CHAMPIONSHIP HATCHES. «V£NS FOR PARNELL, EDEN AXD PONSONBT. TWO POINTS EACH. Tic Anekland Cricket Association cliamplimshlps were continued on Saturday- after. noon, when the matches commenced the pr"i i"us week were concluded, Ponsonby beating Grafton, Parnell defeating Shore, while Eden Inflicted the flrst defeat of the Benson on University, each of the mutches bcini; a two-point win. On tho Domain Eden, clos-d their innings with five wickets down l for 322, to which University conld only reply witti SSi. North Shore, with a total to Parnell of 231. only succeeded In putting tocrther 160, Parnell losing five wickets In their second venture for 66. At Victoria Park Grafton concluded their Innings for 190, Tcmsonby knocking uo 235 iav eight wickets whpn time was caned. Paying for Eden B against Waitemata In the second frade, Gihnore knocked up lIS not out. NORTH SHORE V. PARNELL. The rarncl! and North Shore senior match, commenced on the previous Saturday, was completed on the Domain. Ou the flr*t clay Parnell were dismissed for 231. Wbtai North Shore opened their innings thin afternoon the wicket was {rood and <'»>nditi<HUi generally favourable. ' The first ■partnership yielded 30, when Bush, was i»pp.'i rated from Prime after scoring 23. Before the next wicket fell 60 had gone up. but thence orrward the scoring dragged <T>n.-iiderabty. The sixth wicket fell for 70. but after that the pace was more to the dteslre of the spectators. The innings closed at 5 pjn. for 150. Parnell in their scrnfnd inning* lost five "wtetteu? for GO. Paraeil thus won on the first Innings score fry SI rnns. Scores:— NORTH SHOES.—iFirst Innings. Bosh, c Dobfc, b Kerr „ .. 25 Prime, b OtUff - IS Bale, st KIUs, b Kerr „._ 53 Farquharson, b OUiff __....„„..-..„ 15 Italfe, b OlHtr ~. 0 Joyce, b Olliff __—., 2 J>a<-rc. c Ellis, b Kerr _.. 1 CarjaU, b OHUT 1 15 1 rowlr. Btp Bills, b Kerr 0 McNeill, not ont . 10 Toivnsbnul, o OUlff „ _ 4 V Hjyps _ 2 - - 5 i TotJll ~ 150 Boanltoff analysis: OM four for 68, Doble Done for 11, Kerr four for C 4. PAE.NELL. first■ tarings , « M 231 Second. Innings. Somervflle, Ibw. -h McNeill 9 !m Uie-rtand. b Townsend ..„.. 18 'Anthony, c Bash, b Townsend ».-.. G V. Warner, c, b Townsend 13 Duhle, b Townsend _„ 0 Kcrr. not ont 11 Extras 8 Total for five wickets CO P.owlJng analysis: McNeill one wicket for 19 runs. Townsend four for 39. EDEN V. UNIVERSITY. Kdcn declared -with the score at last week's total at 322 for five wickets. Tniverslty started off badly, Ellis, "Wallace an.l Alrey going before the half-century was reached. .Tacobsen and Taylor kept Dp hope* till, at S3, Taylor was tempted ont by Mills, and the wickets again started to rattle, and Jacobsen, llulgan and Gray succumbed in quick order, the total then being 113 for seven wickets. Graham pruved n sticker, and the fluol wickets kept the bowlers nt bay till within forty minutes of time, the total being 223. Eden thus becured a two-point win. Scores:— EDEN. . First Innings 822 Second Innings. Gordon, not oat 23 I'luver. IbvF. b Taylor .• 15 'Extra* 8 One wicket for 46 rN'IVERSJTT.—First Innings. Ellis. Ibw, b Hay .: 4 Jn.-ohsen, c Hay. b Mills 4(1 "Wallace, b Alexander ° Alrey. b Hay * Taylor, st Brooke-Smith, b Mills 23 Mtilgan. c and b Mills 8 Graham, not out •* Grav, 1) Tnykir • ITf-nwick. b Taylor « Pertmann. b Hay ' Ftrwcett. b Cunimlngs £> Extras 2I Total 22S nowUnc: Hav three for 43. Alexander one for 41 Cummings one for 22, Mills three foe 30, Taylor two for 27, Gordon, none for 84. '
