Moons-Age: Last Quarter,. April 2S, at *.i! 9 Dim. Sunset: This evening. n.S. Sunrise: ,To-morrow morning, 6.30. HIGH .WATER. Auckland Monday, — 12.47 p.m. Auckland Tuesday, 1.6 a.m. 1.44 p.m. Ouetimisnu Tuesday, 4.3G a.m. r>. 14 p.m. Miinnkau U.. .Tuesday, "•■Vβ a.m. 4.14 p.m. Kaiparu H Tuesday, 4.2<i a.m. 4.10 p,m. . aTidal Constants (to be added or subtracted from high water at Auckland). — Wbatfgarpt minus v minutes, Thames plus 10- minutes. Tauranga minus 12 minutes, Russell plus 17 minutes, Coromandel plus 19 minutes.
....... ARRIVALS. SATURDAY. IiAXAIA, s.s., E. Stephenson, from iWhaiigarei. Passengers: Mesdames Cniraingiiain, Large, Mewitt, James, Eecles, Ballard, Alison, Slater, ViUlc.ntiue, Priestley. Finlnyson, Newman and two children, Misses Aitken, Tito, lla-vken, James (2), Nurse Carter. Messrs AUeu, GilUngbaiii, Robertson, GiUespie, Haylock, Winter,, Smith, Jones. Morris, Cunningham, Kapa, Crawford, Carter. Willie, Let-, Purdie, Richardson, Priestley. Burdett. Tattley, Kerpatriek. King, Layther, Neville, Webb, Duiicalf. Armstrong, Burton, Carter, Littlejohn, Brown, Carvaye. Narborough. Newcoml>e, Slater, GUnian. Rogers, Hall, Moodhne, MorSSin, Kenen, Peacock. Chapperton, Anatim f?), Eera. Topi. Porter, Keren«domo, Cherrington, and steerage. —Northern Co.. agents. ' SUNDAY. - WHAKATANE, s.s., 5,754 tons. Barnes, at 0.3 ,'i-m., from St. John, via Australian poets.— 2CZ: Shipping Co., agents. BB.IBZ IZEL, s.s., 4.53S tons, Codart, at 9JM a_iu., from New York, via Australian ports. Oil Co., agents. VICTORIA, S.S-, 2,968 tons, H. S. Kell, at 30.-li>, from Southern ports. Passengers: Mesdames Patrick, Stewart, Fisher, iAiktns, Stratton and child, Cookson, Hall, Jenkins, Cathlll. Du«y, Day, Misses Beck, Minor, Lindsay, Bower. Sankey, Burrows. Metge, Austin, McEwan, Jenkins, Messrs Jones, Little (2J, Patrick, Pattison, Johnson, Daridson, Hargreaves; Beehan, Mills, KidEton, Lowndes, Stephen, Bichardson, jSpen«e, JenJdns, Morrow, Redstouc, Shore, Stephen. Richardson, Boys, Toby, Bloomfield (2), Edwards, Pritcbard, Carrick, and 30 steerage.—Hnddart, Parker Co., agents. ■ ROSAMOND, 721 tons, H. Dryden, Itrom Gisbome, via bays.—Union Co., agents. WAIOTAHL S.S., 278 tons, Hopkins, from Mercury- Bay; Passengers: Misses JL Barhen Leigbton, Mrs Meyenberg:, Messrs Bent. Watson, Blank, Lowe, Smyth, and Masters Meyenberg (3). —Northern. Co., agents. THIS DAY. AilOK-URA, s.s., Government training ship, 720 h.p_ 2 guns, SOS tons, 'Comnmnder G. Hooper (at noon), from Wellington, via Pntiki Bay. NEEEHAiNA, s.s.. 6.533 tons, Compton, at 2 a.m., from London, via Melbourne and JSydney.—Heather, Kob'erton and Co., agents. WHANGAPB, S.S.. 2,931, Frew (at 2 a.m.), from Westport.—Union Co., agents. WIHMEKA, s.s., G. K. Entwisle, at 1.30 a.m.. from Sydney. Passengers: Misses Elulee, Steere, Stalcy, Wlnkelmann, Hardley, Stanford, Green, Thorpe, O. ITborpe, Gray, Enipsou, Sister Francis, Mesdames Doig, Steyrick, Delaney, Coutts, Burie, Foster, Dind, Culpan, McLeod, Fleming, McCoy, Simpson, Watson, WiHiams, Clegbom, Messrs Rancie, Martiru Temperlery, Laudy, Thompson, Colwlll, Bailey, McKenzie, Jones, Coutts, -Donald, Tennant, Qnartly, Jones, Franklin. Philip, C. W. Jones, Gray, Collins, McCoy,. Hardley, Marton. Wheatley, Simpson. IJadford, Carryer, wniiams, Cleghorn, Key. Kitcai, and GO steerage.—Huddart, -Parker Co^-agents.
FIOXA, 4,471 tons, Barnes, at 6 a.m.. lor Sydney.
