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; AVOXDALE RACES. (To- the Editor.) Sir,T .am surprised .that the. A-c-nn-■dale T?atfiTTg Club do not follow the good example set them by the EHeiMie Club, and keep the bookmakers off their grounSs- At -taeir meeifing yesterday the boexkics were in .fall force, and doing a tair basinesa. A person could get accommodated, either at tote odds or in doubles. The "club seems to forget that i their racing -permits can be stopped if I they allow illegal betting on the coarse, — am, etc, J. DAVIDSON. HOBSO2J-STKEET. (To the Editor.) Sir,—May I crave a few lines to po:: L out the awful state of Hobson-stre-'t through what seems to mc. a. shameful blundrr. which oven now could be minimisrd? The trouble is the opening of this rn<;d all at on* time right from the Fire BiTjrade station to the Power Hon>r. cramming all vehicles, to say nothing of the trams, to one side only. 1 venture to suggest this work should havo. been rinn<" in Factions, as it is at present a inrnaee to public safety. The cross stn*Pls are blocked, only leaving Mirh'oient room for one vehicle to pass. — 1 am. etc., ,F. .lONEK. — _ THE JUBILEE. (To the Editor i oil,—ln 1562 and 1853 the Albertland Xanconiormist settlers arrived in Auckland, and then, although not having to undergo such hardships as those who arrived in 18ii, still had a great deal to go through. Some of the original settlers- arranging for a reunion of the survivor* and their descendants on May 20. st which they are anxious to' • meet. ?> many as possible of their fellow i bhipnmte*. \\"e should be glad if those ! >vbo wi.-h to participate in the gathering would kin-diy forward their names to us as early cu= ccnvenient. to Hitmilton-road, Poasonby. or AVeHesley-street East.—-Wγ arc. fir . i ■ I. BEGROI'T. j V. W. EXNG. ! THE TUA.NTC DISASTEB. (To the Editor.) j Sjir. — Maniiold suggestions are. being evoked by the overwhelming disaster to the Titaoir- for gaining the mlaximum amount. I of bii-h-tv to seafarers. Hay I he allowed. ! through thr columns of yoor -widely read I j.ii!rr.-'.i i" offer unr. l think, not of tnfhng lmpcrtanrj . It is that the. ""Tookcur" on ships *Jionld be provided •with a pair of lonp-rang* , marine glasses for tire brttrr riiseernmenf. of objects that may prove a source of danger. a? icebergs, derelicts. wrrz-Jiagp. etc. At night these pileirt i d«?rtn;ct.or> carry no head or side light*! The -look-out will invariably wait to make hurr. lv>for«> esposing himself to thp : Tidjcnif of fhe fo'c'sle, and rwen the officpt?. themspJvep. by reporting seeminjrly visihlp oh.jfictf,. conjuTcd Tip out of the fantastic chappy. .-Jiadaws, and formations r-prn on I'cr heaving of ran during thr dark wacchrf, of thr mgbt. Moments, I therfifo.-*-. pa?.sad in making sutp. may ', easily mean the vessej ploughing from i bafery to dritrtictj-cn.—l am. etc, ! LOOK-OUT. i : socialism AXD csbjshajqtv. i iTn tic Eattcr.j | t:r,P.eaj-liE? in your paper the scj count of the Sociaiiit. me*ting in VTaihi, ' I am constrained t.- ask myself the I question: "Wiy is -the Socialist to an- • tagnni&tu: to Christianity! Before an- ! .-worm". I ieel pretty sura of one I thing. If i understand Socialism at, all, ■ no true Socialist could be antagonistic ! to Jesus Christ. I!iv. life, or His tcachi m;. Why, most of the lonsings and I aipirauonii of the Socialist have come i into cristfner- throuch the year? of teachI ing of the dortrine of Jesus t'hri--t. It is not. Christ the Socialist rails against., I but. Chur.:hia.nity. As the Bishop oi London .