Moon: Full. June 8. 4.4S'p.—. Suns—: This evening. 4.—). Sunrise: To-morrow morning, 6.50. HIGn WATER. Auckland . -To-day. 3.4S a.m. 4.9 p.m. Auckland .Saturday 4.51 a.m, 5.8 p.m. Onehunga . .Saturday. .8.21 a.m. 8.38 p.m. Manukau H.. Saturday, 7.21 a.m. 7-38 p-m. Kaipara —- Saturday. .S.ll a.m. 5.28 p.m. Tidal Constants to be added or subtracted from high water at Auckland: — Wbatigarei minus 3 minutes, Thames plus 10 minutes. Taurangl minus 13 nilhutes. Russell plus 17 minutes, Coromandel plus 10 minutes. Tide at Auckland rises 9.7 ft this afternoon and 9.6 ft and 9.Bft to-morrow morning and afternoon respectively.
AB-JVA—3. TESTERDA—. 31—NAT A, s—», E. Stephenson, at 6.55 pirn., from Whangarei. Passengers; Mes<_j—es Foote and child, Swlnbourne. Bis—>tt and child, Foote, Macindoe a—}- maid, -Mickelson and child, Plummer and child, _[<_lullan, McKay (2), Clair, (Misses (Ryan, Seeats, Wright, Bisse—, iFoote, Gulbransen, Messrs Chant. Main. dose. Wells, Perry, Swafiield, Win Stanley, Thompson, Perry, Thomas, Bray, Oarr, Bay——, Wilson, OsbaHston, Foote Tilley, McXnde, Abbott, Skifflngton. Glttens, Burton, Johnson and child, Bromfield, Mickelso_, Bateman, Powell, iMcComlell. Holmes, ,Wo—ler, - Bowaen, Plum-mer, McMnllen. Whitehead, KendeTl, Smith, Brcfwn, McKay, McLeod, Ellingham, McKay, Clair, (Rev. Johnson, and _1 steerage.—Northern £—3. Co.. agent—
_A—AW—iRA. s.s., 2003 tons, H. WhitePnrsons, at 10.40 p.m., from Southern _o_ East Coast ports. Passengers :— Kaloo—' Misses McLeod —1. Wllkie, Morris (2), , Nurse Meredith, Mesdames McLeod, {M—igakahia, do La,utor, Tnri Tiki Tiki, G_>b, Var_lam and two boys, Messrs. —intton, McLeod (3), Eden, Lloyd; Jackson, Whltewood, Simson, Rntem> (2), Carle—, and 40 steerage.—Union S.S. Co., agent f.
TANIWHA ia, C F. Greenberg, at I—3o p.m, from raeroa.—Northern S.S. Co-, agents.
W__A. S.S., E. Keatley, at 10.40 p.m., from the Great Barrier. Passengers: Miss Medland, Messrs. ——nuparie. Dundon, McLeod, a—d Wilsou.—Northera S.S. Co.. agents.
ROTOMA-AN-, s.s.. A. Stephenson, at 0.45 p.m_ from Coronia—lei.—Northern SiS. agents. THIS DAT. ' - , . iIAKURA. s.s.. 8073, J. D. S. rhillips, at —o a.m.. rrom Sydney. Passengers- First saloon: Misses Cotter (21. Mesdames Cotter, Rogers, Turrell, Street Messrs. C. W Mills J. Edmond, C. V. Hlnnitt, A. F. Street £- £ R i? „'* 0 £; J T . L - Pake, O. H. Friend. T T_ Cotter W. Dvans, B. Charman, Ah- « Tree, H. White, A. Hatfield. Second saloon: Misses Meßride. C F. Govev, Marsden, A. Cronin, Starr, Mesdames Jordon „SEr ey an r?. J 3 children. Murray and 4 children. Bishop. Murphy, Lirmsden, Mitchell, Messrs. Mitchell, C. J. Long H G L_nsden. .1. Coonan, T. Goodall C ilur ray, J. Cronln, V. B. Lojiez. ,W, - J Mote C. C. Brodie, and S third-class.-Union Co' agents. ' A "**"". *-«•> D—PARTUR—S. THIS DAT. „ £ < H PL IF 1 - ••«•• T - HaulUln. at 710 p.m.. for Tauranga. CLANSMAN", s.s.. K. McLeod, at 413 gomVj Rassel1 ' Whangaroa, and ___!
