ELLERSLIX TRAINING NOTES. ANOTHER EINK .MORNING. ! A RinEit IN-fTR-CD. When :_i,- gates were opened al Ellerslie | I ihis morning a heavy l"»s was hanging over I 1 ihe curse, and it was intr»ossihle to 'pick! | up lhe posts from the six furlongs rotuitl j ' t/i the wiuninß-poal. The weather was line. | .and after breakfast a lot of inleresiing | I work was witnessed, the outside of the, ! course proper being available for trainers j jio send their .-barges along fast The j i.mts -were present in force., and there innsi : have been fnlly :t(IO watching operations, in-1 cludi-nir a number of ladies. , .1. Thorpe, as usual, .a-piuml ilie liistori- | <-al worm, by being the "early bird." send- j ins Kakama a mile, which ="he traversed in , L..1. the last seven furlongs taking l.."_>. Signo and Valamhrosa covered a couple of rounds at half to rliree-qnurter puce. . SoullJkoff and .lolle Fllle were com- . piiuions over a round, which they left lie-. hind in _*._ 1-.".. linishiiig together. liol.lsize. alone. Traversed a similar | l-i Itelna and Self galloped aiiuut seven I furlongs, l.ut. owing to the fog. euiihl not lie limed. The foruier had all ihc lies: ~f the gallop. Prince Souli and Tragedy King were I together, four lengths in front ..f Duma, at I j lhe end of .-even furlongs, run ill I.,'iU. | Master Sly covered a round, which t....k ( Keysionc. r.onvardi.l. 11a.1.i. Waiorewa, aa.l several others also worked. i After breakfast. Cliircring :.ands gal-I j loped >ix furlongs. from a stand, In l.'-'-l 1-.".. i Sandy Paul covered a i.iuple ~f rounds: ai a strong balf-pnee. moving freely M.maihol flnlshed beiier than Bxcuwiior I over live furlongs, run from the new- post ; in 1.7. Pip and Revelation finished logeiher four lerrgihs in from of King Try. which got t.he vv..r-: of ihe stari. at the cud of a round. 11l -Ml 1 .". Christmas Rose pleased beiier lha n Pupura over four furlongs. ..-..vored iv over a round, run ill 2. 10 2-5. Admiral Souit was a couple ol' lengths in front of Ngapuka. with Kauroa some leunrhs away, ai the cud of n round, run in 2.(1 _-.., Kaaroa taking 2.10 2-5. i.oldtire. alone, galloped Mx furlongs, the lasi tive raking IS 1-5. Crowu Pearl and lloyal Ann- did useful sprinting, tun were uol limed. Ruse de Cuerre ran six furlongs iv I—t.. Tripoli doing a furlong less from the new post, in 1.3 :\-5. C.ileraiue. wui.-i, _;ot the l.e-i ~f :he start, easily l.eai Kallygowan and Kaipara over a roun.l iv g.I" '_'.",. the latter being a long way ha.-k. Ala hat-re and Nimbi.-f....i ...vcrcl a round iv -IT 1".. tini-hing together. 1..« My wa- going ea.-i.-r il,an Haskayne al il ud of .-even furhmg-. rim in i.:;i>. Muir.-,! alone sprlnlcl live furlong.-, in 'w.-e,,,-, (vorke.l „n the ~,„ , -.J round in 1..",:'. , Nga-.iranili and Try Fluke were companions ..ver a round, which they left behind in 2.1 1-.".. lhe former having all Ihe liosl of it Worcester an.) Tanglwili after trotting round the sand cam i l>, Hie cuir-e ami gallepeil seven furlongs in 1 J.", 2-5. i he fermer. which _._ the hes; or the -t i r:. Lav ing lhe hetier of matters. lilcerdone alone -purled four furlong- in Ki.-.-l Arrow was pulled all over Ihe place ;■> keep wiih Ikindy Breeze over a rouud r in in J. lo I ."