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AN ANTI-RAFFLER'S PROPOSAL CASK FOR THE CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTORS. CiU n HES i-HOI'LD RAIsE £10.000. I AithMi-h tiie s.iliscr '.prs to ,'„,, ; n . j di-.T.ent that the Patriotic Carnival is I . , ~ .1 '■..:' :::. on o! our near, I'rc ■ *" ai.- com-.arat.vely few in iiiiin- I he: ' •' ■ «'ll doii.tlcss he numerous ]• • ■ ■ I! .■ '■.).' i. because oi stern -.i n.i '■' "in i.-tion. to part c : '■ programme of the promoters v . proposes to r.u.-e money by means ci : union.* anl other methods in v. .i *::,- elements of chance and specu- . i. tne-.' ;'.'"•:•:.' Mr. George E'.liot. the ,- ... 'Ml of t :•* An kland Provincial ' i >;:■.-■:.' .ml P.elief Association. t :•-v o'lt the , halleusc to help either, r-.v :::■ ■• living or the support of other p-.-rt-. and in response to this the Key. ■. Howard Elliott, of the Mount Eden ; P.i::-s: r4'.ir."h. yoier.lay bearded the c::m; i.-no ; the i in his den to put to : im in a personal sense ;- . * . :-. cot-s,' entioas obie tions to some -.•' i•• methods which have hoc,: emp',".c ; m patriotic carnivals. Mr. Elliott .: ! -■..:•' than tins. He a'reed that the r-- •:•-•' 'a : .i- ye: been unworthy of the ,:y. anl -ug-.t-te.; iv order to' sh- r th-*ir; -;.::-.;, at l.v with the v>.c"i"d chur'i-g er* shulil.l make th-m-seives respon-iole for n special r-ffort. which shouii! aim at the raising o; .i -iim of from il 10'WI to _1."..(W'.l n :i",'it re-on to art unions or raffles, j IK ORD GAMBLING YEAR. At the request of the -"-tar." the rev gentleman repeated the view- he placed before the chairman of the Patriot.. As sociaii'in. "I was roused by the earnest r.c- of Mr. Elliot's spec'-h. and yet stat'tlul by tne nature of the proposals."' h. i-iated. "It seemed to mc that .he ' w c" i .irnival was to be a hu*e .am- i Me. since the outbreak of the war the I r-.; res in t.. gum..line m New j /■ .'mi have climbed t.. a greater hei-':it t i>: a: ant in it- previous history, a:-, i the Dominion already ha- the uneiiv::'\c reputation of being one of the _-. u-'st gambling countrii- in the world. V t in the name of patriotism and bene- •, - ''en c. of our duty to our heroes, gambling "as to be further increased. \ Th- lei 'er- of the ehurihes in the city.' I told Mr. E'.liot. could only regard tiie rropn.-iU with the greatest concern. The . :::-nate ~;.--! winch Mr. Elliot and his c. .ldiutors '.mc in view merits the i.-irtc-st sympathy and support of all who realise the immensity of the sacri- !" -s made not only- by'tlw men who •'-•'~t. by the many others who will si.'tfer thr. i_i the incapacity or death of the soldier*, and every right-minded nun ~r unjiai will surely respond to the appeal for those in need. Hut it appeared from the Press report a= if the whol" ..f the voting for the i itri'-'tic queen was to be a gamble. This. Mr. ElllcT asVlllwi "mc. was not -o. and I i'd: that the carnival, to attain the c'-a-.-st success, required the r..- p. ration, not only of th..-c who ir.irbl*, but of those who are opposed to _irci,l,ng on principle. If the carnival ; rotramme can he framed on a high 'rvel. I have not the slightest doubt that t v e Christian leader- and' Christian -.-.