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A Monte Cristo of Commerce


'"!! \ITKI: XVIII. V. n- th- ....on windows wiiii-h led to n .|eli?iitliil 1. 1> l.nir.un llaivki'. an.l -in. ,- time iie had I n a.i iimiiued to iii- lull. .Vow h> hair l>i illi.iin. an.] hhoHf I that hi- brain had no , A nurse atleiid''.| to his wants, an.l in- had jn-t luiir-hed all i-.irly hrrakfa>i wlien Aileen mm- in. ■/winx him a ,-mdc »i fin-etiti'.'. ■I'm rather lit.-, and niii.-t be ol', at nri'f. I'll- an important appointment a , ,, ti-ii o'.-loik.' rlir r.-nnirk.'d. and ki '. hjri t-mliTlx. The passin-.' luoiiliis 11.1.1 h-lt their: •nark. Her manner ».i< ~i.ieti-r. and now -he Iμ.l the jinpe.irati. ■• ol .i woman of iml i-iianpnl. for it was ..t mind .i- uell ...s of t'.-ature. and .-hastened by sutreriu}!. rnlllilllled.' ellefrt'ull 1 . I'n-ti -lie nutitt-d i tie morning is.-ue of mi illustrated journal, the trout pase hi Mhieli bore the phat<r/rap'i til ii niuii. and siir- llnsiied a little wh-ll -lie s.l\v it. ■Max l.olU'l." Mie remarked. c|iiidl.v. •■■\ ,-.-: tie seem- 1.1 he »o-in« from illli ,-e-s in sun-en.-. They ejll him the umnUs millinnaire. •■Vet he diH-fii'; look a "nappy man." -he i.iii.l. alter .-dselv lAjmilling tin- por"lf i,n\ I rould 2.-t iiliom. I've mare l.iaitipower than ev.-r 1 bad. I would uillin-lv die it I <ollld L. , '-:. even with him. Tn lie "eondrtiin-d to this liviliL' de.tili. If- horrible, and I owo ir Iα him:" h.ried. lierieU. ••You uiu'sirf: ex.ite y.Mirself. dear. We've eot all we want. The liusities); is floiirixhinir. ami ii al! -oe< well » =hall he rich ber.ire veri lonjr." i-iie said, eonli.lfliitly. "But riches vnm't aive mc iv.; m> health." ■We tnii-t lioiM- lor the -.c.-i. Iv,. lie.ird (if .1 Viennese ductor who -lone t,, see you." The imr-c lud left tiie ruoni. and lla *ke tool; Ail.-en's hand. ■Ni. lather ever had a better daughter. You've borne with mi temper patiently. |j' it had lint I lor you. I could Hot liai* lived thron-h tnere awful monUi.-. ||i H lips trembliM. and allhouuli las intelleii. w;us as keen a.- ever, it was evident ttiat i"' i'-i'l lost •<■ Z ood J '"-' l . " t " that =tren;jMi of .hara.ter whicL hud impelled liim*tt> the front. Ailwn re-ied her head on Irw -lioulder. and pro.teded to disni- seserAl Uu.tiutt- points isith him. for -he was i.w.l to these outbreaks, an .I i-ijrhtiy judged that it »a c t.e-t to iMiore them enlireiy. Th . ~,,,-ultaii vor. -he •MIIKT-α up her nape:,-, ki-sed 111"' -':-' : "»- I,nJ 1kl - ,,.;„! ~. th- eir. ...dli.-ll wa- drawn up at ~„. ~„„,, i; Vi:l s a .wenty-mile drive to I ~nd«u for ibey »i-re livin;: on the S.irr . P ' hi:-. iviiiTi- the docto- had advised ~„- bilt il »:ts lomiorUblv ami almost lu\,'irio:ish f.inii-heil. In tut. it was a ,„ ,■ i,,.,,,, ; ~,,.! ihi' lirst that Aileen had '"j,,,, i,,;.,re H-li "V 10.,. liroiul >tree! « r.-ached and I !«■>• <-tuppeJ at a lanre'u.liliL. '-vinrre the offices of many ;.,rv'e tin.».