( ._ EAST COAST. Monday-—'Rosamond sails for Tologa Bay md Gisborns. ■Wednesday.—Wanaka. sails for Oamaru, Illuil. and Timaru; Talune arrlTes from Eastern Pacific. Thursday.—-Monowai, arrives from Southern ports; Whangape Bails for Newcastle; Koromikb arrives from Newcastle. Friday Rosamond arrives from GisboraeWaitemata- arrives from Lyttelton; Rosa.iuond.sails for Tologa Bay and Gisborne. - . WEST COAST. . Saturday—Hanpiri arrives from and sails lor Wellington, Picton, and Nelson. VESSELS IK POUT. AMOKHKA. at V, No. 4 Jetty. BRXHZ •IZEL, s.s., at E, Queen Street wharf. . ENNEEDA.LE, S.S., at RG, Railway wharf KAIPARA V s.s., at ItC, Railway wharf KKBBHANA, s.s., at P, Queen Street wharf. WTMMEBA, S.S., at l>, Queen- Street wharf. VICTORIA ,s.s., at B, Queen Street wharf. WAN'A'KA, at Q, Qneen Street wharf. • WHAKATANE, sa, in stream. .JTHASGAPE, 6.5., at B, Hobson Street wharf. The Union Company's s.s. Karamn is now loading In' Westport for Onehunga. The S.S. Rosamond, mow at the Railway ■wharf, is fixed to sail at 1 p.m. to-day for Tologa Bay and Gisborne. The Haupiri was delayed at Onehunga on Saturday by bad weather. She js to leave this afternoon for Wellington. The s.s. Squall, of the Richardson Line, is at Gisborne to-day. She is to leave there to-night for East Coast bays and Auckland. Rain delayed loading operations on the Opawa on Saturday. It is hoped to dispatch, the steamer for the South to-morrow. Having completed the discharge of her sngar cargo at Chelsea, the s.s. Fiona .sailed from Auckland for Sydney early yesterday morning. The Maitai /was delayed at Wellington on her southward passage in order to take fruit transhipments ex the Moana. for Southern ports.' The Tyser steamer Marere is due at Sydney to-day from London, via Melbourne. The vessel is not to come to New Zealand ports this trip. The produce steamer Wanaka, which arrived at Auckland from the South on Saturday, is fixed to sail on the return passage on Wednesday next. While in London this trip the s.s. Nereihana was fitted with a Marconi wireless apparatus. Mr Terraneau is the operator on board the steamer. The collier Kaituua is to load coal at Westport about Wednesday nest for Auckland. The Koromiko left Newcastle for Auckland on Friday with a coal cargo. The s.s. Roapehu is due at Wellington from London, via Hbbart, about Wednesday next. Passengers ex the steamer will probably come on to Auckland by the Main Triink express. Inelnded to a large general cargo brought to Wellington toy the s.s. Moana from San Fraiicisco were consignments of 5,681 boxes of dried fruits, 1,478 cases of canned fruits, and 50 cases of apples. The s.s. Whangape arrived at Auckland at 5.10 a.m. to-day from Westport, and was berthed iit A, Hobson Street wharf, to land a coal cargo. After discharge, the Whauprpe is to proceed to Newcastle. The Union Company's s.s. Talnne Is due hack at Auckland from the Cook and Society Islands on Wednesday or Thursday next. The vessel should, be within wireless range of the Auckland station this evening. Captain Neville has joined the Union Company's chartered steamer Willochra. The Wnioehi-s. will -Newcastle on Wednesday tor Dunedlh direct. The steamer has .iccommoaation for 250 first, 120 second, «.nd go Uiird-clnss passengers. to?°S.ft fnfj? been £clt at Newcastle WM<s Vr'£ & f V\ C I" 3 " Natal Transport, Inland to Borhco \,i Cl l- to SO from Ocean ■wi Mason iTOo'iDiliL. Btlc - but ior and art. , th,s atr <u>seraent l. touKaeeeolta. • and was not sent
MOKOIA PASSES GISBORNE. Gisborne, April 2S.—The c.a. Mukoia, from Auckland, did not call at Ulsborue, owing to thick, dirty Wcnluer.
■Steamers expected to be within wireless range of the Auckland station to-day are the Victoria, Moeraki, Maunganui, Pakehu, H-ALs. New Zealand, Tutanekai, Kia Ora, and Fiona.
The Huddart-Parker eteaicti Wimmera did not arrive at Auckland Irom Sydney till 1.30 a.m. to-day. She -was anchored iv the stream till this moraing, when she was •berthed at D, Queen Street wharf. She is to sail from Auckland for Southern ports at 3 p.m. to-morrow. The Victoria arrived at Aucklund at about 11 a.m. yesterday from DuneOiin, via ports, and was berthed at B, Hobson Street wharf. She is to sail at 5.30 p.m. to-day for Sydney.
