"Auckland Star" Office, Thursday, September 4. After tie usual booting* for the first of tie mouth, trade has again resumed n very quiet aspect. This lias been au exceptionally slack week, and the orders coming to .bund indicate liiiit buyers «ire orderlug just enough 10 cover immediate requirements. Wholesale ijrocery merchants report dull trade. In both town and country. Softwoods warehousemen are wailing further shipments of summer goods, which liave been delayed through "labour troubles hi England, aud until their arrival trade wilt l>c retarded. Gram and produce merchants are llndinjr business steady, without any heavy speculative buying to report. Wholesale chemists and «lruj.-gi;*ts are fairly bu»>y. *Tini-y gtxids merchants are still Quiet, and ttte same state of business line been reported by gIHHR nd croekW-y inoi-clmni*. Manufacturers of bricks, tiles,' etc.. are t-o busy that there is some difficulty In executing orders. Hardware merchants and ironmongers have had a phenomenal run of good business, which still continues -with no signs or a Klackftiinfr off. In the retail trade ail round, business is .generally on the quiet side, ready money heinjr not quite •o plentiful as might be desired and outstanding accounts father more difficult to collect thaji formerly. The wharves arc quiet, a-S there is prattles lly no heavy shipping m port. Sugar.—A reduction of 10/ per ton is nilvised for bagged sugar. Ij»af sugar, syrup, and treacle remain at the eume quotation* as formerly. Ilarclack Tobacco. -An advance (if "id per Hi has taken place for plujrs. which means 'thai, the -price, must be rals-ed to the consumer. Acid, Tartaric.—There is a difficulty in obtaining delivery. English its quoted Jilffti German Is only obtainable for December shipment.. Frcm-h. is in such limited supply that it Jβ impossible to pet quotations. The local market is sure to advance In consequence. Beam (Madagascar) are not receiving much support just ™>v< - , and, if anything, there is an easier temkwy. Cream of Tartar.- -Thjs line has advanced again, and the only tirins quoting are <•«•!■■ man and Italian, the latter heing under the i-irpGiTision of Gorman manufacturers. Since the closing of Jvlartiirnirr'a works in France to any new business (ihie heing the largest firm of its kind), nvore business bait been thrown into to.- bands of the German manofactrnrero. and 1p future it is likely that they will take a more prominent lead ■than hitherto. Owing to the light i-.tncke of rnw material and the difficulties manufacturers experience in obtaining aiifflcieut eveu for forward contract*, a firm market is certain for toe remainder of the year. i»ates.— Large sales have neon ' mad*. mainly for Australasia and America, for the fir«t tide eteanier, also for the direct RritltihIndia boat, and ns the Burse h hoanes have not. received mncji eneoumsrement since for the Home trade, they have reduced qnoui'ikfne (Slightly. " Pips.—Reports continue to come from Smyrna to the effect tu»t so far no daiuage has been done to the crop, but there Is bound to be a shortage when tie fruit is gathered this month, and prices are likely to rule higher later in the year when the demand strengthens for Ohrtetinas <ousuuiptioji. The attitude of the recentlytonned Fls I'ackers' Pnion in trying to keep prices above tlbeir normal level has not commended Itself to tie London dealers; consequently, very little trade ha 6 ber.i I done.. lentils arc a trifle easier. Ling Fish.— latest reports from Norway and Scotland Indicate a scarcity nil roTind. and njrers are asking high prices. The local market is net affected much, as the demand is small at this time of the year. Unseed Oil.