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A. Stirring Romance of the British Navy.

! By PAUL TREKT. Author 0/ "Right Avcunst Uight," "A Cnmnurrnal Uontr Cristo," "The Vow" etc., etc.

CHAPTER IV. "my HailoJii stayed to luwh and ili'l his utmost to cheer hie father. H«" *j> ike hopefully of the future, eayin-.: tint Jw wouM not throw up the Navy whatever Ini-ppem-d, ami when he h-'.: (he hotel Mr. ItalUnt was in bettor «pirit«. ' And i>.>w fT Mr*. Cameron." <ivy wild !.. h.-nwrlf. a.s j'.v strolled, in the direction of h«T hove*. He would not -er .-t<-':i mtliout her mother's pertni*Mini of thai", he «a> d< , termined. Son'hi" was bejrinninjj to that lie hail ills une. for tfxre woiiKl ■!><• »■-> rhuice of marrying for years t.i <-orae It wai not possible t<) euTitenip'-.Ke his wife living on mono; ilia I ».ib n it, pi-.>i-i.h'd by hurt-elf. At itlio oiit-e; Ins task was jvndere-: tii-' difficult, for M-ella met him v j the liaTl- evhlrntJr she h«.l U--n wa.l ' rn£ for him >ml a* *.mii as th<: m-r ■' Mint liv.l {Tone die rai.M-d her Irps U I him. | ■' I want to see your mother." he ,-ai'i ■<if course you do But won't you ki« rar , ' she *anl happily. ■ I have « imetlung to tel! your mother. WJw-rr is •*«•:" ' Whale the matter? Oiiyc I itssi* , upon \ou Wi^sin , ~' mr," she said |icritiip torily." .Klnt a :nonit-nt <>f hesitation, i'ut th> triuptation «ai« t"i> preat, and h( i-lnH]x>l her rkMCry to linn, kissing Uei apiin and a^Tim • You quit* fr.-.-htencl :ne. .K-ar Now I will ;i,rti ;■• mother I .><m' ajong; H.'ie'.» in Uh- drawinsrooni " ■ Will y.ui lei mc alone!" ' lunt .iii you like; lint you are \ery formal Voull I'uml mc in the ltl)rar\ ' <ivy naitod jtuil »he had disappeareij and ilri-w .1 <:vrji brrath. ."*udd«nly ht threw liaek iiM shwiMcr* ami entero ! Mr« I amiTiin wnf'.ej pjauantlv »s she h.-!d ~ut her haad. ■My littJ.- hat. be<Ti tfHing mi •nd — ■ 1 hope N"u are he !>rotc in unpttuotifly, I married a *a.U.>r and never re jrretted it. The vnife of a naval ofThcer ha« trouble wJwrii do not fall upon OKMt »-crtncn, but theTe are compoiifalion?. I like you <i*iy: 1 believe you uili by pood to niv W«iUI." r-iip »nid euni estlv. "<;-\i kniiws: I'll try, Ivut " '■ S!ie"« n'.l 1 have But I xha'n't quite iose her There will N> t':ie lonj; wcfkn ynu arc a»ay. An-1 I shall have her "-ah mc. My Soy, you don't look very hippy" ' I a:n very miseralrie Yesterday, when 1 a*krj SteTla to be my wife, I irrapuir>d that I was in a }">s>liou to *lt;i;n>rt her." ' I tinmen t'Xrl your father was well off '• "Ni d-hl I. B:it irhen I saw htm l*sl nitlit br p»\e mc very Uu) n.-w*. Ife mu»l behvre mc. when I nay I fhouWln't h«v e upoken '.o Siella if t l: a J known ;t " " Tiien you Le»e n'"<tJiing int: your pay?" Votb-n; at eil. I hjve ivime to re Thst iM the hoTicaraMe eour*« (mc would ev;>f-.t you to take" ' Ihil we are f> th yonn-.