The fullo-wing is Mr. I). f\ Bates" we-ather torecarit for 24 iroiiTß from !) a.m. this day: "The indignations are for pasterly winds prevailing. There is a prospect of fair to cloudy weathor, -with im-.n>;isiii<j haze and cloudinesß. The Ibarinneter hats a falling tendency. Tides good. Sea smooth."
Reference was made at a meetingof the City Schools Committee to the need for alterations in the system of election of school committees. It was agreed to (•all the attention of those in authority to the imperative need for nn alteration. Mr. Iloskins tabled a notice of motion suggesting that in towns the poll should start at noon on the day of the annual meeting of householders.
The maintenance of the Manukau Road wae considered at the meeting of the Epso-m Koad Board last night. It was decided to try and arrange for a conference of all local bodies interested in the control of liie ."Manukau Road from Newmarket to One.hunga. In view of the large amount of hea-vy traffic •between Auckland , and' Onc.hunga, it is felt that the time han arrived whon onnVhined action i* imperative to make tlie necessary permanent improvements.
The establishment of a sanitary depot came before the Ed-en Terrace Road Hoard last night, a letter on the subject being received from the. District Health Officar. Dr. 'Ma-k<r3l. It was de-cid-ed- not, to take any action until the result 16 known of the discussion of the matter at the next meeting of the Mt- Albert Borough Council.
Dr. Averill (Anglican Bishop of Auckland) last night held a dedication service in connection with St. Augustine's Church at Stanley Bay. This new little church was formerly the Sunday school for the Holy Trinity Church at Devonport. The. dedication ceremony was followed 'by evensong and sermon, the. Bishop preaching on the text, "Kor whjle one saith, 'I axn of Paul.' and another. '1 am of Apollne." are ye not carnal? Who then ie Paul, and who ia Apoiloe, but ministers by whom ye believed, even as the Lord gave to every man? I have planted, Apol'.os watered, but God gave the increase."
At a meeting- <rf creditors in the estate of G. W, Gregory, ibankrupt, of Auckland, yceterda* afternoon, the Official -Assignee (Mr. W. S. Fishen announced that he had no information beyond the fact that a email a.mount of plant, the sole aesret as far ac he knew, had boon ?cJzwi bj- a man who had completed a onn't raot n-hk-h bankrupt had started. The o-od:tr>re resolved that the Afiotgnec should a*»cr>rta-in what position thin man o«upH?d n> relation to th? fetaie.
I iAn interesting took place J last night at thr meeting of the Auckj land City Schools Committee regarding ;he length of the luncheon interval allowod the children. At a previous meeting oi the committrv it was agreed lo extend the "time from one hour to an hour and a half. Last nijrht Mr. J. C. Sharpies moved in rescind thin motion. stating that in the interim lie had a vote of tire parents taken by the masters of the three schools, with the. following result:—Beresford Street. 30(1 for one hour lunch, and 100 for 1J hours; Xapier Street. 512 for the hour lunch. Hti for 1J hours; and Kelson Street. 930 for ho-ur lunch and 05 for U Hours. Mre. F. K. Baume stafwl that her inquiri-ee showed that m-ithor teachern, parents, nor seliolane wanted ilie <:hange. Several members opposed the resvindin™ of tliT motion, arguing that SO minutes was not onoufrh time to iiermit of the .-hildrrn {re.iting a
fnmf.irta.ble lunch. The motion was lost by gix to three, anil it was furthei agreed that Iread-masters be instructed to give effect to tlie resolution. The attractiveness of Rangitoto Island as a ploasure resort is a matter that intimately concerns th-e Devonport Borough Council as th t- Rangitoto Island Domain Board. Mr. P. X. llcOallum last night drew attention to the desirableness of havinsr the wharf accommodation at the island improved hefore the n¥\'t funimer season. The wharf was at present in a state of dierepair, and the eiltinjr up of the <berthage made it difficult foT the ferry boat* to work the wharf. These matters affected the usefulness of the domain, and should nroperiv be considered by the Haribour Board. * llr. D. \V. McLean supported this view, and Mr. A. \J, Pick-ford euggested that a deputation from the Domain Board wait upon the Harbour Board to dVt-use the preition. It might ■be that the Harbour Board would see. the propriety of voting a subsidy towardfi the improvement work.* at the island. It menti-on-ed that the attention of the Hnrbour Board had already been drawn in accordance with the Devonport Borough engineer'e report to the siltinn-up of the wharf. Mr. McTallnm e.;iid that the ace.ommoliation at the Rang-itoto wharf was adequate, but something would need to be done before next sr.icon to make it