„' VA ™'« fE - 8.5., J. Freeman, at 713 •p.m.. for Paeroa. fo _^i^'- F^^^ M - 50pm -- J " *"»*• **
UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S MOVEMENTS:. i b EAST COAST "* ** Sara ' Hollolulu ' Rosamond arrives from Gisborne. WEST COAST. K|_. t o_fh y ~ RarinVa New
COASTAL PASSENGER SERVICE ' Expected Arrivals. Wakatere. at 7.40 pm Paeroa, Waimarie. at 11.30 p.m Whangarei; Kanieri,-at midnight. w\o; den Polnt - Ga - el - at midnight. Hodhora, etc., Anpourl. at 10 p.m. noon Thames, Wakatere, at 0.5 n m Paeroa,-Taniwha. at midnight Whangarei, Manala, at 6.45 n m Tauranga, Ngapuhi, at 7 a.m ' Warkworth, etc.; Uaniti; at 10 am Mangawai, etc.. Kawau, at 1.30 pirn. "ProJccfeVr* Dcpaftnre.s. -T<*da.v.-Mercury -toy. etc, -We-t,, at midnight. _ Paeroa, —_nrw_i, at S p m B-.-.H Whangarei, Manala, «» 10 p.m. ' S-tm-day.-Aw-mi, Daphne, at S p.m Thames. Wakatere. at H„0 a m Matakana, etc., Orewa, at,ll am."
The collier Kaituna left .Newcastle at 7 y !f ter 2 ay ' «°a'-laden, for Auckland She is due here on Wedesnday nest Klttawa,-5,»., -leftPirron at 0 p m ves- _-__?__«*£ a , loa , rt "f.chaff f„ r Onehu-st where sheTrs-dne tc-morrow night. »J? c < Co,,ier Kor< >w will prohablv get away to-morrow for Newcastle where she loads coal tor Tokomaru Bay and N_p7er v l«*r^v-t7 <1 '? Crt " I / lrker -««Mn«' Victoria n,L spUns pUn s t 9° lasL evening for Napier. ?h! ? r T' Tokomaru Bay and Auck-ud. She is due here on Sunday. »->"u.
nnrr™™" 1 ? 5 '*? ken Intn tn<% Calliope -c " Rh» Tm lp T for clei and paint- !>--.* i ■ _"' also nndergo survey and overhaul during next week.
l earner VVana '«t Is timed to leave lTnH?„*n < _ m --7 OW ' n , lsht for Auckland. She S-_taS-f _^_ v _ I U, :C " r « 0 of Produce, and She is due here on Wednesday ncir. Rosamond s.s.. passed East Cape' on her way from Gisborne -to Auckland at 430 a-m. to-day. She is due here to-morrow afternoon, and sails on the return trip at 4- p.m. on Monday.
fJrS r ' J? nd D ' liner J[ akarlnL en route ™?„? „ Lo °_ n to Auckland and other DoC_DeM_Pn ort3, her journey from Capetown on May 2U. The vessel is rtnp here abqnt June 30. ' S Mc +„ A . d Tif e J" as been received which states i_» _ he -. rtfdbh BY ** l bar <l«o Chateau s D 7? a^_*r_rT S f °\ MnX , » for Auckland with P nos l> b ates for a local firm. She is due here.some time in September As a result of the Maitland rNeweastle) collieries strike, the..Union Company _£ decided to suspend, the Service of the b_ n? n i e, W-» a,l,oni „ The vesspl is «' Presenl at Lyttelton, where she has been disehartag Newcastle coal. She wis to have sailed agair for Newcastle last evening ?-fJ-V i DO T ta:r p f L tte southern port indefinitely, her crew having .been, .nam off. 'fessrs. Russell a nd Souiers, agents for the Eastern and .Australlad Company, inform us that this company have renewed for a. further period their" contract with the N.S.W. Government for the direct service to Shanghai, and the Empire leavtag Sydney tin the Rth .Tuly, Eastern on the 19th August. St. Alhans on the 28th October, and the Empire on the fatb January, 1915, will all call at Shanghai and at Dlllj- abont 15 days later. " '■• ""Exporits. ..."','. v ~ 'Per s.s; 2t—landlr. ror Lb—ton —in™ bales hemp. HOP, pockets'hemp • 442 dumns tow. 3~a c-escs gum. 2611 sacks gum "01 haies wool. 13 bales skins. 48 hales leach er 226 castsi tallow. 12C casks pelts ,s casks casings. 310.S pieces timber- "Stvono , n p ft.i. 206 sacks hides, .ir,r, c . asPS Snel) Racks ~<.'o.prn._ ,t_drums gljcerW. .ijou;" car--•asW mnftrni. 4348 quarters heef„Kj packages veil-, 10T3 boxes butter. 194 ea«es honey. 15 bars bullion (value £10,000. and SI packages sundries.