GRAFTON V- POKSONBY. Grafton, ■with sli wickets down for 174, continued their lnntass fro™ tie »«»vlcras Sntarday, but the tall wagged very feebly, ard tic side were all out for 189 after abou! half-oii-noiir's batting. With 200 to get to win, Ponsouby opened wiOi SoeAJen and Thompson, and after two nortrs and 40 minutes - butting, they succeeded hi notchlng the runs for the lass of flTe wickets. Tlipt continued on. and at the call of time Sad lost eight wickets for 235 rnns, PottBouby'srorlng a two-potat win. GBAPTOX. —First Innings. Horspool, low, b McMath '4 Jones, b Thompson - «j* Hay, c KnTanarfh, b Thompson 28 p Snedden, b Thompson . 10 M:ison, 1) Knvanagh 49 Ward rim out » rulleii, b McMath ° Willis, c Robinson, b McMath 11 Barvie, not out | iSimmond. b Thompson J Extras 16 Total 100 Bowling.—Thompson five wickets for 59, McMath three for 39; Kavanagh one for ST; Woods none for 13; Tucker, none lor 36.' PON'SONBY.— First lrmtngs. Thompson, c Cnllen, b Harrle 14 !-':.erlden, c Horspool. b Harrle 2S Woods, c Ward, b Harrle 18 "Vrllson, b .Tones - |jj Gavin, c Slm-momls, b Ward 2.. C. SSnedden, b Ward 23 Kavanagh. b Jones ~ S» M'-Matb. c Cnllen. b Jones 5 It iblnson, not otrt 11 O heavy, not out » Kitrns 11 Total for eight wickets 235 1/ovrllug analysis: Jones three wickets for M, Tlnrrlp throe for 57, Mason non* *<ir 41, Ward two for 37, Willis none-for 5. SECOND GRADE. WAJTEMATA V. EDEN B. .Vuitemata.—First Innings, 240. Eden n.—First Innings: Brown, st Young, b Ar'olaster, 17. Murdoch, b C. MolleT, 24; Citaonr. st Young, b McKay, 0; Mills, b Arblaster, 0: Thomas, b C. Moller, 86; Caiißhev, st Young, b C. Moller, 0; Heighway, Ibw, b Moller, 2; Bennett, c and b Arlilnster, 3; Haase, not out, IS; Bralthiviitc, ibw. b McKay, U; Clarke, c K. Moller, b C. MoTler, 0; extras, 17. Total, ir.7. JJowling: C. Moller Ave wickets for SO, .Arblaster two for 52, McKay two for 15. Eden B. —Socnnd .Innings: Brown, Ibw, b MiKay 32; Gilmorc, not oat, 118; Hanse, b McKay, 1; Murdoch, .c .Marali, b McKay, 0- raughey, c and b McKay, 12; c and b McKay, 25; Clarke, c Speed, b C, Moller, 0; Thomas, Ibw, b McKay, 1; i Brnlthwaitc. not ont. 11: extras, 2. Total Waltemnta scored a two-point wi*. Sue aereo. .wickets, 210. '
PONSONBT T. NORTH SHOBiE. Ponsonby.—First Snotegs* 307. Second Innings: Plummere, b MlUer, 15; 'Mills, 'o Bniikin 29: Cnllamore, b Coleman. 10; Comber, c Miller b Rankin, 6; Jacobsen, Vbw, b Ranfcin, 13; Monk, c PlShcr. b Itmkln. 7; Barclay, fbw, b Coleman, 5; Cary, c 'Rankin, b Coleman, 1, Dickeson, not out, K; Toung, c and b Coleman, 0; Browne, c Frsher, b Colemsn. 9; extras, 7. Total, 117. Bowling analysis: Coleman, took five wickets for 50 runs, W. Rankin four for 30, Miller one for 26, Stewart none for 7. North Shore.—First innings: White, at Cary, b Monk, 4; A. Rankin, c Dickeson, b Pltrmmcr. 0; Stewart, b 'Monk, 126; Dacre, c Barclay, b Cullamore, 46; Coleman, Ibw, b Cnllamore, 4; Miller, b Ptammer, 10; W. Rankin, Ibw, b Cn-ltaroore, 8; Fisher, c and b Comber, 13; <U. Miller, c Cary, b Comber, 26; Little, Ibw, b Jacobsen, 5; Whelan, not out, S; extras, 21. Total, 268. Bowling analysis: Cnllamore took three wicket* for 55, Plnmmer *wo for 39 Com-bc-i- two for 35. Monk tiwo ror 75, C. 'Jacobsen one for 17, Barclay nooe for 27. North Shore won by an innings and 42 runs, a three-ipom* win. PARNELL V. UNIVERSPTT. nings: W. Badeley, c and b Walker. 6; A. Short, c, b Walker, 0; E. J. Mclmjis, b Walker, 34; E. Foster, not out, 26; B. Bevins, c. b Walker, 3; R. Dow Ibw b Walker. 0; W. Stephens, run ont, 0; R. Barnsdale, not out, 9; extras, 4: Total for six wickets, 82. Bowling- Analysis: Walker took five wickets for 29 runs. University.—First innings: R. C. Monre, c. b Stephens, 15; L. Tickenrmn. c and b Stephens. 6; W. Caradus. Ibw. b Barnsdale, 5; Skinner, b Stephens, 1; Walker, c Rose, b Stephens. 42: O'Loughlin, b Stephens, 15; Gonldlng, b Stephens. 