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ißy 'RIFLEMAN.I D Company. Third Regiment, w-'iii hold the Unal parade ol Ihc year at tue Urill ■aned to-night. 'Die King's Birthday review at the l.Kim.nn 01, ;.i.I June, all.-"_» a.m., will be the first compulsory parade .11 the new ■training year. A ltoyai saline of 21 guns win l,c irr-sl ~y ti„. .v Battery iroui the outer Domain. It tn..- review lias to he can.-eli.ri through unfavourable w.-atber, the itoyal saiute will -bo lired al 72-Mi a.m., and this -will he the signal that the parade has been .-..needled.

The troops -will be drawn up in line of qnartx-r eonimns at live pa-os interval, taciug the saluting has.-, by ti.l.". a.m.. iv the hollowing order front t.he rignt: rung's Veteran Hoards, Auckland I .cuit-.h uien: R.N.K.A.. Auckland ilrlgade Ammunition Column. Auckland IHv-ishoi N./.. ~ -arris-, ti Artillery. Knginoers. [lleiKional Signal to.. Third iAti.kl-.iudi 1(. yiinom. toast Hcfrn.-e Infantry l>cta,-hnicut. No. 1 field Ambulance

The hands of the Thirl lAllckland) Mounted ilitles. ~f la,- t;a:. ~ii Artillery, and oi lhe Third .Alie.viandl K-gimenl .vol Ite massed in the rear of the .vurre .■» .the line. The following Senior Cadet companies, grouped |,y baiKtUous, will lie formcl v,, on the l-li ~l Ih- line:—No. 1 group int. companies.; .\,_. 1 group. No. It. rouipany lOnehuug ,>. .No. ..i, » ouipaiiv io.ta.hiihui. and No. 7o futitpa'nv ,1 .ipakurai. Two markers from ..'adi unit will report lo live A.A. an.l y.M.i,. „,i tne review grouud at ,S..r> a.m.

The dress will be review ..rricr ihais, puttees.,and iiM-dnlfci. X„ guns ..r voiuclas >>f any description will Iki ojkiwrd o.i U.e ground. Alt veterans, whether in |w,s session of uniforms or not, are to at'en.l i:i plain .-'utiles will, medals. Attendance by Terrilorials is ...iirpni-sory. The review will tte short, and troops will be ou their way home at 10 a.m.. the early hour having been Mxe<l to Interfere as little as possible with xhe public lin.iduy. A meeting win held al Hie UrLl Hail lasi Thursday. 21st May, ol old mounters of the No. I Native -Kittes. when il was decided ro bold a reunion of the old comfrany at an early dale. A strong <-u_ii_it_oe bus elected, and tilts secretary i.ix-Sergi. I-:. C. Smith. ITincvs street. NorthioU'i will Im- pleased to 'bear from any old reunion. A Compillry aud II Company. Coast f>c-fetu-e Inijintrv. wiii parade ou Saturday next to tluish" their unisk.-lry practice. A t'ourpaiiy l.ouiprising the Auekkind und Onehunga platoons! will parade al. Pen rose. tin- .-orth,-ote and llirkeohead (platoons of it -t*onj|>any a. their «.wn range, and the I>cv..nport platoon of It Company at the North Head range.

Tbe I'haJlengc tup originally presented by the Imi>er_il Order of the Daughters of rhe -Empire and won by tbe N./.. Senior Cadets at the Toronto l-lxbibiriou tn ll'l'-. and .which was siihseiiuenily preseulisl to

.the Auckland Us-trict for ...nipetitiou amongst the Senior i 'adet. companies ot the Aucklnnd Distri,-J. has won for Ihe current -training year, ending .".Nl May. IHM. by No. li iVt. Stephen's Schooli t'oulpany. The ,up vvas awarded for general proflojenoy.

Thus a camp story from' i-Yt-a-tanio itttagoi: —Cmt-side on sidjutant's tent, a privaie of a .-erla-iu.-regiment appeared and askol fo» a hucket. of whiinwash. "Who nauts if." the aoiOier wci? asked. "Corporal Blank" was th». reply. "What does lie ■want It for*" persisted ah** initnisitiye otli,-er. "To iv»hitewa.sli the Uist Post," repli.-d the Abroad. And ;rftt*r that the dark.

