RUGBY. 'AUCKLAND V. iNQETHBEN WAIROA. The first inter-union match of the season, <will ibe .played at Epsom to-morrow ( flay), i?(tl»en the B team meet Northern AYslroa. "Tthe ■coun.tay tiTea can always toe'relied upon" to put up a good flght against Auckland, and as #he local tea.m is much stronger than i,s. usually .the case an interesting "game should 'be 'Witnessed. As a curtain-raiser, Gram■mar School njeet ifing's College, and as fte ■rivalry be-bween ttie two "["is' yery keen some fast, open play should result. Qhe 'teams are:— AUCKLAND. Full-back: J. O'Brien. tThree-quarters: Murray, R. Magee. Macky iFive-eighths: Barclay, O'Leary. Half: Thomas. Wing-forward: Hall. Forwards: Tyfer, Rasmpsae'u, Gr&ae, WIU! son (Parnell), Nicholson, Hipper, Clarke. Emergejicie§: Qeftdes, Twiname, Coilett, Butterwor-th. ' ' ' •NORTHERN WAIROA. Full-back: 3. ilaptin. Three-quarters: Harrison Watene. Fivereightis: Haywpod, Bradley Half: Cox. Wing-forw-ard: Montgomery Forwards: F. Smitu Jackson, W. Snowden. K. ■Lowe, Rop,e, C. Lpwe, O'Brien. Mr Katterns will officiate as referee. (Brakes to convey 'the teams to Epsom ■will leave the Waverley Hotel' at 2 p.ih! AUCKLAND V. THAMES. The Auckland tesvm leave by the Wakatere for the Thames at 7.15 a.m. itb-mowow to play the Thames representatives. 'The Auckland team is: . Full-back: Fitzgerald. Ihree-quarters; Wep'lfgi-aMU McQ-regor, Stewart. •Five-eiffhths: Power, Dr. Borrie ILall: Webh (City). Wing: Wilkes. Forwards: Herri n S , Cellars, Br-aee, Cueningham, Pope, Fake, Barrett, tmergeacies: B. O'Brien, S^.vthe. PARXELL.
Second Grade (v. Qollegn E'.fiesj - 7ien«e Kendall, Avery. Reihaaa, Comes Hill lira Diokey - Clark Xgata!. Westbury, Timms, gmith Samshnry (2; Brewln. Dudsoji, O Grndy, M:lhams, Long, Gillies,' 'Bristht' Convi'ay. ~ c- T Third Grade. Engineers,.— A bye. Third Grade. Onefeunga Methodist (v. Grafton).—Blackwood, learning', Ardeu, HeudPison, Sutherland, Priestly B&arfi- i son, Gilbert, Pegler (3), Duthie (2) Hay- ' ■ward, Moore, Uay, Soar. Fourth G-i:ad.e (v. Rovers).— Cilmeur (2V, Barnes, Brown. Hunt, Saiidham," Cowan Nazey, Revingtou, McGregor. Nelsou, Tliomas. Shaw. Stanley," Stevens, Menzies, Hallott, Holland. Cameron, O - Harn7 Fifth Grade (y-. .Marisj: grps.j. — Haiidceck, Geilye (2). O-Brien, "Harris. Higglns." 11lClnre, Gamernn (J), llcereij.die, Wei'i?dg.e. Liiieen, WliUkvi, Alder, G-erlieion Mouds, Dadd, Morgan. MAKIST BROS. S,eepnd Grade {y. P(jasflal)3 r )..=rHttle, Heigiton. Raskevillp, Cecil, . Sheath, Fischer, M. O'Connor (captain), Doheny, McDevitt. Courtney, Dwyer, ©liyer," Berryman. Suilivan, <?oakley. Malone. White, J&.elaney, Ryan, Cainis, Baker. Walsh, Harrls. Fourth Grade (v. Pougonby).