TARAWERA FROM SOTJTH. The T7nlon Company's steamer Tarawera arrived at about 10.30 o'clock last night from Dunedin, via ports, after experiencing a -very rough .trip up the coast. She was berthed at KB. Kind's wharf. The vessel Is timed to sail on the return voyage to-morrow afternoon. SOUTHPO-RT, FROM ifEW YORK. The local agents for the A. and A. Line (Messrs. A. H. Nathan, Ltd.) have received a cable, which states that the Southport left Newcastle at i> a.m. on Tuesday for Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton and Dunedin, in continuation of lier voyage from New York. The vessel, which is bringing 3,546 tons of general merchandise. 700 tons of which is for Auckland, is dnc here on Sunday next. R.M.S. MAKT7RA IN PORT. The R.M.s. Makura arrived shortly after nine o'clock this morning from Sydney direct, and was berthed at QD; Queen's wharf. She reports huv-inp passed the Manuka at 5.5 p.m. on June 3, and R-M.s, Niagara at 1.30 a.m. on June 4. The vessel brought a. large number -ofipassenpers for Auckland from Sydney, and her hooking outward shows that she will be a fnll ship. She is timed to sail for Vancouver at 10 p.m. to-day. PASSENGERS FOR VANCOUVER. The R.M.s. Makura. sailing at 10 o'clock to-night, takes file following passengers from Auckland:—First saloon: Mr J. H. Tufting, Major and Mrs Campbell, Mr and Mts J. W. ■Wallace, Mrs and Mias Williams, Miss A. Easteonrt. Mrs Hanson, Miss Stewart, Dγ arid , Mrs Campbell, iilss Gregg, Mr M. B. Ferguson; Mr ami Mrs F. r>. Waldron, Mr G. J. Waller. Mr Ai C. Cooper, Mr.A. .Glark, Major Stowe, Mlfsck "Wright (2)_ Captain Strang. Mr H. S. Forbes, Mr H. O. Frind. Mr E. C. Holmes, Mr and Mrs E. R. James, Miss James, Master James, Mr and Mrs Murray, Mr and Mrs R. R. Vail, Mr W. Moorbouse. Mr Campbell. Mr and Mrs T. de Scfcryver, Mr W. L. Clifford, Mrs Clifford and child, Miss and Master de Schryver, Mr and Mrs A. Voigt, Mr and Mrs Abrahams. Mrs A. n Keesinc. Master H. Keesing, Mr S. F. Smith, Professor Thomas. Airs Marshall and child, Mr Marshall. Mr Caserberg, Mr G. Cunningham. Mr and Mrs Trelatvnpy, Mr C. M. Rogers. Mr D. E. Fisohel. Mr F. A. Wniiams, Mr ,T. H. Stanley, Mr C Monkton, Sir Charles Campbell. Second saloon: Miss B. Hopkins, Mr and Mrs TV. R. Twigg, Mr and Mrs P. McLeod, Mr and Mrs C. Corlett, Mrs and Miss Bunt, Miss McLagan, Miss J. R. Elliott, Mr .V. Hunt,, Mr C. Diamond, Mr I. U MoLeod, Mr F. Tanner. Mr C. R. McClusky. Mlss'K. Arnold, Mr R. Iv Barstow, Mr W. Telfar. Mr J. H. McLeod. Mr G. Gardner, Mr W. Graham. Mr 'G. Burns. Mr C. B. Wober. Mr de Silva. Mr J. M. Hope. Mr E. Itowe, Mr and Mrs M. G. Jpues. Mr and Mrs laminond, Mr and' Mrs t>. McClur , g.Mr : and Mrs G. H. Turner. Miss Lewis. Misses McLeod (2), Mrs McNeeley, 25 third-class and 120 through passengers.
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Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 133, 5 June 1914, Page 4
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1,569SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 133, 5 June 1914, Page 4
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