— Pnr double-boiled and raw the market ha.= dropped considerably, and ties vi weaker tendency, Lol>ster».—lmport* are continued on a light scale at very hlsh pri.-cK. Kefcrring to she forthcoming preside election in the United States, from a ooinaiercial point of view, Messrs Hailie.and Quereau, of New York, state ■ -i'ne aut.'ook at present is decidedly in favour c , success of the Democratic party, which ha* nominated Mr Wondrow WilmJn ! as its etandurd-bcarci-. Uinscuslons have i arisen in Uir KcpuUllcau party, which wilt I [>rol«»bly cause Uie de(ea. u «>l either of ii» | ;audidntes. Should Mr \Vn«oi, be ele..-te-.l ! I resident and the .Democratic party cuaic iito fun power In C'ougress, we anticipate thai some radical chafes -will be iuude m >0r tariff, placing It on a lower basis. Th« will, wlHtuut doubt, include the duty on wool, and it Is exi<ected that the rate will He very greatly reduccJ from that rnlljig it present. In that event -we anticipate v leelded increase In business between Australia and New Zealand and the Untied ■ States in wool, and a reciprocal tn.d■• , should also create a larger demand lor, American manufactured lines." : Uurine August, 41K> tons i.f gum were sent in, and an inks is K-.y than the iiuhutliy revived u<r July, tlic market still i-»n-! tinues I/risk. letter grades of white jjuin, ; L>eiug scarce, njuiuianu luga price;. sail- ' uu.-i classes ot ordinary k imu are rcaUuv ' placed ai souj puces. All kind? of chips I and dust ate nelilug veil, .l>nl in bush gu:u. i pale uud bled are most wanted. ' The ex- 1 port of sum during August totalled M,~> tons, Tual less gum is being sent lv Is dear from the staustics, which show ,"i,OjU ion.- up to July :tl, li>il. wiiile 10 the sjra>- ' clai.i- year til.; total wa« i.-slz tons. I A moil- b'jpi'ful feeling predominates in i the flax market at the present time, aa the [trices oflereu are thoroughly payaulp, aim I as a result most of the mills are either ill' work or about tv start operations. The ' outlook for the coming season is considered ' promising. For one aiiug, lees Manila nemi> ' of good qualijy has been sent to 1.-oudon | latterly, added to which there has been 11 I shortage of other kinds, all of -which ha-, i tended to improve tile prices. 1 Busdnc-bs lias been dull on the Exchange I since last report In all classed of shares. A | smaller return than usual from the May ' Uu«eu mine caused shares In that t-c<mj>ai:y I lo sell as low us 10d. Transm lions wero ' rc[>oricu yesacrduy afternoon In b. r. run 1:. - Caledonians at lA>, -with eubsequeni mii.* , in the room jh J/5. Saxons are eiisiur, and \Vai.>tabi» have sold at J/11. New Sylvius remained steady at l/.'l, buyers and miles, : but Waitangi Consolidated shares dropped : 10 lOd at the late call yesterday, s.ihjj being, sold at thai low fljrurc. Occidental Con- , solidutvdfe have, on lie othe. . hand, iiruiet in price, sales being made at 1/6. K"tu : (ioldlleld« bud bimlnws at »/6. and rousoli- I dated Uol'Jlteids were inquired for jeslerday ' at 13/4. The Taiisniau Company paid a ' dividend of 1.-V this week, and aru vow | wanted at JBV. ex div. sharp; show 1 little (.hacgo, but Jnuctions tinned slightly , ye»lerdaj after Loon, sales taking piucc nt: Jl/t; aad 21/9. investment chare* ban. not [ seen much business since last report. 