M.-ins Age: Last Quarter, February 28, at .--. i."5 a.m. mt ret: This evening, 6.37. s-u; To-morrow morning, 5.33. HIGH WATER. Auckland: This evening, 9.39; to-morrow _orn_g, 10.11. ui.euunga: To-morrow morning, __,; ti.-uiorrow evening, I.DB. _auukau Lltads: To-morrow morning, i_.4l; to-morrow evening, 12.58. _&ip&ra Heads: To-morrow morning, '-ii, to-morrow evening, L4S. ARRIVALS. SATURDAY. MAN—I A, s.s., E. Stephenson, from Wnangaiei. Passengers: Mesdames Stead and ri,.,c. Raw__ey, Cochraue, Mathews, Taylor and child, Jack, Woods, Miller, Smith, l-.liotL Keane. Harris, Churches, Sharp. Keatiey, Curne, Misses Honnell, Haslett, Bristo, McKenzie, l'orter, Crawford, McGregor, Young. Neill, Shortbridge, Di"kso_, Browne, Crawford. -"rater. Sterling, Knight. Kater. McCuilough, Nulsford, Messrs Wilson, McKenzie. Overton, Rawnsley, Turner, Brtsto. Matthews, Jack, Clark, Porter. Baddeley, Captain Woods, Miller, Steward. Peacock. Smith, Rhodes, Elliott, Larnach. Kelly. Harris. Churches. Duncan, Crawford, Tomlinson, Cardno, MeLeod. McGregor. Foster, Martinovitch, Cnnnold, Valentine. Lapscombe, Cnnnold, Wilson, Ewington. Bevins, Hooking. Johnson, and 15 steerage —Northern Co.. agents. GLENELG, s.s.. Jonas, from Whangarei. —Jas. Smith and Co., Ltd., agents. SUNDAY. MAHH-O, s.s., 5.252, tons, D. McLean, at 4.30 p.m., Irom Sydney. Passengers : Mesdames Cranlord, W_k__u. Scbneideman. _<:__Uu, Stewhouse, —ck, Athas, McGrua: _ile, Aicock., PuicUl, Norman, _, Priddte, itcLaughlin, Jaunt-.-*.-. . . Alair, "r'uu.Kner, McKinney, _._c...._, Todd and three children. Southerl„jd, ".icods. Moat, Green shields. Cole, Misses _lci__uou, —can. Ecu, Montague, McGruar, Suackback, Mutikert. Simmons, Watkins, Green (2), Waidrow. Kiidea, Sykes, Meyer, McLaughlin, _ol_water, Pulham, _eliat*y, Lazer, Gleddin, Messrs Crauforti, Leque-r, SutcU— c, Sehneideman, McLellan, Alien. Eck, Electra, Athas, Harper, Jaques. McGruar, Wimble, Rodgers, Stall, Nawlm, St. Clair, Ryalh Alcock. Pnrcell, Baxter, Vincent, Watkins, Warde, Craig, Noouan, Sykes (2), Willy, Mcintosh, Averu, Simpson, Priddie, Monk, Duff, Hastie, Hubble, Sheridan, Kennedy, McLean, McLaughlin, Jamieson, Lewis, Collier, McKinney, Dwyer, Renwlck, Walker, ScuDy, Clark, Allen, Moat. Greenshields (2), Martin, Drs. Baxter, Stewhouse, Captains Baldwin. Todd, and 122 steerage.— Union Co_ agents.
