The Mayor of Auckland was last night re-elected president of the Auckland Institute. Mr. W. H. Skinner, Commissioner of Crown Lands, Blenheim, has been- transferred to Napier. Mr. R. W. Dyer, 5.M.,.0f Rotorua, it on a visit to Auckland,, stopping ,at the Star Hotel.: - i**at<t' :.'-»> At the.end of tis mont, Mr. AY. H. Renner, chief postmaster,..Gisbbrne, retires from the-public service, and will be succeeded by Mr. J. J. Pickett, of : Thames. Mr. E. T. Norris has been appointed registrar of Victoria College, Wellington. He was formerly assistant registrar of the University of New Zealand. Mr. A. H. S. Howard, senior mail clerk at Wanganui, has 'been promoted to head of the mail staff at Dunedin. Mr. A. W. Jones, delivery clerk, Auckland, goes to Wanganui, his place being taken by Mr. J. H. Richards, from Wellington. It was announced by Mr. ' Justice Cooper at the Auckland Supreme. Court this morning, that Mr. Justice Hosking would visit Auckland towards the later end of March to give temporary assistance with Supreme Court work. Mr. S. J. Harbutt (president of the Auckland Provincial Industrial Association, has gone to Wellington to' attend v the conference between the central committee for the Panama Exposition and' the Prime Minister, next Thursday. Mr F. Green, having severed his connection with the Harbour Board clerical istaff, was yesterday presented with agold sovereign case as a token of esteem. The secretary (Mr H.-B. Burnett) made, the presentation on behalf of the staff. Mr. Green- has left for the "Waikato. Mr. S. J. Nathan left by yesterday's Main Trunk train to join the lonic, which sails for England from Wellington on Thursday. Mr. Nathan, who expects to be away for about a year, will, with Mr. H. Buckleton, represent the Auckland Chamber of Commerce at the Permanent Congress of Chambers of Commerce in Paris, The'chairman'of the Harbour Board (Mr. J. H. Gunson), accompanied'by the secretary (Mr. H. B. Burnett) , and the harbourmaster (Captain Hi \V. Sergeant), paid an official visit during the forenoon to Viscount Kelburn, the newly appointed commander of H.M.S. Pyramus. The vessel is lying at Calliope Bock. The Rev. Dr. W. F., Adeney, late principal of the Lancashire Independent College, who has been on a tOiir of inspection of the various L.MjS: stations in the South Sea Islands, and attended the recent sitting of the Council of the Congregational Union, left yesterday for Waitomo with Mrs. Adeney. After visiting the Caves, they will proceed through to Christchurch, Timaru and Dunedin; at the conclusion of his New Zealand tour Dr. Adeney will -visit Tasmania and Australia.
Auckland Star, Volume XLV, Issue 47, 24 February 1914, Page 5
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