-.pie of Auckland will not be the least fthusiastic snd energetic in securing an adequate fund." ANTI-GAMBLING DAY. "To prove that these opinions are widely held, one has ulllv to make in-c-.i'ies on the street, but I am mo.-t -tr.n-lv convinced that the promoters ~: ::.<- carnival will be serving their purr- ■ ii th.v «-il| make it possible for all i. participate. It should be rememliered t -p. the Auckland Ministers' Associa- :.-•: 1,..- appointed Sunday, the -tith. as a '~'. f ,r preaching special sermons on t c c. ils of gambling, and spin- pron uneement by the carnival promoters !>•-•■ -. that" day would be very valuable i.t!:."rwise. in -ieakiug of these evils, it -]_(.: he r.ece-sary t.. j«>int out that the carnival a a «t present constituted, will t-nd to greatly increase the .■at. hinT -pint nnd that in the name of the -acred cause of charity. There are those who spci.k of the carnival as dancing on the grave* of our friends.' 1 c\.. not share that view. While it is h "h!v desirable, and I think it is very ptolable. that much more money than has '„■.,.,, r ai-e,l l.v straight-out piving will he raised, there are those who are ivt able to five largely, but are able to h.ip in the directions alTorded by a c .-irnival." Asked ii" he would be prepared to suggest any .hiiiiite alternative effort s-,e ia'iv" for t:;.-e with conscientious r,'h,e t. 'ns to art unions, the reverend gentleman replied that he had suggested to \[„ r -|i,.,- dmt in- committee should iir.-.'roach the Ministers' Association ,v'il> ~ vc-v to securing their co-opera-tion 'in organising in the churches arcong-t tic*" v.ho were opposed to gambling, an.l ho was personally ot ophron that the churches might combine" in a big "(Tort to raise a definite sen- -iv n„00n to £15.000.

THE CHAIRMAN'S REPLY. "A PUBLIC MISAPPREHENSION." Vludin" to the representations made j toVirn bv" pastor of the Mount Eden, -~.,.;., i hurc'i Mr. Oorgc Elliot, the] r v , - ~, ,-,; i',e Patriotic As-so-iation. | t ~",,','- o';-erved that a great „,-'.„.' pe..p.e"vve r e lirmly convinced that! if '.\ev v/i'.-d for a carnival q'.K-en they j •so-i'.l be i.ivin- tickets in a raffle. "It j will he nothin- of the sort." said Mr Elliot. "The raffle tickets will be sol.l hv sections ..f the community working] for their own particular candidate, and t i„ moi.evs -'. raised will be used in 1v,',,,,-. votes tor the candidate. But a-iv -erson or company can buy a three- ,..-.:,,' ~,,,. or £S,OOO "worth f<*r a queen w,;'■'.', it. !..-ing in a raffle at all. Anyone 11".on -v ''h conscientious scruples can go ni , the carnival whole-heartedly. an I • ■ I not be associated in any degree, the art union. 1 do not see any r. ..-on for reconsidering our decision in rf'-i-H to art unions, because for the :■,■.!-. majority of people there is no sin i. t'.i-m ' There are many people witn c.iir -.'itious scruples, and 1 admire then: tor i>arlc_slv defending them, but il ' ,c whole united church could organise v . 11',,'t as Mr. Elliott suggests, to raise -„ thine like £15,000, it would be sen"i- ~ ''bilious example for the whole conur.-nitv. The r.-.oney could be raised by direct 'contributions! by bazaars, concerts, sacred and otherwise, and collect':o'.- alter sermons on the movement. Tue c ~!,■ .i hundred and one other ways by .vhidi the powerful influence of the Cliur.'.'i could be exercised in raising mon"-.''