•. la.- Ureal Northern double, i'.-arcy and l.icali.-ui. were cempa,lions in a good working gallop eve,- a univ and a half, which they traversed in _._«. ; he nrst round taking I.W :_.". and ih- i.i-i round Both Uiiishc.i well. Cloudy Pawn, with the a-u.-iai f Tiie r..;.- ov.-r the lir*l round, .-..vere.l a similar journey in tin- same lime, easily heating bis companion ..: tie- finish. It,- ran the rir>: rrim.l iv -Ml .'.-:,. slowed down ] wlia; ~ye,- ihe la-; three furlongs, the las! | round lakii.g 2.V. 1-5. The 'Mad Eve -purled four furlongs, lhe | la-: It.ree lakillg 11-. while l.r.iiid Mani.ill I covered the half mile in .",!>. P.cnola wa.. re-lrictcd lo :r..lliii_: three j o r foiii- times round lhe -and. illontuorc \ d.dag steady work on Hie same i rack. ! Avon Park, licuevlnve. Tbe Cell. Captain j .la.k. llauci-a. S.-oi.h. (Ji.borne. f.eleciion. Mal.iwcl'cwci-c. Itigeiikcndcr. Knvwen, ! Tyson, J'akanini. and a lot of ~Hicrs did] ii.-.-fui work. Till-: .11 Ml'Hi:. /...k and Lady Sabretache wer .ni|un in a task over six hurdles. I;o;b got | i,.nnd without mi-hap. the former pleasing! ifl.-t. I ilakn. Master Regel an.l Pel started for] a similar i.-i-k. 'the lirsi fence hroilglil I'd ' 1,, grief. I.T rider. Andrew-, gettill. a ,-hak j leg and ~ sllghl ell! on lhe leg. |>~| wa- I not afienvards persevered wiih. rhe oilier! pair going on. .laku showing to tnos: advanSalv.innic alone .i,nni_ .1 jvc hurdler- with i ...ll mishap, and then ...vcrcl a duple of j round.- of Ihe tan. Waterworks. Vcslal. I; i r,. Am. lrriiv_ri.|> . Pylos and I'ariulu sinrte.l off for a round . of ihc big . oirmry. ii pulling off after .jumping ihc feiK.-s on ihe fl-n The others! continued ~ii. Waterworks and Vestal mak ing lhe ri.nning. and all .jumped well nil the first fence ..f rhe double was reached, which Pylos wreck bard, his rider. Kelly. spiting a nasiy fall ami being dragged for some yards. It was a good schooling last Kelly, on being conveyed lo ihe casualty room, was attended to hy r, r .Irani (who happened (o he in the and found ... I.c -ulTering from a ,|i-l„. -are,! collarbone besides receiving a nasty shaking The injured limb was pill back in place hy In-. (Irani, and Kelfy was able to proceed lo his home TIIK r.-KniA.MIA IKM'NTi.. The Pakuranga Mounds will me*; ai (he kennels. East Tamaki. on Saturday at noon. The dub extends a hearty -welcome to the farmers to be present. OTAKI (TT'B'S WIVTT.R .._KETJ\f.. THj; Ar-fTrPTANCF.s. ,P.y Telegraph.-Press Association., WELLINGTON, this day The following acrepmnce.s have been received for tbe Otaki Racing Club's Winter Meeting.I'lying Hack Handi.-ap of imVovs. si\ furlongs-Calais tin. I.adv Vladimir S.". Me-rie Gain so. Microbe 7.13. Charlero-e 7 :_.'. N'gai-ua 7 li.'. Ruination 7 10. |„ r e-i rrtciie 7- Hiiamakaka 77. llron Roy 1... ■George 1 <\. Bine Mount 7 0 Cordon Mcd 7 .'., Koigl.t.fai: 7.0. Ma»t"r Achilles 7.0. Kosohlush 7.0 Taiboa lla.-k .imi Hunters' Sleepleehease of tfiosovs. (.-_■/* mnlfts «tkl avjitai-rer. Silver Monarch 11.3. F/i_tic Hit.'.ei 11... Sto<'kade PI.S. Te Whei.n Ui>. Merrio lad 10.2, Master ;Ma!a_*l lOC. Passive JOO. <lrit -lawless OJJ. .Pi»rakl"ie '.' 7. Bonny ?.T. Clmttjo 3.7, _v_JW<aa- ii.