■*! linn-. The lift took her in the lirsi. floor, and she walked .ilonz the .orridoi- :.. a door whirl, b.ire no name onli the ,iord "l'riva:e." A key w.15 nro'du.ed iron, her haj.'. and -lie entered .< liandH.irDely-fiirnisiied offlee, but before ijkiTHT '•« h( " r ,mt tl "' ,I( '° r , ld , ;,..,,-,„ I.K-kcii. \ telephone and BW-itehlioard were on the table, and she nrwsed tie button of an elwtrie bell. !\ few moment* later <-ostello enfred, and -he -aye him a word of jrreetiiijr. \lready" the linn of -lohn Coatello bad v ?ood standing in ihclinaiieial world, ami then- wa- no suspicion that there wa.s any partner in liifl bUiin«ss> exi-upt the man Mho publi,.|y ri-irresenu-d it. lliti iai-r bore nil PVi>n.«iou of nu'H't sa-fofaition an us , u t aowii and waiteil for Ade-ti to fpeak. "We will illt.j tliat od.d.-a 1 . she »H.--wereJ. quietly. •Mr. llawke thinks welL of it : ' -Ve-. and ho il.i I." »Uf aJJ«I- " 111, »_ smile. "We have a lot of looef capital lying id!.-. Uα you Jcuoiv thai Mjx U><;aii Ilarfclv iutercste.l in oils' BvMytlunj; "man tou-be- .-.em- t<l turn to jr,)ld. I saw him lin-t nijflii." "Ye,. I)'.I he ■Ollin-t .Mill With HIV lather:'' -No. Wbeti I Mas witli Mr. llawkfl 1" «a.< kept ri the 1.a.-kj.'roimd. \\ c eiart.e.l the new Uu-iu.f- wry quietly. a'eepted g" -.InUtl * tol ello.'" Si there ba.l li-en no suspicion i iat there war. a woman member ul t:i*> linn. Aileen never left iier loom, and dad nj eniumiinicetioii with the outride ~tli(.- e\. ept through Cott'-Ho. I'.nt tii.- latter iii-tr.d only after consultation w-ith her. and he admitted that their *iHvess wo.- due to her sift for iinam-p. Tn her ability «a.- added a power ot intuition that at times »a< uncanny. and .-he iiad seized ar j:iy .lianee ol Ir-arninir. Hiirin™ tin- lon.a evenings at home Hawk- had found her an apt jmpil. and had taken a keen delight , ,„ »at.!iiii- her development. A uiimuii'o natural thoroiiiriim*-. and love vf d.-ta.l L'iie- her an advaiitau" over h man. but to liii- ,n Aileen- .a- was , added a br.ldiiit--: and <>f ae-ti-.n t'.iat often .allied Costelb. to suffer | ni-rvoiw treniouiv. Hut -o far she had j mad.- mi mi.-take. and their busine?9 «a.s -oiitid and projrrcssHe. "YHiat do ynii think ot Mr. Logan?" she a-sked. alter .1 p:UlBe. "1 :ie brainiest man I've ever met." "Morn brains than fatnerl" >>!ie asked. with a mUchiev-ou? smile. "Of a different calibre. You can't "1 think 1 understand, what J'ou j mean." «he answ«red i C'ostello had always endeavoured to bid-e from Aileen her father's real character in the world of finance, and to a pri-at extent had tstr.ceeded. Soon afL:-r they lia-fi starto-1 businrf« to pethor. the nature uf Ii!.- reiil fpcling? towards her had Wen revenled to her. but never by word or a• t'.on iiad he lietrayed himself. Mc wa- content tn worship in silitiee: it whs silfriojent to I be near her and her ivimpanion, for be 1 wou'd wtt have dared to deelaro hifi iruf. To him Slip v»as a '.leinp aparf. "Mr. Lotrßii I willing to do |.nsiiifts= -Willi u=. -May I ask why jvm