THE QUEEN MAKERS. CARNIVAL COMMITTEES APPOINTED. On the strength of the assumption that everyone who is asked to assist in the forthcoming Auckland Queen Carnival in aid of our wounded nnd the dependents of those killed in Oallipoli will accept it as a call to duty, the recent public meetin;; held to consider preliminary arrangements in connection with the big effort to brin_ Auckland's patriotic funds up to , the level of other centres empowered the executive to nominate committees to j choose and further tbe causes of the supI -jested 20 group candidates for Carnival I Wueen. j The committee has accordingly met. nnd | La- nominated ladies ami gent lemon to act as committees, with power to add to their numl-er. Notices have been dispatched calling preliminary meetings of the provisional committees for Tuesday and Wednesday next nt the ( r mint I Rooms. Shortland Streel. The lisi will l*' still further auumented. The execu■live of the Carnival and the provisional i committees are u> follows:— Executive.—Mes,.rs. iieo. Klliot (chairman). Eliot K. Davis I vice-chairman l, (has Rhodes. H. P. K. Ander son. J. .1. Wal_late. M. M. Louisson .1 •' Burns. .1. Kingston. Provisional i ommittoes. — Victoria league and kindred bodies, the presidents of Plunket Society. Navy Relief Kund, l ivie I.eacue, Overseas diih. Base Hospital, fiirls- Realm Society. Remners Aid Society, (lifts Soldiers ( lub. Trained Nurse*,' Association. St. John Ambulance Association. Auckland Ladies' Patriotic League. Military.— Lieut. Colonel Patterson, I.ieut.-l olonel .I. P. Stevenson. I apt. Rust, Major Barngw anat li. Mr. 11. Stel, bill-.. Lieut.-I olonel Hazard. [ 'ml Service.—Me-srs. F. D. Holds worth. — Murison. 11. Hidings. — Mac! ■ intosh. H. Skeet. j Suburbs.—Messrs. M. MrUan, I. ! Howe. (I. Haildon. \\. R. Holmes. I. I I'ptoil. 11. Nicholson. .1. Mcl oil. 11. 11. , Morton. '•'. 11. Woods. Northern Shores.— Messrs. A. Picktor,!. W. Blomtield, (I. Krazer. — W. 11. Wilson. W. A. Ueddoe. W. H. Deny. 1 Combined Factories. — Messr*. P. Vir- | tue. — Hodgs Oll , \v. ,l a g._s. ('. B. Plum- ! nier. I-'iaiik Whittome. W. Stewart. A. j Bui t. jun. [ Combined Wholesalers. —Me-srs. — | Kwen, A. .1. A. li. Graham. W. F. Evans. .1. W. Wiseman. R. Partridge, A. P. Reid. — Ren-haw, \Y. W. War nock, — Taylor. 11. ('"oldie. Combined Retailers.—Messrs. .1. S. Milne. M. ( aughcy. (,'eo. Court, jun.. S. Coldieutt. 11. M. Smeeton. I". Huteliinson. .T. Sh.irland. J. R. Self, C. Chambers. i Commercial Traveller-.—Messrs. — ( o .per. A. 11. t'ooke. .1. C. Burns. W. . | Garrett. P. W. McLean. j Combined Picture Theatres.—Messrs. J. F. MeMnhon. P. Hayward. W. Madill. ,I l sports. — Mes*r-*. W. C. i somers. V". Lan.sford. ', '.'. < 'let-en. W. 11. I I Hemingway. .T. L. Bloomfield. M. Folev. IJ A. A. Martin. F. Ross, L. H. Norton. 1I R. ... Spinier. M. .1. Sheahan. and C. . | Hay. :| Professions and Commerce.—Messrs. . !H. P. Richmond. 11. Ruekleton. W. Pay lit. .| W. N. Leakham. Geor.e Warren. R. ¥.. I I Isaacs. D. H.iv. nnl Dr. Fairrlough. • . Trade and Labour I'nions. —Messrs. T. • Bloodworth. A. Ro_ser. T. Long, and K. ) Phelan. > l'nited F'riendlv societies.— Mowrs. I Blomtield .1. MeLeod. and R. T. Michael*, i Licensed \ictualicrs. — Messrs. W. ]-"n----.lean. I. Pagni. George Foster, and P. i Brodie. I j Tramways.— Messrs. Paul Richardson ! and Carter. Arrangements for the formation of commitlres in the goldficld.,. North , I Auckland. South Auckland, and Bay of . ! Plenty districts are to be left in the l j hands of the organiser.

