sweltering liea-t iv the morning, culminating in thunder, lightning, and heavy rain showers in the afternoon, and elear,ing up about sunset. Few boats uore ' out, but Sunday broke a glorious day, and many yachts were out for a run. ' Viking did a cruise along the Channel ■ ami Takapuna way, and lvotiri was also ; out. Many of the bigger yachts are bej ing run as family boate, and go away . with two or more families on board for ■short runs. It means a limited enjoy'meot of the yacht, but it is rather better 1 than those unfortunates whose crews ' : disappeared hohw-bolus to the front. j A rather interesting rate was sailed i by the Freshwater Club at Perth quite .: recently for the commodore's cup, presented by Mr. H. F. .Miller. Mishaps jwerc plentiful. Pirate. Ena 11., : and Zena retired, Rene capsized. Mobile .'.got into diflk'ulticis, and Bonita'e mast . I went overboard. Akarana, Wanda, ■Hyola, and Ozone also capsized. ijThis left May, Sweetheart. and ; : Kna I- to compete. The latter led uutil ;' the last round, when both May and .■Sweetheart pas.se.l her. May' (<Jco. I Townsond) won by lin. The" winner's . skipper has lately" returned from the ■i front, and is still unable to gel about I' without the aid of crutches. He received : • a tremendous ovation. !j The Waione has made her last trip ; i while the war lasts, and one of her I! owners, Mr. W. Sutherland, is off to the i! front to-day. Waione took a party— : mixed—down to Arkle's Bay. and there i'j/Wna a big crowd on board—seventeen. I .The moorings were let go amid thunder ' i and lightning, and the Waione remained t! on the mud. However, as the tide rose iishe went oil, and made a slow passage t to Arkle's, arriving about !) p.m., when ! the womenfolk were put ashore. Next 1 day they went as far as Long Bcaoh, and I; were met by a contingent from Albany 3 »ith loads of fruit. The Waiono picked 3 up her cradle about 0.15 p.m., and at . ', 5.30 was upon the beach, stripped— 5 liooms, saik, bowsprit, running gear, , cushions, cooking appliances, and every.' . ■ thing eke —even to a huge sponge jam a sandwich which one of the crew found left over from the picnic, carefully , wrapped up, and is now high and dry 2; for the season. The old crew made Mr. . j W. Sutherland a presentation of a lumi- | nous u-ateh an a token of their regard , and happy days together. l\ To dig up a little past history. The , t S.y.. Power Boat AHsociation is actively .'employed as n motor boat reserve —at ■ i leaet individual members are. At the 1 opening- of the season race the motor { boat reserve was in full force, but the 3 officials of the Power Boat neglected to e j arrange for an official boat to represent 0 the club. There is not a great deal in that. s| The Yacht and Motor Uoat Association c , discussed this amiably enough at one 1 meeting, and decided to write to the c I Power Boat and find out things. The 0 ! delegate from the Power Boat Club was a not a Power Ho.it committcenian, and did not have full knowledge of what was happening. People talked, ami a little soreness grew, and the Power Boat delegate resigned, giving as n reason that he \va« not sufficiently in touch with the club's ainti, not being a tornmitteeman; and now the fat is in the fire, since he was the chairman of the Yacht and Motor Boat Association. I-iUckily it's » very off season for yachting and motoring. I met a yachting pal on Saturday morning leaving for Trcntham on Tues!i day, and his name does not begin with v "8." Here is his own breezy narrative: 1 "The doctor punctured mc for tho third 1 time for typhoid last night, and I'm feels ing peevish. I'm sweltering hot, and » that coward made a hole in the firet • meridian with a garden ayringo and f pumped mc full of green fly or some f other garden pest. I've swollen about cix ■ inches, and someone's got to suffer." £ He left mc, and struck out in a hopeleea 'i fashion lor the owner of the garden im- ' plemenf. f The North Shore Yaoht Club experi--5 enced another unfavourable Saturday • afternoon for their postponed regatta. The thunderstorm kept many at home who otherwise would no doubt have been ' interested spectators, but all the. same racing was very keen. The Gryphon had '' another win in the race for the auxir liariee, her rival, the Zita, not finishing. In the launch race, eight knots and under, the limit boat Ailsa had a win from the Waiari second, and Alert third. Kor launches over eight knots the Emblem wins, with Gertie second, and