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The following is Mr. D. C. Bates' Teport and weather forecast for 24 hours from 0 a-m. this day.—" Easterly moderate to atrong winds; freshening, and probably gale after sixteen hour 3. Expect unsettled and cloudy weather. Very heavy rain may be expected. Glass fall."

The various sports grounds in and around Auckland will be fully taxed tomorrow, when the football comjietitiDns under Bngby, Association and Australian rules will be continued. In view of the visit of the British team playing under Northern Union rules, an A andß -practice match will be held by the local players, after which the team to play the visitors, -wiU be chosen. Hockey, lacrosse, and basketball competitions will also be continued, while the opening day's comsing of the North Island Coursing Chrb's July Meeting win be held at Middlemore Park. Altogether devotees of the different 6porte have plenty to occupy their attention. As the result of the agitation towards compelling the Tramway Company to provide more jacks for use in accidents, the company have informed the Electric and Water Committee of the City Council that they have decided to place additional jack stations in Freeman's Bay, -at the junction of Franklin-road and Pattesonstreet; and at the reservoir, near the junction of Ponsonby and Earangahape roads; and also that it was intended to shift the new station from Biehmondroad to Anglesea-street, thus making pro l vision for 12 stations within the city area of 8.65 route miles. The committee recommended that the Tramways Company be informed that in the opEruarr of the Council still further provision in the matter of jack stations was necessary, and that they be asked to state what they were prepared to do. The matter was referred back for the committee to state where in their opinion the additional stations should be situated. The Finance Committee of the Gty Council recommended some time ago, with reference to the suggestion that another piece of Waikumete Cemetery be cleared, and sown in gras3 in anticipation of future requirements, that provision be made in next ye&r's estimates for the fencing in of an additional portion of the cemetery, with a view to the piece being cleared and grassed, the fence in question to extend from the railway to the mail road. Recently the City Engineer submitted a report from the landscape gardener respecting improvements to the -cemetery, and suggesting a visit by the committee to Waikumete to discuss them, and. as -a result the members of the committee will,, weather permitting, journey out to the cemetery to-morrow afternoon. The city's electrical plant generated 50,160 units- during the fortnight ended July 3, the machinery running 203J hours. Fourteen new customers have been connected, making the total 491- The electrical engineer recommended that large consumers be charged ljd per unit for the first 100,000 units per annum (the present rate) and Id per unit for all in excess of that amount. The demand for power was rapidly increasing, and with such a concession to very large consumers the department could deal with the supply to the very largest factories in Auckland, he stated. The recommendation was approved. The engineer also, reported that owing to the increase of output during the past three weeks he had been obliged to revert to running three shifts. The additions necessary to the power station to meet the many demands coming in for power and light -would Tmdudti a further boiler in the boiler housv.-yhteli would then be completely filled \ y, airf as much as the present chimney 'srezn. stand. It has recently been announced thai : the free treatment and free beds for indigent patients at Hotorua Sanatorium:: have been abolished. Mr. Laurenson asks,! if it is true, w2l the Government give an.l opportmrity to the House' of expressing: its opinion on theaboEtion of this very necessary- and humane treatment to indigent patients, which has prevailed for, some years past? The City Council's traffic inspector, reporting under date of the sth inst, states that there is still a large percentage of missed trips on the tram services due to defective cars, and that the larger portion of the disabled and derailed cars might safely be taken as defective. Fifty-one trips were missed during the fortnight, and in addition there were six delays. Eight cars, he stated, are in course of construction, the frames of four of them being nearly finished, but there is a short delay in finishing .them owing to the non-arrival of the timber for the Tinder-carriages. The inquest on-the old man namedMatthew Wallace, whose body was foundon the railway line between Penrose and EUershe on Wednesday morning, was continued after we went to press yesterday afternoon. The Maori youth, Sam Jack, continuing his evidence, stated that after deceased left the non-smoking carriage for a smoker, he saw no more of him. Evidence was given by a ticket collector that deceased was sitting in the carriage when the train reached Papatoetpe, and an engine-driver on a train that left Auckland -at aan. in the morning, and then ran several abort trips -between Penrose and Papatoetoe,-said that-after being acquainted with the discovery of the body, he inspected the cowcatcher of his engine, and on the bolts underneath he found a little hair and brains, the hair corresponding in colour to that of the deceased. He did not notice the body lying between the tracks when he passed in the early morning, as it was both dark and. very foggy. The inference i 3, that deceased, when he fell from the train, was whirled by the impetus-across towards the other 6et of rails, and lay there in such a position that the passing cowcatcher struck hi 3 head. A -verdict of accidental death returned, the jury expressing the opinion that there was nothing in lie -evidence-to lead them to consider that the deceased was under the Vnfl-npnea of liquorwhen he feU off the -train. *It would be a -good thing if this credit' system was done away -with, and a list published every month of those in -arrears," remarked Mr. C. C. Kettle, -SAL, during the hearing of a judgment summons case this- morning. A meeting of the Karangahape-road Tradesmen's and Batepayers' Association was held on Tuesday evening last, Mr. J. Peet (president) in the chair. Several matters or interest and importance to .the district were dealt with, and the secretary was instructed to write the Hon-DL Boddo, supporting his efforts towards having »n holidays observed on. the nearest Monday. It was also decided to hold the meeting of the association in future on the first Tuesday in each month, so that members of committee and those interested may follow the meetings with less difficulty. At the Eealey tunnel fatality in. May last, several of the miners employed displayed conspicuous heroism in rescuing comrades whose lives wore threatened A movement is now on foot to have the facts brought before the Government with a view of tho men being recommended for the Edward medal. The medal is awarded to workmen who, whilg employed in some industrial occupation, display conspicuous bravery in saving or trying to savo the Ihra* of other*. It is considered that the conduct of several of the man at tho tunnel on th« oetswfcm referred to entities them to the distinction which it ia proposed to obtain for them.