l! CHILDREN WILL HELP. 1 i At a special meeting of the Auckland 3 ; Headmasters' Association. held last ''evening, it was decided to make active "preparations for Children'- Day dining 3 , Carnival Week. It is proposed that • 'Friday of Carnival Week be Children's ' ; Day. and that a concert organised l.v the combined schools of Auckland and suburbs be held on the Thursday nnd Friday evenings in the Town Hall. An executive committee consisting of p j yipssr-. C. R. Munro (representative of *| Patriotic Committee!, A. N. Bow-don. H. , CI. Cousins. F. .1. Ohlson. C. A. Scmas !deni. and W. P.. C. Walker was set up. '"i The Assistant Masters' Association and 1 the Women Teachers' Association will -each t.c asked to appoint four members p' to the committee, which will liegin its 0 i work at once. a] . I LOOKING AFTER THE BOYS. :■ I M CIIFTS FROM LADIES' I.EAOCE. j I The Ladies' Patriotic League has for- , | warded to-day. at the request of CapI tain Thomas, house manager to the I Auckland Hospital. the following I articles for tbe use of the returned wounded soldiers: —Red socks, handker- .,- ! chiefs, flannel vests, pyjamas, shirts, socks, scarves, cushions, cards, tobacco, c j shaving soap, slippers.

OTAHUHI PATRIOTIC CONCERT The second concert promoted by the Utahuhu Patriotic Committee was held in the Public Hall on Thursday evening. i and wa_ a great success. The hall was I tilled in every part, and a most enjoy[able evening was tpent. Mr. dim Ix.nerI jran and his merry hoys from Onehunga had charge of the stage, and lindouht- ! edly pleased the audience. Mr. LonerI gaii himself was in fine voice, and was j encored for his song. "Drake floes West." • The company with him ably assisted, j the Williams brothers being especially amusing in the farce entitled "Fun in a I Restaurant.'' Mr. K. Sutherland was a capable business manager. It is expected that a very substantial sum will be paid into the funds of the local Patriotic j Committee. A NATIONAL FUND. Mr C. P. Kkerrett, of Welington, who has been the prime mover in the attempt to nationalise the patriotic funds, or alternatively arrive nt a standard scheme, of administration in order to secure equal treatment for all soldiers, will visit Auckland on Monday, nnd will address a specially called meeting of the Anckland executive at 7.30. RACING CLUB'S DONATION. iP.y Telegraph.—Press Association) HAWERA, this day. Egmont Racing Club last night ik- : cided that the net profits for the season ; 1915-10 be devoted to the patriotic funds The club voted £50 to the Serbian Fund.

WAISTCOAT APPEAL. The following additional responses to j the Mayoress' appeal for sheepskin waist- | coats for the troops have been received: — ,' Auckland Brau.-li Victoria League, IU::. residents Wbakatnne County iper i . Materstouj, 17-; Aucklttuil teachers, per women's -ranch, l_.s uiiiiile up us r.,li«,.v*. Avoiuliiic :i«, Ueresfonl -str.ei ', I 1. llevouport .'.. K.len.laic 1. Kp-oui 2. kller-l, sile .". i.r.y l.yi.u il. tlrnfton I. Howl, k' «. Ml — Ha.tlu, .",. Ml. Ail.en :t. Ml. lt,.s ! k,ll .