Cascade third. The Power Boat has been presented with a valuable cup. to be competed for in cruising races. The cup is, I undera stand, to be competed for annually, and carries with it an annual bonus of soveral cases of benzine. If ben- ■ zinc keeps moving up it will be as dear as diamonds presently, and that d ' bonus will be a valuable one. Tho first race comee off next Saturday, direct to Putiki Bay, Waiheke. « Tho Regina has boon away cruising , around Waiheke for a week, reaching ' home laet week-end. Two of her crew are answering the Empire's call, and are £ going in to camp at Trentham to-day. In , consequence they made the most of their , holiday, and two big hauls of fish were '. got. Sunday the Sceptre was fishing in jj the Tiri Passage, but the crew found the , eun fairly warm. '" Drunken Bay was popular with the launches last week. The following visited ? the bay: Sister Dora, Waiata, Sappho, Awatea, Elsma. Gryphon. Peerless, Maudie, Buffalo Bill. Jean and Arcadia ° ran up on the beach and did their copper L " painting. Elsraa, Romance, and Awatea i were out fishing, but met with only fair J success. However, it was a lazy day, and no doubt the lish felt as lazy as the crew. Adelaide went as far as Warwera, and had its charms all to herself. " Messrs. Collings and Bell have been commissioned by Mr. Perano, of Picton, ° to design a 34ft by 7ft 6in whale i launch for whaling in Cook Strait. The design is to have embodied the. [ same exclusive design as the well-known { speed launch Fleetwing. The motor is to be a β-oyjinder, 100-hp. Van Blerck. The launch will 'be fitted with a harpoon gun at the bow, and aft provision will , be made for tow line and gear. It will j be strongly constructed, and it is expected to develop a speed of 24 knots. The first cruising race of the N.Z. ! Power Boat Association will be held on 1 Saturday afternoon, the destination i being Putiki Bay. The entrance fees ■ are to go to the Wounded Soldiers' 1 Fund. Starting from the Railway wharf, the course will be direct to > Putiki Bay outside the fairway marks, " including Brown's Island buoy. The ' committee have decided that a perpetual trophy presented by A. S. Paterr son and Co., shall be won on points in J the two cruising races of the season, the 1 points being ten. seven, four and two • for the flfet, second, third and fourth beats • '
MAXUKAU RACES. The second race or i-he , season was held at Oirenuuga on Saturday, when a -targe number of members of. the Manufcau Motor Boat Club contested for .two valuable trophies. The race started In a downpour of ruin, and finished in beautiful calm weather. The race was won by Maratliea (A. Bowgenl. Simplex' (J. Colflkutt) being second, and Waione (B. Herd) third.
It was intended last Saturday to complete those second grade matches that had been interfered with by ram a fortnight previously, but no progress could be made owing to bad weather setting in again just after two o'clocK, and although the sun came out later in the afternoon the wickets had been so saturated as the result of a full hour's rain, that no play took place cither at Kden Park or Victoria Park. At Rcmuera, however, Parncll and] University, by getting an early start, completed their match, Parnell securin" a three-point win just on time. At the end of the first day's play j University had lost two wickets for (i; runs, in reply to their opponents' total of 309. and 'with two men short they j were all dismissed a first time for the poor total of 42, Winks (18) and Kinloch (14) being the chief contributors. Following on. the students made a much more successful showing at their second attempt. Winks and Ryd gave their skle a line start by putting on 90 runs for the first -wicket, as the result of an hour and a half's play. Winks (r>l) kept up his record for consistency, and gave the opposition a great deal of trouble before 'he was beaten and ■bowled by a good ball from Henson. Ryd (26) was strictly on the defensive, taking over 90 minutes to knock up hie total. His success was most gratifying, and he may now give trouble, having struck form. Of the others Tizard (10) hit very hard, while Smith (16 not out) batted very 6teadily. When the last wicket fell, however, University were still in arrears, and •were beaten by an innings and 120 runs.
For Parnell, Barnsdale was appain to the fore -with his bowlin:;, securing the good record of eight for 57 for the match. His leg breaks have been most effective this season, and apparently he is petting some of his old form back again.