4; Wallace, c Barnsdale, b Stephens, 2; Fisher, c, b Stephens, 0; Reynolds, not ont, 2; extras, 17: Total, 109. Bowling Analysis: Stephens took eight wickets for 32 runs and Barnsdale one for Parnell won on the first innings by 83 runs —a two-point win. THIRD GRADE. BDEN HI. B. V. GRAFTON 111. Gralton.—First Innings: 129. Eden. —First Innings: 196. The chief scorers for Eden were Hamilton 72, Paul 34, J. Alexander 22, Burton 15, Kytl 12. Bowling for Grafton.' Fletcher 4 for 21, Hamilton 3 for 39, Hamlin 3 for 46, C. White 1 for 25. Grafton.—Second Innings: 51. A. White 10. Bowling for Eden: Burton 6 for 20, Hill 2 for 13. Eden won by an innings and 76 runs. UNIVERSITY T. PARNELL. Parnell.—First innings, 207. 'Varsity.—First innings, 71 .Thomas IS, Winks 151. Two men short. Second Innings (three men short). 8S (Winks 41, Thomas 13, Waddlngham 12). Bowling for Parnell.—First timings: Bennett, five for 33; Hunt, two for 19; Hewson, one «or three. Second lirnlnfts: ißennctt, one for 2"); Hunt, none for 25; Slator, six for 29. Parnell won by an innings and 43 runs—a three-point win. rO>"SONBT V. NORTH SHORE. Ponsonby.—First innings. 132; second Innings, three wickets for 126 (Osborne 53 not out. Winks 37 not out, Bond 31), innings declared closed. North Shore.—First innings, 143 (Aebury 28. Allen 27. Shepperd 25): second innings, 07 for six wickets (McArthur 22, Ingram 19, Asbury 17). North Shore won by 11 runs on the first innings—a two-point win. FOURTH GRADE. PONSOXBT V. EDEN B. Eden B.—First innings, 20. Second innings, ST. Bowling for Ponsonby, M. England took two wickets for 13 runs. Eftn•braneh two for 34, 'Roberts five for 6. Ponsonby.—First innings, no- wickets for 132 runs (R. England 79, B. Fepler 44). Ponsonby won by on tailings and 66 rnns, a three-point win. GRAFTON V. EDEN B. Eden B.—First innings, 45 (Day 16, Nixon 9). Cullerae took six wickets for IS runs, and McGregor four for 21. Second Innings (one man absent), 125 (Somervllle 37, Duncan 29, Goldsmith 12). Grafton.—First innings (three men absent). 100 (McGregor 22, CnUerne 16, McDonald IS, Nlcoi 13, Roope 11). Butler took six wickets for 26 runs, and Mills one for 20. Grafton fielded with only eight men, and won by 55 runs on the first innings—a twopoint win. PARNELL V. NORTH SHORE. North Shore. —'First innings, 85 (Dacre 37). Second innings (declared closed, three wickets), 34 (Dacre not out 24). Bowling for Parnell, Caro took four wickets for 40 runs, Davidson eight for 48, Cameron none for 2, Hardwicke one for 9. Parnell. —First innings, 41. ' Second Innings, two wickets for 58 (Gedye not out 26, HoTd-wicke 10, Davidson 12). •Bowling for North Shore, Dacre took four wickets for 36 runs, and McAneny seren for 37. ; North Shore won by 44 runs on the first i innings—a. two-point win. ASSOCIATED LEAGUE. ORIEINTAL V. HERALD. Oriental.—First timings, 165 (Smith 58, White 48 not ont, Webb 19, Palce 7). Bowling for Herald, O'Connor took six wickets. Lorn? one Clarke one, and Martta one. Hernjld.—Flfst Innings, HI (Lang 22, Martin 22, MlUbrd 21, Beeves 14). Bowling for Oriental, Skhrner took three wickets, Nicholson two, Webb two, Dryland one, Smith one. Oriental.—Second ltmtegs, 47 (OTdrolson 13, Palce 13). BowHng: ©•Connor six, Clarke four. Henals\—"Second Innings, 65 Ifor eight wickets (Nimkle 17, Martin 12), MUftw« 10). Bowling: Palce two, Dryland two. White two, Smith one. Oriental won by 54 on the first innings—a two-potnt win. Oriental now lead by seven points for the championship at the finish of the first rotraoV CHURCHES' ASSOCIATION. SENIOR GRADE. ALL SAIMTB' V. W.T.M.L The latter team nattins first made 129 runs (C. Eyre 76 not out). All Saints - replied with 142 runs (Blackie 24, Llversidge 21, Ball 20, Nesbit 18, Wright 16, Stephenson 11). In their second innings, W.T.M.L lost five wickets for 31 runs (C. Eyre ,16 not out). . , ;... v Bowling for All Saints', Nesbit took five wickets for 33, Andrews three for. 44, Bnckiey two for 9, Llversidge three for 10. For W.T.M.L, Gosnall took six wickets for 61 runs, C. Eyre three for 32. All Saints', by winning this match, have a good lead for the championship, having Bcored 11 out of a. possible 12 points. ST. DAVID'S V. ST. MATTHEW'S. •St. Matthew's.