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Moon s Age: New Moon, July 4, at 4.36 p.m. Snuserr Tills evening, 4.42. Sunrise: To-morrow morning, 7JL HIGH WATEB. An-kland....MonJay. 3.S a.m., p.m. Auckland Tuesday. 3..T0 a.m, 4.23 p.m. Oneutinca . .Toesday. '■'-■* a.m., 7ii3 p.m. llaniiljjii H..Tuesday, G.2fl a.m.. 6.53 p.m. Kjiii.ara t;.. .Tuesday. 7.10 a.m.. 7.43 p.m. Ti'ia! Constants (to be added or subtracted from lifeh water at. Auckland):— Wnullgarei minus 5 minutes. Thames plus 10 ininutiv. Tanranpa minus 11' minutes, RaF-.aU plug 17 minutes, Coromandel plus ID minutes.

AERrVALS. RATtTRDAT. TANAD-A CAPE, b.s., 4.286 tons. A. B. Frrpnd, at S..">o p.m., from Newcastle.— Union. oo_ asents. WAXAKA, s.s_ 2,422 tons. .T. Flynn, from tho Btaff. via Oamam, Timani a"nd_.Xapier.— MAXAIA. s.s, B. Stepbpnson. from Whntaenrei. Passengers: Hesdarups Broker and two c±Efldrr>ii. Rodders and child. Burton, L4ayd, MoriP, I'eak, Hnare. Browne, McOrngor, McMillan. Keoch. Wilson, Rnmtie, Cutforth. Hisses Rishworth. M<*GasklTl. Porter. Ferjrnson, Jo.vop (2), "Vjvmp. Hawked. I'ptoa, Heavy. MeCregor, McAuby. WaddoJl. Jamieson, Rumble, Smith, Woods, MfPhee, Simons (2). Brown, Yonng, "Wells, Ilardwick. llillincton, Henderson, ??Tirse Beer. N'nrse GilTnpy, Messrs. Morle. Peak, lonnff. Hoarp. Browne, Kerr, Mnnro, McKay, Incxaxn. Graham, Leach, Clark. ■Keboo, Snell, Fnnbistpr. Calder. Buchanan, Wilson, Ponbistpr, Ryan, Rnmblo. Lagpett, ■WiningtoTi, Poipy. Welder. Burlins. Gordon, Uonslas, Staple. Edmondson. Kysh. Ilaskell, Thompson. Pnttrr. McGregor, Mason. Wring, Montapne, Russak. Walker, Brotnlpy, Carter, Simcock. SimmoDds. Spencer. Belcher, Wripht, Bradbury, r'nnnold, Henderson, CTianinerK. Gilmore, S'bankey. Gnlpin. Harris. Parker, waider. F.ripgs. Deprose, Alipoo, Masters Pearson. Hoarp, Salmon. Rumble, and 12 steerage.—Northern Co., agents.

