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The following is Mr D. C. Bates' weather forecast for 24 hours from 9 a.m. this day: "The indications are for freshening southerly winds, strong to gale prevailing. The weather will probably prove squally and changeable. Rain probable. The weather will probably become, colder, and the night be very cold. Barometer rising soon. Tides moderate. Sea moderate." Legal argument was heard Try Mr. C. C. Kettle. S.M., at tho Magistrate's Court this morning regarding a question jof costs in a case in which throe seamen | sued Captain C. X. Noilsen, master of , the American schooner Amaranth for 1 In two of the cases costs were j allowed, 'but in the third, as £1 4/ had j been p.ii.l into Court, the question of the ! solicitors' costs wore reserved. Mr. A. lE. Skeltnn represented the plaintiffs, Patrick Joseph Monaghan and William | Mullins. Mr. M. McGregor, for Captain j Neilscn. formerly moved for payment of I defendant's costs out of the money paid into Court. Mr. Kettle held tt—t defendant was entitled to one guinea costs. The Prime Minister, in answer to c!iargi« that he voted against the lirst Old Age Pension Bill in the House of Representatives last night, quoted HanI sard to prove that he voted in favour of the bill. He proceeded to declare that tha member for Avon, then representing Riccarton, had on several occasions voted against the Old Age Pensions P.ill. As to the insinuations against the present Government, had they attempted to do anything of a reactionary nature'! Their works spoke for themselves. (Government applause.) As to the old age system he would like to go further than the bill, and ho hoped next year to go a slop further. He would certainlylike to make the possession of a home at any time no hindrance to the] benefits of an old age pension. (Hear, hear.) Speaking of military pension-.;, the proposals of the present Government were the first practical recognition of tbe de-bt the state and country owed to the old veterans. The second reading was agreed to, nnd the House adjourned at 12.45 a.m. The majority of motorists on the way I to the last Wellington races apparently! forgot that the Uutt Borough Council had not relaxed its efforts in its crusade against driving at excessive speed, and. despite formidable notice boards and the example of the six motorists "brought bo- I fore the Court recently, they rushed j along at a pace easily exceeding the limit sot down. Employees of the Council, were waiting in iimbusb, armed with! j stop-watches and flags, witn the rosttit I that altogether 48 motorists were caught j j on the two days, alleged to be exceeding! the limit. Some of the drivers, more! , alert than others, noticed the traps, and i with a swift application of the brakes, j i plowed down to funeral pace, but of the-el there were not many. In most cases ] tho speed was anything up to eight ;or nine miles above the limit, while in one case a speed of 30 miles an hour i was recorded. | An aggregate meeting of members of i the various branches of the Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners was held last night- to receive the reports of the delegates to tho recent j Unity Congress. Xo action was taken with regard to affiliation, or otherwise.' ! with either of the departments of the | I United Federation of *_bour, but thej ! delegates were thanked for their ser- | vices, and the larger issue will, no doubt,] be considered by the (branches in due i course. It :.=; stated on good authority that auI totnatic telephones arc giving only indifferent results in Wellington. A limited | I nsrr.ber of the automatic telephones have | been set up. so that, in general, one has ;to communicate with the central ox-! ! change. This is the difficulty. Some- j I times the exchange does not get tbe call. j and the man at the end of the wire can do nothing. With the old machines he I 1 could, at least, make a poise by ringing: j tho bell some more, and persistence ill ! 1 this usually made the people at central' I answer. But with the automatics one| i hears nothing. The call is heard ami; j answered, or it is not heard and not I answered. if the latter, the machine h| lout of order, and machines go out ofl order rather frequently. Xo doubt' there is an oTiciai explanation, but thej fact remains that the machines don't always work. :>ome statistics in connection with tho : animals slaughtered at the Wellington ; abattoirs reveal some rather -disquieting I I features of ISO cows. No fewer than -fl , I were found unlit for human consumption. I | while out of the 619 btiHock-- on!>- IS | I were condemned, and of the six thousand "odd sheep only 430. A eounvii'.or ex--pressf\l the opinion that the public should bo warned by the Council that | much of the pork offered in Wellington j was unfit for human consumption. ! A now bathing by-law has been passed ; by tho Wellington City Council, which ; forbids male persons to loiter and to- j main in the immediate vicinity of any | ladies' bathing shed. A further provi- j sion is to the effect that no person shall j enter the water at Lyall Bay. an 1 pro- ! coed seawards more than 100 yards. The Oamaru branch of the Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants has passed the following resolution: "That the Oamaru branch has every confidence in the aibility of the executive to conduct, all business entrusted to it in the best possible manner in the interest of members generally, and especially approvco their recent action in withdrawing from the late Labour Congress in Wellington ■■ when, in their judgment, they saw that ; t.i remain would bo detrimental to the best, interests of the Department and i mom-bens." Mesurrs. Bdwin Hal! and J. G. Rutherford will represent the Auckland A. am! P. Association at the Agricultural Conference which opens in Wellington nn Wednesday next. Mr. IT.ill, who is s.t ret'iry to the conference, leaven for Wellington by to-morrow evening's train. Ceorge Steven Crlich, of Kawakawa, storekeeper, has filed a petition to be adjudicated a banlcrupt. The first meeting of creditors has been called for August Lit, at 11 a. _,