—First lnntngg, 78 (Bhmdell 49, Bobinsou 13). St. Da-vidTs.—First innings, 164 for three wickets (J. Kennedy 22, Haugh 61, McMurray 55, not ont, Jackson 13, not out). St. Matthew's.—Second Innings, 23. Bowling for St. David's: Jackson seven, for 41, McMnxray four for 38. St. David's won by an innings and 63 runs. CROYDON V. ST. JOHN'S. Croydon.—First innings, 142; second innings, eight wickets for 77 (A. Rowe 35, not oat). St. John's. —First innings, 26; second innings, 18. Bowling for Croydon: H. Wilson three for 9, A. Rowe seven for 4. Three-point win for Croydon. B GRADE. ST. PETER'S V. IVANHOE. Iranhoe.—First innings, 94. St. Peter's.—First innings, four wickets for 231 (N. Brtnaden 101 not out, Bnshell 58 not ont, Brown 52, B. Howard 10). Ivanhoe. —Second innings, 28 (Brown 11). Bowling for St. Peter's: Brown five for 6, Brinadou two for Z-
SECOND GRADE. BT. MARTS T. ST. JOHBTB. St. Mary's.—Blest Inntegs, 19« (J. B. Henderson. 26, K. Unb 12. B. FHt 13, AHandcoek 15, B. George 34 retired, B. J.. Monro IS). St. Jobs'*.—Ftrst Inmawj, 87 (.Lassen: 17). Second bxntags, fire (or 98 (Preotica 24). Bowling.—Pint Innings: B. Lamb took six wickets for 13, E. George one for 1, Fit* on* for 11. Munro one tor 5. SCHOOLS REPRESENTAOTVB MATCH. The representative match between tbs East and West divisions of the puM'c schools was finished on the Domain c n Saturday morning, East winning by l'S runs. The scores were:— Ew*. —First Innings, 227 (Chilly 61, B'lrton 13, Easthope 18. Badely 12, Oscar 61, Cotter 44, Bresano 11). Weßt —First innings. 98 (Bass 3.', U Dacre. 11. Balllntyne TT) - East won by 129 runs. Bowling for East: Cbttty took fr-e wickets for 30 runs. Murphy two Jar 5 and Oscar two for 8. For West: Pletdier two for 47, hj. Dacre two for 33, B-iHlntyae two for 17 and Hunt three for 17. THE HEATHCOTE-WIL.UAMS SHIELD. ' GRAMMAR SCHOOL, V. CHRIf TCHTJRCH HIGH SCHOOL. A match of more than ordinary interest will be coßMßenced on the Domain tomorrow (Tnesday) morning, vhen the Christehnnch. Boys' High School will endeavour to wrest the Heatboote-WllUams Shield from the holders, the Auckland Grammar School. The shield ■ was preseated for competition amongst oil schools throughout New Zealand, and was allotted by the N.Z. Cricket Association in 190S-'O9 to the Boys' High School, Chrtetchnrch. The following year the Grammar School challenged, but were defeated. They tried again, however, and succeeded in securing the trophy, which they now hold. Christchurch have a very strong side, and the Auckland lads have a stiff flg*t 1n front of them to prevent the shield going South again. The teams are:— Chrtstchurch. —R. G. Hickmott (captain), W. P. Guiney, A. H. Gulney, C. E. Gniney, G. Otley, H. J. TattersaU, T. Miniken J. Goes,-R. J. Nixon. O. Rvans, H. H. Smith. Auckland.—Walker (captain), Smeeton, Blnndell, Hocken. Pratt, Holfbrd, Marks, Wtiddinithitrn, Gonldtng, Cooper, Perry. Play starts at 11 a.m. Messrs. Bond nnd V. White have been appointed umpires. . AUCKLAND REPS. V. COLTS. The name of SommerviHe (Parnell) was omitted from the Mst of players chosen to represent the colts against the Auckland representatives on the 25th and 26th Inst. WATKATO MATCHES. (By Telegraph.