STTNTJAY. MAHENO, s.s.. tons. D. McLean, !rt 4.40 p.m.. from Sydney. Passengers: Misses Winder. O'Neill, Roche, Percy, Commons. Moresby. Brewer, Smh.b. Mead, Xurse Rpam, MePdamps Selley. (jDise and iru'iintCrawford. Pnterson. Rolvo, Heron and two children. Brown and child, Mac, Pitta way, Whtte, RurkP, Smith. MciliLsters, Messrs. Selley, Guise, Thomlinsor. Paterson. Injrrnms. Storrar. Kidd. Heron. Mar, Rolvo. dp Beer. Smith. CarUnß. Webster, Bruce, Irrrae, Marshman. Pittaway. Kroll, Brewer, Berry, McCallum (21, Smith. Bus*, the Rev. Onlrlie, Captain Morresby, and 70 steerage.— tTrrfon Co.. ;u'-''uu-. MAITAI, s.s_, ::.r.nn ton?. A. Caxscro, at !>."• a.m.. from Southern and East Coast ports. Passengers: Misses Sutherland, Goldie, Schofield. Imnninc. .Mcßratney, Suff. Norse Maopbersop.. Mesdames Luney and fonr children. Schorield. Newton. Brighiwpll and two children. Russell, McGregor. Shirley. Robinson. McKay. Tood. Clayton, Cottrell and infut. Messrs. .7. Ramsden, Luney, Newtoa, R_ B. Williams. Pochienann, Bright-■n-pll. Ptainforri, liradford, Parker, llcEae, Ttrnewin. Ross. Clayton, Otway. Fallow, Matthews. Eurlcr. Instone, Enssell. Anderson. McMurdo. Diver. Alston. Smith. Tood. Mr-Glssiian. Williams. Lindsay, Masters Cabill. Wall. O'Donovan. and 42 steerage.— AlTOFEl'si, E. H. Goertz. from Ohiwa. Northern Co_ agents. WAIOTAHL "s.s.. C_ Hopkins, from Port Charles. Mercury Bay. and Taima. Passeosers: Mpsdames Thomas. Rooke. Howie, ( 'ainpbell. Duval ujld. child. Dean, Misses Geard. Jones. Bond, Eooke. Barker, Messrs. Derm. tonng. Waldersraves, War-f-urtoc TVacson. cieard i2i, DajValinidchcT. Pcrr-h. Hartley. Adams. Waison. Brown. Reid. S.-obie. Hampton. Lennon. Eicfcet. Downard. ilodtsune. Ross. I'ampbeiL Corrstable Brown, Master Mi-Grego-.— Northern Co_ ajents. SQUALL, >.s.. S- Jones. frr>m Wnanirarei Richanisoc and Co.. Ltd.. asents. THIS DAY. 'rEEYHOI-XD, ant. schenner. Snbritzky S.ZS> a-in.. from Wbansaroa- —Goldsboro" and M'-'Conneil, agents. DEPART!" RES. SATURDAY. WAIiIAEIn. s.s., C. F. Gr?ent)er: for PaTQ-i =.s, T. Me-ers. for wiaBsarPi. SUNDAY. TAPiIAN. ,?.. r. Faalkner. f"r Tanranrji and Wiiaiij-i C e KOCTCXVI, i-s.. E. Gray, for Whan=irei. T'NION CO.'S MOVEMENTS. EAST COAST, Nsvna arrives from Fiji: Tuesday.—Kanri arrives from Fiji: R.M.s. Niaiiam arrives from Vanrouver. via Suva Plonolulo: 11.M.5. Niairnra saPs for Sydney: Talune sail? for Eastern Pacific- Islands; Maitai sail? for Sourhern ports; Navua sails *or Vx-pjlincton and Westport.

fl-ediipsday—Knsarcond. arrivps from Gisborne: Wanaka sails for Oamarn. Bluff and Tlmara. Tfenrsday.—Moftnia arrives 'rom Southern pons: Waircoa tisiis for N^wrattle. Friday.—R.M.s. jlakura arrivt>s from Sydney, and sails for Suva. Honolulu, Canada; Canada <".ipe =ails for Xewastle. Satnraay.—Rosamond saJls for To!o- a Bay anrl <sisborae: Molcoia sails for Southern ports; Kauri saiN fur Fiji. WEPT COAST. P'inday. ITaiipir; arrives from Ticton; Sarawa arrives Eroiu Xew IVynsonth. Monday.— Hnupiri >-aiis fur Wellingrton ami Pictnn: llaxa-n-a sails f"r Now Plymouth. Wednesday.—Karawa arrives from New Plymouth. Thursday— Rarana sails for Xew Flymouth.

