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. ■ — Dated at Auckland thts 9th day of November, 1915. • • . [This Prospectus has heen duly filed with, the Registrar of Companies at Auckland.] .' ABRIDGED PROSPECTUS The New Zealand Farmers' Fertiliser Co., Ltd. ,(To be incorporated under "The Companies Act,-1908.)_ „_ Nominal Capital - - - £500,000 Divided into 100,000 Shares of £5 each. For various rights, options and concessions, four thousand fully paid-up shares will be allotted to the Vendors by the Company. 36,000 shares are to be held in reserve for future issue, if and when the Directors think desirabß 60,000 Shares are now offered for subscription, payable as follows: —10/- on application, 5/- on allotment, and the balanoe in cajls'not exceeding 5/- per share, at intervals of not less than two months. It is not expected that more than £2/10/- per share will be called up. "~ If the Company docs not proceed to allotment, all application moneys ■will be repaid in full. The Directors reserve the right to refuse any application..' ■ ' ' : - .'.'', '■'•■■ '■'■ : ■ PROVISIONAL DIRECTORS: NATIONAL BENEFIT. ■ GENERAL. ALEXANDER ALEXANDER ROSS, Farmer, To Kauwhata (President C.Z.F.C., Auck- . A h JL s , m - aU h am nV nt . of V ttnd nndcr "P^ l4,l ™ l cultivation in New Zealand shows that Over 700 farmers in the Auckland Province have already signified their intention to .and Province). ' '' . *« $*&!DoSon depends upon production from the soil. In the past, *«* Company. JAMES BODDIE, Farmer, Te Kuitl (Mce-Prcsldeat N.Z.1 , .L., Auckland Province). nine-tenths of New Zealand's wealth has been derived.from that source. Tnls Prospectus should appeal to the farmers of the Dominion and from their Mint EDMUND SOMERVU.LE. Farmer, Okoroire. * The opportunity of purchasing artificial manures at a reduced cost, together with °£ T . lew J* ls a thoroughly sound proposition. New Zealand depending upon wealth GEORGE THOMAS BAYLY. Fanner. Dargavil.e and Auck.and. JT.ffifl&Sf ouf taoVomTnton C ° mPaDy t0 CStaUUSh dCP ° tS & ™& ROBERT DICIC Artificial Manure Expert, Cambridge, the soil. If scientifically applied, is what food is to the human body. No better invest-" Every F-rtiliser Company in the civilised world rarriP* „, ~n i m SAMUEL IRWIN (-ROOKES. Consulting Engineer, Auckland. ment exists for any farmer than money wisely Invested in artificial manures. It means ment has shown ?ar-e i™ofi°s civilised world, earned on under capable.manage. THOMAS-WILLIAM DEAKES, Business Manager, Auckland. increased wealth. " - :.,. Auditor: P. J. PAYNE, F.N.Z.A.A.. A.P.A. (X.Z.), Auckland. . - ; -nw-» « c demand for arHßcia! manures places the Company in a position to Bankers: BANK OF NEW ZEALAND. BUSINESS MANAGEMENT AND SALES ORGANISATION. taSSSg te2sS?Z££% . r- ,« - !f? ifPwr o^, r. i • V™ '"J ~1" " s ' lccess of tn « Company depends largely upon a thorough sales organisa- The proposed plant, embracing all the latest automatic devices and patents, •reduces Consulting Engineer: S. IRW IN CROOh.ES, M.1.E.E.. M. Amer. 1.8.E.. Palmerston tion. by which all their manufactured products can he placed successfully throughout manufacturing costs to a minimum, placing the Company in a position to competed Buildings, Auckland. the Dominion. Mr. Thomas William Deakes. who will act as Managing Director is well existing industries or any imported goods. wmiyeie wim Secretary: WM. B. KIRKWOOD, A.P.A. (N.Z.), Brunswick Buildings, Queen Street, Known to the leading merchants and business men throughout the Dominion as a sales' ™, , , . .