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PROPERTIES FOB SALE. MOUNT EDEN. -JT-&W X TVOOCMS. Hot and Cold Water Throughout. Porcelain Bath and Hand Basin. Pretty Papers and Friezes. EVERY MODERN APPOINTMENT. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION GIVEN. REAL GOOD VOLCANIC SECTION. LEVEL. CLOSE TO SCHOOL AND TRAMS. PRICE, -CAT?) BA6Y TERMS. GEO. HATCHER, - EDEN TERRACE. 0 Q 1 AH CAiSH, balance £490—3 Rooms. cvlW kitchenette, porcelsiu bath, hot water, tiled hearths, section 30 x 132 ft: bandy ear.—Write View. 40S, Stir Office. 31 HBR.VE HAY—'MODERN HOUSE. (> large, lofty rooms, all beautifully decorated, bathroom, scullery, waslihotise. ho' water service, tiled grates; built heart of kauri: go-id. high allotment. 70 x 112. ntcely lald out, Price, £1130: terms.—ll. D. Abbott and Co., Exchange Lane, Queen St. C tF2OSi PA'RNELL— Mod-rn Residence, 7 rooms and every cony., baibrnom. bo: water service, scullery, pantry', all in perfect order; allotment, one acre, orchard, garden, etc. Price, £lSOt>; very easy terms. —H. D. Abbott and Co., Exchange Lane, '}ueen St. (F'JOOj C £• Off":— Good House of 4 rooms and 3»Ovlt) convs. for Sal-: terminus; a bargain: section GO x 225.— F. Tozer. Doininion ltd. 33S ANUREWA. close to station—SA Acritt in rough grass: Land Transfer Title. Price, £Ro0; terms.—H. 1). Abbott and Co.. Exchange Lane. Auckland. iGoS) C AIRY FARM—A Going Concern —120 Acres, fully improved; would mills 35 cows, all ploug-h.Tblc. factory at gate: house. S-bail cowshed, stable, tnipshed. Price as going concern. £2,s per acre; terms. 11. D. Abbott. Exchange Lane. Queen St. C (C 1331 IJ EMU ERA—Modern House. 4 r.Kmis. scul- * lory, bathroom, hot water service. patent, wardrobe and linen press, picture rails, from and d.H'k verandah, tiled grates; allotment. 44 x 196. Price only £550; easy terms. —11. D. Abbot; aud Co.. Exchange Lane. Queen St. (FlSfu C (• ~(\ CAsTl~ha!.ii.:-e. £100, easy pay»d« ments — EDENDALE — SmiE sroomed Cottage and conveniences; level section, 50 x 132; stands high, close to school, etc. J. U. MILLAR, 5, Phoenix Chambers, Opp. New P.O. t: .(.•-J A CASH. Balance £15, at 5 per cent, °>"Aye— 5 Choice Sections, Level, Volcanic Soil. 50 x 131. handy school, etc. Secure one of these. Sure to rise in value. J. H. MILLAR, 5, Phoenix Chambers, Opposite Station. (_• rZ(\ CASH —REM CERA. srnius~ train om/OXJ and cars—Good House, 5 rooms, scullery, bathroom, h. and c. water; p.w.c.; sewer drainage; vegetable garden, fowl run. etc.; lei.'! section. 45 x 181. Balance '£djs, as rent. — Apply. sharp. G. F. MEI.LARS AND CO, 00. Qnecu St. Govt. Insurance Bldgs. C -\TICTORIA~ PARK, Devonport.—i-Acre » Sections, level, high, beautiful views Harbour and country; water, gas, siffcr drainage. fllS, easy terms.—A. Duder, oa ground. Take Bay-water Ferry <-' «J[>'. I'ROPKRTIE-S, 5 to 7 rooms, -.--• ~ed to Purchase, for .-ash and on ea>- ..tii,... Send particulars of yours. It ilia}- be tiit one '«.iiitcd." No sale uo commission. G. F MEI.LARS AND CO.. OP, yurcn Slice!. Govt. Ins. Bldgs. C (•— l\ DEPOSIT—Up-to-date House, (S 3~O\J rooms. Jum otr Dominion ltd.: seetlou 5i \ l5o;t. well laid out; balance, only £.Vx>, any terms: compulsory sale. - I BUTLTR BROS.. It. City Chambers 225) A 4?