1 Biiyens of National Insurance, advanced i their offers to TO/8, but buslDesus did not result. Coal shares are not much iuquirei ' for, probably on ucconnt of the labour uu- ' rest, but Ta-nplria could si til be placed v* ' 22/, and Westport Stocktons at a/J. uniry ; Brick shares are in request at '■'"': aud , Northern Steam (paid-up leeue) changed i hands at 15-/U while 7/4 was offered for in- ; L-ontrlbuUng shares yesterday. Auckland ' Has continue to rule iovr in prft:c. <;:;,:; being ' offered for £1 nliar«s and 01/ for the new ■ Issue. A decided drop has token place I" 1 1 Voltlre snares since they were nr«t quoted ' a fortnight ago. Sale* were made up to i £>/, but at .liie lust call yesterday thesv' share* were offered at 11/ C, and the besi otter was 8/0. Northern Boot shares are wanted at 15/B, ex the dividend at the rale of 8 per cent, per annum, paid this week. Takapunn Tram and Kerry shares arc r-iifier. being now. offered at 13/9. Wllsonf Omeut were inquired for yesterday at •i'/, but that figure was not accepted. Potatoes.—The marker for potatoes re-1 mains exceedingly strong throughout the Dominion. Locally, however, arrivals latterly have been a little heavier, ibut uo! BUfflclently targe to .result In any ■weakening In. prices, £8 10/ ex wharf and .£lO ex store being the qnot&tton tills week. These rates are likely to be maintained, «s the Australian demand continue* strong, win 1 eh makes jtrlcee In fbo South firm. It is probable the demand lor export <to Australia will continue for another couple of month?, by which time etlll higher prices may rule. If the Auckland district the cold, wet weather experienced lately has seriously retailed *ac ■growth of tb* new crop of potatoes, and It will be well towards the em! of October before any appreciable quantity can be ready ior the market. It is eyldeut,. therefore, that old potatoes will foe In strong demand fur at least another couple of months. Oats.—A somewhat firmer tone pervades the oat market tbis» week, the outcome or inquiry for shipment to the Old Country. Another reason tor the firmer tone of the market is that stocks at oats have been found considerably short of the quantity previously estimated to be still In growers" haixte. The price locally Is ex wharf and 2/11 ex store. Bun cats are. in good demand at 2/10, £rat-claes sample* being now eflSeied. Ftrwl tWinrt.— whole is scarce at the present time. «Ie fn(rt*tJon keinjir 4/4 ex ■wharf nnd 4/5 ex store. A lot off inferior fowl -wheat is being quoted at lower figures, bit -really-sooft -wlK>ie~£wUn "Iβ- difficult tri set " '•::■;"
Milling Wheat.— Better business is. being done in milling wheal, ami that the torn: of the market has improved is evidenced by the tact that lines are now selling at prices which would not. have been obtainable a week ago. |, Agricultural Seeds.—Algerian seed oats j are in good demand, and grass awl clovers are meeting with a little inquiry. This also applies to seed barley stud wheat. Seed iporatoes are moving off freely, notwithstanding the htjrh prices asked just now. The seed potatoes are or Rood quality this year. Maize.— maize market still rules firm at 4/4 for stood grain, hut poor, soft lots of new have sold down 10 .">/<>. Onions.-The price remains steady at 18/ to -J)/ per i-wr. Another shipment in due from San I-'ran<-lsco via Wellington in about a fortnight. These onions should arrive to a 'bare market. Chaff.—Stock* are still heavy of both Inoul awl Souihern chaff. The quotation thfs week is £1 15/ for local ami £."i 10/ to £."