-.. Auckland. manager and organiser, and there is every reason to believe that his proved business r>i»»^ c mlDlmum subscription has been fised at 20.000 £0 shares, upon which tn« ability will give us as successful results as in his previous position, where he increased Directors ma >' Proceed to allotment. I . „..„., nr TIIP rnM p. NV thC ralUe Ot U,C bUSineSS sevcn,old in a<™ ?™ s - . The Vendors, to show their confidence, ask no cash whatever, accepting payment I^' OBJECTS OF TUE COMPANY. . fnlly paid-up shares, and arc subscribing in cash a Director's qualification ■ ..»'»_- tlon T a hC co° p b v JC o C f COST 0F PLANT AXD BCILDINGB. subscribed for in the Memorandum of Association are all contributing The Company ls being formed .inter alia) :— Thei capital cost of plant, machinery, buildings, site, equipment of chemical labora- p o v t .*. ■ . ■ . ~ „■ .v;r?.fc 1. To Manufacture Artificial Manures, and to supply same to farmers and <ory ana offices, preliminary expenses, with a reasonable working capital is estinutMt to i Mcn . ot tne signatories to tne Memorandum of Association may, prior to allotment. :- others at a reasonable p/lee. total £140.000. With the latest plant (mainly automatic) the cost of' sunerDhosnhat" Increase tne number of shares subscribed for in the Memorandum. a! To X£™**M?t& ° f maDUr,?S - UDd ° tber manUrCS Vm " C rCdUCCd matCria " y - ■ „, No consideration of any kind has been given or promised, or will he given or W 6. jo manuiacture Acias lor commercial i urposes. mised by tne promoters t0 anj . person t0 lu duce him to become a Shareholder 6r ESTIMATED EXPENDITURE AND RECEIPTS. Director. so essential to production in the farming Industry, which produces nlnn-tenths of the >"."BJ, SLf" omee and works staff, depreciation, cost of raw materials for the manufacture ™ t ~ , , > wealth of this country, is demonstrated by thn large increased cost of manures. Two ?™ ,vS| , . manures and 2.000 tons of acid per annum, cost of bags, acid iU 2 c P re "minary and incidental to the formation and establishment'it; years ago superphosphate was being sold to the farmer of New Zealand at £3/8/6 per tSTI-T^i , "' . ! und ., rics - „ ' ■ the Company, and until the Company shall be entitled to commence business (exclusive ton. To-day the advertised price Is £5/S/- per ton. and difficulty experienced in obtain- n , '„„„,.£ ~ "?,i nn ™!r ter aI1, ? wln R (or considerable reduction in the price „„, vL crag ,?, Qz* "SH oa subscriptions procured) are estimated to amount to not ing supplies. A large number of districts In the Auckland Province lost the value of of manures - arc estimated at £200,000, pointing to a substantial profit. more £ 1.250, and will be borne by the Company. .";_ SS&vSSr — —'-"""" -MS—' F* ESTBACT6 rm w rissED m _ the or - ««aw«a- * ■-■■= -~,<» ■« % rorußß wioicnm TBB "J "*u»»«m«» brkj., octobot i iois. ; *^&BS&SX^%£tfS&^X£SSSffifiX ! E2SgiThe enormous scope for a scientific system is demonstrated In an article which tlvolv coins the New Zealand. Farmers' Union, after cxhans- General Meeting, and divided among them in such proportion'and in; fiuch appeared in the "New Zealand Herald," under the dnte of April 16th, 1015:- sioas arc safl°farto?v an 1 th»t P Com W?S. considers that the provi- SSJS.! Directors may determine, or in default of determination, equally. -A -The statistics furnished by responsible Government officials show tl.nt out of forty th° entire mnltafo mt? wJ?£ fh, ™ rS™ 6^" 1 K U i PP ° rt ,J S Co ™P any and BUbsc ribe Jf olution of the majority of the Directors to forego or postpone the receipt of thewhoKs , millions of acres occupied under all forms of tenure In this country, only 1.T29.504 are farmers of ™c and S^M^TC'p c '° S TV aDd c? & the ° na] a , n L pa h ".