R.M.?. Maknrn i= m leave Sydney tn-dav for Vani-r.uvr-r viu Auckland. She i> dne on Friday morning. [n unJpf n> c-ompietp loading for Coas; bars anil litsboroe the Hicharrlson Li-ne sipamer Sqnali rernrri'el to Auckland f.-n m Whanirnrei yesterday. Slip is n> sail ui~ht. I: i< hoped to ilespan-li I lit- s.s. Melbourne f"r WSansHßarapara n C >v< She l< to 'i"ad a "tinker mr;n ar th» Cn'-at Barr'T n.irt for Sydnoy and ilelhourne. An arrival ar Aai-klan.l yestprrlay was The Richardson Line st'-atapr Koutnnui from <;isbort:(\ Aftfr >hoo p -~- Orakei ihe restcl left last niirhi for W tumsaxe!. T"poa arrif. : :ir r'aneiiin on hor prps=pnt trip south tbo t'cion Co. - * sipa-nnr Mnnntcai Tviil withdraw frr> c; the Fast Toast service fr r snrvpj- and gear-ral nrrrhaul." With -pnera! ,-arso from Xcw York the steamer Aberiour arrived at Melbourne on Prf.iar last e n rnnte to An<-k!a.nd. She is d-:e her.- ahont .Inly 1«. and has 1.?5T Tons at <-crz.. ti> land. The Raiiia iefr Sydney on Saturday for Awfcland. continninsi her passage from Sr. Jα;.;:. She ; s here on Thursday morniL_-. zad has T'kj tons of caj=o t<> laud, before :-': ( vinz for the South. Kγ. rm:tc_froin Pune<iin to Aurklacd via p-. ; r*s the "nion Po.'s steamer Mosoia 15 r.-.-i :.. leave Weilinfton to-a:=ht fo r Xa-j'i-r. (jij:'or"e ar.<l Af.rkianfi. She !s due here nn Thursday morning next. re.o2 <"'>."■! WanaLa arrived S:irafternoon sonthern ports via Napier. She was i>erthed at lIF Rril-way-whjrf. She is ns-i ;o saU 03 the return p::?S2ze Oα ■Wednesday. Tn-der z'a a agreement for rhartr* r ha< been entered m:o between the United States Government an.i certain ship owners. zb- parries are sworn to secrpcy as to tie object of tne arrancement. To date it is known that 26 steamers hire hcea secured. Included in the car=o per the Maheco from ST<li:ey yesterday were transhijinieuts ex the followinz — Otranto. Empire. Yorra, Wandefla, Airich. Medina. Nera, Varziu Iserhoim. Wyreema. Montoro. Nlkko Maru, Bombali, Bovie, and Mil* adei

The Union Co.'s Easten Psr'.i■• tra/ler Taiune is to sail from Aucl!a.u<i it 1C a.m. to-morrow for Rarotonga. VESSELS IS PC XT. AMARANTH, barrinentine, a *> >'. 4 HADEOTO, s.s., in stream HCRCXUI, s.s.. at R>:. Rail a -whar: IXGA, s.s., in Calliope Dock ROSAMOND, s.s, at U, Que«n Sttw? van:' TALCNE, s.s., at B, Hobsou SLr. m - ••■•■:' WAIKCNA. 5.6., at E. Qneen • crejt was.:. MELBOURNE, s.s.. at No. 2 jetty. MAITAI, s.s., at KB, Railway wharf. CANADA CAPE, s.s., at RE, RaUway wharf. WANAKA. s.s., at RF, Railway wharf. LMPORTS. Per Canada Cape, from Newcastle: 5400 tons coal. Her Mairai, from Southern ports: 1207 baps potatoes. 72; sacks wheat, 673 sacks chaff, -ISO sdiAs bran. 1184 sacks flonr, 1979 Backs oats. :iM sacks malt. 30 sacks pollard, -■* sacks ircrstena meal. 2? bags onions, 01 bass rollpf Hour, 72 cases acid, ris bundles pipes, .iijrl large quantity ot tandries. Per Wanaka, from Southern ports: 0685 sacks u-hpat, ICOs sacks ehuS. sacks oats, 2ftJo sacks poiames, 41) sacks grass seed, 23 saclis peas, .10 sacks barley, 307 bales sLrarr. 141 ha!p> hay. blocks Oamaxu stone. S-J pipves timber, i>lo sneks. 422 100's. and 1302 sO"s flour, 17b2 sacks bran. 669 sacks pollard. 114 sacks oatmeal, 2056 cases preserved milk. 4l> packages machinery, quantity omptv return drums, etc., and sundries. I'er Mahcno. from Prdney: 524 sacks bonednst. 610 aarlis oxide nf iron. 45 bags onions. ;'.40 sacks flniir. 4Rn pipers tirabpr. 383 cases fnrit. 3<JO cases soap. KSO cases schnapps, 458 bundles steel Jiars. BS3 packages tea, 180 haps bark. 254 sacks pollard. SS cases tobaero. ?,W drums carbidp. 550 bags rice, 200 bags hm'tlc?. a[K i sundries.

