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„ f t : "AncklanTl Star*' Office,' ' !., '!■:■:'','-:-'- c '-Tjbttrsday, WIm?"" 11 ' 17 '^? : 1910. 'A rather quiet tone : Is reported by wholesale distributing •honaes for the past week. A levival lii trade is , nowever,' anticipated "or.-April booking. .. , ~. ■> , 7 - ,-. -»- "tA'pples.'^Siva'iJorated: Market "dull.'-' -' ' Arrowroot.—Market firm at late rates. Local stocks in •'smalt-compass. —Desiccated: Quotations show -a.- slight dec-trie. -~.- , - , . V, 'Cream Turtaf reports market-firm at late rates. - • , X>ateis.— very good Inoirfry exists. Quotations unaltered. dinger.—Market march.' firmer. ' ' '■ < ' ' Haricot —Present quotations are. favourable to jets',*" and good business is reported...;'- V''-i'; i ';;'r " . Oik—Linseed: No'" alteration to report. Castor: Higher rates are cabled. •' '' ' I'^M_u:ket v :i;em_4ns: steady at late -rates.- - ; ) ; .- ■ ''-~' Pineaj?yies.—Chunks': Owing to theadvanced 'prices-sales hate' fallen off con-.-'hierably.; /-'?•«■.-/. .•-.. ■ ;i-. .■•■■' ~-! Rice.-—Market remains '..' steady .at late rates. . Hie low figures ruling hare resulted lii ! -good 'business ' going through. ■'■ *' ' . Sultanas.— dull. ■ Quotations are a. shade easier for forward delivery. Seeded sale is 'maintained, with forward -marketunchanged.-;' - • -.- Tapioca.—Coatfaues to fluctuate within narrow: limits. . ';,.'. " ' Saknofi.-r-Good inquiry -'exists'" for oil grades,' -with p resent holdings' In short supply. ..; -....■- ..•: ... Sa«Wneß.—All grades are in keen demand, particularly smoked, for which an increasing sale is reported: ;'-.' 1 'Hides.—Market: easier for .ox bides. We quote: Extra stoat ox, 8d to BJd; etout.QX :hides,.7d :to -750,; medium ox hides, 6_d to 0 7-8 d; light' ox' hides, '61<1 to' 6 5-Sd; cows; best lines, 6 5-8 dto good (cows). 61d to, &id; scored, sid to 6d;. stags', 4id to 4 klpß,.Gd to 6 3-8 d; calfskins, best. 8d to BJd,'g6od 7d to 74d, cut 5d to 6d, damaged I Sid' to "Ms 3 *'' '"''■' "■ ."':■- .'•'.. • - r>he'epskins.-rrMarket firm. Best -butchers' skins, large to. 8/; good lines, . 5/9' to 6/6; country dry skins, large to 5/6, medium 3/6to ' 4/3; shiall 1/6 to 2/3: .'lambs and pelts, best-.3/ to 3/8, good 3/4 to 2/8, small 1/6' to 1/10. «.t« ' -:.■ -- -. "\7 ' Tallow. Market firm. Best ' mixed, ' to 26/6r good, 24/3 to 25/3; inferior, 17/6- to 21/6 v rough fat,, 1 to.'lSd per lb. . - , - ; Bqnes,£4 17/6. Cowtails, 1/8 dozen.- . !... Horse hair," 10d' to 1/6 per lb.'"' ' ' ' ~'. .Wheat-j-Market is ; easy, and sales- steady ;:afc.4/o\ ox'store.- ::.<■■ /--..'-' ■ - ■'" , ; , •] lOats-TrrStocks light, market firm,,atI 2/5. and' 2/6 ': ;'. '," . '" '.."'"'"" '• .. '':' \ ' rSupplie's ■■■' in excess -of ••'• requirements:.-- MarkeT: weak at 3/ ex stores, vi" ;;.. Chaff.—ln good .demand at £1;. 10/- ex storei.:. ~ ■... ','"'■ ■ ; ' "' Bran and '^llard.—Selling at £4 anil £5 respectively. >: -?i :•• •■ ... yii.-.: it, -.„- /Barley.—Worth 2/7 ex store. , ..,.« ; Potatoes.—Selling freely ,at £7 ex store. "'• Birtter.^^First grade,' registered, -Sid; second grade, registered, 9d: first milling, 814; second milling, 7J.d to :,--,.. . -• ,: freely at 1/4 dozen. . .. : . Cbeese.V-Firßt grade "factory, OJd; second gra"defact6ry,j4 7-Bd' to farmers', sid. ; Fungus,—Steady sales at 5 1-Sd per lb;

