"It is with some regret." says the ■'Samoa Times." "that we announce the \ departure from Samoa by this week's Tofua of Messrs. W. M. Matheson and "\V. J. Sim. who arc leaving the Civil Ser j vice to volunteer in New Zealand fot active service. Both gentlemen arrivec in Samoa with tlie First Expeditionary Force, with which they sr-rved as non . commissioned officers." ar.d they wen . among the first to be called to assist , in the Civil Administration during thf -. occupation. That was in September last > Subsequently Mr. Sim became Commis • sioner of Polio.' and Crown Prosecutor t anil Mr. Matheson Chinese Commis " I sioner. and th" manner in which they hnv, carried out their duties during their tci ! months of office lias, we have no hesita , I tion in saving, wot, the respect of al classes of the business nnd other por tioiis of the community witli whom the; have been brought into touch." It i- understood that the Kingdom o t IToiil'.'i will soon be in wireless communi ration with li "' "Utside world (says tin J-Western I'ai'ilic Herald" of dune I(i) ' Concrete foundations are now being mad' nt \ nikele. some eight miles from Nukua '" loin if"' the necessary plant, and it i anticipated that the wireless ercctinj ° c staff will -non be on the spot. f ! When feeling miserable through cough or cold, you'll find prompt an j pleasing benefit by taking Baxter's Lun Preserver. It cured coughs and cold? " and invigorates ike systi«a.—(Ad.) I.' All road- lend to Penrson's Boot_Stor< i corner Upper Queen Street and Karai ■r trahape Road, Newton. Greatest 800 Sale in the Dominion.—(A&fc
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Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 170, 19 July 1915, Page 7
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Page 7 Advertisements Column 1
Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 170, 19 July 1915, Page 7
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