VIA WIRELESS. Tup following vessels are expected to be within wirPlPPs nf the Ancklnnd radio Ftaiion to-day:—Nnrnn. Niagara. Willochra. Marnianni. I'limnroa. an.] New Zealand.. At Wellington: Ulimaron. WillochT.i. Jlaunganui, Niagara, and Now Zealand. WIRELESp FROM.NAVUA. A wiTflosp messapp received at Atiekliind fhis mornlns from ihp st.p.nmpr Navna Is. to thp effe"t thp vgsspl will arrive hpre at d p.m. tr.-rla.v. Shp will be berthed at B. IIo!i.-cin Street wharf. The Navua vrill leaTp Auckland to-morrow for Wellington and Weetport. WIREbESS FR(?AI NIAGARA. R.M.s. Niagara was in touch by wireless with rhi' Auckland radio station this monning. The i-fp,ri stated that thp vessel In?, will berth, after medlcnl luspection, in the Ftream at PQ. Queen-street wharf. The Ninjrara is to sa ! l o n Tuesday afternoon tor Fydnoy, wherp she is duo on Saturday next.

KENT FOR AUCKLAND. The Federal and Shire line steamer Kent is reported by cable to have sailed from Hobart on Saturday for Auckland In contlnnation of her pnseape rrotu Liverpool. Th<> vessel 2 saloon and 4V> third-class passengers for the Dominion. Tbe Kent is dne on Friday monnins next, and has 2SS.S Sonthem pons. PTKAMER CANADA CATR. An arrival at Auckland on Saturday nijht was the Tninn Company's cbartere*i steamer Cnnaila < ape from Newcastle with a coni narjjn Over seven days were on-npip.l by the steamer on the passace. After dis'-harpe here the Canada Cape is to refnrn to Newcastle to load agniu for Auckland. The steamer will then go from Australian ports to Vancouver to load there for New Zealand. MTSHAP TO KAWAU. The Northern Company's steamer Kawau arrived ar Auckland last evening, under tow to the s.s. Hauitl. The Kawau lost her rudder at Mangawai late on Saturday afternoon, and upon word of the mishap being received 3 t Auckland the Hauiti was dispatched to bring her back to port. Repairs to rhp Kawau are being made here to-day, and in consequence there will he no steamer this evening for Mangawai. Leigh, or Kawan. COASTAL PASSENGER SERVICE. Expected Arrivals.—To-day: Auponri. from Thames. 8.15 p.m.; Waimarie. from Paeroa. U p.m.: Kanieri. from Whangiarei. miduigiit: Hauiti. from Orewa, S p.m.; Orewa. from Brown's Bay. 6.?.0 p.m.

Projected Deparrnrcs.—To-day: WaiotaUi. for Mercury Bay. e tc._ 7 p.m.: Chelmsford. for Maxs<ien Point, etc.. fi p.m.: Clansman, for Riissell. e:c. U p.m.; Taniwha. for Paeroa. S p.m.: Npapnhi. for Tauranga. T p.m.; Manaia. for Whancarei. 10 p.m. NEW FERRY" WAHINE. A Press Ai-.-.icintioa message from Dunedin nnnoi!Ji.-ss tne iirriral on Saturday Wahine from Glasgow, via F.unbnry. From Bunbury to l>:'nedin the Wahiue m"t with a succession of south-westerly jrales and biph scai. On tae passage a "speed of 14* knots vca? Tnnint.iict j ii. Thf Wahin? has for SoO passengers. and carries bonts for all. The W.ihinc is to replace the Maori on the Wellhigtun to Lytteiton run very when the Maori will go to P n "t Clialme , -' for overhaul. MAHENO AND MAITAI. The I'nion Co." X steamer Maheno arrived at Auckland .it -1.-Wi p.m. yesterday, and was berthed at Q. L"» w Queen-strept wharf. Fine wither wap met with o u fhe passnse fmni th.- New Snntn Wales port. The MirßPnn w'll sail fr"tn for Sydney on the rtr:!ii] pass.!;:" fa o.'-JCi p.m. this evening. from Dnnrdfn via Southern aod Kast ' port? yesterday, rbe Lnion Co 's GUMmer Mnitsi .v:is borr.hed at RB. Railway "harf. The vessel is to sail from Acklaui! oa rho somh to mormn- nrt»rTionn. "• rASSEXGERS TOR SYDNEY.