—Vplvoi, Whitfield. Brockliss. Lqriergan" (2). Stretou, Munro, Ross. Culpau C3>. Sniith, ijples■worjh, Prepdergast, " Crawtor4 (oaptainj, Heighton, McOiiliough. " Fiftii. Grade (v. Jolaiispn, Earlly, King, " I'nyne, Burns, Barter, 0 Do-nd, Sannders, White. Grpenan, Brooks, Barker, O'Keefe, IJgehau, Amir strong, JJplveuna. Bourke. Ward (captain), Hovfiejtt, Kavanah, The junior competition will be pontipued. The teams' are: — ■JJNIVERSITY. Second Srade (T. Newton II.).-=rf3iirmyH, Fawcett, Pearee, Dickes.on, 'PoMd.ipfe. Canipr ibell f v Maftfeerws, "" Gasparich. Needijam, For.djce, NorthereiE-t, JlcKenzie, Sestou, CaTgo," ißiliey'"Xl." " Third Gr?d£ "(v. No. 2 Ne.wtpn).=rJGampTncll 111.. Hinton, Campbell 11.. Farrell. Bull 1., Ohlson, Mpeiennaa", Uprley. Burn, Leyland. Squirrell. "Hujtcheon, Eager. Bull 11. Reserves: Hjampson, Hail, ■Morley. ■COLIiiGE RIFLES, Second Grade (v. ParnelJ 1J. —.1. K. Ifwerseh,"'W. Uixon. 1,. Nisbet. R.Gordon. L. Weston, F. Mattbe'ws. L. Hartland, R. Pountney. L. Walker. L. Harty, H. Baxtex, N. Pountney, A. Clay, B. Jacob!. Qrade (v. Parjiell lII.J.WjSa/WSOB, Sinlon, B:asley, Alexander, Burns. Bnrstow. I'Saylor. Pratt, Qoudie, Steele, Dufaur. Smallfield, BtirnJ.e, Gray, Pr'oude. Euiei'genT cies: Blundeli, "gpjieliftr. " SHORE. Third. <Jr«d.e B (y. No. 3 Garris.on).—Edkin, Campbell (2). Me.GJashan, Sheehan, Tremain. Alford, Wilding, jarvis. Hunt, Chatfield. Herring, Moore (2) Sutcliffe, GarapbeJl, Praaer.' " Fifth 'iGra : ci£~i(y. .Grartpn A).—Parker (2), Turner, "Millar. Jaggs, Davidson'.' Grey. Ghaplin (2), ' Valentine, Spialey, fanning. ■EmeraT}, Jiay, Martin, Bennett, .Gallagher, H. Grey.
Jv'i&\yTe_N. THIRD GRADE. No. 2 Natiyes ,(y. GniKersity).; = iM*>yl.e, 'Perez, ■Man-tell, Dixon. Good, Ellisdon, greenwood (captain). McCim-y, JUlinga, anrell, Martin (ST. Warreni Ellery,"""S'ow', Lauder, Sefton. Oxenuani, 'Gox * ' . Fifth Grade C <x. City)'.—i&rWn, Graot, White (captain), Can-tell, Goodman, Easthope, Stewart, Trenba-th. Black '(2) HoiigHton. MiiHins, Easleton. Rankin, Perry Goedickc. ilurray, Grantly. O.PTSIP3 MATCHES. Grea-t Northern Brew.cry (y. Haacocis aad Co., No, la ground).—Turner, Bfeiidry,"Lone, ■Mayali, Thompson, W. HendiV.' Barry T t,ong (captain), Bllis, Seel, "Smith Hanlon' Sallen, Peebles, Beebe.' Emergencies': Muldoon, Barrett. iHeferee, air. Kiioi " " ' T.P.G. (-V. #angere, Outer Domain).—Herring, Bayles, Elder. 'Kobson Tic¥ncr (?) ■Belsham, Paul, Wife'ios, gtov fciptaln) HaseWen, Willjams.-BHith. Huckerjiy, .Coulam, .poole, yal"Mi! 3oyere tv. Kiwis, at lit. RoskiH).