K"mni the diplomatic pio: - and cum --r-rlots which have placed Ita y in th. rt.ost precarious position of it- :.-- r - . . a sTrugrie Iras Oe-n in projire-s v : : i: was not cbronide-i in tue nation's r-~- boot. According: to Mis- Alice X . -■ -i'.ir.g from Rome to San Frana ■ -:i and a woirtan. "Th< inai,." she f »■ - •■«,!.. (iiolotti. ftinuer Prime M ti-tci. who ;i- the 'thirteenth' hour r ."•_-■• '. lla'v into a singing sea of neut-.. .-;: . a i-oup d'etat culminating his w,--.. r -line long months. The woman v,..- : . other -nan l>ueen Helena hers...'--. ■ ~.. ic.ieen of Italy, the Princess c: M-.ii-.cnejro—who ha- b'-cn u-mg all o- iier iutiuenee • ver the Ring to otoiater.it: tiie machinations oi Giolotti. ::..- r-uirali-i. Al! the world knows thi: to t:iP King ••:' Italy the deare-t . -,-._, ;,, ; i)i -he iv irld i= tin- beautiful M ii-.eiit-grin Princes-, the daughter ot Th- indomitable King Nicholas. All the -a r''l dot.- -■•• know that thi- same qti-eti and princess of Montenegro hair i:v th. !ir-i hon oi the nation's in-i'-i-i'tn i'-nged and prayed ior the mt.rr.t-r.-. when Italy w-uil.l nun the i(.r _. ~f •.,,. Aliie-". \Vh.le diplomats v.- .• jniM:,g for the fall or the reiorm;ag nj :'-■• t alon.-t. according to their <j. ~-... •'•„■ i,i.i- .-:■ sounded her one di-uwnii: l"i in- love of-humanity, ot t-i.. Painj. "-f national ju-li.-e. 1--1 ItJiy em-r --.-• "in again-t trernian;..' Ita v-er'.-.nn-e into the war mean- the triumph o' a woman.- love, ba-cd not upon si :.-.: intertst-. but upon devotion to h mam;;."
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Bibliographic details
Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 170, 19 July 1915, Page 8
Word Count
Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 170, 19 July 1915, Page 8
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