"New Zealand does- not lack gunners of an exi-wllen-telass. Hutt the type of laen l hai come forward to Ibis arm of the service is a -very ]__ud one indeed. Artillerymen tire, aluiosl al-w.-iys eirt.lniwiasti,-; the drivers ure lovers uf hors«s. and keen about t.beir animals, while thus* of rhe merhanl.-al turn of mind, twiturall.v- are keen ou handling Die jiiw. From what 1 h-ave already nortced In New /.ealand. 1 can s*>_ your me-n can drive and .-an handle _ni_. and you tttivc souit> fine batterie.." lleneral Sir lan

There :ire nratiy ittber considerations besides ,_,rrx,denttlolts ■* which may induce young ureu to disobey the Defence Ael A Senior <'adel api_?are«l aL rhe MagiKtrate's c'oiirl .' wiih liawing aleeiited lilmself from drill. He objected to ahort. troopers,-be said. 'Pbe.v "showe.l a fellow up su." The nwgisiraie vv_s not sympsttberH-. "You bave to wear short •trousers f-othall.*' be said, "tieshies, the soldiers lv India vvea.* Uhmh on .•ivlive s-'rvi.-e." I'lic vo.iib's i-.mreii ,-os_ him haK-u-sovereigu.

Iv <'airterbirry in t'utnr,- each regime:,:.! is lo have its owh re-r-iuiputa.l tiwirch. j ' iiian-1i... are i.,.iu„ arranged so that dirrjus the march iiust ia a review the tmiSKed 'bunds will play the march of each rc_riment as ; t pass-es the saiuriio. The I-'irsl .1 tinterloirv i P.. .rimi-rrt has j adopted the march ~r die iQueen's owui Royal West Kentish with wbh-h it is allied 'Hie march i> the'weil known ■A I'nndrcd riper.." The 1.-.t'i iNorrli I Canterbury and \Vo-ii : .|i«.i Ilesimeii is I adopting tl"- "Irish W-,i»li.-w.,ii.-in" march. and for the Cirst Mottmed Itlfles ,CV.C. a special march lias been ..oui|nm-.| by ibe | bandmaster, li i- ai>.. t.eii,-- arranaed that: the other resumonts of the Canterbury MiMmreri Hrhrade. the Artillery, .the Kn_ineers. nmi the .K'eM- Ambulam-e Corop.-inies ; will have their own marches. The .Auckland Divisional Slcnal Company ■iCaptain T. 11. Dawson in comma.wli. an ex'-eedingi;. busy t'me durinjr -flip train-. Hues of.common!-, canon- These .-overed alt; urea of abont forty mile*. .cnciiyHns I lie ..-onptry aboui Tie ramp. ' from MorrinßTille to on. tbe one side. alon_ Sj-dtobmatits Veil ley «n -.mother, and-as the-S.-rmrtoTium in another dlrecQcm. Branch f=i_nnllini_ rvanrps -were established at these p'a.-es, and «-or,=-sTvi eommnnlcsßtlon was mainifiined with he.dtinarT.rsby-hello_r.rpri. Unit, and iarap. In addition, .electric tiaes were laid -o •carious sta-tieris. so. t.h.a' a direct Urre of c .ttVttt .fdoerhm" i__* -•v.Pi.ble between headq-aartere Q'ud the troop* la the ,&-__.

