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'Hie following is Mr D. < Bate* - weather forecast for 24 hours from 9 a.m. thia day:—" South easterly wind, moderate to Ktronij. There is a prospect of fair to cloudy weather. The nig'nt will probably be very cold Harometer little movement. ><a moderate." Tho evidence before (oinmisgion in the Avond&le petition to have the roa.i dietrict formed into a town board dis'.riot iva-s concluded yrittcrday afternoon, and to-day the Commissioners vriited the district 'on a tour o! inep'Jlion ac a preliminary to making their report to the Governor

Last night tho Makura wns advertised to Wvc at 10, an-.i just is tho clock* ui-rc striking ten the gteamT hejian tii rnovi out from the ivharf, whereupon ii well known ■■commercial," ' who ha.l been rha-tting calmly to n fri-n.l in the uniokinjrrooin, rushed ; hurrimllt to the- -.ide, and found, to hU . coii-ti-rmii,. ii. (hat the .■uil'w-.iv had Ihm'ii let itown anil the utenmer »as -lowly hearing him a*ay to Sydney! ,N it a moment was to he lost, t>o the j I'"liajman" "wimp hinurlf over, swarmed j ;il.r..i tie oi the icseel, ami rc*iiiij! i hm font on a porthole, which happened. to -.-■ oj.rn, and rearhins out as iar aj possible, mana.'f.l to L'rip lii.- ha;'.<l of I someone on th>- wharf, and made a I i-prinj: fur it. After a very clo-»i- i-all, I in- mi;ua_'-,l to fall full length on the !'. ii:irf. It n'B.i tou.-h a:id tJKit he d.l [not pull l>in rr.-cuer in the liarbour. A [.'anihi-r's claim resulted in a '-ai" , iromin/ before Mr. E. X Cuttrn. S.M., at the Magi.-.trate"« ( our: this m irnin; Tho plaintiff wm Edward Lonergan I.Mr Mowlem). and the defendant •-. Ho.--. Dofrniiant had an ;<<m. »"h:i-h [.ijintilf tried to v'lirry out. An it <i:<! nui [.rovej n iMj.-res.-, [JjintilT ordered tiiat reztaini piping khoitld he removed, wliieh nasi done. PlaintifT'a cluin *w for £3 3 :) for material and Inljour. Mr. fiittvn f3:,1 it HHr rather hard line- for the defendant. Still, tiic work had be<n llc - p "]- and O" the were not sho'»n to h<- , unreasonable, judfrmi-nt pn for ihei plaintiff for tii- - . claimed. Mr. I. H.i: 1 he would not ciuim co-t> ! for h;.s o»n atlcndanre. T; , P,.,,, tip, or the ne,-! I'luvrntiiy < .d.eje siU- was diii ; ■ u*ei at. l.i.«t niplitx meetiiis of the I,iy i ~i:,-o c,iin< -I. I and ai,,-e on Mr f. 1- I'eacj.xe ,nq iir- , wlielher the Coun-il lud any f.:rt.:e I :o confer null the M.niiter. -.-■ -.i:u' ihat the Ii ,n -I A llanan :,.. f ,ui:i.iut. ! j !i* co:: , , i not y< t i k:i A- ■ <lar I. , tie .";".:>■ i-i I >ai tn- '—n :l to] have fur'.afi i;i!\.rn.ui.oii re.-ai !;:ia 1 " Mount E icn iite. and in reply Mr I'd eo«k.- p iiiit.-d iJ-.1l thai at,II no orti ~iJ ; .:■ t :i- .i t -ji. hs ! Wn ioriii •oniing that , ::';■;;•'.;',;: T;Z" -~ J--:- , *,n ■:..! If '..v Mr He.l io7l>ally t> a j ,|,.., i .Miie.:, Mr f k\. !ev n übM-.-. •: i • ha. ••.,-. •A; ■, .■ . > i. M >~ .-n a '<■•• > ' tfi the [-'■::'■■ al:e."ia"'- lot to :iie CnviTi.rn.-! : a! up re i 1.,-; ,-: j f.irmi 1 11..' i:in .. t'ia! the .rim i;ul i ~f ' the Tra:r.ni2 ( "!!'£" Mr I!. \ !

