I Smith & Cawgfrey IM. j Great «■* A ff% Now m Winter WAI if FuH | Clearance m * m Swing. I Every article**edi*ced to boraa-fide Clearance I Fair Prices., I Wfonderfal Value i<n MHltiterjrand Accessories. 1 I A large variety of FLOWERS—Reduced te 1/-. 1 WINGS, .in all colours—Reduced to-M. MATRONS' TRIMMED BONNETS, in black and colours, very becoming styles—Reduced to V11,7/VB/IVIO/6, -and 12/6. MATRONS' TOQUES, in black and black and white—Reduced to 7/11. .. ... .. LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR HATS, velvet rim, shot silk crown —Reduced to 1/-. lUNTR3MMED FELTS, all colours—Reduced to 1/-. 1 LITTLE BOYS' STRAW HATS—Reduced to 1/6. ~ | LADIES' AND MAIDS' UNTRIMMED FELT HATS—Reduced - 1 to 1/11. . _ ........J VELVET READY-TO-WEARS—Reduced to 1/11. I TRIMMED MILLINERY, wonderful value, on special tablesReduced to 3/11, 4/11, 7/11, and 9/1-1. LADIES' AND MAIDS' VELVET CAPS, with coloured tops— Reduced to 1/11. I UNTRIMMED STRAW SHAPES, several colours—Reduced to P 6d. < | TARTAN VELVET SAILORS, trimmed with black military |j braid—Reduced to 3/6. • I TWO-TONED FELT READY-TO-WEARS, trimmed-with corded . j I ribbon band—Reduced to 4/11. ! I CHILDREN'S FELT HATS, untrimmed—Reduced to 1/11. . • ■ I "L. I tol F Wholesale and Family M VfT\ \_M HlHtfH >■!■! I—■ 1111 l|| j KMaWaUMMMHHaHBHHBMMna^ M. & C.'s SALE i ■ ..,'y..: I A Few Lines that will appeal to the prudent Housewife i WHITE CALICO, fine, useful makes. 36 inches Wide. Usually 5/6, j 6/o. . ; NOW 3/11, 4/6 DOZEN. ......... LINEN-FINISH LOXGCLOTII, Good Wcarinjr. Usually 9/9. ■• ' " NOW 6,11 DOZEN*. '.....- FIXE CAMBRIC LOXGCLOTIL Usually 11/0. 12/0, 13/0. 16/9. XOW 8/11, 9/6, 9/11, 12/9 DOZEN. WHITE TWILL SHEETINGS, Wonderful Values. 54in., 10$ d.; "■'.• " XOW 7?4d. 72in., 1/2*; XOW lOftd. SOir.., 1/33; XOW I llTid. ' ' .", .; STRONG TURKISH ROLLER TOWELLING, 3id. yard. _.- HUCKABACK ROLLER TOWELLING, 3d. yard. SERVIETTES, 2/7, 3/1, 3/5, 4/6 half-dozen. FRILLED PILLOW-CASES, from 5Jd. each. TOILET COVETS, from 6?4d- each. "GOLDEN FLEECE" BLANKETS, All Wool. Single Bed, 17/11; H XOW 15/11. Three-quarter Bed, 22/0; NOW 19/11. '."" """J ; Double Bed, 29/G; XOW 25/11. .... .] DOUBLE-BED EXGLISH BLAXKETS. Usually 25/-; XOW 17/11. J _".' . V.. Ai Furnishings BEAUTIFUL LIXEX TABLE COVERS, in Blue, Green, and •':'::"" Brown Grounds. Half-price. 2 Yards—Usually 42/6; XOW : '....- j 21/3. 2* Yards—s2/6: XOW 26/3. 3 Yards—6s/-; XOW ' --■'•■.. "j 32/6. 3J Yards—7s/-; NOW 37/6. CASEMENT XETS, for Short Curtains. , - Usually 4*d. 6Jd- 7Jd„ SJiT., 9Jd. /. .._.-..■ .-:~t - " r "' j XOW 2?4d. 3fteL s&d. & CREAM TASSELLED MADRAS MUSLIN, 50in. Usually 2/6, 2/1 L XOW 1/9, 2*/3- • FRENCH SHADOW TISSUES, for Coverings, Sx. Usually 101.6, 17/6. NOW, "4/11, 8/1 J. CRETONNES, for Loose Covers, &c, Slin. wide. -~."* Usually 1/I}, 1/3, 1/6 1/6, 1/9, 1/U,**/* f XOW 7«d. f*»f Milne U Choyce's Sale Queen Street.
Page 11 Advertisements Column 5
Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 170, 19 July 1915, Page 11
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