-iii.l HI, bin..n,l West :<, Miiugere I ' Naphr Street 4. Normal io, Nelson Streel I .1. Newt,.ll Knsl .".. Newton lla.-l 1. Net,.,J, West i. Northctc li.i. MmMiiiii-ui 2. r,.n-' ■-.iil.v 11, I'lirncll 4. ltlchuion.l It, no! il.! 1 Stanley Biij I, Te |'ap-,,, a v,; p.. i'„ke'. I--I.IJ l.lveri 1 l.cii.ii,'. l,.o; e..iiil,iii,',l .Us j | of I'urlrl. MalHtokl. Wh.i •-.-;,..,. | Neiivesvillf. lim: I'likekoho l.lveri 1 LeiiL-uc ,per Miss vVel.slcr.. li'm; Unweiic' IV,in, ns l'atrliHle l-'i.n.l .per Mi*> 11. A|. AabltuiM'larki. an; Wirl Knilllng liullil i .per Mi*. M n,.;i,. ."j. \i,s i; courl sen " I'liiie*' eieuln-:. Keuiuera lead, 1.".: I ■I. 11. .lie k*. „. ]j; Mi. A. ihirk. Ile.iiuei'ii. ' '.'; Mr* i:. 11. l.ainl., waistcoat after | Am.-.v R..3.1. 7: Mrs Kllleul. .1: Ml.- 1, . I'miip!,.'!!. .1; lUielniuitii I'resl.vterlau S.s. " .per Mis- r:..1.1... .1: collected by n soldier's ' ' mother. Kalwtik.i. ii. Mrs :;,■,.. Winstouc 1 Jill, . T-kapuim. <I: Mrs Ki.-ide.. IteniiliTii. 1 It; Weytiiouih 5.•!,..,.1 i ( .p r Hi*. Hewitt.. :1.1, Mrs I'nttln.. .;; Mrs K. i.,.,, :,„„,-. :;. Mr-j' S. A. Stride, .M'ni'.n.l* street. II: Miss ' Milne. Iteinuera. :l: 1" .1 IL.skill-. I >»rs:l- i ville. :i; II .1 , l.irke. :;. f. Ti* limine, ".. Mrs 1.. .1. riilleiii,. I'ariiell. .". \li** Win. | fre.i Iti 1,. >:. Stephen * A.euue, .",; Mrs, T Hunter. I Ir-enbltlie. .'t. Mrs A. IVnlkcr. ! I Il.iersl.e. .1. M:ss Walker. .1. Mr* K. Win !l *tclie. nriikii K..H.1. ... Mr* I> 11 Clark. , Mt K.len. :t : A Roper .".: Miss s. 1. run-1 1 nlnsham. l'..nsonl.v. .-.; Mr* Hudson ' -nnuytu.'ii.-. Sl-ier Marl.-,.. Mis* .1 A.I i MnWu-av, Mr- i' .) I'lckerln-. Mrs Wlivtr , 111,cup*,mi. Mrs Drake Miss H. S It t- ' iTe Arohn., .: MI. I! .Mi 111,,,,. ! nkn j pilll.l. cue each i Mr. .I liiumln,: ". nils: vits Kaintika l|>er Mr* .] Levlle. a.1.11l , ..turll.ll li. n. ii: Mr an.l Mr> ■„•,„ i*.-ster. Maim *- ■ml. 14. K-in-lii.l .pel .1 M Newt.-p. ->. Taiiic.iriiiiiii iper Mr- N While ■. 1".. La.l.,- ~f A-.liu .io mil Klrlklri 1111 l (p-r Mr- Walker.. .'7 I'a pn r.i:i ll<*:_l:in Sewing Mtnll.l ipei Mr* r Wilson,. .•:;. j.,|n, s I Kl-lier. I'ukeaiii i, ::, M:» M. X lliil W.n rere. ■_• Mrs X i in., r,.nl. nnewber... it, I M It . 1. Mis- Hail «. York Avenue. Epsom, I .".; 1' I'lveu*. it-.!,en*.mi Itoa.l. Mianere 11. I. Follieiliiiiiiiin. ill.ui.'.tv S're.'t. H; l-'.K.I II; Mi- I r . .1 .1.1.c .1. l' pei Mr- I M Catvtc. J». mule up „- f.'!l,,w- I ■ : i 11*..1 S It .1 I*. I'nrsley 1 Wi kllllill lire" I I Mi* an.l Mi— Ilurali-T 1. .1 X l" ,il..| .1 llall It. M Ileimer ami 1 Ileimer 1, M | A \Vi:_lu> an.l J. Wilklns 1. N M.X I. .1 , J [an r 2. A Wilklns mi,! \Y. .1 ilrltlln 1 I Mr.' Slictli. M. Mr> Jciiklii... C V ICI.M-11. I [ * M minus an.l M.A c 2. 11 N.l I kins 1: K.uv.ikuwa iper Mr- Klrkpctn, k. 7 iper Mr- M E King.. ■"•. Mr- j s' \ W11...11. Waln_nr... ::. Maiiiu.-,i nr.c . ~-c: Mi* Mer.-eri 11! cnlrll.n I ~..„,■ M .mil Alt.ert nlstrl.t. ~.-r Ma}.T.->. ;i iad.litl.n.l cn'rlhnilMi. DEVON PORT':- APPEAL. The follow ins.' contribution* ha\e been made to tl.o fund i.o» being .'