> | IS/ per lon for Southern, according to 1 Quality. j Mnmirr* —A good demand Is reported for all kind* of fertilisers. Basic slag sbonii come In hand this mouth, the quotations to I arrive being £3 17/6 to £4 5/, according to | standard. j MARKET REPORT. I The New land Loan and Mercantile I Aseu".v Company, Limited and Reduced, reports us follows: — Oats. —.Market shows a firmer lendcnej. and Piles are readily effected from -/Ml! f.o.r. Wheat Is steady, r.nd meets with ready rale at 4/7. Bran.— Steady at last week's rales. Pollard.—Selling freely at £6 6/. Barter.—ln good demand for all grades. Choice, irp to 11W: first grade, ltd: second grade, Tijd; milling qualities, 10il. Fungus meets with ready sale at last week'B rates. CCBEEKT -C BICES. Farm and Dairy Produce.—nutter, fac- | tory, 1,1 per lh; fresh cites, M per dozen 1 wholesale; cheese, farmers' from 5d to Cd per lb. factory 6Jd to 7d; bacon, sides 9a; bams, 9jd. Flour, £10 15/ (less discounts): wheat meal, £10 15/ per ton (less discounts); sharp*. £6; bran, £1 15/ per ion.; oatmeal, | £15 per ton for 25's wholesale. I Grain.— 2/11; Dune. 2/10. ex More: I Algerian peed oats. 4,'; Tartar seed, 3 .11: j milling wheat, :: a to 3/10, f.0.b.; fowl wheat. 4/5, ex store, sucks in: maize. 44. »rhol»sale lines, on the wharf. Chaff. —Southern, £5 mm to £5 15 . ox store, local, t* IS/, country stations. Onions. -18/ to -", per cwt. I'otatoes.—£lo per ton. Timber.—Ordinary building tlmtier, 1111- ] dressed, up to :24ft long, Jin to lin or more i In tbiclin&ss, and from Sin to li!ln wide, I first-class lid/, medium 10/6, second-class 1-/ 1 per liMlft; rough heart, 10/ per lOOft super-1 Octal; surface planing, 1/ per 300 ft extra; planed both sides, 1/6 per 100 ft extra; three or four sides, 2/ do. Flooring boards: Planed, tnngued, and grooved, 27/6, 22/, 14/ i}. Lining hoards: Waned, tongued. grooved, headed or V-Jolnted, 21/, 21.8, 14/. Rusticated and special weather boarding, -•/&. 22/, 14/6. Ordinary building totarn, scantling, 15/, boards, 4Jln to l-'ln, 10/; second-etass totara, scantling. 12, : clean ! heart of to tar.l for joinery, scantling. 2H/; j rough heart of totara, scantling, 16, ; rough heart of totara. scautllng, 6 x '_' and under, ] Iβ, : roaeb heart Hiatal, scantling. 13/0; i ordinary building rituu. boards, 15.0; heart rlmu scantling. 4/6: heart rimu (framing and bridge quality), scnutling 17/, dean 20/; second-class rimu boards, 15/, STOCK SALES. AUCKLAND. The .Vow Zealand Loan aud Mercantile Agency .Coaap.uuy report:— At WesUteld, yards on Thursday last we ticiu* our usual snie uf aalry and storo .•attic. There was an extra inrgc yarning, • lid prices were the sainu as laic quotations. Best dairy r<>v<« ami iiiiiiism, cicac to profit, sold at from JIS 10/ in hi'i 10/; »thers, £4 1"'/ to j.7 .">, ; bcitors, ii lo £10 10/; empty cows, i;:i to ii-l .'■ ; i-ulves, .'."»/ to ill jo/. The advertised iliiMtrlul nelfers, close to proilt, sold at from £U 10,1 L.i ili; oiiicrs, £» iv A.IO 10/; ycaiiins empty hellers. £."> in,, in £'.>. ! At Albert yards nu I , rl.lay horses were yarded I" usual li:iimiei>, 11 ml sold nt l:iiv| rates. Heavy drauglii horses sulci at from: i;.il to £40; medium draughts, i'i>i u> £27;| liu'lil harness lioii.os, lid to Ho; liai'ke ui:ii ii-n.lo, A.: , , in/ i' A;iAt the l'apakur.i anls on Friday wo held v si la 1 dairy sili-. 'Hit •iil\i-iilmhi umubur, inrac forward, and ■■•nupi<tuli>ii| was Keen throughout. Host diiiiy cows,' ■■lose to profit, sold at froir. JJi, i.i i'l:t;| nt.bers. more backward, jLtj to rr in.:, heifers, £(i to 10 10,- others, it 10/ i«| £"i 10. ; aged and inferior rows, £- 10/; Hi £4 I<V. I At Ararimu South on Saturday «<• hi Id 1 n clearing Kile <.f Mr. \V. Itoee , lire mid! dead stock. There was a large attendance, ! and good prices were realised. Diilry cows 1 sold at from •£."