AMUSEMENTS. m O W X TT A h L. ryEDXESDAV A FTKRXOOX, AT 3.30 P.M. Q It U A X "pECITAIi, 15 V ]y£R -darxett (CITY OIUIANISTI. Who will Submit a Programme of Works by Capocci, Shelley, I.emare. Herald, and otners, including Allojjrn Vivace Capocci Sensare d'Orgne Shelley Madrigal Lomare Overture to Zainpa Herold l'pres Melody for Carillons. ADMISSION" FREE. Children in arms not admitted. HENRY W. WILSON', Towu Clerk. I'.Uh July, 1018. DOMESTICS "WANTED. CtIRL. young, 13 to 14. wanted as mother's T help. Rood home. -Apply 20, Mt. Pleasant Rd.. ofT Dominion Rd. ' 543 required, light duties, good home *J olTcred. in small refined family: refs. required. — Wrile in tlrst place Box 24. lIS young, about 14 or 15, e-ountry XX preferred, wanted, do light hotischobl duties.—Write Mother. 3!>4, Star Office. 537 •OMART tilrl l'robatlonlst and userul In *J restaurant wanted at once; no Suihl.iv workj wagrg, 15/.—o, Customs St. IS. 101 SITUATIONS WANTED. T\KKSSMAKIN(i wanted to do at home ■*-' any style: good lit: charges moderate — Mrs Dl.\on. 13. Randolph St., off Newton ltd. 541 YVOMAN. yon ns. refined, with child, »» seeks situation as Housekeeper or. Lady Help in small adult fa mil v.—Address (i.M.V.. 481. Star Office. 71) ■\rOUXI! Lady with some hospital oxperlJ- enee seeks Posilion with Invalid or companion l„ elderly lady.—Write Hospital 45.-,. Star Office. < t j DOGS FOR SALE. -I7IOX TEKKIUH fnps, well marked, pcdlA greo. for Sale: also. -J good Hitches, by loss. Mr. 11. May's strain.—Apply Greenwood's Corner. Epsom. «<; af'l' EtIEX, Spring St.-.-, Rooms, 15/; Elizabeth Sl— U-r, 14/; Ilexter Ay.— fi-r IT./: William St.—fi-r., 2.V: Dominion Rd.— Shop, ."-r., 20/.- F. Tozer, Dominion ltd. ■Jil seel ion. TJOOM. Kuril,, double or single, to Let" v vie convs. and telephone.—Apply Star on"ic». wanted, smart man. for Order •*-* Cart.-Apply Hemuera Butchery, cor. of Market ana Great Svatk fids.
Page 2 Advertisements Column 4
Auckland Star, Volume XLVI, Issue 170, 19 July 1915, Page 2
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