~, The closing down of- the books; of.the Old••na_rakl. G. 51. Company caused ,a demand to set 'ill for prompt delivery" of' transfers, with the iresnft. that prices advanced from 3/6. po then fluctuated, between 4/2 apd "4/4. The position of the; mine also phows improvement, as specimen stone' has been •met with' In the Bunker's : intermediate, hear the 3i2oft level, and this should point to the new reef probably being picked up at each of the upper levels. Free sales-were also made of Mount Welcome shares, owing to fnriiier hauls of picked stone..being reported. ■Considering 'the quantity of" picked stone secured,' 6d seems a low price for this stock: Waihi shares (have dropped several . shillings during the week, owing to rumour-of probable trouble with the men." Waihi Grand Junction shares Armed In' price during the week, frequent sales .beittg:-mnde rip to So/, with later, transactions at 3d under that figure, There hare also been - steady sales j ot Talisman' shares' at '53/, and Crowns I from 6/7 .to 5/. > New: Sylvia shares continue in fair demand at from .-4/T' -to 4/8, -and MoriowiUs are -still wanted at .1/11. Other Thames' lines had little attention-'this week, with the exception of Waltajigis.-wlilch-sold. at 2/,;t0..2yi, iiountain King shares firmed this Week, sales taking place-up to' 1/2. In Southern'mining shares, Blackwaters changed tends at 30/, 3 Midi; Consolidated Gold•fields at.22/9. •-.,, v >- , c - 1 ... ,1' .. . , 1 -7. Investment " st6cl»\showed Some channel this week.: Taeplrl Coal sold at 19/9 and 20/, while 21/;'.^as ; nsn:ered^for 7 Hlknrangis, and-. 12/ D for, NOTtherm^.O*here^ also steady-buyers for We's'tporl Coal shares at 124/15. New Zealand-Insurance sold at 77/: and .South. British at..57/6; while rfor Wllj son's ■Cement '47/ was -paid. "Knurl Timber,' contribntingissne,..are still wanted at 17/, and lieyland-o''Brli'ri buyers advanced their offers to {24/r. while -for Mourifcjln Rimu 25/ was offered. Auckland , *'&as ' shares, £.0 Issue, having been-'diVlded Into £1 shares; the,latter are-ftaw wanted at C 5/6, while for 10/"pAld'up' : sfca'fes;"44/6 is the buying figure.! F^>» : rhThe•-• market,. "Triioh ! has been somewhat bai-p of sirpplies -for 'theXrast -two weeks, ' Hits been -replenished by jshlpznents ex • Wanaka,'"and other southern shipments' to hand since' last report;' Prices'remain jß £0 10/ to -£T per ton. The-best (juaUty potatoes this year are from. 9amarij and further sorrth. Tie Canterbury .•potatoes were 'so badly-affected-'by the' blight" this year, that they are -more'or less unfit for? shipment until they, have ..passed through, the jilts' and been picked over. The future, of this market is' very uncertain, as it entirely depends upon the conditions of the Canterbury jcrop. ..The -area! there is -about much the same as.that put down In 'potatoes . •the previous season."' It .must, .however, ibe borne in mind that -tlie "potatoes' are earlier ■ pn 'the 'market by' fwliy' a '■'■ montli this. season,:.and • our own local supply, is already exhausted. . X.rtls of. course, -means drawing from' the south a ' inohth longer •than usual, but It -Is none the less generally anticipated "that the" "supplies "available tills year ; will . prove to"be ample;, to meet requiremeirts. ' '■' '"■••" ' . J -■' .Maize.