HOPE TO MAKE PEACE WHEN TOWN IS CAPTURED. RUSSIAN RETREAT IN CENTRAL POLAND. HEAVIER GUNS MAY CHANGE COMPLEXION OF CAMPAIGN. (Received 11.30 a.m.) PETROGRAD, July IS. The Germans are pressing hastily into the new positions, and have occupied both banks of the watercourses north-east of Warsaw. They seek to invest all the strongholds around Warsaw, hoping that when the city is captured Russia will sue for peace. But Russia will undoubtedly light steadily, and will fall back to the Volga if necessary, inflicting meanwhile colossal losses on the invader. A large consignment of big guns, which is expected late in the summer, may put a different complexion on tin- campaign and will doubtless enable Russia to pour immense forces upon Southern and Central Europe. It is officially stated that the enemy on the right bank of the Windawa and the Wcnta. in the Baltic littoral, is advancing in the direction of Tukkura Aituz. We forced back the enemy's infantry eastward of Popeliany. Fierce fighting continued over a wide front on the right bank of the Orjiza. On Friday three German regiments, capturing the village of Podosia, gained the left bank of the Orjiza and took three Russian guns, but in a furious counterattack the German forces wctc annihilated with the bayonet, the guns retaken, and the enemy expelled from Podosia. Siberian and Turkestan troops fought there an enemy double their strength, and showed admirable valour aud persevcrence. We fell back in the Mlava district, north-west Poland, to Ciecbauow, tho enemy having doubled his reserve. A C ossack brigade north-west of Radom captured 2SO Austrians and 2 machine guns. The enemy between tlie Vistula and the Bug assumed a general offensive, and after stubborn fighting made slight progress on the left bank of the YVieprz. The enemy several times forced our barbed-wire defences eastward of the village of Grabovitz, but was repulsed with rifle, and bayonet. Partial enemy attacks on Krylov and Sokal were repulsed, and we took prisonor several hundreds.
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Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 170, 19 July 1915, Page 5
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Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 170, 19 July 1915, Page 5
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