The question of the toms-street West was before. ? °* again last night Meiis.. a* Ifl*l Burt, lid, wrote, stating'ihat-a?** of their new budding conld Sot ll**** pleted until correct levds tt *** -4s the result of a visit to the Works Committee a meeting of the committee of iftT l * t Council be called to cotejir'tLy** posals for widening Cbi&ana-sijelrJSfc To this the Council agreed... We^ The long mom of the QnjHA*. Custom-house was afternoon, when ~ the cofleeiorv?** Elliott, sola by auction * quaSl i tobacco and other dutiatie gooirfj? ■had been seized J>y the Crowa. a ' - serve price was fixed on cadi lot, ,2" wkh the exception of the Waal?; goods were disposed of atprioj.' sideraliy in advance of the nJ?2* pieces of light dress ing twenty yards each, reahsed te*?s four Teneriffe shawls,. which "=tJbi»: served at 13/, were secured" fto- g|j* a water-eoloar painting, by -C.?& 2; •ton, of the lonic, was valued hjtViw partment ai 16/, and by the JXfflJr at 31/; a Teserve of £3 0/9 on a lot of 390 cigarettes, 350;2r and 2Mb of tobacco, and th'ew? 8 ' knocked down at £3 12/6. Si > cigars and ljlb of tobacco, on upset price was £1 0/10, weje'iij!* A raid was made last mgißi tid. graphs our "TOaihi corresDoofeat} LSergeant Mackumon, assisted W ,5) police, on a' house situated in j^*: just entering tie 2 proper, occupied by a married named. Cecilia Burke and a. John Foley. Search .was .aafe.jliquor, and the police found "a osiafrof spirits' and beer which *theY: temt Prosecution will follow, and accas«4=3 be charged with keeping liqnor'joj jA A meeting has been convSatj-ftt v. morrow afternoon at the MerceTj^ i for the purpose of'-considering"tka.ig, | ability of farming an as~oda£aa i^, for its object the lowering" of OslS kato river. This matter was rtpaajj I upon by a Government engineer, aaltas j expenditure involved is considfraSe. jj, j idea is to dredge the Waikato ri»e iat ! Whangamarino, so as to lower j^H.^ nianta river ami the WhaagMtoo swamp, and thus drain a large araot valuable bud. A lot ef the an*ag«»i belong.-; to the national tmfammig)^ while the balance is held by-prsafe»B. ers. It has already beeri-snggotißatf this is a work -wliich will reprise fa 1» undertaken by a drainage board fowl by the owners of the lands to be tat■fited. .. i~: rj'-: ..The committee of. Christshtra&ji&i interested in the domestic "sertast-pn. blem decided to recommend the Gwa> ment to subsidise the British Wuaei Emigration Association aid to «w> mend tl 8 appointment of 3fa. filai Lindsay as the Canterbury DumacImmigration Association's represeaacn on the British Women's - Enigma Association. At a meeting'of the ExeceiiveOsi mittee of the WH at the Beresford-street Congregtaos! Church, the following - : resbfaiiaon ra unanimously adopted: —"This coiaaffirf desires to express its sense of tie vßsspread evils of gambling in Sew -Zealai and its fun sympathy "wsth'&e <■»■ , ment for the birppresaoh .oflsMi- { makers. It calls nporr, the-".Gafgipa, {.to introduce,- during the-pn!li#jjfyint, .