TARAWERA, s.s.. 2003 tons, A. Carson, from South_-n and East Coast ports. Passengers: Misses Tee. Ellernsshan. Neill. Monachan (2), Ross, Loudon, Sorrell ti). Hakupu. McLean. Quinn, Moore, Hlckey, McConnell. Knox, Mesdames Shepperd, Beech and child. Masters, Pickering and child. Hutchison. Garrett. Poole and infant Tate, Ttihe, Dever. Messrs Shepperd. Sheenan. Cloves. O'Neill. Tee. Sharp. Pickering. Graham, Smith. Rnddock. HnMii•on, Holmes-Dean. Mathi-ir. Roswe'.l. John_m. Mitchell. O-Keefe. Mevnr. R- Kmr-i----lev, Walters, Delanev. Monoensn. Mirphv Milne. Roe. Atklnion. Mad-'pn. M"fr (21. Ma<-fcav. Slml-ridee. Evemdeu. Warren Mr-he Florey. Black. Knnhlev jnd TT! steeragp — T-nion Co., as-p-ts*. ATTA. 8.5., 3.444 tons. A. Wallc at fi p.m.. from Svrlnev. via Fill. f*r--oa. and Ton—i. • Misses Mo-rlson. Nen. Pd'Ho. Robert-*. Snther'rtnd (two). Princess Chnrlotte Welter. Mesd.-iTnes T_ker. C)>nr-r. ward' -y-'fpton. Rri_*-t-T?avrson. Rickeus M_ssrs P T C.arlyon. Donovan For (i M-t-. oi „, 1(1 Rir-ketfs Tmr.r.* P Roddi-i-ton Ffr-t. f**_r*al*. TT "FT. Wri-ht. Rev Chnreh-v-t—A. Masters D_an Monrs y„n -RH_ht-Pa--=on. -mart. R-'-helmann '**■ <"?nrr. and seven steerage.—Union Co. •*""=-T.\r=!Vf>p-ri *c . v. . TT C-o_-r7. f-„- ---"*-'-—■ ->nd Mer<—->~ i-'iv T*><—o-~,-s. v—"ff.n W— tt. .„„, Mo< ,_„ -.-_--_.,., v-V'wT*' TT *"*'"—-* <•*"* -""d. C„.t -■l--"-iy.—Nortrt_T-n rv> nn .„ n^„^ rvv--r» A PTr*pr;jt PATFRn \T s.s., T. Meyers, for WhangaUNTON COMPANY'S MOVEMENTS. EAST COAST. Mondav—Maheno leaves for Sydney Tuesday.— Navua sails for Fiji: Tarawe-a sails for South; Katoa arrives from Westport. I-=li V nds lleSdar ' —AtM SaiiS for South Sea Thursday.—Mokoia arrives from PorthRakanoa arrives from Newcastle: Pukaki arrives from Samoa; Rosamond arrives from dishorn c. If"!;? _—Rosamond sails for Toloea Biy and Gisborne; Pukaki sails for Wellinctoa lonth eym ° U Wanaka arrives from Saturday.—Mokoia sails for South. WEST COAST. Saturday.—Haupiri arrives from Wellington, Picton, Nelson. New Plymouth; Cot in .a arrives from Wellington and New Plymou _• Hanpiri sails for New Plymouth. Wellington, Picton. Nelson; Corinna sails for New Plymonth and Wellington. he „ + S( _ Ies _, Ut * e steam < > r Clan Grant Is dne at Auckland on the 2Srh inst from Southern ports, to load for Dome. Union Company's Tofua is axed to sail rrom Sydney for Auckland this evening She la due here on March 25, via Fiji, Samoa. and Tonga. ' -iJF b _, Shaw " Sa * 7U I steamer Tainni, which left Plymouth on Ist February for Wellington, is due at the Southern port on March The Union Company's s.s. Rakanoa left Newcastle at 10 p.m. on Thursday last for Auckland. She ie due here on Wednesday night or Thursday morning next. It is understood that several offers have been received for the purchase of the steamer Baroona, and that they are under consideration by the shareholders. Cable advice received by the New Zealand Shipping Company states that the s-s. Wakanul arrived at Monte Video on February 19. The Island steamer Navua is fixed to sail outwards for Lautoka, Suva, Devuka and Savu Savu Bay to-morrow at 2 p.m' She „ due back at this port ou March 10. The steamer Pukaki is reported by the litua to have been fixed to leave Apia (Samoa) ou Wednesday last Tor Auckland She is due here about Thursday next
Tnree arrivals from .New Zealand ports are reported at London for Saturday last The Roseric arrived from Wellington, the Otaki from Lyttelton, and the Ruapehu trom Wellington.
The Tarawera is fixed to sail for Southern ports to-motrow afternoon. Thp s.s. Mokoia, from Southern ports for Auckland, is fixed to leave Wellington to-night. She is dne here on Thursday.
An expected arrival this evening is the Blackball Coal Companys collier Ngahere from Greymouth. U_»ua Company's collier Katoa is due to-morrow evening from Westport.
