Tin- -ui.ieii ...lla:~e ni the apparently >v. --.vlie'inini; vi.-tiiriiiUs westward march .. the H i.-- ,ni armies into I'rus.-ii and i - i.— tie . .irimthiai-.e into Hungary and t., -pu-ip -.-v:-.'- -vhi.ii they suffered -■■ ft ■ frii ..:' th'- tide at Przemysl. '.'•-• .iin ■!,. uttr.biitable t.. the recent ■ -i-)- .ii ti. i- iaf. n-. 1,. t«.-en hina and •' nin. lie iirdinj t<> inf 'rmation which las reaeii.-.| d-.ploinatu- . n-i»- at YVashi.igton. I' vA -\r,-,,rj.n_- to i! .--.■ a nunie. in the .•_'.nn.i._ .:' the »ar V! it-.-;a turn--.] to ■ lapan : •: .i Mipt'iv •■:' -a - materials. v.i.intit' ■■:" tmmiinitinn an! -u-.a'l a :n* nn-i even .-anion after the Mn-rcssful -.•?■■ ■■:* Kia.'-i'hau when tV-re -~ ~,. „o longer need for maintain n; the U:j:» a run moini.«ed for that purpose. > n all j the Japanese reserve ammunition vvhicii could safely be -..area was loaded en to 'fnight nnd express curs and even passen\rrr c. aches ~n the Mberian railroad and .ii-pati hed ..-.erlind t ■ Russia. In ad liItion. the lapanesc arm- factor.c* and I ri.ti' rapidly zva: contracts for the jsnpply of all sorts oi militan equipment |to Russia, varying from field _q~iin=- to I uniforms and saddles-. ! When the in-gotiations between I hina and Japan regarding Manchuria ami Mongolia and Kiao-Chan suddenh assumed a critical phase, it is said thai the .lapanese Uovernme-nt regarded it as I prudent to retain in Japan these mill |tcrv supplies a> a precautionary measun jin case the Chinese siioiild actually gu U war. and also because of the possibility tbat some of the powerful nations vvhk-1 guaranteed Chinese integrity, even Russii being kept in mind, anight endeavour t< intervene. The effect of the conservation •■ Japanese resources was almost In. t.intl; manifested at the fur distant Ku.-ui front, for it developed that the Russian had exhausted all their own reserv stock of ammunition and. with thei limited manufacturing facilities, wer dependent upon -lapan for the gTeate part of the powder, shot and she, meded by the army. In that emergency appeals wore mud to Japan to loosen the embargo, an p-e=sure was brought to bear on tha iiiintrv through her allies, to that it i understood now that the current c Lupplv has again been established, Japa. (having hecome satisfied that there wa : Ino longer imminent danger -of troubl ■ i»ith China.
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Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 170, 19 July 1915, Page 8
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Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 170, 19 July 1915, Page 8
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