The main roll for the T\,i. ««* wiU ho day. after which a s,„>„t l •'T- sat--ill bo used ..niri4 P d P a! m w ar3rro!l election, on 27th A^ at "* of ratepayer, on the roll ti_t aame3 - when the poll was -ken on theT _* question have been tra_f err^ b r ,Ugi ' new roll, and *° the enrolment are being r^fiU_* f ° r numbers. Xo milla tions foVd^if 18 ?' the Borough Council will V ° n to before the date of Wt * k day a booth n,;_° a the vicinity of O'XeiH's vLI in in addition to the booth at T*_, COn *« r . the booth in the city. at^Un a aaj Tho teachers and scholars „f _ Eden Public School. Valley lU_ *\ e Mt ' ed last Thursday as fiSih' servation of the day havinnT' * e ob * poned on account tftt? P o6 '* vS*tt to the school. Vnder tv"""^ 6 v«Wjn of the headrrmeter Mr 1 ' Hill) and his _ aff , the chiici; V ' W ' profitably employed' in\_g_V* beds and planting trees, shrub! K°!? r etc. Many of the parents movement by sending alon ?* ** *• money to buy suitable planSf ft or bo encouraging to the „ mvi6t authorities to find that y^^^ l hare suitable area, an £?£%* marie to make fie ,_„i ls be "i2 o f.home.ik e \Vrrou2 o „t aCOntil,D^ A further deputation of B;i , and Northcote r sidents wa ls****** manager of the Devonporffc"* pany yesterday afternoon i„ „ y Com * with the new time-lIoUfothe^ o " hen.,, and Northcote service *£ the <?" euwion which followed it wall dls " out that the proposed tlTiJ"^* from Auckland would mthUlLhf the Technical School students ,X 1° not leave their evening fi! fflftj and consequentlly would hav e to £3 nearly an hour for the next ■boat-1_ that the later trips would not £ t, venient to the men working the _2 shifts at the Sugar Works. The I opinion of those present was in favour of retaining the present time-table, with the addition of a boat leaving ~nd say. at either 12.15 p.m., or a quarter' of an hour later. EventnaTlv, it waß deeded by Mr. Alison to submit a timetable somewhat on the lines sagjrested to the Birkenhead and Northcote Borough Councils, and also to the workj manager of the Sugar Company (Mr. E f V. Miller) for approval. Pome interesting information has been received in Ohristehureh with regard to the American timber trade. It is stated that the outlook was encouraging until recently, when President Wilson introduced the new Tariff Bill in Congress. This has occasioned a tremendous" 5 upheaval amongst the big money interests and manufacturers of this country. What President Wilson is trying to promote means simply free trade. "At prepent a financial panic has broken loose in Xew York, and the effect will soon become noticeable out West. If it cannot be cheeked, and if it should assume the extent of the panic of 1907, there will assuredly be a big drop in the price of timber before long. A find of ambergris is reported near I Balclutha. The finder had picked up several pieces of whitish substance on the beach, and took some away with him, ' thinking they might prove to be amteri gris. while he secreted the large pieces !in tho bush. Subsequently, he took some of the samples to Dunedin, and I was assured that his find was the genuine I article, and he realised £18 4/ for the | small pieces taken to town with him, being paid £2 5/ an ounce. He has 18ib (at 12oz to the l'b), and, as a good i sample is worth £'.'