The Shaw-Savill liner Rangatira is due at Auckland from London about March 26. She has aboard for this port 3,900 tons of cargo. Aboard tbe I _keha. due at Auckland about the same date from Liverpool, are 3,000 tons of cargo for Anckland 2.200 for Wellington, 1,400 for Lyttelton and 1,(300 for Dunedin. Although the Northern Company's Rarawa did not leave New Plymouth till midnight on Saturday, she had a good passage np the coast, and arrived at. Onehunga at 1 o(cIoc_ on Sunday. The delay at New Plymouth was occasioned _y a wait for a theatrical party. NEW YORK TO AUCKLAND. The New Zealand Snipping Co.'s steamer Rimuta_a is reported by cable to have sailed from London ou Saturday last. The s: _m-r is to load at the I" S.A. port for Auckland at other Dornininn ports. She U fix--d lo said frou. New i'ori". on Mar.- 20, and is due here on May 2. '. A message reloived by the local oil: o slates that the New "iorl* charter has '>een cancelled, so tLat it is difficult to understand the cabled auvice. COASTAL PASSENGER SERVICE. Br^^r^avt r _ld a _ s hI 0 - <ia - V - oreWa ' fr ° m rot r iiiaie H-S^S 1 ' To "<i''s'-Paeroa. Me.vurT_fe-?Fi J? 1 * 1 ?. 1 ,?-". Daphne, for sell, Bpin-*n, I _f" ; , Cl,,,s,ra ". for Rus- * i-of^-r'aSw-a^r? 1 * _ r Ma «<ien Point. N'-up-hi, fo7 -_S_t__ ? aeroa -' mianight £or .Thames, _30n ?m- v„ pm -*- Wa katere, nsarel, 10-p-D-- H __tV , Manai -*~ for Gael, for W_pn, I*dn?„rht°re^a1* d n?„ r ht ° re^ a - "-* B-*_~i Bwwa'g Bay. 4 pn _ W ' sht ' ore wa. for
IMPORTS. Per Tarawera, from Southern ports.—s4G bags flour, 30 0 sacks flour, *_0 sacks pollard, 5-J hogsheads beer. IUO cases malt, 2i>o bags salt, 510 sacks oats, and large quantum sundries. Per Maheno, from Sydney.—3so bars and _."> rolls lead, 1051 pieces timber, 12 bales gunnies, 1102 bags boutdust, 420 bags rice, IS6 bundles shafts, 32SJ packages tea, 278 ■ases soap. 200 cases sugar, 35 cases tobacco, 83 sacks beans, 52 bags bark, IS barrels oil. 200 drums carbide, 148 sacks dour, 301 Ijags bottles, 61 cases window glass, 275 bags salt, and a quantity of sundries, and trail shipments ex Van I_u.srbot.en. (. oona, Tas manic. Rheinland, Scharnhorst, Kvarra, Karoola. Javorina. Wvandra. Australia Cooeyauna, Otway, and Warilda. Per Atua, from Island ports.—slo9 sacks copra. 671 sacks ro-oannts. 26 sa--ks kava 12 cases rubber -roods, 10,000 ft timber, and quantity of sundries. BUTESHIRE'S PROGRAMME. The Federal Shire steamer Buteshire Is to load in New Zealand to the auspices or the New Zealand Shipping Crrmpar.y Now at Port Chalmers, the Buteshire will probably come next to Auckland, thence Tokomaru Ba.i and Napier. She is due at Wellington about March 12, and is at present fixed to take final departure about that date. TTSER LINE STEAMERS. The Tyser Line steamer Indralema is dne at An< kiand to-morrow eveniuz or on Wednesday morning from London _nd Australian ports. She will be berthed at the Queen Street wharf on arrival to land 4,040 tuns of Home cargo. The rollowing steamer of the fleet will be the new vessel llawke's Bay_ which is due here about March 5 from Lo.._o_, via Sydney. The Star of Ireland, now In port. Is to sail for the South at daylight to-morrow. MAHE/NO IN PORT. The Union Co.'s steamer Maheno arrived at Anckland from Sydney direct last evening, and was berthed at the new Queen Street wharf, where medical examination was carried out. The purser reports that departure was taken from S.v_ney tor Auckland