a .plainer.—Byron y.ii. Mont-.a Girl :>.'>. Mysteriach 5.7. Mauiiau 5.4. (italni s.'J. Pavlova s.ii. Passa.ieua T.t::. Manavvakaha 7.11. First Consul 7.5. Imaros. 7.X. Mulga Bill 7.x. Stepney 7.U. I_.ui-a 7.1! Keue | li.l.'i. Odessa (1.1(1, I'erccler t; T Minora u7. : 'Alecto 0.7. (►t-aki lla.-k Handicap of t-.isovs. one mile. Montana 1.-adify s.s. .I,,hn Willie 'Sir li..mild T.Kt, Merrie Gain T.l_. Pursetiller 7.11. Wlii.per.-r 7.7. Mv-leriinn 7.7. Pain.nata 7..",. Perhais. 7.::. Move mi lialiui Handicap of niOsovs, sis furl.vug-. KTiiiengarde !i.i>. Pavlova -.::. Inenrii - ::. 1 Pomnilla S.I. Makara so. Movvl.rav s.ii. I'Wrlil Lupin -o. Volga 7.1.".. M il ! Vi._i.ria 7.7. Salxburg 7.1. The Cr.-.n Mogul 7.4. Bradanninte 7.:t. Gienloriu 7.1. Negative 17.1. Black Lupin 1i.1.:. Listen ill::. Amber and White (i.lil. Gerbcrga Prin.-s-I Mouioa 11.10. Royal Sleeve- 1i.7. ! Biriluluv Welt.-r lla.-k Handicap of ! KHtS-Vs. -even Pirlougs. -Square Deal 10.11. I Si- Saracen !1.7. Nolan 11.2. Raiigii kapua ti.'-'. Lady Ami s.l__. His Eminence [S.I-J. Whisperer s.l'J. Amity vl_. Ruapara i.S.ln. Dekkho 8.10. Portraiture s.lo, Pier- ! mom 5.7 Itoseblush 5.7. Grandee 5.7. Port- | .-Hills 5.7 Rn-ipalii 5.7. Sabenite 5.7. | j m'XKDIX -IOCKKY CUB. I acckptancks. ißy Telegraph. -Press A—...iai i..n., ; DI.NKJMN. Wednesday. | The following ae.-!.lanes have been reI eeived for the tirsl ,lav of l lie lluii.-.lill , Jin-key Club's Winter Meeting: i Pacific Hurdles. ~f lTSisovs; one mile and I'luve-unariers. Mnrgo 11..".. Kui'iialpl 1(1.0. j Merrie Valet lii.s. Simon Pure lll.ti. Pure .Gold lll.ti. Salalhicl lv.'.'. Koiis tl.s. Freak | li.-J CiM-ooii 0.0. Lord Frederick '.til. Uo;. al '.Medal P.U. Kirn !>.(>. Chltin. h !>.o. ! .Brighton llilli.licilp. of iolKovs; seven |'urj longs, .('lvni-li-h U.S. Gulden King !l_i. j I .Scrvici- s.ii. Pride ~f Clulllii H. In, , Sir Brigiil s.'.i. Sir Hamilton S.I. Mi— Fin-Lii-.,1 s.:t. Biarriia s.J. ii-egor.v M. My 'Glove S.o. Trireme S.o. K'l-ore S.II. Lady Duvlesfor.l 7.12. Baron 7'a. I.owbliru T.'-l. lß Siirtomari 7.f'. Mazurka 7 7. MisSinn 7.7. Mar.-h King 7 7. H|ll|,»,k 7 7. CallBirth,la,- I lan. li. •;.(,. ~f 100-ovs: one milland a quarter Gientiiiuaii S.II. Reval S.S, ■The C.-ncl S.I. Capon s._. Ma.-dala -..'!. (in. >mc .S. Troon 7s. Peg 12. Dirocloire (',.:::. Mosgiel li.lo. Peerless CO. Wairaki 'i.s. ! Ilirable ii.7 Routine i;. 7. I .Mag,, Steeplechase ~f ::.",,•-.v-: by. mi!.- ami fo„- furlong- u-i.l ahalf. Kill (ir.i Kin.vwuv 11.-".. True I Blue 11. J. Fritz lo.l::. ', ',„ ISn wer I'M". , Sportsman lo.l:;. Re '.oil. l<.i:pe::p,li Itoval Medal HI.::. Black Sea Km. "11, Guiltier '.Ml. Re,| Troon ti.'.i. Noll I ti Bugle 0.0. Patch '.1.7. Tradesmen's Handicap. ..f _t.oi-.v-: - \ furlongs. Palisade '.i.i:;. p,:er '.i.t-J. nb,i ti.s. sveaborg s ti. Robert Bell s. I. Tevlotd.ile 7.!::. Speedometer 7 Pi. Golden Morn 7.1. Slogan 7.1. Briar Patch C.'.l. John Barlevci-ii it.'.i. Veritas U. 7. Baritone ti.7. Pretty Jane C.7. Fende. 11.7. Humors' Sle.-plechase Handicap. "f lOflSOVs: aboill ,v.. miles. Kings war I_>.!>. Otiiio 11.1.1. < M .ii.iv lo.l.".. Zingabce' I'i.l'J, Tolsloi 1(111. Palcil 111.'.1. The .lew l»_». Pukevvai lu.'.i. Cascshot 10 7. Fairy I'inu 107. We1w..,>,l 111.7. Silver Dirk 1u.7. Winter Welter Handicap, of l."__sov s: one mile. -Gnome '.1.11. Glenowl ».... Buller li.ll. Oh,,lns 5.".. Firmllel,! 5..".. Czar K0101i.,1 S.J. Cannonade _.'_'. Parable s.o. wit,] Pilgrim .8.0, S<-01,-h Mebxlv s.o. 1-Toriliiie so. Merry Lass so. Biarritz S.H.
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Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 126, 28 May 1914, Page 7
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1,614RACING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 126, 28 May 1914, Page 7
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