iTe. tbe Edttor.i Sir. — The leader in the "N.Z. Herald of the loth int-t. is a further evirieni that its whilom blindness to the sbor comings of the present Government not total, or wholly incurable; its in prejudiced readers therefore have >om thing to be thankful for. Whatevi shade of political opinion a man < woman may be. everyone with a ?par of patriotism and humanity realisi that political partisanship must er when the question ol life or death in the balance. Every honest elect' reading the article will agree with ar endorse every word of it- Our >lay< speaks for Auckland, and all sane cit zens be-arti!y approve his propo s als'. A: they to be flouted by red tape convc tioiis? There is a most important facti I afTccting New Zealand affairs in th 1 crisis, in the world's affairs, and par! | cularly our Empire's—that is. tbe pr I noune'ed dearth of proven capable mt jin the Dominion's Parliament. Withoi I these men Mr Aiassey is almost aski to make bricks without clay, should 1 I >eek to do so among his followers. II coalition proposals could not have be genuine: if so. then those who eonune upon his political density have full vvt I rant. Repining is of little avail oth than a- a postulate; yet when the mar myself with them, repine that the la | 11. -I. Se-ddon i- not with us at tl I juncture, they express a truth, and so doing pay a high tribute to 1 memory of the greatest of all leaders men Australasia has known. Mr. Mass by the fortuitous chances of politi , warfare \* Premier, and pending anotl . election bringing about his deposit: , from that ollico. as loyal citizens , must, without stint, help hip] to ci i Mimmatc the deeds necessary to ena New Zealand to retain it-' reputat; c for practical patriotism, when the r .- pirc's bistoTy is handed down to I i next generation.— l am, etc., ' C E. iIAJOR
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 170, 19 July 1915, Page 8
Word Count
Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 170, 19 July 1915, Page 8
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