> to £9: horses. £12 10. to £25; ewes and laml»i, 20/3; hosgpts, 15/; ?mpiy ewes. 13/: drill, £2); can, £VJ. A large quantity of sundries sold at satisfactory prices. ! At West field yards on Monday "<* held 1 (i clearing sale of Mr. J. It. Crawford's live! mid dead stock. There was a gooii atlentlluce of buyers, and coniiieiitiou «»* W"i.l The dairy cows were mostly in milk, mid were n hrst-cluss line Price* ruled from j £10 to £Hi: cows in milk sold from £'<>• to.-' *o £!<'.; siprlndiiß cows, from CS 10/1 to £14 10/; culver! bclfers. xd l<l £lo ID ;■ ringing heifers, £.-> !•»-■ to £1-; hulls, £10' to t!2: baggy, '£4-: lu>r«c. £2"i 11' : snrinK, cart jCl.'i. Snnrirles sol'! at sati--fiut-iry, prices. ' At Papakura on Tuesday there n-n« a, full of slock, which sold iri'lcr, reF.<ly compft.ltion nt lute hish rates. (•"<>url and five-year-old seers, In fresh condition.! sold at from £8 -V to £!> 13 t>: tlr.>■•? 10 four-year etPere, £« in/ to £8: two to three- ' rear-old-steers. £4 15/ to £G ZJ; ye.i.-iinc: steers. £.? 10/ to £.1 1" ': empty cows ami; heifers, £3 70/ to £-1 18/; yearling heifer?. 1 £•<! 10/ to £3 •"•-. A pen "f choice Jersey, heifers realised £5: bnlln. £4 10, to £7 R'tj anirv rows sold M lute rates. an.l beef j ?old" at fully vt'cstfielil rarris rates. I Messrs. Alfred F.!ucklnn<l and Soi's report : — At our WeiStfleld. weekly sale of dairy aui store Kioek on Tnursday, August a*, dtir;: cows and hcilivs »i pri>at were iv strong demand, lies', selling at from £12 to £16, inure backward sons £7 to £1(1, oped and pool- i;:f 13/ .0 £(>, ycuriuig t.i i«-uiontii ucifrrs £:* to £■> 10/ nwoiMlug to breed, Liilves £2 1/ lo £2 12/, smaller £1 10/ lo £ 1 16,. On Friday, August :■», ai Tliife Kings, we m>w mc dairy herds of Messrs. 11.I 1 . Hanson and >V. Saiidn. ' There was a fail HltendiLneo. and BjHl»fiiclory |>rii:ee were obtained. Best cows in full milk £l& to £17 .". , those 111Iveil two lo three months £10 to £14. second-grade cuwa freshly calved £8 10/ to £11, others £.i to £7 10/; horses, £0 !>/ to £&•; (arts, £10 to £I^. At Knvona farm, Maiigcre, oil Tuesday, September '■'~ we held a special sale of Mr. John McLean's dairy cows. Buyers were in good attendance.. The cows bad been milking all through the winter, and were in rather low condition, neTerthnleas prices were satisfactory, the beet of them Helling at from £8 to £10 10/, others £4 10/ to £7 10/, cow' covers 0/ to 5/6. On Saturday. August 31, at Camp Farm, Otabnh-a, we held a. clearing Rale of Mr. F. W. Diacombe's pedigree Ho)st*ln-Frleelan cattle, also the whole of bis dairy eowe, betters, implements, etc There was an extra large attendance, buyers being present from all parts of the Auckland province. nnd taking the sale on the whole it was one of the most successful conducted by ne for tome time. The pedigree cows sold at from 30gns to 70j*ns, pedigree yearling heifers to 2*Srds, pedigree nnlls 40gns and lOOgnx. ytecently-calved rows £17 10/ to £21 10 for )>f*l. others £1.1 to £16 30/. those milking some tinw and to -calw again within four months £10 to £14 10/, old cows going off their milk £6 to £0, heifers just calved and at profit £15 to £19 5/ for choice qtuility. more backward and less qnalltr £10 10/ to £13 15/, yearling Holstcln belters £6 10/ to £10 10/, ealres £8 to £5 6/, two-year-old bulls £15 to £26 10/, bull ealree £9 15? to £6 fo/ CBrahrldfe roller, £8: «JC, pkre-b, «7- s.f plonph, £3 10/; drill. £33 «/6; TOowine Bimeklne, £4 7/9 i else harrows, £i 10/ : ttee tiarrow-3, .«S 15/; tip flwy, £14 5/spring carte, £16 Mid £17; hones, £1S to £23: fowls', 4/n; Guinea fowls. t«6V*««K --. ..--■.: •■