.used l.v the Mayoress of Do-onpoit for the pur-, pose of' providing l-1-vonporfs .piota of I 200 waistcoats f.r the New Zealand j soldiers at lb.- front.— j Mater and M..y-> ■-•. IM :; I"' < - " I Whiter. _1 I . Mi- Mart:.., 1'•"'•"'!'•';" (11l Mr- K. n . Mr 1 11. »»' elav _ •■■ " Mi* Spur.-". _1 1 It'' l t.l 1 : Ml- ■"'■'•■ *-> '~: Mr John BucU.l.l'.n. 11 I I Mr- *■*« ••?""■ 7 Mr an.l Mr* S. li "" all*. •• ■ Ml> J | y' _.i.1.11.-. ill I . P .IT. 7 . \\ nil. .•.*:.. ,;„'., rial, iimit-li .i.lranr.- fee, I,' *''•'' season £ '. 1 !'■ >■ -midlles 1 '•'. 11l l*> • Mrs. nlnuche li-r.itiiiii.c. 1M I . Mr- • ■ " ' „., r ,| 7 M's I'ollllns ill 1 I Xlr l>1 " 1 Mr„ I V,st_er!,.-'1.:.:... N ■ Mr. Manl'ty. _• , ; Kit mil 111. i\ 1 ■ Mrs Ji ; y.e. T ; miss Joyce, 7 . Mc Hm-.t. .. A'- I'll : A.J ■ £1 - Tins amount will pro*, id. for OS wai-t coats, and a- the number required fn-m | Devonport is -00. it «ill be »«•*! tli«t I further contributions are r.-. 1 u"-<'' 1 * " ,- l Auckland (iarri«on Artillery Band. I.'- I kind permission of Lieut. I olonel lla/.a. . will render a first class proprnnune en Sunday next at It p.m. on I l.eltenh.iu. , Beach'in aid of the fund. I'll Miturday , afternoon next a series of football; matches have We,. arninf:e.l to take, place in the football ground, when a ' char".- will be mud.- for admission, mil | . the proceeds will al*o be devoted to this '■\ fund.

£50,000 REACHED. TOTAL OF THE MAYOR'S FIND. <s,-vornl considerable donations to the Mayor of Auckland's fund for the wounded were received yesterday and t-.-.i .v, nnd :,rinj* the t.uai to £".0.1111 * .1. Latest •ontributioiis arc as under: — _ s. rt. J A II Nnsh. Klligslatfl I" lMliter.- 11,...1. N/.l't.. W Ir.-vk mil uk'.rolr.' ... :*-"-• o " Morrlnsvllle Niii>-n« I>lv I-1 --. i. 2- .. .' M X Vn:es. W lsl.le. Mount _ Eden '.in,, St Ihithl.ert's Kindergarten . . 01" " Miss Wngh. -n. King George _ _ Ay enue. Kp->ui ■ J '' Half gross pro-eeds ...itertiiin ineiit nt HI- Majesty ~ on Sep teniher 11 .per A. ' «n: k i„, h. n «• '. Aucklnlld Women's N.ivy Relief 1uu.1... 00 0 o FRENCH RED CROSS FUND. £ s. d. Amount previously acknowledged ri H> n K. T. H. Mo-s. Hi - ; Mr. ami .or-. F. M. Hills. £1 •-'.': Sacred Heart Colleye, Ponse/nliy, .CJ _,': the Bouillon Faniilv. £7 7 : Aiev Wyllie. ill 1 ': Mrs 'a. 11. elver*. »-.>; A. He-**m«n. £1 1/; Archibald ("lark and Sum, __0: Convent s ; ,crcd Heart. Remuera. Il 1 : Rev. F. W. itn 1 Mr,.. Chatterton. l.t-.s lionie. C 2 - : '■■ I'- Ownian, (Hslmrne. _l 1 '-. .Mrs. I-'. P. Rur-res*.. Coromandel, £1 1/: I- IX Nathan and Co., Ltd., _100; Rendells. Ltd.. £Il 1/i total. ,C--o 10/. Subscriptions should I- sent to the treasurer of the fund, L. .7. I)u Finn. care of Fanners' Mill; Supply Company, Newmarket.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 223, 18 September 1915, Page 9

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NOT DODGING. Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 223, 18 September 1915, Page 9

NOT DODGING. Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 223, 18 September 1915, Page 9


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