U.ife ana worlcahlc. The Mayor (Mr. ;\V. Handle?) ami .Messrs. Pick ford and i M-rf'allurn "were apnointed a deputation !to wait on the -Harbour Board to submit proposals for the improvement of Ranaitoto Island. The official tally of visitors laet year by the excursion [etea-mers alone was lOrviO, while to this could ibe added hundreds who made the trip to the island by yacht and motor launch. All -thin "13 considered, the Board was of opinion that th-ere waft justification for again urgin-g the claims of the island for recognition at the hands of tin- Government. An accident attended with serioua consequences tr> Mrs. V. \V. Tadman, ot Ruapekapeka, occurred as sJie was being driven home from Kawakawa by her son on Monday afternoon, tclegrapbo our correspondent. The buggy brake failed at Dawson's Hill, and the horaes, fietting off at a gallop, ran off at a sharp corner and plunged headlong into a gorge about 300 ft deep. Toe son called to his mother to jump, doing so himself at the same time, but Mrs. Tadman's drees l>ooamc caught, and she was dragged some distance down the gorge before the drees tore loose and released her. An hour and a-half passed before help arrived, and the injured lady was then conveyed to the Kawakawa Hospital, where it was found she had sustained a cor.ipound fracture of the
t ieg and minor injuries. The horses were I found the following morning at the bot[torn of the gorge practically ■uninjured. In the course of an address at a meeting of the Victoria bcagiie in Wellington, Dr. l'latts MilU urjfpd that there was a great deal of work before the people o!' the Dominion in town-planning and the establishment of better housing conditions for the poorer rla.sste. Peojple were apt. k!io said, not to bother ( about thi.s subject, because they were ; iio-ed to hearing such favourable comparisons between Xc-w Zealand am! , older countries, but she could take the members of the ljoajrtie. to a street i where there was a row of fairly good- ; looking hoTisee. but if they went down lan alleyway past a <lirty stable, the/ would come upon a tumbledown threeroomrd dwelling in which lived a family of the eldest child being a girl ol" eleven. The hovel had no conveniences, and was sordid to a, degree. One tap outside was the one soiircn of water, and tbe little p\vl ot eleven had admitted that except the babies who were bathed ;,, the washing-up basin none of tbe family enjoyed the luxury of a bath. '11h> family was from England", the father was often out of work, and the mother lad to go out washing. Another case which Dr. Platte Mills quoted was that of a woman who lived in a email house with two children. One of these the mother left in tho Creche all day while «he took the other with her 'to her daily work. For this -home" the woman paid 11/ a .work. Dr. I'latts Milk said eJ.e could quote many example*.
The recent total Insw by are of the r«i*ent efficcr'e house at' Fort Cautlev l.Wtn Head) was mentioned last night at the Devonport Borough Council meet"iff- More than I.OOOft. α-f hose was Wed. and the waior wae Iree6 . Wily not etrong. The Mayor explained that the f-ommnr.rl p.rogret* of thp. borough* tntrr-main oloaner -would Offeptrvcly in™-r>asr> the availablo water prtseur* in that portion of thp .bortnifih aUhcrag-h it must bo understood that tV fort, residence -ha 4 been in an isolated petition, as thp length of hose that wae used had shown. The waterworks inspector (Mr. F. O. BouTko) pointed out that even in the most favourable circumstances a strong pressure of water could not reasonably be expected over 1,050 feet of canvas hceo going through a 4in pipe and a lin nozzle. It «- as mtTntioned incidental to this fiubjeet, that th* boroughs wulcr-main cleaning oppraUnns were .hpin ? carried out with a maximum dejrree of efficiency, and also ot economy. Jn connection with firefiprhnng equipment in the borough, the Fire Brigade Ccmmittee reported 'that amrvmiod plan? of the. propwpd , cw station had drawn up j>v th-c jrchitftrt in accordance with limpectar Flujroe ropnn. and the Panne:! a.dor.t-ed the Micetvtinn that tnMp f orwarded to Inspect-or Hugo for hie approval.
While driving down the Kimihia Road on Monday Mrs. J. Duffy was thrown out of her dogcart, sustaining severe injuries to her face, including a fracture of the orbital ridge, and injuries to the right arm, says our Huntly correspondent.
The first lecture will bp jjiren to m™ at the Ambulance Station. Rutland atreet, to-Diomw (Thursday) rvenins.
: Feel tip felt r our 2/II Jolt- (or ladies; all shade.-, rkab-p \aiiie 2/11. and a«k to be *hnu n the s-ierjal trimming.— RendcUs, Ltd.. Kfl-anmhar.o -.Road.—(.Ad.)
■mmm quenu and thrse w!,o declined to v lad, , cighreeu or ninetven y eaK " failed to' n,-, tlf i^ j-.y of instance, Amnn? «»„£» cus« were sickness, unfitnc* generally. urnonuve of the meme. and misunderstanding ac to Z dril; arrangement, but there wa, llie otmwentioiH objector \va« mt , t:caliy non ret tliw morning, which r I suited in fines totalling £37, with mw I to cotne. ■
The vex-ed question or the dispesal i refuse came before the Board la*t night. Dr. R. Makgili dt trict health officer, no-.ified thatfit Z been found _im P r«ible to «c.;re a enit depot ,n any part of the suhurhs. Ihe only resource, therefore, would l> to adopt the system of dumping im , the sewer Finally, the Board decide to leave the matter in the hande of ti ( chairman, with power to act.