—MeKay, French (2), Green, Thorburn. He-.v-lt. Bow, Cox. Hamilton, 'Mcintosu. Blair, Rutherford "(2), Ivoveloek, St.rche, Courtenay, Bctlis. Jpukins'. A-very. St. Benedict's (v. Thames Old "Boys, at Thamjes).—G. Slade, MUU R aij, Foremau, Jordan, itcCa'be, B "Slade T. Htoare, Copns. J. Momighah. Lyons, Lennan. Xlonachan. Thomas. Emergencies - Mahoney, Early, Graham. NORTHERN VNigjX &Ajf]B. The competitions under Northern Union rules will be continued to-morrow. The teams are: — PONSQNB-Y UNITED. Seniors (v. Newton Rangers).—Cholly, Carlaw, Lang, Houghtpja, DilUmore, .Cossey Riley, ' FrJckerT "Cola, McGregor, Bett's! Nicholson, O'Dowd. Second Grade (v. North Shore Alhions at thp D.QinainJ.—Daaf.eQ, laversidge, Kean, Schofield, Forbes, Brown," Bpswell, Davies, Stannaway, Jonas, Russell, Oakley. •pmer.gefl,cy-: "T.ueSer." ~~"" ''" "* "' ' Lf^eßE. At th.c meeting ox the Auckland Pros-in-cial Football League on "Monday'" night last, Messrs. Harry Oakley and F. Gladding were duly elected as junior selectors for th,e en,sulng s_eason."~ ■" NORTH SHORE ALBION'S. Second Grade (y. Jlende"rsdn",~ Coiiriaghnu", Gerrard. Neighbbur. Ridings. Fox, J. Williams. Young, Buohaunan. Mann, Hynes, Leaity, and Jiutler. O?hird Grade, "at "Koithcoke.— Jqiinston. Nicholson, Martin, -Hpfld, Seager (2), Coldicutt (2), Howlett, Hynes, Driver (2), Rogers.
NOfiT-HCOIE RAMBLERS. Junior Grade (v. City Rovers, at Northcote). —A. Osborae, W. Clow, A. Tyer, J. Herrick, F. Sceats, M. Neill, H. Jackson, M. Taylor, W- Hall,' £3. J,«rdan, g. wea£her7 t>. PugfiT'G. J , . Srni.tu. Third Grade (v. Eden. Ramblers," at 'Victoria Park, at 2 p.m.).—From tie following:—G. Peate, A." SaJ;chell,' C. Hoalon,' 1< , ., Wavrington, W. $i&&', $'. Sharp, S.-KeSb": G. Iqt&slji, £. "Blacsk, 'S. -si?iiite k lj. ECewitt, J. THomson. A_ Forbes. "TO*. X. Satciiell, StlU^eelU^
Seniors (v. Ponsonby United, at Victoria Park).-iHendly, Beale, Smith, McQaeeley! Blakey, Lmkhorn, Fsrraot ©, B.ennet, Bradburn, Winters, Cross, Strong, Turtley, Mackiell, iShort, J. s - CITY POVEBS. Seniors (t. North. Shore Albious).—Pkilltps, Wilson, Warner, Uargreaves, O'SuUiJftft. Julian. Harrison, Robinson, Dinzies, Mocki, Childs, Asher, Avery, Simpson, Qracle (v, M«rphy, Smith, Waite, Bovaird, Dunn, MUler-, 'furk, McOvillash, Orastem, bomerv«ll, Evershed, Blackwell, Macky, Avery. —" Third Grade (t. North Shore Albions).— Jamison (captaiu), Clarke, J. Little, Lees, ftoAmes., gelley, Dugtia, Reid, S. ScQtt, iwley, Dqws, Barker, W. Home, Watson! ASSOCIATION. The competitipng Association rules will be eoHtiaued to-m.oi?row. The * teams are:— CORINTHIAN. Seniors Ov. North Shore).