CAMBRIDGE SALE. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile A-gency Co. report:— At Cn-uibridig?, on Saturday, we held our annual spring cattle sale, winsn we yarded SIS 7 b«j«l of fat and store •cattl-o. and 215 j dairy <•<>»■« and infers, also Klwep and pi;i.s ' la jcood supply. Throiv was a larjre attendance of buyers and brisk competition Liincraghmit. resulting in si iruvat su«TPssfu! Bale. Two auctioneers operated so that the dairy stock could bo sold at the same rime ac rhe stores, which proved a suitable arrangement, lor tine whole entry was put j through and tie yards <l«ai«l <it an curly | hour. We quote: Fsu steers, £10 ti> JKH) M/B; prime fat nrav. £S %l tv> £!» 10/; i good <i>ws. £7 .V to £7 17/6; medium cows. I X.6 'to £6 18/; 4-year-old store bullocks, £7 '</ to £7 7/; I.S-niojiths-old lieiferf. £:'. 1:1/ '■ ti» £4 5/; yearlrnc twifers, £2 to/ to £:* I 10,': .reiirlin? steers, £2 10/ to £.°. 10/;! lulled yearlings. £2 I.V to £.1 4': IS-1 ■months to 2-year-old steers, £:: 1!)/ to £11 -/; empty rows, £.?, 10/ to £4 !>/, according; to eoiulitlt>n: 0 and 10 months old cattle. £2 '.),' to £2 16/; rear-old heifers, close ; io profit. £S to £1O 15/; others, more back, j word, £6 ."».' to £7 l<).. : backward lieifpi.. I £-1 15/ to £.> 12/6; 2-yenr-oM Jersey heifers ■ at. profit. £S 2/« txi £S 13/ i d«iry cows. 1 £ri to £7 7/6; fat and forward hoßs<~ts. Jl»/ ; ! fWire liojTdels, 13/5 to Hi/6: porken , £2 to £2 15/; weaners, £1 to £1 2/<l, ail sold. FA KM KltS' CO-OP. AUCTION XXXI NO CO. The runners' Co-operative Aiictiotieering Company. Limited, report:— 111KUTAIA VA\.V.. Ai Hikutaisi. on 2(illi tilt., we had a y.irdVng of 4)12 cattle, -K«> shi'i-p, and J.'> \>\v.±. Competition was brisk, and practically everylhliie sold under the hammer. Fat sU'ers. heavy weights, made £10 1/ to £I.'! 10/; llfilter. f7 10/ lo £-S 10/; fat cows, £fi 7<i> to £10 1/; forward steers. £ll 8/ to £7: empty heifers, £.'< 1«/ to £4 5/; yearllni;s, £2 11/ to £3 1/; fat Wethers, 2<t,« to Mil?*, £2 11/ to £3 1/: fat wethers. 2(i»i to •-"«.': for ewes. t!)/0 to L' 2/: ewes in lamb. 13/*; pips, slips. 10/; dairy i-owr. on account. .1. Bnciaaan, raade from £•"> 10' to £20; heifers, £4 17/6 to £3. Fowl?, harness, and sundries at usual rales. MAT AM ATA SALK. At MaUinat.i, on 2Sth nit., « n harl ,i <;.k)'[ I ynr'ltnc of both sheep and caul. l , the entry I conpliftin; of 2:»i) fat siieftji, ','•'< pi/.-, and f«« head of cattle, the mn.lnill.r of ihe entile being yoarliiitrs. Fat wether-, .-.-ol.t in i"./.i, »«wi?s Jiml wi'lliers 17/ to IT/'S. fai hoifgPUi lTi/9 to IS.*), fat ewes l'J/!>: fat rows, be.'vy £8 3/, lighter £.i in/ to £<; v> : threei year steers. £fi to £ii 2/: yearling steers. I£2 "/« to £?, 7/; IH-moMb 'steers, £:i TJ/; ! yearling heifer*. £.;! 5/ to £< is/: sprinsuis heifers. £6 13/ to £'J 5/; dairy cow«, £0 10/ to £10. WAJHjOU SAI.K.. At WRlhtiii. on Friday. ;4Hh ult.. we had a yardliig of IHO fat riUeep, 7(13 cattle, and 'Si pigs. Compelitiou wan bcifik, and all , but ii few pens were sol.) tinder the bam- ] ] ruer. Kat wethers made 2w to ;!]/; fat I Hteers, £S 10/ to £!> 15/: fill heavy, I £»S Hi; lighter sorts, £."i In/ i,, x<> 1.1. ; two. i year stevrs. £4 2/; empty hellers. £( 0/; I i-urpty co«s, £:t 10/ to £4: yearling etecrf. i£2 7/« to £3 10/; 16-mouth steers. £.'< l.'i ; yearling heifers. £2 145/ to £.: *./; sprinjjin.; lietfers. £S to £8 15/; backward sorts, £0 10/ to £7: cows, £6 10, to £S. WE-STKIiJLiD FAT STOCK MAUKKT. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile I lAgeucy reporiK;- - j At Wcsulvld Yiurds ou Wednesday Cat cattle were , yarded in Iwo iuuß than j usual, and competition was not a* keen. i HJt.b'iujrh quotatl«n« are the same. Best uxen until to :uy per lOfHli;, other-, -t>/ to 'j.*, : iruAH and heifers. 2.">/ to 2S/: eieers sold at frrm, £<i to £U 7/tj, mm and iielfcr... £."1 in £8 10. A ilrafl of l.'i Miuall bill wcllfjtiid steers, fn-in Mi 11. Reid, of Wse.toiisa. averaged iIS 12/6. Veal calves came forward In usual number*, and soil at Hie rules. No heavy-weight stock was yarded. MeUiiJUJ-weight, £1 ID/ <o £:? 10/; lav t<> HI/; smaller ami fresh dropped, :',.' t.i ].">/. Sheep were yarded in full numbers, and sold at week's ralfs. Hay werhei-s sold at. fnnu •£{/ t>• l>! ":>- ---others, J>»/ i,. •£>/; inferior-fat ted. l(i/i» l» I.S/«; heavy ewes, IS/ to rl/o; uLiicrs, 14 'J to J7/U. lloggetg were penned In the UMlill •supply, and sold at late rates, JO,{| io U tl. llpa were yaid*d in «ood supply, and dc cllihml a sliiidx- In price. Bacoiicrs sold t ) £3 17/; large porkers. £2 2/ ,t« ( £z in/; porkers, £1 in/ to £j; slips, ■.-J/ to -7 ; weaners. 12/6 to 15/. Mcfssrs Alfred liuckland mill Suns ie I port:— j On Wednesday, September 4. at nur weekly Westtield fat stock market, our entry of beef numbered 23S head, and although a .short yardluj!. Uieje m i fur I ther drop of )i./ ,to I.V per head. An odil I li.'ii of etioice ,ix sold In .'.I !).'. Inn tile r.ll i IliK price ;va- from £.1 .V It. £1 7' i lOHIli). Steer raiißo,] Iji price from £7 10/ to £13 I"'. «,ws and lieltetv £/. {».' i.j £•) i:, . i-Mt : and .rouii" c.ilvei continue to bell irHv nt ! hien »3»ure>: IJiinncrs £1 Hi/ ;o £.". :; . heavy I suckers £:; 12 to £4 .V, choice medium nickers i.2 ll' to £.': :■-, iiu-lu £1 ;<)/ |~ £J I «.. «mnll and fresh-dropped ;( to £1 5/ (l<l2 soldi. The .sheep pens were aK;ihi well I tilled with a pood cla»s of mutton. There . were a talr demand. but v.i'.ues declined 1 lid 1/ per head. Kxtra heavy wethers Ci Mi- io £i s<i, heavy prime £1 '■■■ to £i -"i,. ' medium to he ivv as,« in .t I •_• . lip],, aim 1 unfinished 11. to U7': ho-rt-ets 14 in IVM. i unflnUhcd Ki<« to i;i/H: best Ih-hvj iinme ewes IS/ to £1 1/0. gomi l."i/ in IT'". •■>: hers ! 10/6 to 14/ (2.124 soldi: spring Jambs from Mr It. 11cmv...-~l iMauserei. x 1 Oil io XI I 4/6, Mr Geo. Mecol (of I'iipn tori, 1.l to I£l 1/3 (12 soldi. I'ics came forward 111 i Increased numbers, and >«i|d readily al let" ■j hijrli prices. Stores of all cla«-.>s were I eagerly rsonphl after. ('hoppers £1 10 to i i ,- .4. liir(?e Iracnners £•': lo i: » s. llcht'T [• £:t »' to £3 1.'./, larje |Kirkers £2 S. lo £:; ii ]~ smaller £1 !«.'« to I.' 7,'. small Mole i' £1 3/ to £1 7,'. weoncrsi IV/ to £1 3 . •,> siu'ltcrs 8/ to 17/ IT 1 soldi. 1 Messrs Dalsety anil Co., Ltd., repor, : |liavlnß held their usual weekly lilt stock ■ sale at Wostfieid on Wednesday. '' her 4, as under: — ' t Bfle.f.—A small yardin; aLd .i weak <lc- '■ round, at Inst week's riHßf. Extra ]irlme ■ox fetched nqunl lo S2/ per KX>lb. prime o\ •■ 2«/ to .TO', Inferior 2ii': cow and heifer beet 'j fetched equal to 26/ to 25/ per lftOlb. "l Veal.—A sranll yarding, which sold n; [' bljrb rates. Heavy runners fetched Ci l."i ,: to £4 IS/, choice suckers :«/ to .-.:; . ~,h-r-- •' 2' to 25/. ' i Mutton.— A lar>re yiinilnp. Priecs Ob •I tslnixl were -on a par with last.week's rates ' I with the exception of ewes, which wer< ' slightly easier. Extra heavy prime wetner; ! fetched 24/R to 2SA good wethers 31, ti ' 2:-:/. inferior IS/6 to 20/; heavy fives IS Ito 20/fi. llsrlit do. and inferior 11. t> to 14/. •j Lamb.-- Hoegfts fetched V-> to 15,9 ; Serine Inmbs. Nt moderate lity. sold aI I IS/ to 24/6.