A story of a boy who would puzzle l_e j passive resistor comca tmni the far south. | The uay before the 42nd Company of | Senior Cadets n'ti-ensiow m left for In■' vereargili to attend the review and inspection by Sir lan Hamilton. Cadet I_j-wrence Itooinson was al work '.weulyloiir miles away. I,ale in rhe afternoon he revived a lelegrnni from bis captain that the original arrangements bad been altered, ami that lhe company would leave QneensVown nexl morning. The m-ail co.-i.-li bad -passed b.v an hour l-efore. and a horse ■ was not obtainable, so young Robinson . continued his work until live o'clock, un! then stirrted off to ijuecnstnwn on foot. Knowing Ihc country well, lie look short cuts here and locto. and reduced" the -vventy-i'our miles 1,, about eighteen. Next morning he wins on parade looking as li ns if he had done nothing out of the .va.v

fnloin-l the Hon. .la.-. Allen. Minislcr of Ilef.-nce. says that tbe .piestiou as to whether regimeutal or brigade .amps arc more suitable to ueeiU and funds than the larger divisional .amps is a matter Tor experts to advise. Divisional camps were tried this year lor the first Hmc in New Zealand, and while the Minister Is not prepared to say that they should be continued

year b.v year. he thinks that il is wise to he!,l them every now and then, so as to train the senior officers i,t their work, and In accustom lhe whole force to move as a large unit. There is a general impress!,m abroad, though it cannot be aserihe.l to any official origin, that the traJulog camps next year will be regimental camps, with, possihlv. brigade camps in the following year. I: is generally admitted that the regimental

camp provide-i. in many respects, a more interesting, loore busy, and more useful time for the rank and tile

The territorial year closes on the Mist of this month, and few parades remain lo be held. There are still some men who bave musketry practices to . on.plete. ami there are others who desire to tin- for marksmen's badges. But. in a general way. there is a lull In activity so tar as parades are con-

cerned, and the ..dicers are cheerfully content that the men. who have admittedly worked exceedingly well during Hie year, should enjoy a ...spile. The stuff corps and

..t.her officers :ire up to their eyes in otiiccwork. posting new men and transferring senior cadets. I'urade programmes f.»r tbe next training year are being Uioughtfnlly considered so as to Inflict the least possible depree ..f what may be .-ailed hardship In Ihc vvav or interfering with other athletic pursuits ~f men liable f'.r training. Iteasonable uicn appreciate tl,,- fact that, a very great deal of attention is paid to tills aspect of the training requiri-incuts of the Defence Art. ■nn-: ABBO'rr jikaiouiaiLast Saturday "li" Company. ",rd ltegin.eul. lired lor the Abbott Service ihuinpionshlp Shield. The weather . ..nditlons being very favourable, good scores were re-dstercl. The -winner proved to be I'll. ii. IVv,,re. veto had also w,,iv the cii.panv bull's-eye championship lhe pr.--vioiis week, and wb... by tiie way. was the runner-up for Ihe Service t "hampionsbip of New Zealand al the last Trenthnm meeting. The conditions fnr ihe Abbott Shield First Scries. HMI Yards -la, Deliberate. T -hols, t convertible sigbter. fl). Vanishing, tig. "'.V target, .".see. exposure. 7 shots without sißhter. :i points per hit. let railing Iron (Mates. 7 plates each man. time Iniin. 1,, rush 20 yards anil tire 7 shots, hits _ points. Second Series, I'm Yards.— neliherate, 7 shots. 1 convertible sighter. ,1,1 Rapid. 1(1 shots. luiin. allowed to charge the magazine and lire IU rounds, so,-ond-class llgnre targets. The other conditions were as for service shooring In tbe Now /.calami musketry table. Rifles as issued, m, slings. The following were the lending scores: ■ First Second A. B. C. .V. 1.. Total ft,.. .;. 11-Tore :n i* I- •- "-< 4 s lit '"vut_.ii"!.'...' --". 1- 1- - • ■'>-' «'• I*l Col. Seret. i . Harris "l IS n .. :tl lv n« Sergt. T. M. Davis -7 I.". li .. IT JP 1114 Pte. Hurt oil. .. _1 I! il ••I' 7Ho I'm Sergt. Haddock :'•■' H ".. 22 "■'> ss

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Bibliographic details

Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 126, 28 May 1914, Page 9

Word Count

TERRITORIAL NOTES. Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 126, 28 May 1914, Page 9

TERRITORIAL NOTES. Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 126, 28 May 1914, Page 9


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