(By PATH, TRENT.) Author of ■■Rirjht Against Might," "Thf Vow/ "The Home Secretary," "A Wife b;i Purchase," etc

Aileen boMta.te.l. for she hatred t.he task which she had -el herself: but Uiially she t.rok ulit- plunge. "I mit;ht be able tn fre; it for you." "You ;re: ii 1" -lave cried, in surprise, an.! i-rhii-ally examined Aileen'- ewsl/Uine. "lvi, I mig-Jis. be able t>. manure it.. Hirt one d.wTi'i irive « Jinmlrr.d |»Ti.nd-; for noUiin-jr." ' ■1 should u'ut-s- not: but I'm willing j to earn i:." The two pills looked at one another I Steadily, -and Ailwu was suistied thai *he da'rt-J \euture farther. "I have a friend who is illUTe-.K-.l in Tampo Oil-." -he -said, siguilnantly. ' ■■You ueedu'; say any mwe. i' understand." .lan- answered, and she! breathed li«a.v-ily. j Aileen w.iiled [kifiently. and then en- \ deavouifd to clim-li the matter. "U" you had a i-ajjiUil. *ny. of : .v.. , hundred and lii'lv pound-, y.-iu wmiM lie i -ure ut .-ue.e-.<. And there'- no dinger." "I don'i like to >£•• au'-Jin-; Mr. l.oyan.i 11/. alw-ij- :ivaled mc d.-.-.'iiily enough." -lam- -aid. in a troubled v.ii.••:' inn Aileen -aw i !~.l -hi- had won. "Think ii- .Her - I here* no hllTl'V—and You've told mc how iiard-up' you are ill j home. Take this: i:"l help. ' I Sbe offered -lane two live-pound notes, i birt the frirl hesitated to t.ike them. I ■'Thi- money biml- you to nothinii. It ! is a tree (jifi. :ind to-morrow you are at | lUwny ;o refuse to do what i aak." \ "Who's your bo.-.-:" -lane asked enddenly. ' j "I haven: jot one. I ni aotini for | myself." "So thai'- why \ .hi made up \n mc?! You're a preeiou's deep one. Mi-s -mi;!i.: I- your name Smith?" "That's as good as any other u.une. If, all you can tind mi; about Mr. Logan's I deaiinjrs in T«inp.>=. Th-ere shall be i anot-her ten pounds for you. I shall proba.bly want you in ?:ay on in :he, city for a few week-." I "It's a dirty business. I don't like!' it," .lane said, miserably. "If I tell you that' it was ).y Mich j mean- Mr. Jjojijih laid the foundation of l his fortune, and by dciinti •"> injure.l one that I loved':" "So it's revenue you're after. I e:in understand that." "And if 1 sun-coed, i: will mean t i you much more than two hundred rind titty pounds." "I'll do it." .lan.- • li.-l. with «ud.i?n < decision, ot-.--. hi-v bill. hurrii-J ] away. | Aiken -«j.,ii.-1 ■~-.- -.i, .ml <; tf ! ( H I wearily, for. alihir.iy'i -he lia I ?Uc.-e,si.. 1 [ a gnawing se-isn ,-.f <\ m « «.,- pre-eti;. l But- to p-: a ..,._•,„ - ~,, ~-ei,;.i! that, she P ii.,:i! i h.l\e ':,i- i-i-l i.. i;if.:r•matkin. I'.u: i- w.i- i...rrib!e !.. ihitiki ■Umt. she h.i-1 templed -hi- x ~,- s ? ; r i.! and ha I .'.-: i • In-: tin-.r. m μ-j I', "I mils: ." . ''..' -i:. iv. '. ." -.- -1; i miserably. !nr •: ''. •■ : ; :..-- »■»• -.v there in th-'iij: ■<:. At Inst she.