~ DEPOSIT- Half acre Sections; price. I cntO £S3 to £100 each, balance to suit; 3min station, best suburban trains.—Great • Northern Agency. 5. H.M. Arcade. A jPQAA CASH -Going CVmcern —60 Acres I cvOUU ri.-h volcanic land, in good order; o rooms and siieds. Price. £1800.—Great . Northern Agency. 5. H.M. Arcade. A OK ACRES FOOT PUKEKOHE HILL, I *-" With | UP-TO-DATE IIOUSF. AND ALL NECESSARY OUTBUILDINGS. I 5 ACRES OF POTATOES AND ONION'S. For further particulars. E. HARRIS. A Pukekohe. jy£ O U X T £ D E N. COSY HOME OF SIX ROOMS AMI OFFICES (Dining and Drawing Rooms combined, with srill arch); hot and cold water service, pat. w.c. etc. FINK ELEVATED SECTION. 80 x IDS,, commanding splendid views. Handy to cars. PRICE. £030. Terms arranged. C. F. B BXXETT - Bank of X.Z. Buildings. SWAXSOX ST. A BUY A BRICK HOUSE, oniin from 2d Section. FOR ONLY £550. £100 DEPOSIT. Volcanic allotment. Motor entrance. Inspect immediately. Agents: SMALLEY AND BARRETT. Successors to Tylden and Spiers, MTh-S 03. Queen Street. rr-ACRE FARMS. Wo have SIX SECTIONS of FIVE ACRES EACH, with a good road frontage, all level, partly improved; omin from TAKANINT STATION .Suburban Area). We ran sell on £50 Deposit, bal. 5 years at 3} per ceut. Price, from £S0 to £S5 per acre. Sole Agents— HENRY CLAYTON AND CO.. p Smecton's Buildings. EPSOM. OQXf\-.\ REALLY WELL BUILT AND SJJOVt FINISHED HOUSE, 5 good rooms and targe entrance hall, diningrootn 'Si x 13ft. Locality cannot be surpassed. .section. 53 x 154 ft. This is a home we can strongly recommend.. six minutes,' easy walk from tram. House insured for f6(lfl. Mortgage, £325. (6S) NEAR ROYAL OAK. 9Af|-U ROOM?, built heart of kauri, o-X-JW i arsc [eve! volcanic section, free of si one. 100 x IGoft. Nicely laid out, lovely water views, 420 yds from "tram stop. Room to build -another house If desired. Sewer drainage. .Ample room for full-size tennis court. £400 cash. Mortgage. £300; balance '2 years at 5 per cent. Would sell Furniture if desired. 157) PAUL HANSEN AND CO. (Paul M. Hansen). (Albert W. Clark). 01-03, QUEEN STREET. A 91Q ACRES FREEHOLD, all in grass «*-!.*» and crop: House 10 rooms, largt milking shed and outbuildings; 10 miles underground drains; milk 150 cows; noor roads, railway, fresh, pure water; handy t, school, church, township, i>. and t. ofllce £47 10- per acre. Good terms. '?() ACRF.iS and Dwelling, every cony. *-*V outbuildings, orchard, elevated posi tion: magnificent . views: two miVs iron township. .£2.100 Terms. V>A ACRES and Dwelling 7 rooms, grass —vF crops and orchard; ideal apricot an, fruitgrowing laud. £1,200. Half cash, am balance li per cent. 0. D. W RIOHT - A LANC AGENT. THAMES.
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Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 170, 19 July 1915, Page 3
Word Count
951Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 170, 19 July 1915, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 170, 19 July 1915, Page 3
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Auckland Star. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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