,, hi! vvr .tt.-u ' i h.m ;v.;i:t,!)g d , tha; il the c.'.c ~- ■. i- remove I to th . suburbs mc lrr..n,ng - olle-g. .-• Hi n.i il lie ion ,;- p:.s-nt -.:•■ 11l , t,.,-' (',,..:. -;1 ueTei.t'.s ft.tec sltcrna: -•kite-. * , q-.ested - the D.-f, :. .- Lrpi.-tment t '... L'a 1 1.-.-, all pri c ; '.v Is- encamped a '"'lilt- \'.,:i'ile ra c- I. i-. the Avniidai j.Jo.key i ln'b having placed at the di* l ' posal of the an!' er lies the whole o '.ibo bjilimg, and "rounds. With th [approval of Major \ 0, Talbot. P.M.O the .-.ill :- will lie en',,:,"! An ins-pectioi of the site ' was made this aftornooi 1 ,liy Major Talbot and Major J. _. Ddigan . irieneral StalT Officer The training o , '.ho compain will be out un i.- ---' the etiperv L-ion of Major Duigan. an. 'Captain Neville Xew-omb will be r V.-har"e. No medical officer has vet bee: appointed, but the quarter-mo-tcr wil ! be Captain W. H. Feldon. Group Com inland.r. and Captain Sweetzer. late o Ith • Fifth Northiurtberland Fusiliers ha_ Icon as adjutant. Moi . who nrti _c_irtuis 0 f enlisting for tin I tunnelling company should hand in the! names/ to Captain G. J. Runt, at th. Ilici./.o Office, before Friday next. Ii lis expected that there will be a largi response to the call for volunteer, , within the next few days. ! Sine- the Public Works policy was in 1 augurated in IST'.), up to the !a«t Puhli. | Works Statement in 1014. 1,(15- miles o . railway have been opened in the Soutl , Island or on the average about .17: i miles per annum; while in the Nortl ' Island I—o.l miles have boon opened, ol 1 27J mites per annum, a, ngainst con ' struction in tho .South Island. In men tioning this item of Information, th. annual report of the Auckland RailwayLeague (adopted this iiftcrnooni in | stan.ed the ease of the North Auckland lino. A start was madio from Makurai in IflOl, and the line was c_tended a distance of 4!) miles, to the Otarnates) | River, in thirteen years -at the rate ol about three miles [icr annum. The "Poverty Bay Herald" says — "When N'.-w Zealand bulks largely iii the eyes of the amid because of the part that her sons are playing in the Empire's battles, it is well that, we should have , something to set before friends abroad la, to this Britain of the South. Miss Lysnar's new bonk. "New Zealand, the Dear Old Maoriland," which will doubtless receive a wide circulation, forms an excellent advertisement of the charms und resources of this Dominion. It is ' brightly and pleasantly compiled, is excellently printed, and c-titains many in- ! teresting and attractive illustrations. I The work is semi historical and largely descriptive. The opening chapter tolls I old legends of the arrival of the Maoris, and succeeding sections speak of the grand forests, the great kaur, trees, and the beauty that New Zealand can claim to be all it_< own. Maori traditions and ancient mythology (.ro dealt with; Maori .arving, war canoes, forts, customs, dances; anil then we got to the rare and extinct hirds of New Zealand. I the moa, kiwi, and tin." The book is j published by Messrs. Ch_niptaloup and I Edmiston, Auckland, and is sold at 3/6, ior posted free at 4 . j ""The health of the Maoris still remains very unsatisfactory," writes our ! Mungonui correspondent. "Dysentery | and mca—les have been very prevalent. I whilst tyhpoid is reported from the j Ilorekino district. It has been computed I that there have been over eighty cases jof typhoid, and fifteen deaths. ' The j staff of district nurses has had a very i trying and laborious, time. It is to be hoped that when the weather takes up ] the health of the natives will improve During the last three months the *_. ther has been very wet, and as Maoris are not in the habit of changing from wet clothes into dry on<_, the resuJt is heavy colds that lower, their vitality; and open the way for more serioorjl diseases." A poll for the election of candidates to fill two vacancies ou the Devonport Borough Council will bo held tomorrow. The poll was rendered ncccaajiry owing to the resignation of Mr. F. L Armitago who has .received a conunis—ion as a bac terioing—t with the reinforcements, and is about to leave for the front, and Mr. Thomas laimont. The candidates are as follow:—Messrs. 1). W. McLean, J. P. Wright, A. G. G&aaon, and W. S. Stone. (