at 12.10 -p.m. on Wednesday last. Strong southerly winds aud moderate seas were the order during; the passage. The •Maheno is fixed to sail outwards for Sydney at S p.m. to-day. ATUA PROM TUB ISLANDS. The s.s. Atua arrived at 6 o'clock last night from Sydney, via Island ports, and, after medical inspection in the stream, was berthed at the new Queen Street whan The -Atua left Sydney on January 28, and came down to the -jort. via Suva, Samoa, and Tonga. The Atua is fixed to sail from Auckland at 5 p.m., on Wednesday next, for Tonga, Samoa, Fiji, and Sydney . PASSENGERS FOR SYDNEY. The Union Company's s.s. Maheno, which Is to sail for Sydney at 8 p.m. to-day, wiil take the following passengers from Au kland:—Misses Carr, Mitchell. Boyd. Pearce, Wisdor, McLeod (2), Morgan, LassiQUe, Pearce, McArthur, Ashton, Sheridan, Robinson (2). Judge, Gray, Mesdames Burg.s.*, Caughey, Hayward, Magill, Robinson, tady, Veagh. Jenkins. Foster, Simpson, L'hun.-u----ward. Carr, Whltbread, Keroyd, W.sdor, HcGrath, Palmer, Rayuer, Reid, "VVa lis, Morgan, Akeroyd, Messrs Ashton, Vvarne, Caughey, Jenkins. Larkins, Mace, Eady, Devereux, Simonson, Anderson, Purdy, Wallace. Ross, Francis. Mulungs, tar., Upton, McCulloch, Fowler, Akeroyd, Davie*, Stewart, McUrath. Clark, Morgan. WoOuS, Hilller, Newton, (irenier, Hiscocks, Aliom, Glacken, Dunn, Thomas. Ralph, Go.duian, O'Connor. Foy, Halph, Cocks, Captain Henderson, Rev. Burgess, and Masters Ralph, Neil, and 100 steerage. RUAHIN'E'S PASSENGERB. (From Onr Special Correspondent.) LONDON, January 17. The New Zealand Shipping Company's R.M.s Ruahine left London to-day for New Zealand with the following saloon passengers:—Mr and Mrs H. F. Biggs and Miss H. Biggs, Mr C. Z. M. Booth, Mrs Bridges, Miss F. Brown, Colonel B. M. and Mis Dawes and maid, Mr C. B. Gray, Mr T. Griffith, Mr and Mrs V. A. and Miss B Hart, Mr P. Klostertnann, Miss D. Manson, Mr J. Ho.sley Palmer, Miss M. V. Palm—, Mr Ronald A. Parker, Mr Ralph A, Parker. Miss E. Poland, Mrs A. Riddiford, M.s Sp.att, Mrs W. and Miss M. Wallace. Mrs A. M. Whlttingstall, Mrs E. McGrego,* WUkie. Mr G R. Allen, Mr and Mrs B. L. Arrows—!th, Mr W. H- Ashley, Mr and Mrs G. B. Bannister, Mr and Mrs C. A. Benson, Mr A. W. Brightman, Mr E. Butler, Mrs Butler. Miss M. E. Cade, Miss A. Ciark, Master R. Craig, Mr J. Crawford, Mr F. H Critchley. Mrs Critchley, Mr A S. Dowd, Miss G. E. Curline, Misses L. and G. Ferguson, Rev. L. and Miss Fonlkes, Mrs F. J. Freeman, Master G. Gillespie, Miss M. Gross. Miss G. E. Harrison, Mr W. Hn_he_, Mrs Hughes, Miss D. Hughes, Mr A. Hunter, Mrs Hunter. Misses J. and G Hunter, Mr G. J. Hunter, Mrs Hunter, Mi»i G. Hunter. Miss J. Kelly, Mr C. Knub'ey, Mr D. McGill, Mrs J. McLaren, Miss F. McLaren, Miss M. McLaren, Miss M. Mills Mr R. H. Mngleston, Miss N. Nailes, Miss R. Nailes. Mr W. Nlner, Mr P. and Mrs J Orr, Mr P. H. Powell, Mr and Mrs R. L. Printz, Mrs Ryder, Mr and Mrs F V. Sanderson, Afiss M. H- Stevens. Mr E. Streete Mrs M. True, Mr L. A. Whitaker, Mr H. j! White, Dr W. F. and Mrs Willis, Master F. C. "Willis, Mr A. E. Woodmann, and 44? third class passengers.
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Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 47, 24 February 1913, Page 4
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2,001SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume XLIV, Issue 47, 24 February 1913, Page 4
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