> to £0 an ounce, it is I evident that he has "struck oil.'' Even | jif it is only worth the small rate paid I I for the poorer sample sold, £2 5/ an I I ounce, it runs into £486. while a't the if higher figures (say £6) it would run into I £1-296. The Salvation Army band under con- | ductor .1. 11. Deighfron. will render the I following programme in the Albert Park M to-morrow afternoon, ccraimenchig nt j 3 o'clock: March: "Johannesburg;" 6C- jf lection. 'Songs of Scotland;" hymn, f "Nearer Mv Go-d to Thee" (favou-itc of I | tieceasod Bro. Cooke) ; selection, "English j Melodic*:" comet (solo, "Alas Those Chimes:"* selection, "Ora Pro Nobis;" I march. "Ruahine." A collection will be taken tip in aid of the Cooke Fund. | A friend, writing to Mr. A. Jameson, jof the Y.M.C..V, states that Mr. C. H. 1 Poole i- due to return to Auckland in i three months' time. "He made a deI eifled hit in Pittsburg,"' he writes. "Nw j Zealanders should have heard the loyal wav in which he advocated his own ! countrv. and the people of that count"? will lie proud of him if they could see I how hi* lovaltv to his own country i brought storms of applause from AmenI can audiences.'' -V private letter, received in Aueklatrf, I ,tat_ there is an epidemic of dip ij» i at present in Melbourne, and the disMM ' appears to be spreading. At several ' the hospitals there are large IB"**" 1 [diphtheria patient., note treata** | : and hv latest accounts, there *vere V | =ignfi of the epidemic decreasing. ■ ••Hmel Mon Desir," Tata-puna, und I |.new management, Raynes Bros-, !■*•* K Bar and Hamaton, have »g 1 (over ibis beautiful hostelry. WorfjM i ! , - leserb" the seen c charms ot tl» or ■ ;;,;^ !Te; atedbome. We specif I :;f he lea Kick -lovely light refr£ | I n U_ f„r sixpence; TrMns pi* U* I ! door.—(Ad.) , 1 | Thp Defence Dop»rt_ert _.*■ fl J 1 • hnitor- tendere for the supply of batiam. ■ - ciiu'tpmcnt. . „: ■ . Tenders are invited for the supply; B : Ua „ke_ and other requ,s,t« fcrj»_ ■ ;v;-.nous Menial Hcsprtale in the u™ ! mn - - , ah Bovs" and I The tremhers of the Old Bg Ihon. members oi the Fire Brigade | I Salvage- Corps are invited to -ittcn | ! funeral of the late Fireman \MU» | IMMser. to-morrow nfternoon. | The Auckland Shakespere Society ■ their ~eS t . reading in the I flail. Woliesloy Street, on _. July .'P. Several:aew «adwj : • - v*r:_£ F, Iron Ootxreiii nrar also >_."rt> |jItrLU , Af-a;=T*6 r*or*vlh. Mr, McCallum, and Jg Van Brackel. Cladding, Ward and o.n The Victoria League, in this issue, . vite, design* for n memorial to memorate the deeds o } soldiers who have fallen in >e* iL " 1/10 Is well spent In curtag » "J-J eome cough and I vested in a bott'e of Baxters . . . server- "'i storekeepers. —(a q -' | ,„.. Ud.. F.rt 5tr,...-(i« ffij „ ' J "■mith an J . (.'aughey u l rc ,: L Set M ■-.' rin ce FAIR -till proceeding- | .;, h ;;:>;j„t m Supplement- , (A r ti't mi- the hnlf-price remaanttj lino and oilcloth, .-learitu' this asefnl length*.—Tonson Carlicß * '■ Cash Pale.—(Ad.) *" All at h_f-priee. Renmarils of ' re ' I tnpostry. art serge casement « 1 materials. etc. Lreful lenStWGarliclt's Gigantic Cash Sale—lAdJ * B

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Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 177, 26 July 1913, Page 4

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 177, 26 July 1913, Page 4

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 177, 26 July 1913, Page 4


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