At 12.30 last night the City Eire Brigade received a call to the premises of Mr Webber, land agent. High Street. City. Wh-n the brigade arrived it. was found that a case of sample 1 gum bad become alight through some unknown cause. Ti,,- lite was "soon extinguished, the damage 1,,-mg onnncd to th,- case and contents. The building is owned I.v \Mc-ers Gilbert Hrua. and is in-urol for i".nii in the \ictoria Ufii< o. \s n proof the urgent claims of the S'orth Auckland railway, the annua! re port of the Auckland Railways League mentioned that by the Mines statement fnr I'll.'!, it was shown that the exports of a peculiarly Northern product, kauri gum. amounted to the enormous sum of £1'1.7.-,:i..'i.i.'i. v.lnch is entirely the product of labour, and If this sum win reckoned to have produced 20 per cent itl taxation going into tho Consolidated R'-venue. it gave £o..iol.!)12. vet the N-rtii Auckland Mam Trunk lino was opened infer st miles out of Am kland and thdistrict also lacked made .-, n r !s. stiffic! ••nt bridges, access t... road metal, am! ua.l a sea of mud in th- winter, Oyster poaching I- to 1..- mad- a v.rv serious oflViioe. Mr. I "V. Uidini's. i'nil,-, tor of (;,.[, ..,.. HT Au klan 1. writes: "f am advised by the s-T.-Ury nf Marino that .is n ■- f., ;;,! that the failure t„ sei/c boats, :_, 1 1:1 poaching oysters, lias reaullc | ;:i nn increase of tl.3t "la's of offence, it has h-<■,, !- cole! to revert to the pra-!:,.• of « is-ats and v,-..-,-l. us,-J j;, i|!--gn'lv lak if.g i.Tjb-r,.. it ls deemed n-ght that no!;,-,- should b- given !>•!,,••' com meneing to sc/e t :e:n. nnl tiior, : re : : piactice of seizure « t-. !■•■ r- ,:'.-i to a- lr,.ni !-! November :. At. ] :i:u :■■ quested to let ti- Pre.. I.;; ,v ~' the m pa.-tment's •!<• i-.-n ..i th- matter. :-..- ---- tb, reason »|,y ,t :.i- be, mnc :.■ -■- ~;:ry to revert to ill- pri. t, n! -. ..: An ,mn-,e,| ah- .tarl .. to j, ma le a N.....::,,..i. (~. ~' ;;, i-t ' , r ',-* '.',"; V h.-on ~: to \lr W !..i glc.-l- !'.,;• Ll" ~-!... i. lice at 111... IRil l. ,•>., .' •- ,', employ a staff ,f ', : ..,-:, V, ~.. : - i---l irom the shores „! the M i'iu- '.') at Mil !.- I reck, ni a, ihe V ...c ;.; ira.-.. .ay t. i . ■..,,■ of tii» n- v da.". Tin I, ii- lived fm ';;i- ■ .a:!,..-;.-,., ot l.i----•0.T.t.-i -t :. :-'j w c 'G l.aiig'jii •- !. : - , arrie 1,, .t a gnat :-, my imp ,rla"i". No'son i ar:, -,:r ,u,|. ,„a:.'n.v - ■---. : :.r. 1 ..G -'-oik . .c r< 1,,-iai. ,-i| .',-.'.- a; N-ip-r (... ;»,-g -; ~ft.-., r |