Following upon Mr. Justice Cooperi objection at Auckland to the wort 'billet in legal documents, and general plea for purity in the iwe of the Ew. ■lish language. Mr. Jiwtica Dennieton, h the Supreme Court at ( hristchurch oV jected to tho u,-e hy tho Crown counsel's associate of the word -faked" as beiw slang. Counfiol poo.l-'numnuredlj' cepted correction. Ibnt pleaded that he had followed counsel for the defenct in using tho word. -But we look for hotter things from counsel for thi Crpwn," he remarked laughingly. ] t the courop of a few exchanges be'twen judge and counsel it was mentioned that th-e phrases "tarred with the eaiw brush' , and "on the wrong eide of thi fence"' had been condemned in Engha
At a meeting of the Xorthcote Boroagi Council last night, reference n-as maifc to the proposed conference of the Devo:port, Takapiuia. Birkenliead, and Jfortt cote councils. It was resolved to fee* ward remits relating to heavy traffi, excessive telephone bureau charges, at! hospital and charitable aid rates and i& ministration.
Xext Wednesday, the King's Birthday, a gathering of .bands of hope will bt held in the Town Hall. A unique pw gramme will be provided by 500 per. formers, under the oonductorehip of lit L. E. Falkner. Quite a large numbw of new- and popular action songs Till be produced, and the many reheareali (promise a very efficient performance. The plan for the principal seate is dot open at Messrs. Wildnian and Arey'a.
Those who are interested in the development of tire fruit-export indmtir might well take a hint from the dttcription of a cane of lemons opened up ha Blenheim fruiterer. The .iietiod ot packing was a work of art. The paper used in the lining of the caee and the covering of the top layer presented beautiful pictures of scenery and other tourist attractions in Italy, and the wrapping of each lomon was snnflark illustrated. This ingenious form of advertising could bo happily associated with such exceptionally handeoms appjes as our own country is capable of producing.
■From various sources a Wellingtoa paper gathers that mom?y is still very abundant in Australia, and this fact, it explains, may explain the seeming equanimity with which increased State taxati.on is regarded; aleo that other fact, which it is difficult to explain, apart from the generally high level o: pastoral and dairy products, that extra taxation on land" in Kew South Wales at any rate, 'has not had the "■■burstingup" effects upon large estates that was anticipated, and did in many instances actually take place. The large sums oi ■Australian money (all won from the soil) etill available for investment has had a decidedly weakening effect upon the Commonwealth monvy market. But it has Tio't 6o influenced the financiil state of affaire in thie country Iα Australia, however, as in New Zealand, Ko far an one can ascertain the facts, there in no encouragement given by bajikers to speculators in suburban properties acquired for cutting up into suitable Works for re-celling at substantial profit, if not at boom prices. In the country districts of New Zealand to-day there is a strong demand for legitimate 4)ankin;r accommodation, which it U undorstood ie being very well met, the money being required , lac genuine developmental purposes. In ti> e city trader* experience no difficulty in riVi-rv-rr c,,,i, ficiljtire as their standing entitles them to. Any immediate
: i; of nil.j of int-ereet on overdrafts, anil also on fixed desposite, epems to be contingent upon the Government reducing the rate of interest •on Savings Bank accounts.
Th? Mount Albert Ratepayers' Association has called a meeting for next Friday evening, t-o *i> held in the Public Hall."Kin;»].and. for the purpose of considering th<> attitude of the Mount Albert Borough Oouneil relative to Mount Eden and the dumping question.
It is undcretood the Xe3tle and Anglo-Swiee Condensed Milk Company will shortly erect an extensive factory in the North Island for the production of Nestle'a condensed milk. Mr. A. C Hargrove, the Australasian manager of the company, is now in Sew Zealand in connection with the enterprise.
Mr. H. S. Small (Truant TnspertoT) has returned from a visit to the schools at Hansatiki. Otornhania, and Maungape.'<e. At each school he tilled upon the children the need for re-mar attendance at lessons. At Te Kuiti Mr. Small was informed that one Maori boy persisted in atteniini school nlthough his arm had just been broken.
The Dar-ravi-Uc Boronph Council propceos ho hare for «ater at Mt. W«!ey w order to try and cwurr a supply for the tciWTi. Tfntior? have been invited, returnable on June 2. The lea.«e of 14 business and residential site? at Pukekohe, will be sold to-morrow at noon at the roorce of Messrs. K._LCarr and Son, Swansnn Street. T he property is bein S sold under instructions from the Hon. the Minister for Rulwajs. ?. Stone and Co., Ltd., shoe specialists of this city, have jus'- <**ted * special -amp!.-" purchase of elippere. whiirh are now m, display at the "Ly™ 5i;' IOB s. nr c ,om.r Queen and D" 1, ? V-.ur .••■,.!:.,. now to «««• Ihree sn.v .'- in 1...1 w - , and oW; .I'ren-- «-;irm fo.-,-«-ner at tbeir ue>»iioen cvi jTA-ct. - iAdA
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Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 125, 27 May 1914, Page 4
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2,618Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 125, 27 May 1914, Page 4
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