—Howie, Borthwick, Haresnape, payies, Qibsou, Bond, Barber, Roberts, Millar, German, Holiday; Rqse, Lanspn, Odell. Players are requested to oatch 2.20 boat. Secojid Division (v. St. Johp's, at Domain). —Woodridge, Rose, Blackburn, Westaway, Fitzgei'ftld, SehoSeld, Ogier, Trusler, Kose, Williams, Punch; emergencies—Seaver, Scott, McCrecjie. EVERTON. (v. W. Lambie, W. Hic-kson, B. Robinson, E. G. Atkinson, F. H. Baker, R. J. Booth. T. Brewer, W. 3- tsWe, H. Boyne, A. C. Isbister, F. Marsh; reserve, J. Caratlus. w.y.M.i. ■Seniles (V. V- Greenwood, J. Campbell, E. N." Booth, F- Kent L. Grihble, B. Sosnell. J. Dwyev. H. Griblile, U. G. Lovell, L. 11. Bessaut. J. H. HalStead. CAIjEBOMAX. Seniors (t. Everton).—A. Callander, J. Nellson, J. MeMnuon. A. Poole, J Lornie. P. McLaren, K. Sutherland. W. Tute. "W. Harvey. B. Baker, ,J. ' Gardiner; &|- Martin, A. French. PONSONBY. Seniors (v. W.Y.M.1., at Kicgsland).—F. OldßHll, 11. Jehnsou. F. RitEhie, A Dtake, A. Miirshall. A. UppU, J. Beutley, J. A. Tatton. 11. Webster. W. Almond, E. Webster; reserves—Saunders, Eccleston, Thorne, Taberner. NORTH SHORE. First pivision (v. Corinthian).—Bennett, Smith,'father, Ivilt. Nurse. Wallace, Smith, West!, Craig, Wallace, Pickering, Wilkinson.
Seeepfl Division fv. Gordon).—Burgess, J|oore," Cardno. Brown. Simpson, Lpvick, Kent, Stewart, Lckwood, Brabant, \Ypolley. Third Division (v. Mount Albert).—Miller, Wild, McKellar. Marshall. Roberts. Griffiths. Aiisou, Woo I ley, King. Sintou, Foreman. Allen. Fourth Division (v. Caledonian). —Kent, MoAneny, Buchanan. Wynyard, Stewart, Douglas, Osborne, Waddleworfh, Stewart, Parker, Coleborne. ' "Fifth Division (v. Rerpsford).—Oakdcn, Horsier, Craig, Pites, Brett, Gold water. Dacro." Brown, Beusiaw, Rent, Dane; emergencies—Mynntt, Waller, Wilson, Ralfe. V.M.C.A. Fourth Division A (t. B).—F. Aickin, E. 017, B. Davies, Tempest, H. Oull'en. H. Nicholsoa," L.' Wiilianis, Bagnall, ' Clarue, Robjnson, .J. Haddick. Fourtli Division B ("v. A).—Smith, Cajvert, Pairnaan. Littlejohn, J. Brown, Finlay, Wablstrom. Alien, Ball, Ciayion. Tailby, Williams. "fifth Division Ay. Edeudale).— h. Jlenzies. McQnillau, Friekcr, Robiusou, llayman, Smaller, Skinv.Hh. Edmouds, biancb, Craig, Young, Gregr. Kifth pivisiou § (v. Nortlipote).—Keane, Birch, Teasjdale, Heron, Millar, Ueiq, U. Menzies, Matthews, Trotman, Wheeler, Anderson; reserves—Fountain, Fabian. ST. JOHNS. S.eeond Division iv. Corinthians).—Staiutoa, Uetbaell. Hill, Horsley, 'Matthews, Morris, McCovven. Learwood, Uance Carey, Whillans. Tiihd Division (v. Tabernacle). —Swanson (2), Prickett, Medwell. Morris. Heady, whittaker, MuttonT S'ilson, Ne'aie, Lanigan. Fourth Division iv. Gordon). —Collins, Hevuett, tUctiayds. Cantel, Scott. OTouaos, ChapujanT Maedonald. BROTHERfJOGD. Second Diyisjen A (y. '.pabe.irnajGle, at Victoria Park).