Maheno. ?.;... t 0 sa il 8 p.m.—Passengers: Misses Uoafce. Miller. Bagshaw, Cressa. Eohortso... tinssell. Hawthorn. Sheath. Holroyd. Mesdames Hewitt. Montgomery-. Franklin. Jacob?, r.irshaw. Hart. Parry and ;hr«e rhildren. Duggan. Toomes and child. Campbell, nnd two children. Morrow. Baby, r.nrton, Bnnkhart Newton. Bentcley. Messrs. Bilkey, Darbie, 'Barrabill, ONeill. s s. Burnett. T. Haynes. N. Keane. N. Bentley. Henderson. Benson, Kirby, Cross. Dolt. Carryer. Fox. Sbirler, Il'.wrrd. Harry. Hart. F*rnnde. I,ightban"d. Jacoby. H. C. FTa.nklin. Anderson. Paul]. Smith. Williamson. Hewitt, Palmer. Froel. Captain Bacsoaw, snd 9.". steerage. ENGLAND TO SYDNEY I.\ 21 DAYS. From London to W: r . - rtistanee of | more linn :U"i> mil.-* ...... : s ♦>,<> steamshi'i sys'em. < ■ ~.-.; '. -. operate between the ,- •■ ~■'* ~ I Sydney, redu.-ing the ■ -, ■ ... ■ .-,, ,-i-ntres 1" 21 i ~.-...:., .., i steamships "f the Xt ~ , ■■. ..... • , I lines anil smaller ' ■•-,■., ! ..: ~•-.,-- --; Mntirr-tania. will ri'n ■'■ '-:.;..,....„.. . ,- A - I harbour on Hie norfr •• ■■ ■ . ; •••• to Cap.. SI. Cii.-ii-k ■>..:■■ .. ii-, , days. Tinm-e ;.. \V ■ . . .• ■ ~.| ,- .. sengers will ii» r.'H'f .. ,i' way in an,,ther 36 '■■ . ■-• i •• M, .' toba |.i | -;,r . f I three rout's i s t.i c ' .-•••' ••■ .- . . ! tiie promoters i.f '■ : •• ■'.. li Iter' ! Itonte." as tho late .. i ..■.,:' podes is known. T ' • .-l- :.,■ ; : ~, "f passage between i '•' '. . ■ ■■•' v -.- V ■- as well as Tnrom lv ' .■: .■ ■■.;■ Chicago, aed ..iiier ■' •• '•■': !"• • .-v:'., I • ities. is an import -.:,:.;■ -r.i;?. :'■■ | working oot of Hit • , :. ■ • ■■• . :... tr. Harry Chupin ; ' ■ ' '■'"'■ • ! artb-lr iv rh<- Junr --.- ' < . ir'-.s .' I Waterways Magazf- ••• .'■ '. t ■-. '■' • 1 ingto n by the Natir Piv. . ■-. : !>.->■•■ .-s St. I'harle*: l'.tllr .: , ; ... ---'-r- . .•••. ; } j may he gainri] ov ' "'• ': s -,"..•• .. -maintained by the -'•' ■ - tru j between Liverpool '■■ • '"<"-' | rASSENGERS I '.y.'.r.AVi (Frr-m Our ?I "" *~■' '''" | . ■ ■-, ', , ! Th«> R.M.s. Ar.iw ' - ■ " :-.<■:• row with The folio ; Mr. W. H E="-< •" l ■<•• '■'■ -= i Eliison-Ma.-artney. " '.' ■ • •■ s (.Mrs. A. W. Red.-' >■ '-■ - ■ and N • '«. >.■.:- Mr. and Mrs. W. t'r.- n., .- Vf_'. 1 . : CassMy Mr. A. V -" !■'.- r. i Fieid. Miss A. '■ :1 x - ' : J f.-iT--j Mr. and Mrs. G. ' ■ -' • ; "■ '- - ... L ish and Master? ' ' . w,. .• v :D. and Mrs. ai.- ■' '■ - '■ ■'■ t r E Nothall. : •• r ■■■ H. J. Ralph- >' r ■ "' '"'" : -■ '■■■ '.son. Mr. E. P. y - ' '-■ > kit- m..,.v i B Skinn'-r. Mr- '- >■•'. '•■■■■ > ', i and X Ward. ...'-. "1. M-- , and • Masters E. and •' ■"• 7::r - ~-i »i o<o I tie s-.eerase.

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Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 154, 30 June 1913, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 154, 30 June 1913, Page 4

SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 154, 30 June 1913, Page 4


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