Moon's Age: Full Moon. D^.-ember 21, m ■4.0 p.m. Suaser: This pv>--aiac. T.LM. Sunrise: To-morriw m •rami. 4.14----IIIGU W.,TKT!. An,-k!ind : This r } 2.1; to-morrow ci.'ikuii h>-u .- i >i-mi">rrow rmrnins:, JIiR.iV.VI-S VESTK.R.DAY. riESr.IM, ?..-.. -'«•>. Jonas, from WhanU'll.O'iiAKOA. » fi'-aiarV, 1 IT, N.-,ii—n. fn.ui i:..-..- -V* feaiand Whalj:..- i .x. as»ni» ;.Ji:.,i.-\. T! :.T'! >.>. ■(..'. ;i.-.-IH.-MAY H"V..\!;lv aux. o'Uuonrr, <"-(. W. atd ' .j! ag^Li. ["HIS i'AV. Ki.NT, .-..-.. v.:7 (i JdVGibhnn. frnrn - ,'.. !1. Nariiar.. L;a.. ageuts. WA.NAtUL *.*.. Jn_"J. biyun. from the IVnll 1 !:oi! '~. annuls. t L-WSiLAN. *.■; . Tjii, H. McL>-id. from ■Iluii-. ... I'a>*msi-r»: Misses, «\»rle.-. 1ni.ii..,.. I'.iiUan.v. >lii..-h.-li. koes-r. j.. l-.-im-y. IW-u-i. AU-uii,. t -y. lunj. I'ar-k-T. \leml, Mi-sUxiiif!. C. Uaim-s, (.[imw-.1. )mrr;<s mid i-jin..'. H.-.-v. Warbunon, Bias*;;. ■il. I-. vva.-iu ~,..! _• t-iill<ln-n. w. J. M.ij and family. L...v,. o. a. faithful. iJeia<ti*x. Messrs. Wai+iunoii A Saiss It FlemiUK. A. f>l ar. J. SaJ.-rS. .'. n. ' l'ik.-, »>Ter:j:i.-:irn, Iteirv. J May, KHkej, kuoeri»jp. S ilAs:,:rr-. Hroirke. Hun.. ■"* '■■ '-'J'-! if an-! 2 b,,y-. Kay, Bauouj ,iL '.N. Bun... i K. E. HioinSfltU Biirjjcan. ti [(.uidr- T\" J Mar, H. i. X;2 f , :! i.. War-n. A. Faithliij, i_ h. il.Li.-r. ;i. ./.oiif.. J. Kirkoride, «eit-S Lowe .J., i. \\ ar ae. F. Taoaus. Noblft, TBrn«r. r N.sbe:. Laraa.-h. T. : Beri-j. dW Bo« b .' Capiai s .. *.!. tUalralo. from T°ucoe. wvbo. Flntay. Oramp! ijTjfa Coom!*-. Tay.or. Tanni-r. UTut-.a.k-»r. Hennpss.r. McLaren. Palmer ,"ji. Wnrd.--h. Horn. M.4jam*« Ham. Campbell Hfns--;i. Camicdia.-;. Hetherall. Maafl#i<l! OammiD. Caajpbeil. Culnnau. «r.v?rs, c.arLLc. Cart-r. Hnrtou. Wa.t«jvU. Haas.-n. ('armlrbael Motherall. I)avM»., n . Vcuuc. PetUu. SowlanU. α-u.. r ,-,. Barton. Fowl.r Bteni, Sundoa. M-tli.r:.;;. Emhiiug, Eα-' laad. Martin. ._•). Vernoo. Sm.ich TOP-. . 'ojjon. <jaaini:n. Cmmp i 2.. Smith. Hdwaple i.lea •Pattc-son. AlPiandET. iik>nnlster Crot:. Blcbolsoa, Walker. i"minp. Moacaeae. Tor ranee. Gazzard, HalfrtSi. Ulsrox loimrson Smirii. Fi--- .-.r h i** i -- ■** Ceta«t <"ca. Bra.if..r< ! ".Ma"s Wotta. Twiddl... C.aim. liernoids. Flynn! J*is*<i>n. iMcGrath. Wei-. Manning t>l •oTirdP. Majrfll. Morroti. »wdick I'.e'un.-tc Eraa. Lrsen, V..- fLf . r r. CMr, Jaoeen. ■ oUios C. Mt-Oraih.—.Vorfhera Co., I*EPAETI*EEP. TE?TT-:Rr>AY. ■fiAXAIA. ss.. l.ljß. E. for "Wbar. parpi. KAWAC, s.s. IB.IS p.m... W tons, E. Olsea. for Mansa^a:. THIS DAY. WiIOTAHL β-s.. 27S ton.-. C. Hopkins, for Mercury Bay and Tairua. iIABAMA, BjMs., ii.iJ7. .1 T. Rolls, for jVaniouvHr. viii ls.aud at O.rk) a.m. iu:kiAM»>XD, ».s.. T-i. J. Morrison, for inVSAABOND. s.