° ri f ° U n L^ m^u a "r>^ R "actors and their remnneration under what may be termed agricultural use. whilst 23,072.236 acres are either totally devote his time and serv'lceK ir, »S nt « roTm f ci ?i s e. cretar . T h f authorised to P <,stp ? I ° cd accordingly The Directors shall be entitled to; . unimproved or covered merely with native crass and tussock. The balance of the land services in helping in the flotation of the Company.' Ue Company thfeir.travelling expenses incurred on the Company's business. ' f.' in use, some fourteen million acres. Is in English grasses, over nine million of which , ' . ■;'. The Company will-manufacture every grade of superphosphate, basic sopor special have.b T e he n s gr . o and o flve th milll h On with REPOB T OF ROBERT DICK, S5 TEARS INTIMATELY CONNECTED WITH THE °' *«**' *" purposes, and will trade in all lines of country are used under the most primitive form of production. When the farmers of MANUFACTURE OF ARTIFICIAL "MANCRES. An Agreement has-hiwn nnH» h»»rin<- a=*« twxin, r.r nrf.i > 101- i,™!,. - ss2£««ss«s S jssssaissssH farmlDS ' n? o 'n DS rt a . D ' l , plan i'« U J lea : Tes llttlc to be deslred - ' ha °« al «> considered tie plus of f °n v Pply othor De( *ssary materials, and in an option from the New SCIENTIFIC AGRICULTURE. VSg%.®£s£Si increasing their production. The Agricultural Department will bo under the control of a ' "' J ' . t . ne consideration therefor, and.for their services as Promoters, to be the issuei by ; s first-class Agricultural Chemist, together with a staff of Expert Field Men. An expert ' not^^S 8 e ? c S o£ *?* Vend °rs of two thousand shares in the caoltal of the'Com-'' can be placed at the disposal of consuming Shareholder Farmers to visit their district nrpmT nr , _ ,„_,.. __-~ ' ' inSfirS int« ™x 7P $ «I> to five pounds each. Such consideration has been fully for , the purpose of examining and testing the soil, giving expert advice on the scientific KbPORT OF S. IRWIN CROOKES, M.1.E.E., M. AMER. I.E.E. SUiu iin i 7- j P ?>T I - b '' tne Executive of the Auckland Provincial Farmers'Unien, : production of any crop the farmer may desire to raise, and whero necessary, forwarding The establishment of a successful un-to-dat.> , m n nm i™i p.,mh j . ~' ™Jh° tJT ■ I . * endors - to show their confidence in -the Company, are not to the Laboratory samples of soil to be analysed, after which further Information will necessitates the fuiaiment of thw • condPtlont name??" " a ° d ( Acid SjJ: I» such Agreement the services of .the said Thomas W.!oeakes and V : bCSU «C.,A. thousand, of acres considered barren a few years ago are to,av proP ?a C c?iyf^»gSa 8 Sha^ d of these by "tffißC raTe % < &^^&%£*^.»*« ] ziz T „::: zl Japan, with a total area of land only 40 per cent, greater than the Dominion, con- Plant The Dlant rpmmn»nM i> »h« . i » ■ •-••■••■ku piouucis. >-. v oours. n,Tn C u S refh n a^n T lSd t*;S&S®3£s?BßS^wß^^ the J«»f ASdCU,tUrC - Ho,,and ' SaJS : - ThC ,mmCDSe ,nCrCaSC ,S dUe l ° wU The plant wil, give cheap and etneient grindmg, cheap mUlnc. excavating and storing ™ X™* required to,e^ four?S: U%®gW&s^*^"* tt " tm ,hC ,r<,mCnd ° US toCrCaßet ° g ? ood r rd , , r t' ! ,o^-for th wo?k l ?r S n r w^i^t^'i. l^' \™ b ° r ta ShareS ' to "U^ Mr. Hall. Rotbam.t*d S«tlon. P England :-"The increased production of crops Is £ thewwortsk t s ls ««8»«tly below £110.000. . Thfs Include" a™ buying? tSSSSttaS? mentio^ 6 ""»!