;.,', -I ■,:■ ,!,.. ' M, in: F..!en i-chn .i l.ju ••:•■ :«•() 1■ - :.-.: ' , :n t.-.f vhool ~r ..ivi i ■ ■: ■? •'■.•.• m.-rr.T '_',J**cr;iic« in t!i- intr .-<-..;- f n,.r I > .:u,i ■■-" jion, and o;ir K.rnin '! .■ - en.Urea a-.: ' I taV. •; . a Fftcual a:i I :n-;.-ii iir< ■:•-:. rs :in the proji-ct. aud "j.-'i h 1.1 i=.. a-i.. 1 cI to br;n;j to thr- ech ~ 1 every Monday :o until tli- C.:.-:.r:n I. i: l ; -.- , on/. ttUn.i ihr totuiuittcc are .-uu.i:. :;? t, In , I'l.'i.i ■:.(■ balance. \\ .tii t .■ t > Tiilir cxj'lam t!f n'nj"»ct. !ho rh:i it'uriii aprr aiccx.blrd iq the it , I ?ronn;l durtnir the liinr.or adjouromont 1., ion Monday, anil the iiu:rman j>! to« nIKα ii cat ion Ik>.irl (Mr. (Jarlaiidi .it-In n ;rrfil a patriotic The headi, , ma.-t.< r, i-hairroan aiui •< , rrnar_\ o; the >i v'(,n! ( ...T.x.t:.-.-. al-o a<Jdr<VM,e i the ■r 'oliilJrrn. Urarty riioj-n* »r-re giver, fu-r d tie sol.iior*. an<i tho ■i ' by tlic sinking n! i!k- N.ii..> Ant:uni n 111 i-* ai-io tin , intention ol ilir r«mmtiII too to in fhr stliftil v liUiUuk *>1] i-|Of honour, and the ticaJniaatc- !..; if j plcauxl !i) receive an\ lalrvrmjUun rri, 'epoetins former jclialar* of t;.c r-hn,..! n w!:rt have r.:.->ii.oni(-J to x.'ni Empire's r ;en 11 r ] .Mr I. \V. Witherb.v. r.r Nap.or, «ho c ; returned by thr- Ma I :urn ve*terday 1 after :i visit to Brilsh Columbia, 8 informed a "St-ir" intcrvipwer 'jl'Mnada appeared to !>o »iirTcr:ns y<.hi.- effects of the roi-ent roal t.ititti boom, in addiiion to t!ii>-.e of the war. si«t.-r D-jn-.inion tikir:p an j J erreedingly lory.l part <>n the side ol ' l the Allies, and would undoubtedly do so * [to Ihe end Mr. Witherbv found taat ! the ft/Tairs of New ZoalanJ were watched by Canada, more esper; ally in regard to" lejrwlatiori. He '.>«! I i that the Agricultural Act df mi."> ua- ;- iriaily on our Advances t.> >vttlors ''jAct. There also sevmed to !*• a likolt- * ;hoo<l oi the introduction of a Civil iServirv Art. much un the line> of condiitioni in New Zealand. i On Saturday nijjht. at the residr TO- , » of Mr. W. Blomllekl, the Mayor r>l f jTakapuna.'who i- al-o prenkient-elect o! the Bowling Chili, tho niPTnbcrs of trie ickih presented a case of pipes. ,as a slijJit -'token of appreciation to innate A. K. -• i of the A.SC., who was ho:?.c tI on final leave, an.i expects' shortiy to ago to the front, ej Owing to the effects of thp rwent I 1 storm the Horticultural Society h.n s j been contpclled to ahandon tho iiafftx.l il a show and eonfennci- arranged for Wed " nesday evening. 1 Now ia the chance for the working * man to buy a U3/- surt for 42/- at Dick * son's bale of Mackay's bankrupt stotk. ' Queen and Kort Streets.—(Ad.) (ireat 3lauj;ht«'r of boots and shoes at ! i Pearson's Stores. Newton —i Ad. i j I Pearson'.-, new boot and shoe store. < i 2-JO. Queen .Street (two doora below , i Court'o Modi , ! Houir). <ireat bargalua I lin footwear.—(Ad.) i Men's rainproof coats reduced from I 67/B to 47/6. 4H/6 to 37,'fi. and 39/6 to 27Zβ, at J. S. Dickgon'a .-ale oi Mackay'j I bankrupt stock. — (Ad.) 1 Hevolution in Queen Street prices o! . footwear. Pearson's new branch now 1 open at No. 240. Queen Street Itwo lidoori below Court's Model Home. (Ad.) 1 I Men's suits reduced from 63/- to 42 ■. j and 40 oto .'s7'o at Dickson's sale of I Maekay'a bankrupt stock. Bought at . I 10/- in the £1 —iAu I I Clreat sweep out of boots and aho&s at . tlaughter prices.—Pearson's Boot Stort-s, ■ ! N'ewtoD. — (Ad.)

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Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 225, 21 September 1915, Page 4

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 225, 21 September 1915, Page 4

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 225, 21 September 1915, Page 4


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