<.. .1. .NFnn-isnr.. for . KITTAWA. e.s.. 1211. J. Holmes, for Kal-HrDBATrr-PARKKR COMTAXY'S MOVEMEJfTS. Sunday -Victoria arriTPS from Pydnry direct; Wlmzncra arrives E'-ancdin, via ports. Monday—Wimrcfrn sail? fur Fydnej- direct SI 5.30 p.m Tuesday—Victnria sails for Diraediu, via Srsy 2 1 p.m. L'XTON CO.'S MOVEMENTS. EAST COAST. T-nesday: Wanaka sails for P..rt Chalmers. iorne: Kar-d'nin ]o : itps fr»r Westport. Thursday: Walpori arrives from »w----rastle: A run arrives from Sydney. Fiji, £r<iTl? C*"l. and I*o*l^3.. Friday: Monowui nrrlvns from thp ?onti: arriv*>s from Wwrpon. Panirday: RoFaipor- 1 eails for Tologn Bny end Gifborrj": Mnuowal sa::s f.r.r th<» Sfiuth. WEST COAST. Friday; Hauriiri GTri-rps from ■Weilingron, Pl.-Ton. » son. Xf»w Fljnu'-nrti anrt sii's I E;ain for »w PlymoarD. Wellington, 11.-- , ion, aurl Nelson. fMPOBTS. Per Myra FpU. from Nmrcastle —S-TOO 115 r m a I Tine G-'nrjan .-raiser fnnnonn Is expected to arrive at Anrkiau.l Irom Weiiington tomorrow afternoon. Shp will remain here Till afrer the »w Tear, when slie. leaves fa.- Stunna. The Hnddair-Parker steamer WLmmera is *!e at Aa<-tland to-niorroiv morning from Routh<"ra pons, and will probably berth at tie Queen Stroet wharf. She 'leaves for grdDey direct si 5.30 on Monday afternoo:!. The coastal steamer Npatlawa is at present har-botmd outside Opotlki. and will remain outside the port till Monday. Passengers will be broncht on from Ohtwa by the Daphne, whim leaves at C p.m. to-day, and should arrive at Auckland abont & a.m. to-morrow. The T~Dion C«"Hirpaiiy\- eaartpre.l gteampt ■IMyra. Fell, which rparhrd Aiicklaqd from tt ftprnooti. a cartco trip at the end of r.est werk. She will j make one more totseu under her present ' charter, and will rhen load whear at Sydeiey for the Fnited KUisdom. probably remrnLie 6nbsc«]uent!y :.■ Australia for furtbor "charter. i-OASTAL, PASSEStiEK. SERVICE. Movements of the Northern iS.S. Company secainers in and out of Auckland today end to-morrow are ;;s follow:— Expected Arrivals.--Wafcati're. from Thames. 5..->0 p.m.: Wai marie, from Paeroa. iridni^ht: Manaia. fn>m Wbar.garei. 7 p.-m.:i Kawaij. from X."wan, Pukiri. an-d i Manga vrai. mMniL'hr. Sundny: Daphne. frovn Obiwa, noou; fro-n Aierpurv Bay ;i;:r} Tairua. S Ttisman, from Whaka-tane. 2 p.ra. At Onehunca: Clayirriorc. rrom H o!i i;i dcm, < j. m. \ Jlnru w*q f ronn sew Plymouth. S.3U a.m. Projected Uepartnres.-- Apanni. fop Awnmii, Hyubora, and Waih-irar-j. 11 p.m.: Taniwha. for Waiieke, - p.m.; Clansman.; for Rjssell. Wbaupiroa. and ilanconui. 11 I Wakatero. u>r Thani»«. 10. 4.'i a.m.:' Kanieri, for Whanparri, H.3y p.m.; Rot.)