*»?. excepting the 4,000 fully paid-up shares to the Vendors, as before MWJSC'S- »»« Government Agrlcu.tura, - SSSS^" 1 " 1 ,eDSInCS ' drnam °'' - d -tors), mixing piant, -dMffiJSSfe -ffitf > -de on the form accompanying this ■ Proses. asK'Sr" «c^a^sn o f n ,s Ejs?&, - syfei: rat,s s - «* ■-*- of - ehe aP - WM^^^aKjfffJβ^ ment of that supply Is bound to affect thn prosperity of the Northern Province" rlast nrodu«S at" tho^ UP w d wi t h an ! S? AI site and tie hest plint ensures first- innllld ??r L ; 0f i? arc . s allotted on any 'application is less than: the numWr Russia. Denmark. Holland. U.S.A.. and Argentine, in fact, every agricultural country 28?1015. CSt P 058 ' 1 " 6 P rlce —(Signed) S. IRWIN CROOKES? October tuturo ifahilitv o^?h^\2 f tt r>pHca«on money will be applied in reduction Of tic allottee's in the civilised world, shows a large increase In production from the use of artificial miure iiaouiiy on tne snares allotted. ■ •_ ■; ; * ««WOF THOMAS W. OEAKES. {^^^S^ MARKETS AND IMPORTS. ' ' The estimated amount of artificial manures consumed annuallyMn the Dominion worked In the future under a more intensive form of ™M??Hnn am r , w O V al,< L« to be Dated »th day of November, 1015 during 1014-15 amounted to £730,000, of which £480.110 worth was imported from over- opinion tiat no industry codld possibly commeSS owraHons under ?^,.w 6 - ALEX A RdSS ' ; SeaS For a period of . year. New Zealand imported superphosphate as under :-ini.ll< %2s&'ti?£'Jtfg< SSSZ * * 25.22S tons; lftll-12. 27.443 tons; 1312-13. 32.567 tons; 10ia-14. 52.064 tons: 11114-ir., *hlch means Increased demand for f«rtilisp" ? the I^n<. n » « m t S JM nto cultivation. , . E. SOMEM ILLE. . . Total, 173,021 ton, (The above dgures supplied by Government Statis! wWchew be mannhctored ?, *, " " >" ' with an area under cultivation eight times larger than that of New -P&i ?%£d\t ttotir? ,, ' WM $ THwSs f≥ ' V Zealand, imported during the same 5-ycarly period 130,854 tons of superphosphate, that «ons and future prospects, and 1 believe' thlt the SbilltiM of Jhe P rw?. t n Con<H " Witness to the above Signatures • THOMAS W. DEAKES. is. with eight times the area under cultivation the Imports are much less. This will enormous, and undoubtedly it will be Instrumental In ln?r»«*l)£ £ om Pan.vare .- KTmrronnr, readily be understood when It is remembered that there are 87 Fertiliser Companies in from the land.—(Signed) THOMAS W DP*S X lie ln "^? sln e the production WM - B - KIRKWOOD, Australia. " "f"" October .8, 1010. Public Accountant, Auckland ,' ; / for a M p a c n r?od tSSi'.J/ lni3 " l4 ' £ "-''- i,()0 - AVCrag ° FmjL ™*™*™* CA« BE OBTAINED AT COMPANY'S OFFICE, 41, BRUNSWICK BUSINGS ATOKIMKn ' ' i ' The above are interesting figures In view of the fact that the conditions for niami- ' / . CJ ""^ li, "'°> ALH-tk.uAr«u. . . • fa £f?, r,n f artiflc i al manures are more favourable in the Dominion, because it is nearer ■ ' '' ' .- certain deposits of raw material. . ■ . - Land occupied under all forms of agricultural tenure.. 10,000.000 acres . ' • Producing annually .. .. £40,000,000 . K0..-.-.- .:.....>..••«■ Average production, £1 per acre. 'This can and will be Improved enormously in the ' -.'..• ri the use of arUfldaJ maßures, " sbOWD by cxpcriencc and resu,ts THE NEW ZEALAND FARMERS' FERTILmFU rr\ ivunmvT* I (The above figures are from Government sources.) . ....', »*ujic«aiv V-Vf , * LtiMLLLdUm > ■ . : R (To be incorporated under "The Companies Act, 1908.") " • - 1 AN INTERESTING COMrARISON. . ■_ v . , M Prices ruling October 10, 1015:— V ... . . . ■ H Supcrphosphate, A NeW a .. ... .. ~. .. 