SCIENTIFIC MEN FRAIgjE MALT, •■Malt." they say, "i- not only nutritious, hut materially assists digestion," WILSON'S MALT EXTRACT, being the concentrated essence of the finest malt, assists assimilation of food, adds Uesh. gives vim and vigour. Prepared with or without cod liver oil. Chemists, stores. Wholesale agents: Andrew SI. Paterson, Commerce Street;
TAH.SRS. IK'S ~ THE TALK OF THE - TOWN! Hugh Wright Ltd.s great winter men's bain coats, Usual Price, 49/6 to 59/6. SALE PRICE, 39/6 NEN'S WARN TWEED OVERCOATS, Usual Price, 59/6 t069/6. SALE PRlte, 39/6 to 49/6 Limited. Where Business is Buzzing, QUEEN ST. SYMONDS ST. OPTICIANS. Why <^kf*v : not ifr\ have |TKs ; tne • The essentials for the .-"success-of --youF glasses are:— * I. Accurate Sisht Testing. 2. Best Lcosm 3. Accurate and Comfortable -Fitting. These points receive oar^ermaaslscaxß- toemetf pair of giaasoa wo turn oni. We ire oualified by the. BS£h*st Xondoa Examination. Otrr diplomas, ba olre4 cp by Co3Bi*te3Vt SBCOSia *f onr work- axe a. guarantee or the-Eouxidnofis of our akUl and aaotboda. BALFOUR M. IRVINE. F.B.K.C, PrlaetMa* by Exam,, London* I IM.O. Englanii. i Specialist in Sight Testing, 18 KARAWGAHAPE ROAD i : MEDICAID L . j B.*M3MtoMMiMi««a^ ' lililiff up i alter typliold i] THE EWIBEMQE s J Clavgnte. Riibert Si rent, EnoV, Townsville, Queensland. ]S/7 7 'l!Ui- - j " After a serious attack oz I I typhoid fever, 1 was a com--1 | • plcte invalid, not having strength to walk, and suffered great pain after parJI taking of tike .- smallest; ■» '*_ y i amount of food. After the t ' first bottle of SCOTT'S I felt decidedly better, and- — now feel a new woman. I_ _ am better than be'fore'niyillness and owe my health to yonr wonderful 'SCOTT'S'" : EircLSios'." (Mrs.) E. F. STOVOLD. SCOTT'S Emulsion never fads to build up weakly men, vaaKi and children. It strengthens the lungs, enriches .the. Hood,the nerves and drives out weakness and *J|» depression. You get the finest cod #p^k#V J liver oil in the world § and the advantages %\ M of the perfect SCOTT I/<4j|fc process — when you /j^llf 2 * insist on genuine Emulsion IMITATED BUT HETZER EQUAEGaU^j 9vm*WTwmm&mvmmmmW „_^/ ..-^_^aamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal
Page 7 Advertisements Column 4
Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 170, 19 July 1915, Page 7
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