-i mabana. for- Kawau and Alcie's, '1 p.m.: Haniti. for Orewa. Wniwera. .Mahuraagi. end WarkwortD, 11 a.m.: Orewa, for Arkle s Pay and wav ports. - p.m.; Gael, for Wal-J is-era acd Gnus. 2 p.*n. Sunday: Tuniwh:),! for Paeroa, 9.30 p.m. ■R-HALING PTEA:\fER IX. I The y.Z. VThaiing Cc.'s steamer Whan-' garoa arrived from R'asbell last eveninc. aud bertiied at tiie Queen Street whan. She tiis come to Auckland for the purpose] of ha>ins ber • o'.npasses adjusted, and wi.l ' probably eaii to-iilrbt on the return trip After coaling at Hussell she will leave lor Melbourne, en route for Norway. NAVTJA'S RUNNL-NC The diLe at tan Navua ~ departure from lAuctland for Fill has been -.terr-d from ! Tuesday. ax ,_, T"iiui-sduy Jann?>S w iu he SaT " a is t,J be empK>y«a ■>□ toe WeUlngjoa-Lyctc-ltoa frrry (irrice X* So^abom^U^eJ " Q "" e £rOm We3t - TPiieh tu V M-arama, rortirward trip it in ■ , on h.-r not Bet ™*r mliattfi* lasc , did w the stotehold ataff^S2; a PPc* c remainder JtSont a fall £*"»« to aea Jas delayed aeeoifllas^r 11, ' aB 4 tho yessel I
VICTORIA DUE TOhMOEEOW. Ttp fJuldart-Parke- steamer Victoria. : w-i-rj lefi Sydney for Auckland direct on V --drjesiay last, is due here to-morrow :, '-mooa. nnd will probably berth at the ii ibson *.-:r»pr wharf. Slje 1-40 saloon j and inn fiMrmen passengers, besides I,IIXI t->os of caji;... for Auckland. TnE HAEX'SHIKA MABU. j Messrs A. FI. N'atluin. Ltd.. have been informed that the .lap.-iu.-te steamer Uak.i----i sliiku Mar;: i-- e.\p,-. ted t" !ea%e NeWi-ast> •today ior Au.klaud. She is due bpre •., | 1..... ember -H. -iu,| n ill dbn-barge 20u0 t.i.s '~* Mi[K-rph.>s, "•■? aiid Sulphur. atte-wa.uj t putting out ti. aiauce at southern pvrtsKENT, FROM LIYKRPO'.L. j The I-cnjerai-Siure stp.anier KeuT, Trr>m ■ Liverpool, v.a I'apetown aud '~oji;t. arj ;..'.',: ar. Auckland tnis uiornius. ano i.e.ihi'b I -it b.ui. a: -he Railway wiarf. wut-<-* s:-.i j w :is inspected by the port health o/icer I la.- X.-iii. uui-h brings mut- Uiv-i-class _-.' . i - rhiid-.■:.•!.«•< passengers for N.-w /...aland."' ; t-t'LiiiT iviih :..\<rj :.,us of ,-ars,. lor this j jj.i..i. ufl I ~-n,,...; „v October lb last and !r.:t.-lie.i U- Pa. mas ten cays late,-, Having ! ,i|..M i.-i.■',•.: strwjj north-west winds m:ij heavy »pas. The weather was south-wester-liy .n ti,' run ... t:io Cape. ,i=J a couple of heavy _a,,s ive.-p rue; w.rji during the few ,:.:.\ . :,- ,r to ;he s:earner s arrival on .W ..■iiil.ei :7. The passage from Uie Cape to liobari «a.» ma,;.' inner unfavourable eoudiuous, as a n>-a.y south-westerly ■■a.c was encountered wueu a few days or,:, with ; heavy -,::;:; and fogs. qnantiLies ot [ «:.;er -.