J, r lfij i ~.,.,. „ „ ~r eil| ,a ] r.-i- ' -.:",. I- there i)!!i"':" he a?ki\i. bluntly. . ■■\i--I om-e knew him. anil—bill yiiu ni-.ißi remember that dre-.idful nwk when L!ir National McarTHhip Corpora-I ii..11< iloatcd." •I Imped liail SurgnttiMi It. Ugiin i- .1 ilaiisreroM.- man to attack. Now that ■■•■■ arc ririing so \vi-:i. it wniilil be iiiiwUil<* riinjiiin dan'.-.-r for any sentimental "If Mr. I.(><>«n lin.l shown >• little i nier.v. i.. t ii--1- iiiijrln hn\c 1,.i,l health and j strrn»l'i." «[„. h,,, w .tcil. coldly. "Ami: is ill.- vrTiiimiTitul' the rifihl one, I" apply to a desire fur rcn-ngp7" "I w.iuld rather have hurd cu>li m\ rcwiiuc." ho <iid. do-rffi-dly. •I |irn|«i-.i- t.i linvc them both. Mv , plan, lire rmi yet. preparod. l.nt there-, a f." '"1 ■-•Imii.f i.t -t.ieet-sp." ■l.i-av,. l.ojran iilono. \\> ,-an m-x n,, I ivithcut him." •Tbcy (-,11 him a millionaire, but I ' wonder how much hf i- north in nt ihis pr.-.-nt miiriM-ii!. Ho lias hirgp hol.l- j iiiir- ij{ iiniiiiirkiaalile -c,iirit.i,-." "lluw dv yon kmiw Hint ;" he a-ked. j quii-kly. but .-h<- onl\ -riiilr.l in answer ; to tin- question. Hi* i-\fnvni.«un liiid Iwcmw *o iinsioii-i that .-he laiiL'hcl lit him openly. i "You lmil much bettor trust rii=> —ivon haw dune in tin- past, (nutiuile tnj buy all tin- Tampo OiiM you ran jret. Hut | l!i- buying imi,t be iloni' di.-a-m-tl.v. and i the shares put in the names of nnmiii.i- | Huw many lm\.- you -..t alreadyV" ! "Twentvli\e thousand, j "fiooil. Hut we want a 1..1 vol. j Ii i> es.-cntial that no mw ~,h-A.]\ su-pe.■! I that »•■ an' trying u> coriK'r tin- shares." ; •■Lojjan i> pretty smart: lint I'll do m; '■ luwt." lie uihtnprpil siu.-erels-Thry i-oiiUmii-d to dist-u** iuiMiu-ss for • a while, and wln-n they had ijuiehpil Co--U-l!o went hui-k tn his ullhe. and Xilt-vri | the .-oniimjjii«itin<: door. Kroin ' ■i riipbnunl sin' tiwik a plain s<-r«;e <;own. which -be put ..n in place of the one Aw «as w.-aiini;. Next .-In- L-hanged her hat. | and irave a critical look at liersrlf in th ■ -la.-*. I "I'm 111.- tliirt,v>l.illintr-a-»«-k typist to the life." sii.- muttered. ) A li'w niinute» later she sat down in! a small and cheap resUuruut. which was; patronised «-)iietly by women working for] their living in lup city. Not lonj; afterwards she was joined hy a of abuiit her own a^ , . sirailarly tlrossed. and i/oodlooking "I've had a busy morning, and I'm dead tired." .lane Slainer—for that was her name—said, w ilii a. of weariness. "The jjm'nor irritabli—eh." Aileen asked, plea.santlv. "No! Mr. l/lfTJll"* pot a Mood onovlpll temper, but he wrks one u> d<*Uth. 1 believe he thinks I'm a macine. I'm not so baU-lookin;;. and yet lie's never nine Icx.ked at mc a=. a man l.»ks »' a wmiiKii. | 1 W-lieve lie's in love. But tIIPV fay lie hates the sex." Aileen was angry with herself lhat j should feel so pleased .it this 'it must lie a dry business, yours—! nothing but stocks and shares." she remarked, quietly. "You're wronf. , . It's mi<:!itv cxHtitifr at | times. What-'- your line:" Yon never. told mc; although we've met so often 1 don't, know milch about you." .lane »ai<J. bluntly. ■Tiii in a.n office. I don't typewrite."i -Yon don't miss much, h's wearying work. 1 wish 1 could tind something else to do. It I'd a little capital I'd start a milliner's business. I'm rather j:ood at trimminj: hats." ■How much would you want , " "1 could i : on a hundre.l pounds. But. 1 miplit. as -well wL-h for tlio moon." lime said moodily.

rn--e and walked -lowly T)a<k to her otli-e. \i here t o--ieilo tjild her the news thai he had -ueee.-ded in buying a bip bl..ek of Tamjwi <)\: shares from a holder in the country. And Ailoen succeeded in i|iiietiii2 hrt cons, ien.-e. {To fie continued gaily.)

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Bibliographic details

Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 125, 27 May 1914, Page 10

Word Count

A Monte Cristo of Commerce Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 125, 27 May 1914, Page 10

A Monte Cristo of Commerce Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 125, 27 May 1914, Page 10


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