—Own Correspondent.) HAMILTON, Saturday. In the match between Hamilton United B an<l Fraxrklin 'A to-day. Hamilton scored 144 (Sheppard 50, Courtis, an cx-Otago representative, 45, Biwld 11, Aitken 11). Eranlrton made 70 (Pullpotr 32 not out). This was Frankrton's flrst defeat. SOUTHERN MATCHES. PtrAY STOPPED AT DUXEDIS. (By Telegraph.—Special to "Star.") DONEDTK, Saturday. A heavy shower stopped local cricket early this afternoon. Cartsbrook B defeated Opoho by elgbt rune-on the flrst innings. Carlsbrook A, 175 for three wickets (Hopkins 92, not ont), beat Dmtedin, 104, on the first Innings. SHIELD MATCHES. (By Telegraph.—Press Association.) CHRISTCHTJRCH, Saturday. The Otago Cricket Association advises Canterbury that the Otago team will be unable to play the Plunket Shield match unless a start be made on Christmas Day. The City Council has refused, permission for play on that day, but a special meeting will be held on Tnesday, at which, the matter -will be reconsidered. The Canterbury team leaves for Wellington on December 28. INTER-COLLEGIATE MATCH. WELLINGTON BEATS WANGANUI. (By Telegraph.—Press Association.) WELLINGTON, Sanday. The Wellington and Wasganul inter-col-legiate match was concluded on Saturday. With one wicket down and only 75 runs to get Waugamii should have gained the victory, but with Saimond' oaf their batting crumbled up before the AoWling of Beard and Childs, assisted by smart fielding. Wellington College won by 25 rnns. The scores ■were: Wellington College—Einst innings, 176; second innings, 149. Wanganni— First innings, 162; second innings, 138 (Saimond 52, Andreae 21, Abraham 21). Beard took seven wickets for 39 runs, and CbHds three for 33. WELLINGTON RBPBESENTATTVB6. TO MEET HAWKETB BAX. (By Telegraph.—Press Association.) >." WBU2NGTON. Sunday. A trial game In view of coming representative matches was played on Saturday between A and B teams. Tie former team made 160 runs for eight wickets, and then declared the innings closed. Hlckson made 30, HJamlree 34, and Ponton 24. The, B team put up a total of 159 (Patrick 43, Phillips 33, Staples 24, IMnlnyson 24). In oowllng for the A team. Ftnfayson took three iwlckets for 46, Sanßden two for 49, and ißlamlres one for, 17. For the B team Plnlayson took three wickets- for 37, Naughton two for 19, and Grace two for 20. The following team will represent Wellington against Hawke's Bay at Christmas:—Bcechey (captain), Bhunires, Brlce, Eindlary. Sezendsen, Fen ton, Bibbes, Mahoney, Nanghton; Patrtck, and Saunders. The following players have been chosen to practise in view of the match against Canterbury:—Flnhryson, PhllWps, Grace, Little, and Hickey. CHBISTCHURCH MATCHES. (By Telegraph.—Press Association.) CHRISTCHTyBCH, .Sunday. Another round •in the fltst-grade cricket competrtian -was started yesterday, tat play bad t» close early cm account of heavy rain. The scores were: East Christchurch, 60 for three wickets, v Uawood; West Cbrhrtdmren, 141 for two wickets (H. B. lajsk 74, D. Reese not out 58), v. Blccarton; Syden]Man, -55 for two wickets, v. St. Albans. THE FLUNKET SHIELD. CANTERBURY'S TEAM. (By Telegraph.—Press ASMCiatioa.) CHRISTCTHrmCH, Sunday. Mr J. N. Fowke baa selected the foßowing to represent Canterbury in the iPlnnkct shield mrnttch. versus Otago:—J. H. Bennett, C. BoxahaH, K. B. Caygill, W. Carlton, H. B. lask. Aif. Norman, K. M. OlHvier, W. R. Patrick, D. Reese, A. Sims, and £>. SandtDU.
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Auckland Star, Volume XLII, Issue 300, 18 December 1911, Page 8
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3,072CRICKET. Auckland Star, Volume XLII, Issue 300, 18 December 1911, Page 8
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