WOODVILLE AUTUMN MEETING. HANDICAPS DECLARED. J WKLiLI.WrO.N, Monday, j The foHowins weights have fleeu declared ! for the ilrat dn.v of the autumn meeting of | the Woodville Jockey Club: — Hack ilurdles, one mile and threequarters.—lmposture 11.1, captaiu MuuKay 10.13, Kuuwairo iv.4, I'arero 0.13, Arliiuon !).'l3, Cioklea Water U. 3, Koseblush i).S, lilad-| ful U. 5, Lady Daylusford 0.2, •Ceylon 0.2, Kellemuau ti.O, Keynote 0.0, Tawarou fI.V. Whautl Hack Handicap.—Black Ada U.O, Jean Laddo is.l 2, INscugsion S.S, Myatilk-d j 8.0, (Minima !>.;i, Miss Kelly 8.3, fore 7.13. Koiigoru 7.11, I'onieroy 7.M, Merrle ' Dale 7.11, Spain 7.11. Manu 7.7, Analogue I 7.7, Narour 7..'i. Amlcal 7.6, Admiral .Beany 7.0, Kalserine 72, Whisperer 7.2, tsartollne 6.10, Master Boris lUO, Moutoa OJO, Tiki 6.10. . Woodvilie Oup, one nulle and a-qiiartcr,— Square Deal St.O, fl'arltigamutu B.S, (Sold Souit 5.5, Ijidogeur 8.0, Expect 8.0. Marco Bello S.O. Mauiaron S.O. Tanglhou 7.11. liyron 7.4. Orleans 7.1, Waßt 7.0, iHiwltapa C.9, Mlralurar 1i.7, Rodloh 6.7, Roumanla U. 7. Mireinah 6.7. ■t'ouuty Hack Ilandk-ap. sli furlongs.— CiMlltea 9.0, Jlarecress S.O. lArralina 8.8. Interlude &S. Ohlwla 8.1, iljerri Poto 7.1). Hygla 7.0. Lady Xolan 7-S. Ilewarewa 7.7, Glorify 7.7, Antwerp 7.7, Improve 7.7, Admiral ißeatty 7.4. Tlra 7.8, Whisperer 7J, Kamur 7.1, Kalserine 7.0, Ally 6.13, Lucky Star 0.7. Altercatiou a 7. President's Handicap, seven furiongs.— Crown I'earl fl.lS. Ladopreur 0.12. Multiply 0.12, Gold Fainting 0.12, illed Book 9.5, Orleans 0.1, triacK 'Lupin S.H, Wild Lnpln 8.11, Ulact Ada S.& DlaciKSlon 5.5, Fluioterre 5.5. Rcdloh ar>, Calais a.",. Victoria Hack Handicap, one mile and J7O yards.-JMarslnah 10.4. Jean Laddo 0.13 Illnemanu 9.6. Brouk Xlelaval 9.1, Kousrora 5.12, Whakahokl 8.1.1. I,ady Nolan 8.11, Anitty 5.7, Captain ilacky 5.7, Lord Nelson Telephone Handicap, live furlongs.—Multiplication 10,2. Hyfflnas 8.11, Glenroy S.lO. Pariform S.B, Montana 5.3. Interlude 7.0. Lady Black 7.5. Grnttan 7.2, iHymettius «.10, Otter 6.7. ilartlet 0.7, GoWtiearinß C.7. Bootle U. 7. POVERTY BAY TURF CLUB. THE ACCEPTANCES. (By Telegraph.—rress Association.) «ISUOHXE. this day. The following are Uie acceptances t<ir the Poverty Buy Turf C'loo 's Suniuier Meeting:— Welter Hamlicap, one mile.—Jem 12.0, Kew dU.S, Peuroe U.U, liaaetie 0.4, -ilultikoff U.-4, Con 8.12, lilaraetotaia S.S, iiedluh S.O, Field Force S.O. fc'lrst ilandleup liurdlc Mace, one mile and three-quarters.—Kew J2.0, >Scorch H. 7, lUraveat ia.3, Imposter J. 0.8, 6pectual U. 7, li'a«ot 8.7, Brunswick 9.0. Telephone 'ilandleap, -five furlongs.— Waiorewo. 8.13, iMlstic S.S, Asterias 8.0. Watchful 8.5, Carlyon &5, Gcnevleve 5.4, Trialt) 7.12, Admiral 'Beatty 7.10, Anxious 7.4, Nordlca 7.0, tiuiilsix '7.0. Turanga Stakes Hundlcap, one mile and a-<]uarter. —Kupnhu 9.7, -Pursedller S-12, Kooya 5.4, Carrier a3, TavisstoOk S.H, Municipal 7.12, The Summit 7.1 i, Caiupeador 7.1. •Maiden Scurry, four furlougs and a-half, all S.O.—Natallte, Ilexton, Boggitts, Jack Jctlicoe, Mossmau, Latly Multllld, Tauhinu, Karema, Nordlea, Cymer, War Tai, Serbia, Minora. County Stakes Hack Handicap, six finrlongs.—King of Athol 0.5, 9 0 Toki 9.0, Otara 5.9, Cleft 7.ia, AuxJous 7S Lady iMultifld_7.2, Carburetter 7.0, Auidana .First llack Flat Handicap, one mile —, Jlultifual 8.13, Penroe 5.9. Gazette 8 1 PecHlc Slope Cleft 7.12, lAdroiral Beattv 7,11, Maraetotara 7.5, Brunswick 7 5 Surtax "A. ' ' Flying Handicap, six furlongs.---Runaliu 10.0, Pnrseflller 0.7, Zens 9.1, 8.1, Asterias 7.8, ■Watohful 7.7 Trfais 6 13 Smilax G. 7. ' '
HANDICAP SIXGIiES. J. T. Cossey 10, v. A. Hall 25; F C W<**cru 18, v. C. Hadfield 25; J. Bryant 16 t. B. D. Reid 15; D. Jenkins 13 T " E Coles 16; C. Hadfleld 24, v. E. Cole's 12 INTEa-OLDB MATCH. Avoodale (Schofleld, Sommervillc '•Pooler, ™rfe7)- 23 . Papatoetoe (ciark - Gaa ' e - ORDINARY DRAW Knlgtt, Kirk, WeUs-lS v. Porter. Farnswortli, Ifulr—o. Parnsnvorth. Kirk. Cossey-13, T . Wills, Cutforth, Chapman—l 7 SeoOeld. Wills, Timewell—2l v Kirk W«lls, Cntforth—3o. GL.TJB PAIES. A. Wyllie, J. Bradstreet—l2, v. F Wills, E. Colett— l2.
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Auckland Star, Volume XLVII, Issue 33, 8 February 1916, Page 9
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2,256OUTDOOR SPORTS. Auckland Star, Volume XLVII, Issue 33, 8 February 1916, Page 9
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