- I Wieve I ahall jet on i;i th<« »mar " "if-, no wf. «. iv It* d.irr-iiT*' : rn<Mish f-T a ii:an a!=ne :.. live on h>* pay Of 1 eoi:M mUf StWla an aT/ow nr.e. l» you con , .) hardly export nic t-> kee;. yen ax -*-It " >lie »rv.!.e itflilv ami lita f.ireiVrfvajno j«*.!i niu* r |. I •h.-.i'l reilher Pipprt n r ;>ennit it," \o ■* th en rfTort. " Knrtunatrlr tlx-re'. ,?t tr.wh harm d'»ne. «he w*-Tii on. rompia vnt'■, ■■ \o one i. tiwere of rcmr eti-j ? .- :il rr,f You haven t known one an->t!nv very lonjr a::! vmill set m,v -{ ~t,k<<v re-itnHi IVMtii;* it u0.1.l !>«. a< ~,-il if ymi aH.ivi-i-,1 trie t.i rxpij n t> .-lea vhit ha* tiapprned " l"in vo,, .v.n ( ~:-). ~,. ~, „., ;,,-•- It wiitkl «.nl 4 K. T , ufiil. 1 »i]| takr m,!U ~n to U»!.n !., .lo .r,rr« a will hrty i.»'t<T«." liliv -*ent iSnwti » thirp f..r phdr 7 r».!<- him ii-nn- m ~r-<-. ), lt | ow . »«- »«rong»r 0 >n t.r.V. and he deeylel lUal mi orrJy h» r -it t.i te'i >lelli hirrwelf. •' I M s»ii\~ t ■ her." he n»M , „ a ] o w Mr Hal!ani C.-jy - h<. a m!ln Rtell-t I i« only a ohi'J >»ie nrr, f,>r you. ani nmt»M; j v ir.i i- »M, t o her t'» t .> rou Uut think of tie future Year, of weary waitinj. \'\f »/-f., , o ru.e«. anil they've all urtturoilr. RnnJro. | \-nii wi'l i v til |tui more rikrlv to jnt on in lie Navy if you're n-t tx.imd I jt.t\. AH ».Se yu w-1) be worrying I md \tiiir lieirt tie in ronr work ' Why'not v -o l.>-k to yrut -hip at once' \oxi ran write to her to-nncht. In the 1 morninc we phall leave Werpon and I thm •' While Mr* fa-Tiii-ron iri, Hpoakiiur the door had o;K-ned quirtlr, an! -Ntell-J face.l her motlier " ."ometiiiny toitl mc I to be 'lore. \VJ\v nhould (luv write t.i mc J from hde i-ft p. a ltd -why nhall I Ur ea. ' injr Weyport in the morning" - »he a*kr,| quietly. "Ix»ave us. Mr. H.illim I will o v plain." Mr«. Cameron .-ai!. sprwilinily. But Stella move.l quirkly and stood with her heelc to tie door.' j "What U the m-ntler. (Juy, deare*'. ?" Mr», Cameron completely her tern[>er. •Til fll you. Tie man', a pauper I've broken otT jour to hini." -he eaiJ. ! "Is thnt all , " Stella nnnwen*!, nith .1 "I t'i ,11-ht it win "nmothinc lealiy •-eriou-. You are very nillv to talk of brfakine off our en.'airment. Nona,!p.vs the _'irl lias Mimethinp to >jy in these matt«rv Run along, mother. (Juy .111.1 I arc foitij; to talk it over to .-.-Iher." "I'm to r-ay. I don't intend to pee your life mined by stupid f-enti ir.ent." "I'm afraid you mot her'« rizht." f.'uy lief.'an. and his voi.T was not quite steady. "I saw my father hist nisht. He's lost all his money. I sha'n't have anything except my pay." "Have you any debts?" Mrs. Cameron broke in, sharply. "Less than a hundred potindp." "Can you p.iy them!"

