A sudden chill may give you cold in the head, inflamed throat, or bronchitis. Remember! If you should take a chill, don't wait until you are laid up. but use "NAZOL" freely right away. Thousands know its value.— (Ad.) The beverage that benefits—Wolfe's Scnnap-s —a drink, a tonic, a. medicine.— (Ad.) MEDICAL. CHILD'S HEAD BROKE ouiiyp Irritating and Sore, Nearly Tore Her Head to Pieces. Hair Fell Out. Cuticura Healed. ■ 55 Campbell St.. Glebe, Anst—"My little girl's bead broke all out in a rash, which ■was very irritating and sore, and on account of the irritation she nearly tore her head to pieces. Through her constant scratching it broke out into tores and her hair fell oat and got very thin. "A Triend told mc how good the Cuticura Remedies were for skin and scalp troubles and the great benefit her husband gained by i hem She brought mc a tin of the Cuticura Ointment to use an my cfcfid's head, which we applied and washed her head with the Cuticura Soap. -when, all the sores were healed and the rash disappeared and now her head is as clean as can be.". 1 (Signed) Mrs. Lizzie Brown, May 28, 1914. I Sample Each Free by Post i With 32-p. Skin Book. Address postcard i R. Towns * Co.. Sydney, K. S. W. Sold throughout the world.
PERSONAL §1 DON'T WEAR A TRUSS. Wfy§& MR SMITH. SOLE CONTROLLER OF THE BROOKS' BUPJrmtjf'i TURE APPLIANCE CO.. XZ. Immediate Relief. Absolute ( VRE. Address: 11, Manners Street, Wellington., or 24, BPtK B Laurence Street, ATellington. v\ ntc for Booklet. HOUSE FtTRirrSHIKGS. AT PRESENT we are selling LINOLEUMS at OLD PRICES, but it cannot last long i i | Andrews k Clark, I Furnishing Specialists, ■ Queen Street | " \ i BOOT POLISH. i ' "~" I —Waterproof your boots for 6d.— l?,Zl^ c ? eV! i l iquid Preparation that ails the pores of leather, making it absolutely waterproof After using Roxic your boots polish much better than before, the -le.imer is preserved and your Footwear lasts much longer. If h eve'rv^eL fIC ,,^ IDe ?, an '' sa '' s: - This preparation increases the tensile strength 1™ iti while not removing the natural moisture of the leather, decidelly waterproof, the boot, and a pair of soles so treated lasts TWO MONTHS LONGER. All good Bootmakers and Storekeeper; sell Roxic at 1 - bottle -enough for two cr three p;:ir> of b00'..-, or .-'noes. If Roxic is not stocked by your Storekeeper or Bootmaker _ • " send their name and 1- in stamp, to Kon.c. Box 353. Iff ftfl IT Auckland, and we will send you a bottle post free. fi\ Vlll V
Page 8 Advertisements Column 1
Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 170, 19 July 1915, Page 8
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