-.aid: " We, tolerate the poor a.? Ion; as they Veep m thejr proper piece." ! 1 believe- as >ir. Way br.lipves, that if I Jean* Christ vrrrr to preach iv our ChttrehPi to-day a.- He did in the Syna pog'.ip 12 Jeni?alem. more than half of the c-Migrr.-srs'ion would Tiso and walk ' out. or. n.s 21r. Way says,, bound Jesus Christ out. Eu f . I entirely disagree ' with Hγ. Way when he says that Christianity has donp nothing for the. betterI m°.nf of the world. ISo long as the lite. . the tea.-hings and the cross of Christ 1 ar? hfld up. grpat rood will be done, in ' spitp ft the fait t'oflT ?.o many professing CTiri? , .:.'*.! , .? arc -•■"> totally unlike 'the ; ("hri.-i. And on the othr-r «r all must 31■ knowledge that in every rhurc.ii i there are scores of self-denying earnest Chrirti.TD men and women. 1 say to Mr. ; Way and his friend that, to my mind. : Socialism s-hal! only f-ucceed hen Social 1 ists give honour to the One who truly ; railed Himself "The Light of t.he World.' J -1 am. etc . " RKASO.V 'the proposed i.den terrace I TOAD BOARD LOAN. , ilo i-lie Eliio'.'O ! Sir,—l desire to draw the attention of '■ the ratepayers ci i-den Terrace to an ' erroneous idea that seems to have been i cuc-jlj tsd in (.onneclioii with the man- ' n»r oi dealing with the various roads uiliiar ihr j-r.-.-po.-ed improvement scheme. 'Ii ha:.- di ■ ,■ -pri.f-?.ated to mc. that the ! nataic of lii" voik i; to be of the ; pa.tciiw"p;-; or.-irr. .ml therefore of no I ppnnanrn' value. I'a inquiry '>; the o; ' hr Ro?ii Board, 1 tind thi< i.s ateului.rl;, an uni "up .-latfuiont. of the 'fact.-. .Tii i!iat in the- cvrnt of the ' i loan b"in; i.:rripd i* i.-. the intention I of the Bonici 'o have ihr main road ■ j put i-lr.-'E rrjual '0 Ib? fcwt in the 11;;-- in fn'.irply ■ompl' r ;'> ,md ;'iita'nlr | roj-i t-ha f '• ;!i .-'and tar rear and tear . j oi mc \:~:r ■• traffic. The dangerou.s ; curve, to \tf minimifed nit he Mas-onk; 'jHali an I riikcV.- comer, aai to all I intact: ■>"''< ,'":rr ,- '!-' ! . *o It a continua--1 t;cTi n: ■!?- i r>]i.-jr mon.L -Jtrret roaii. ! : 1 be *h,i:rr!i!)i ■■'i.-ure r".e it it- the : Bha-rii':- id""? , :o lomplf-r th,f vrnrk : nr-f.'M: "i p',3T HaU'ti pv-A other ■ f-tri" , '.. '-p -i :.=•"lif tory bd.:- Ibpr" i.- r. A ' ' fi r . ::'')'\ <-fi <•!.•■.':t m in- mind .that tin* ■•••)'.!•: i.- ri i -.- ■ urc"nt and v.-rrz ' .--■r. •':" Din" I-, in rur*.- K-?in.c i both mcjro';, -nd r.vp*n*.;v.- In wpr«.»pnt : r "'f' "i nv-imtsirj '""'- "=■' ■'■•i:it ».f 1 ■■•> ii'-.. . i rail: i' r.i ■ • <■> . -v. ; (hi* l!, 0 : ■;• .lyr"'. :Pq,J,]r- itllBlf«i(».'- .-I'.-.'n IK>'] ;■ :ip|ii»rpnl ' ■■> CM-rypnr- ti••" ill.- •*(•■!. Vrn:>' .' r nil •■p.!■■ priii' 1 sin .onvincrl that tin o"!\- ;ni" ■•■■nnnri.v will V ill |i> i• i ■ ■ ■!■ ■:. ' '.:■• 'Hi :■. iii a tbor- ' ii;: ( i cmi), ! "!'' nmniirr. In the past ■M' |ih\i> ■;'■■■:>. Inge .-urn- on patcliing. nii'l ! In' :"-r.: , iiHs been both unsatufac■,r.- v it ?; 1 rxppii»ivo. uh?j-eforp 1 trust ! thr rdlppaypr* '■•'ill vole for the loan and : a pr''-.' ■'•" f.o'ify at. the poll, which ' ■c— —i 1 i be he/: on .-.aiurday. tbp 27t"h inst., I brfvpi-n "hp hrur? of 9 a.m. and c pjn., I at Public Ha!!, Eden Terrace.—l am, etc, L W. J. JAGGS.