Not al oner, hut my creditors won't ' pr<v* mc. ' i "Wait till they hoar your father hae I lo»t hi* money. , ' I "Mother, vim are very mereenarv. Yon ! mak* mc ashaine.l of you. I nhall have n little monrv of my own when 1 am twenty one. He*ide*. ton —" i "I'm not (toiiig to keep any pauper son in law." ■ Clny felt the word* keenly, and his ( priili-' prrvaile 1 J "Votir mother ii. rL'ht. It would tte [criminal to in,1,1 you t.. your word." For the fir-t tiriic r-1«-Iln became afraid. She ran to hie m I.- .Hid held his hand-t tightly. 11 "Dearest, you won't let mc v'o . Since •jlast nijtli; l"vf t>een the happiest woman lin the world. 1 could not deep for the [; mcraery of your ki->*o-. and— -" "Stella, yon are nhamfW , ! ' ''or i mother cried. ,ui;rili . J "No. I \o\v liny. I intend to liniit ; for m> ha;i|iinr*«. 11 you drive him away i tliink I *hall hair you. I don't far*- if u<- are not married for yearn and years. It Hill 1..- j..v enou/h to know that he in to :..• mini' wuir day. Dear > one. 1 do love you -<, murh. an I I simply ian't let yon 50." she uound up. with • .1 Mill. •Think of him M well as your-elf. Ho murt foiuidrr hi., career. They all tell . mc he id a tnoi-t promising yoiinj oflieer. Without money you'll only be « dr.\ r - on . him." 1 "liny. I will even apree to your join [ Ihff tlie air service. Don't listen to mother. Cunio with mc now. I>t I* , ta'< alone." ••Von an- .i mrwt ungrateful pirl. I'm only thinking of your happinesw. Haw 1 rirr d.nicl yon atiythm:;? Sentiment 1* :UI very well, but there , * no com lort in lift- without money," protected Mrs Cimernii. "1 don't want comfort. I only want liu\." Stella »aid. tremulously. I "M(,.t |>eop!e would i-ay > our mother jia I daren't hold yon to your promise It i..< poi-*ible my fatlirr may Lh- made a bankrupt " "i>f roiir--'. t'iat nettles it." Mr- Cam 'eron said tnum]4»ntl,T. ".Vo« 1 think I*?l leave you, Mr ilallani; 1 trust '-o your tense of honour." And with quirt dignity (.lie «nlke! from the room. Mclla did nnt move at one«, but lookoi slra.iily at (ivy. Then she tit down on the Chenterfield. and he fould th.«t her eye< were tilled with tear*. In an instant he »n< l>y h<r Mile, but in s;iitr of ;no lonj J ins which pavesned him, he would not take her in !ii» arms. "My itarlin;!. I believe your mother iripht. lUjroill) n.U be f.iir to bold j 011 when I aiii id this position," he began, grntly. "1 dlll't «isli YOU to hdl-f mc." 1 );i<t want 10 knot that \on lofe mc. I am ! willing to wait. No one at all need | know t!;at «c ar.' enj;i<Jed—.not cve:i niottir:-.' , may pa-a and we may br im near.r t.. a.-.- Your youth v ill lie "a.-u•><!." "I don't Can't you understand Guy. I !.,, ,„„." "You make it very hard. I am tryinj 1 to do m\ duty. "Don't you think 1 | would like tn jump ut the chanre you ofT.-r mc? 1: I thought only of my eel I 1 tU .ill net h<^itate." lli. lint<Tf< <-.ire.-scil her hair end hi« touch lhril!i--.l hrr. With a eri of p.i»»ion !>hr tlirev. her arms roiin 1 nerk and itrained him to her t> «om "Oh, my dear. 1 can't It I .'on jo!" Now -he wan eryinjj piteoiwly, an 1 ?n vain he tried to comfort her. "I hold you to yoar word. Yon a>ke! mc to niarri Ton. Yon promwej to marri You talk of honour nnd ye. you Kfi-iii trilling to break my heart." "Willing!" he reTK-ateil. with a irroan. I uoiild give all I holj dear t<. rail you nil *i:e. i thought 1 loved the uprvii-e, btil 1 would gladly give it up f..r your -ak*-. Rut »hat else m there I could do" .i;i*t a y. .1- and I s.'i.itl l>r twentyone Witli ruy money -it isn't very ::i..,-ii »c ran manare a'l rijfht. I'll j • prnj thf \<<\r in learnni" all sort* of I linns*. 11l >:•• to a ,-.Aii,_- ,la.,s; Til' ■ • ta-.ij'it !.. -n.ik.> n:> o«n .lre».<ev" ! M;. poor tilUr plrl, you don't know «!<at |.;\erty mean*. l'<e known ehipmate* a:-o have inarr -J on their pay. 1:11 it 1:.»H been mmply torture. \Vit.'i rr-n*y a wilr 1 an follow,her hu*band'» • tup, hut without it t!:ey are nearly ll«Mavn apart I rouldn't condemn you I tn t!:ot kind of life." ' ! "Ilien you intend to ?ive rj? up. after j ali I've *ai>l' I. too. have my pride, but'j I've rni»he-i it 1 .ir.'t y,.u do t'le .«nmeV ' "It i-n'i pride. I'm only thinking of i i»N-t i-T y.-u. ,, "Tlien Id us "■ on until 1 am twenty! or.i- li you de-i I- th.-n thai «■ must ■ parl I won't roniplain. ,, --:-l!a. van tempt mc horribly." | ■1.0 bne'k to your ship now.' Think i it over, anil come, to mc tomorrow. Rut ! yon mu-,1 promise tlmt you will come I and tell mc. yourself. .Don't hesitate, dear. You n»r mc something, and th; ],-.,?-• you piu do v to promise mc this." Oily hesitated t 1 answer. Her eyee— alight eajrcnic»» —nere fixc-l on] him. Oiii%> ntori" rhe drew him to hor { ■ nif him tenderly. "I'romi-e iir\ dearest.'' she whispered. .Althoup'n lit" knew he hj weak, he consented. ile could not <-ast her out of hi.t lif,- ivitho.r. a list for thrir hoppini - . , *. Hut there was no hope in hi* heart, only an echinp pain. It only lie ha 1 sufficient money to pay his debte and give him a dean start! But everything was ajrainst him. "Uodd-byc," , ehe whispered. "I trust (ivy had reach,-,! the limit of h:s Mrrii::t}|. and, without another word. lia-iteneil away. As he closed the door a sob reachcvl his liu-onsriously he brushe<l past X'alda and reached the -trect. iTo Ix , continued daily)

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Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 225, 21 September 1915, Page 10

Word Count

GENTLEMEN OF THE SEA. Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 225, 21 September 1915, Page 10

GENTLEMEN OF THE SEA. Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 225, 21 September 1915, Page 10


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