5 5 0 per ton . ■ APPLICATION FOR SHARES. • / Mixed Manures, New Zealand II II '.'. '.'. '.'. 6 O 0 '.' " to S 0 0 „ „ ■■■ — Australia .. "to 600 !' '.' TO THE PROVISIONAL DIEECTOBS OF • ' • ■' of farmer thC " rtalnty THE NEW ZEALAND FARMERS' FERTILISER CO., LIMITED, . ' ■- f£-[ 41, 42, 43, BRUNSWICK BUILDINGS, QUEEN ST., AUCKLAND. . RAW MATERIALS. , • . ' ■ Satisfactory offers have been received for any quantity of raw materials, for the GENTLEMEN,—EncIosed Dlease'fmd the-mini nt t - ■■■:.'■-( . , manufacture of manures and acids, at a price which will enable the Company to meet umiumb, mhoku piease nna the sum of.£ W«B a denoeit ef lrt/ ~>. <a. , . all competition overseas and otherwise, and yet show such a margin of profit as will give named Company. I hereby request you to allot'me.tbat<nuiiiber of Shares urjon tL ♦J~ tIJ re °n application for Shares in. the *&<>«• c^rUr^o^^c^^^orrSan^^sXaT 6 «""'• *™ L * Memorandum and. Articles of Association of the Company; and I -£?SJ Z^l^ ° £ tbe C °™™ HoSiKlS*^ to pay the balance as provided by the said Prospectus, and I requegtyou to place mv na™l «?" or «>y enaUer number you may allot me.and I^ BENEFITS OF shareholders. *"": P ° f 16618 in "*<* ° f the Shares which maybe, i&m The Company offers to Shareholders the following benefits: —(a) Reductdonin cost ■ ■ -.".-. of manures, (b) Giving'Of expert agricaltnral advtce. (c) Payment of satisfactory l .Ordinary Signaturedividend out of profits, (d) Division of balance of profits as a rebate on purchases of . ( °*S™ture Jt>- . ._ ; ;. manures made by Shareholder. . ■ . " ,W! ""•••>.-.•. ......._. .-.•...., ,._,_, •.•»■•«* WORKS SITE. . . Fame. (iii fyZI) r .. .J • ' .."'.. -^ A definite option of an ideal site on the Main Trunk Line has been seenred wlti * T < -^r - *Tr:~**""'•"-' ......'••v' every facility fpr a Works of this description. This site possesses special natural advtEt- ' ' " -..'.» . . A *. us -* Be ' B «»'ft W Mr., Mrs., or MissY .■ '; ages which lend themselves to the cheapest method of handling and storing raw PTTTAST WRTTV ' AdOmm '.•'■ ■ -."•■'■ materials, all material required for manufacturing purposes being freighted at the WKIIE JLOOrat ......„„, ' : minimum charge from wharf into the Company's Works. ( <-.... *••••••'••»»••♦♦•.....,»... • '.•••'• DISTINCTLY. '■•■.'■■ :•• ■ ■ ..."•■ i .; ; ',' acid trade. . ' .'Deteriptionr^.-.,. ...,.,;,,.,,,,,,,, rtw ~..„.„,, w< •It te generally agreed that the industrial success of any conntry may be ganged by . . ■ . . " "••' ,, - , •"•••••••••• "•"•""V" the amount ot sulphuric acid used therein. In the Dominion it affects the Manure. Mining, Freezing, Diirying, Canning, Gas. Iron. Sugar, Preserving, Chemical and Boot • " • ■• • ■ i • Industries. At the present time there exists a large demand for all grades of commer- ' "'«»■«>-»— n-i a.. ,'. '„ . __„.„, tiiitif cial adds. The plant will permit the Company to manufacture erery grade of add ' ' ' ' ;i '•" '■ ' •■ »-. »-t f .-t* .-> » necessary In any Indnetry. No difficulty will be experienced when the Works are erected • ■. ' ■-.'■::■-'-.-■ in securing a laree and lncrative trade in liis branch. ■ . . llaieS. '" •»*»'''

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Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 281, 25 November 1915, Page 10

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Page 10 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 281, 25 November 1915, Page 10

Page 10 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 281, 25 November 1915, Page 10


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