I'ork.—An average yarding. L.ate hiffh rates were npiin obtained. Hood heavy porkers made £2 -V to £2 18/, light porkers as/ to 3.V. .IOILNSONVILI.K STOCK SALES. (By Telegraph.— Correspondent.) JOHNSON'VI I. US, this day. Messrs Abraham and Williams, Ltd., reI>ori on their .lirVunville sale us follows:— A full jrarrlinif of prime .sheep ami <-.Htle rum forward, ;inil sold readily «l latre rates. I'riir.p honey bullocks, £1-: prime hiillmks. .Li] :,' to £11 rj/ti; lighter, £10 12 ■; ;.•) in 1.:,': HifUt. £!• 1.'./O: ctwk, AMI; veuior*. ".7/: extra prime heavy wethers, -lir- to 20': prime weUicrs. 21/3 In 22-': ' lijrht ■weiliers. l!>/<i: extra prime ewes 33/3: prime ewes. £1 0/9 to 21/: porker?, £2 1/. ADPINOTOX. fßy Tclecraph.— Association.l ' CHRISTcmWH, Wednesday. At the Addintrton live stock niiirkpt there in good supply. There was about tile aver-.ic-e attendance. A short yarding; of fail rattle mused a ripe in prices. Store sheep. except forward wethers, were easier. Cat sheep ripened nt rather lower rates. Fat [lip were short in supply ntiil advanced ill prices. Store Sheep. A pel: of specially pood ewe hoKjrets realised l!i,':i; other ewe lio-.'-fcels. I.V'H to 15/0: wether lionets, extra pood. l.'i/K to 17/1); medium hogget» iwethers a rid mixel lines). VJ./1 to UK: inferior nn'l mil sorts. 11/1: forward four and six-tooth wethers brought 30/ to 20/7; two and fonrtoolh. 17 to 17I<; and small t«"0-toothfi. 15/2; four and six-tooth ewes of average. class mud' 1 , . 1 li to 22/: small two and fourtootli. 30,1: four, six, and eiijht-tooth. IS'P: lines of mixed ages. 10/ to 17/R; inferior two-tooth:-. l"i 10 to Ifi/2: and merino ewes, 12/4: few ewe* with lambs realised 0/ to :>,T). nil counted. Kal Sheep.- Itajiße of prices: For extra prime wethers to 1.".v. prime 20/ to 23/, others ISM to ui/fi;'n prime ewes 1«"!. prime 17 to 22"',. others i:?,' 7to H>'<>: bogui>ts ir,,:-.; ri-i-rino wethers 1-1 2 to IS/I. KM Cattle. There vas a ker-n demand, nri-es showi-d p.Unii.r-s of 1 per IiHIJV,. the value* rarsi-i!.- from -j.-i/ to .Ti, per UHJIb: rPiillsP'l /,-*. In £12, extra to £1K 12/6: heifers, {<• 10' to £11 I.'.': cum, C, 17/0 to £fi in,, e*trn to fl2 in : only n few store cattle offered, ynunc rnttle forming tbe bulk of the yiirflliiK. lioort prices were realised throughout Vesirlincs made 30/ to £2 l<, 15 to is months' sort* i.'.'. .'./ to Hi IT)/, C.vo year steers £.". 11l . two-year heifers £4 I?'''.. three-year steer* in ."'6. three-year heifers £:> .V to £.; I.'.', and rows 110/ to £4 12 '6; dairy cows. which were chiefly ranch sorts, sold at £4 to ill. Kat I'ics Choppers, C , 10' to £5 10/: heavy lin'-oners, 70/ i<> -.-•/; licht sorts to G.".'. equal tn ,">;i| to . r i*d per ll>: heavy porkers made 4* to :..' . lightrr pigs 42.' to 47. equal to »i<l I" ii<l per Hi. \.nrgp entry store pigs made cod ~nli:i. One buyer alone s.-ciired line- acsreciitliid HO Lanre store* made ."-"> ' to &•>■<>. iiiedilim 28/ to 34/, small sorts IS to L' 7 : verniers wore rather easier, realielnc 12' to If. . extra making to IS.-,
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Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 213, 5 September 1912, Page 9
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4,856COMMERCIAL. Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 213, 5 September 1912, Page 9
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