{-legislation to aixjjkumi . the hope that in 'iityJ&Sjttf soon cease to receive ; ' ■' At a meeting of the TempsaiKe «d | Morals Oommittee of the-tJlefltais rrbTrwb of New Zealand, hdlitflteedm yesterday, a resolution was adq&i calling on the Government to iatroto legislation providing for the abolftiim tf the totalisator and the bookmakesMai for the refusal of the Poet Office jo osg ' correspondence for TattefflalFs. An* solution wa3 also adopted, protein against the exhibition of pictures in New Zealand. The City Engineer, in a .report -p> sented by the Works Comm2±eato, tit City Council last iright, * report on the Newmarket stiee£»-*oua be forwarded as soon as posfiie; ft* ' the borough would not h»fe fws* ' a number of highways to_fi»-.3B6fe* they already exist, but -that ttsVols seemed to be their responsfiaTSy to* 8 ? them in oiderj that he reported itt HH ; that Park-avenue, in HewmatWij slwlj be graded i»™* formed; and fhai fta* aveinne ahould be propeiiy ifonnedatß* ; joint expense of the Qfy and3few*j* This in response to *her ißcenfc ■■*■" ■tions submitted to the <3ouatfl !?» Town Gexk of NewmaTketr<m ton bridge traffic, -question. B """^ ' aided to send a reply- in t» ;. engineer's lepari. "There is an incljnatlan 'bj : think £hat when "tho • over their t'triMrp-n in : there is an end to their- lUjMHJsp'r* ■ It as getting a eevere dax «i'tii» <*£ ' try, "riA £he public cannot 3* *"s"*? ' to be «onlannalry-puttmg 'their I"* - their pockets to pay for '"'*** l . -other people's children, >ribett3& 1 should do something el^^''^L ■• KetHe, SJtf, at the Atagistiat& CmS this morning. ' A petition jngned by jesßeoS m ', Waipu, Birakaka, and , presentedtoJtVrSament *■*»*£*?£* k ium-of money be voted ior ■Hfll" . tion of some form of $gte,»2«ir*"? i Waipu to the Whangarei Baadv«»» would TeJteve the isolatjoffi-iw <jP« ** . these districts, with their ™**T?. " ests, to tie Auckland and \ Whereas the ronte to be ttstwiA over a area < ' "bearmgCrown land, which would*f^ be opened -up for selection, the material ior the construction o^ - -fee readily and cheaply 'YeSV eS 1 petHaoneia are of opinion that the eminent could cheaply espernaen l «"" aiight lajhray schernfi., -' - --A ' - A jnanapngreditor is leing^fr™^ for by the -Wairarapa The -end of "the sate. *.'*?% ; and seige-inickeis, toSt bojs.s- I *'. " years, all at 1/6; also, 20 &™*T.*~% formerly W6, 12/6, .to-.«t eight years, now at 7/U; 20 b<^ overcoats, with double cdbxs.'oaaip 11/6, 12/6, all at 7/1 - Geo. F 0 * 10 * Bradstreet's Sale".now «»!,^X an -wool, ready-made, f^gV blouses, o/li each, worth '/"A^ dreds to clvoose from. See ~*\*L<p J. A. llradsfcreet, Draper, Kara^*i" 1 road.—(Ad.) A.A v" tt I Boy ScouU' special. We *«» 1% a j-know wo heve all the r^^fwta, j tho lowest pri«, la «drt*»"' w-ab» Ihnveraak and pouches. Com«, fid,) far College outfit, Geo. JowW,^ ( j lu . Bradatreatfc Sal 8: now coj . lJ \L) i all . weal, Ttady - made, Vf??'#& hleuaes, £/ll each, worth WvjZir* dretis to ehoaso from. Sg» J, A, Bradatreet, Draper, KarjOS^^ .«»d, — - --

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Auckland Star, Volume XLI, Issue 166, 15 July 1910, Page 4

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Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XLI, Issue 166, 15 July 1910, Page 4

Untitled Auckland Star, Volume XLI, Issue 166, 15 July 1910, Page 4


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