The s.s. Victoria, •wWch is to sail for Sydney at 3.30 p.m. to-day, taKes the foii?.^ g passengers:—Misses (,'nilcKshanK, OBriqn, Scott. Letts, Titos. Rhodes, totephensou, Brooiihail, Wnrne, Mcsdarues Kodgere, iirant, Adah', Mnckey. Law, King, Althausou, Mewltr. Rhodes, Watts, Itcnro, Mosley, Messrs Stephens, stiles. Kortescno, Winter, Fen wick. Bla-elde. Campbell, Mossop. Storey, Brandon. Shearer. U-itimer. Daly. t'olqnuouD. SVliito, CJindarek. Rodgers and two elilldren. Ghaut, Glennon, Httibs, William. Maxwell, Maekey, Rowe. Mosley, Allanson, lxiw, Braik, Masters Maxwell (->), and 70 steerage.
The Tyser Line steamer Nerohana arrived in Auckland iv the early hours of this morning from Luiidou, via Las Pulnlas, Melbourne, i,:i,i .pulley. The vessel lelt London i,n h' ry :;:>, nmu during the voyage had Hue « ...u-i\ except thiit. strong wliius ana higu .si as were eueaimtered « tew days before reaming Capatown. The oHicers with Cap:::!!! (. umptou are:—Chief, Mr. F. A. Iteuaut; second, Mr. 11. B. Smith; third, Mr. 11. I-:. Jones; fourth, Mr. A. l<. C. 11. Payne; < uicf engineer, Mr. li. Tomalln; chief refrigerator, Mr. 11. Uutton. It is expected tuut the Nereuaun will leave for the South on Wednesday night or Thursday luornlug next.
Expected Arrivals, To-day.—Wakatere, from Thames, 4.45 p.m.; Taniwha, from Paeroa, s p.m.; Kaniori, from Whajigarei, S.3t> p.m.: llauiti, from Orewa, Walwera, Mahnraugi. and Warkworth, 3.30 p.m.; Gael, from Waipu and Maungaturoto, 7 p.m.; Orewn, from Brown's Bay, Arkle's Bay, and Silverajile, :;.'M p.m. Projected Departures, To-day.—Waiotahi, for .Mercury liay and Kuaotunu, 8 p.m.; Cheliusford, for Marsdon Point, Mangapni, Whangarei Heads, Parua Bay, and Limestone Island. (» p.m.; Clansman, for Russeil and Opua, 0 p.m.; Walmarle, for Paeroa, 5 p.m.; Ngapuhl, for Taurangn, 7 p.m.; Manulrt, f»r Whangarei, 10 p.m.; Kawau, for Kawau, I<clgh. l'akiri, and Mangawal, 4 p.m.; Kotiti, for Matakana and Mullet Point, 4 p.m.; Rarawa, for New Plymouth, 4 p. iv.
The s.s. Whakatane arrived at Auckland from St. John early yesterday morning, and went 10 au anchorage in the stream. After discharge of a part cargo of Canadian merchandise :it this port, the Whakatane will proceed to Wellington, Lytteltou, and Dunedin. While en route from Cardiff to St. John, violent weather was met with. The.officers on board with Captain H. C. Barnes are ns follow: —Chief. Mr. E. W. Nursey; second. Mr. H. Barnett; third, Mr. G. E. Scrivener: fonrth. Mr. A. Thorpe; fifth, Mr. L. Goodman: chief engineer, Mr. A. Nicholson; second, Mr. J. Morgan: third, Mr. J. Smyth: fourth, Mr. J. Hannay; fifth, Mr. S. Browne; chief refrigerating engineer Mr. W. Synger. The ship's surgeon is Dr. .T. Simcox.
Umier the French flag, the s.s. Briez Izel arrived at Auckland yesterday morning from New York, via St. Vincent and Newcastle, and was berthed at E. Queen Street wharf. Upon discharge of a quantity of case oil. the Briez Izel will sail for Southern ports. The Vacuum Oil Company are the agents for the steamer in New Zealand.
Prr Victoria, from Southern ports: 3380 sacks oats, 19t» sacks wheat, 13S) tacks potatoes, IS4 sacks linseed, Tβ sacks peas, 200 sacks malt, 85 sacks barley, 464 bags onions, ISS) sacks bran, 00 sacks pollard, t>7 sacks oatmeal, 756 sacks flonr, 610 sacks flour, 73 casks beer, 272 bars iron, f>9 cases biscuits, 50 cases matches, 111 cases candles, 25 boxes soap, 20 cases starch, 250 sleepers, 45 sacks lime, 352 cases canned goods, 4'J cases milk, 50 cases coffee, 45 colls wire, .'iO cases lard, 35 boxes lard, HO cases bacon, 224 pieces zinc, Vio cases remedies, and large transhipments ex lonic. Per WanaUa, from Southern ports: 16,4!), - i sacks wheat, 4004 sacks oats, 24t>» sacks potatoes, 1740 sacks. 1220 lOOs, 2730 50 - s flour, 30 sacks oatincal, 10*9 sacks bran, 259 sacks grass seed. 15 pieces stone, 2090 cases milk, 130 bags gravel, 300 bricks, 13 cases Stilton cheese, 1 buggy, and qnantlty general cargo. Per Wu.ibatane, from St. John: 900 tons general merchandise. Per Brlcz Izcl, from New York: 56,000 cases oil.
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Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 100, 28 April 1913, Page 4
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1,835SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 100, 28 April 1913, Page 4
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