—s?. Qram, j." EiyU. H., J. gane, A. Uipley, WT Bntter-yyoi'-tjb," A. Piper. A. Pearson. S. Pearson, I*. Pearson, G. \Vheatley; emergency, W. WilikS. Second Division B (v. Hotspur, at Kincs-iaud).-T-Lit<lejohn. Handling. Webb. Kobiusoij, Bess (captain), Joans, Grainley, Ogi'ani. lioldfiu, eptterill, Turley, Torb.ett. Hushes. SECOND DIVISION. Tabernacle (v. Brotheihooa A). —Williams. Hall, Keiidou, Banks, Clark, Kemn, BronUbanks, Churchill," Gl'add|.ng'' ' Ambury, Faulks; reserves —Maynard, Barnes. " Hotspur (v. Brotherhood B). —W. T. Rowlands, f! H. Wigg, G. Ctiairnan, A. "Foster, A." "OzaaneT H. Kennerley,'P.A. Crompton, F. eliiimbers, F. Julian (captain), 11. Dove, H. Lee; reserve, E. If. Joges. THIRD DIVISION. Mount Alhert (v. North Shose. at Mount Alfeer-t).—Harbutt, Han-Jsoa, * T.otman. Wils"pn, Stilw.ell, Mcßride, La-Dgsford, Weir, Go?, Sauaders, Reid; leserye. Ashtpn. (v. St. John's, at Kingslaud, at 2 p.m.).—R. Vaughan, N, Ferguson, A. Uogaa,"iS. Grieve, T. Vaughan, C. Brown, S. Sjarlo'sr, G. Dujicumb, B. Dayfis. SJ. ; SmaUwood. p.* Swales (captain); 'resprves— T. .Cray, W\ J?JB e S. W. Vaughan.
FOURTH DIVISION. Tabernacle (v. W.Y.M.I.)—S. Youlden, A. Winks. E." Bpyne. Roy Vaughan, A. .T. Maesain (captain), N. Tucker, E. Booth. O. N'fetibias, Tj~ Blbmneld," R.~ Forbes," S. Webster, C. Winslup." ' W.Y.M.I. (v." Tal)emael,e. at Eden Park, at 2 p.m.). —ClarK, Wilson, "vVacftflngtiata, Steady, Caradus, Campbell. Teague, Greenland, Kerr, Isbister, Jackson; reserve, Paultnn. Gordon (v. St. John's). —Champtaloiip, Jackson, N,ewcomb.e, H_en,dersou, L. Bennett, Budd. Fowler, Biskop," Gilmore, MacMurjtrie, McDougall; reserve, j. Bennett. FIF.TH DIVISION. Tab.ernaele (v. Reniuera. at Kingsiand. at 2 Crocker; H. Taylor. A. Halliuc '.{captain). R. Kemptbn, 'T. Taylor,' F. Crocker, A. Garllek, J. McDowell,' £• Eady, A. Andrews,"' N. Garlick; reserves—H. A. Kennerley. AUSTRALIAN GApE. YOUXG N.Z. LEAGUE. Eden Juniors v. Newton Juniors, at Victoria park, at 3 p.m.—Central umpire. D. iGartlnaii; gOjal umpires. Tansley and Molloy. EdciT Second Juniors (v. Ponsonby Seconds, at Victoria Park, at 2 o'clock.— .Central umpire. J. Worroll. Eden Juniors (v. Newton). —Wine (2), .Clafk, Powell, pinion. Virtue, Lunn, Dilly, •Marsha}], SleLeod, jtepine. Darby, Nodder, PViterson, Rolander, Cowley, Goodenough, fodder, Ro.bson, Hors£°ol,
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Auckland Star, Volume XLII, Issue 154, 30 June 1911, Page 7
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1,726FOOTBALL Auckland Star, Volume XLII, Issue 154, 30 June 1911, Page 7
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