-,■:.' taken aboard, and some of the | j ■:!, <':*s cabins were liood-ed. other minor ! ■ "-.'ii-'tl'-: !.:,., ... be under h.-it.-he-: .-or,' I'lay-t at a stretch. Hobart was .• v *j,\l ,•■ < ]' '-tuber iI. a:..1 ib,. Kent ! v . ,••«.,-. I I«ie]y io- Au.-hiaud direct. Ail« dis- I j ■nar-:;!,'- her Anv-kian.l ruraii, .-"if w:l, ■ | i South i.) nuloa.l the balance. Cantaiu G. ■ | M..iiil,i,.,i, :, .„ command, and I'.l< uuder I I him vie' officers:— First Mr A i Kiemlng. s.-.-oud Mr. J. Lester, third" Mr. k.. 11. r.-iylor, fourth Mr. \uuna.' ch.ef engineer Mr. Me'.caU'o, scon.l Mr Mci'-.ii- !,.-!',. tuird Mr. Watt, fifth Mr. McDonald; chief refrigerating engineer Mr. Diltou, second Mr. iteid; surgeo:., Dr. Hath watte; chief steward. Mr. liyco. PASSENGERS FOR SOUTH. | The Union S.S. C'o.'s steamer Mokota, I whirl! at 4 p.m. Lu .<j aT for East ' oast and so-itucm ports, takes the foliow- , in-: pa.-v-.ei.-ors:—For Gisborne; Ml&>es Dunsford. v, aruock. Dewes. Teitjen, An|drews Ci. 1 ickerlng. Bush. Bright ley. w iisun. Ma.-auiay, Meek., Mclldownev Barker (31. Richardson, Stock. Winter. Wilson i*il. Gray. Frost, Simeon, CJellert, | Bowler. Fraser, L'awsidy (21, Field. Corbeti I t halmers. t bapuiau. Kirknam |31, Quinu, Max.v. ilesdames l'erry. fickeriug, Msbet. Bright. Lowndes, Wilson, ILamsay, Alien. Spencer, llarkiu.-. Field, Mcßae. *-.tH,beM : sou, Kirkham. Quinu. O'Meara. loster. Meuzies. .uessrs ilcitue, Stephenson. Aieer. Olphin U'Meara. Strong. Leslie. Li-.1..ei1. Mct*reagh, i'owle, Kvaus, Totbill. Muuro. I Pickering, Gray, Ri.-iiardsou, Maher, Wiiliaius. Luttrell, Roberts il'j, Melluowney. Mtiir (L'l. l-irie. Msoet, l.amsay, Dives. Ferry. Kerr, ijepuurn. McDonald, Wyiie, Tyson. Irvine. Butfkerville. Litivards. .-.jjeucer. M ceo unci I. twe, Masters Hayes. Lysnur, (jirt-ocue. .Nicolas, tor Napier: Misses liiiuins. l lark. Sister of St. Joseph. Mesdauies (.' Gillau. HiL'Sius. Laureiisou. Trimnell, Messrs llysiup. Fuckty, Higgins, Land, .'otunious. Carver. Holland Harrison. Steele, lor Wellington: M.s.-e... Nelson, li'raigiiead. Messrs Mackay. Mal.autine, Lmnu, Mr .lustiee looper. l-'or Lyttelten. Misses Maiden. Craighead, Reid. Mesdauies Ewan aud child, S.-ott. Messrs Scoit. Flavell. Kempthorne, Shakespeare. iori Dunedin: Misses Torrens (2i. Astley, Mesdames Chambers, I'raser. Messrs "i-'raser. Algie i"2i, t'hitty. Isaacs, and :;•") steerago for all ports.
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Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 305, 21 December 1912, Page 4
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1,524SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 305, 21 December 1912, Page 4
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