A.- CgMPT/ATST. CTo-the- Editoro Six, —The public baace reason 't&*canf plain oi the freqaent occasions on -which the sSefnp-distiibniing machine at the j Auckland post qffice is "empty." On Easter Monday, when stamps -were jaroCTjiaWe rKnrhere else, the penny-ia-the-slot machine was out of action, causing loud Stud , efl-gXOaiMjted. coxapJainlc. among many persons who missed tie moil* in consequence. The machine &bouH never be empty if it is to be of any service to. the public. If one machine is not sufficient for the public demand, why not instal more? On Monday morning, again, I was one, among others, who missed a mail through tha machine being empty.—l am, etc., Auckland, 22nd ApriL MILITARY IRAKIS G. [To the Editor.: Sir,—ln reading over your occoont of . the recent interview with the Prime ; Minister by members of the s-CK-iety of ', Friends and the Peace Society and . others, a3 reported in your col am of April 25, 1 cannot but feel that suflicient justice lias not, been done in that report to those putting forward tho. [ position of. niy_own society. hat that .'body is mainly concerned about at present i* the apparently growing disregard on the part of tho.s;' in authority fur those who hold conscientious objections 'to the provisions oi the Act whereby | right of action in accordance with one's conscience is denied under our 2sew Zealand Legislature. We put forward our 1 protest not OTily on behalf of our own • member*, but on behalf ci ail those ' who share these objection.-, and seek 1 for Uiena equal liberty with ouxselve: In doing this, however, we none of v: desire in th* , Ifiast degree to ,-hirk our responsibilities a- <.iLizea= and British subject?, -and loyal ones at. that, but arr ' quite willing to render fully equivalent ' services to "the State, outside military influence and control., in hen of that 1 from ■which we claim exemption. Our j position must, however, be qui'.r dear —| !we make no comproraise where war and t , the military spirit is foncprued. Both] are moralrv ■wrong, and tilP one i* but. , the natural effect nl Ihr r>thrr. Those! who founded thi' universal raining i movement in the Dominion did from ! a genuine diESire to do <-nmethmj: that I should uplift the national •iiararfr by i I building up a manhood ('.pan and full nf i .'moral, mental, and physical vicoui In thi.-< ideal we heartih ?yrnpatla.-.(= : :;. i? in the method of raxrving it out that, '■we rlisapTOP. They freely ndni:! that thr intention never exiFteii :n "-s inivriUon ' .that criminals should hr tii.i.V of tho.*p' lof anr age who held view* which r-rp^iod. ! led them from giving mihtary r-prvict? . I under i*. Vl'* , -ball nf»r ri?tf! moral: . '"riponr iTio this nation by dp.nvin; it. ! -people the n™ht 'i art accorrlin" to; J tbeir consciancp. Thr S.rtciet-r of Friends] ' :nvro.t therefore continue to enter its , ■ ranpba.tic protest, iv 'Enjland and ■ ,: in this Dominion. unT-,1 t.h» (tefm-r? of I jthe Defence Act »r* fully Trm*M}ted. or ..until )<-s protest, bemme> in -nmr other . j and brtfpr wav -1 am. <■!>-., i EICCEST H. \rRTGrTT. ■ ("lrrk '■-■ the Auckland Mepting of ike. Society of Priend.-,

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Bibliographic details

Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 100, 26 April 1912, Page 6

Word Count

CORRESPONDENCE. Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 100, 26 April 1912, Page 6

CORRESPONDENCE. Auckland Star, Volume XLIII, Issue 100, 26 April 1912, Page 6


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