— of ■maize during tbe last (few, s -weeks,bavs.been largely in excess of requirements; 'consequently, ' stocks : have accumulated in the stores. With the arrival of the Awanui from Gisborne and further shipments from 'the coast reaching' ii Weak market, a decline of 2d per bushel in price has taken, place since last report. is absolutely. .00' Outlet, lor maize at the •present tune," and as "there is still a largo quantity of maize in growers' hands, there is Hot '.much <arance of. higher prices ruling, [particularly In view of the fact that the now crop- will be ready within "the next couple of months. ■ '■„ . „ , ! Fowl whe*t" is somewhat easier, in price, owing to the ample supplies now offering. The quotation now given is 3/10 ex wbart,. and \t ex store. These are the- .lowest rates, that, hav.e ruled for fowl' "wheat for s6rne:tlme past." ... Milling Wheat—Good: samples of milling wheat seem hard to get at,,-present, Ah immense quantity of inferior ' grain is available, 7 and most of'lt" should rank as towi feed. Holder's of good milling: Wheat will not accept lower rates, consequently comparatively little, business . is being, transacted.". ' '" " ' ''"" '' " "''..'' Onions.—The' market for onions, at 1 the present time is- In an absolutely stagnant condition. . The supplies ■ are far hi excess61' requlreihehts, as the Canterbury crop Is exceptionally 'early ''this year, owing to favourable weather conditions. Supplies will'now come to this market from Canterr bury -bi regular shipments'. As' local ' growers decline to accept the low prices that are now offered, merchants are drawing, 'their I supplies from the South. The quotation 'now is Si per" ton, ex store,'.which is equivalent to £3 5/ to 1 £3 10/ at station. There is no use hiding the fact that with no outlet for export, there appears absolßtoly no hope for. better prices, ruling in the 1 near, future, Local' growers will have to face the" competition from the South, at -the very'low-.prices ruling this.Reason:. ■~/ ... Oats,For-this,, grain the mayke." "is very strong at the present time. In the Canterbury province the "decrease in ''the area, under... oats,-'coupled: with .the poor v yield, has left no surplus available, for., export, Further 'South, although the', area under, oats wits smaller, the yield "was a fairly good one. '■ Growers., however, fully realise the position of : affairs,, and»as a result the' prices within the last six weeks show ah advance of 2d per bushel.. The Home mar': ket," at" the 7 time of writing, is' reported to I be dull. . E grade oats- are now quoted at ■2/4 to 2/5. ", v .., '~.,. . '. , ..Chaff.rr-E'oiiowlng the firm tone that prevails in the oat : market, chaff, shows i an I advance In price from £?. 10/ up to £4. per ton during the lost ten days. The latter; prico is now offering for delivery at Auckland station, the store quotation being £4 10/ per ton. -1 ; '■. i ,'.., .- : ,', .: •. Grass .and..Clover. Seeds.-r-Brisk business Is how reported,, in these linos, the orders being principally for sowing "where the hush : has been'burned .'off, as.the: weather .condj-.1 lions are.stiil too dry, to permit q£ ploughed lind..beliig sown. Cocksfoot'has now touched'bottom, and other seeds'show no'chango. : -Steady'hnsinesshls .'being done 1 in: tK>nedua%.and other manures. The price | for^.i"i{>oiied'rrf''show''_- J ,a"'S 'tendency. Stii>et_>'hospnates aw" -'meeting* 7 with'"steady demand: ..An-vearly. inquiry iias-also get" ih for basic slag. The proved result of the' use of this for top dressing pasture* have .bete ?.so: satlsfactoiry,?':that"'it r IS , likely, the 1 Remand this, seas.on, will 'double that of last j'earV " ", .*";•<- •■ . — •» ■"•'-» ■*«»..»., ■fl'n-i'i> <: %> 'Sl/l, j« ; " <=>cri'*'> '4*-l -.1* l~~~l'T ~tS}£ ,-J.f .

!^:£^, : - ~, . ''■ .Farm jtnd._il?Bdry,:;..Prodice. = r-Bntter, factory, l/0i; fresh eggs,; 1/2 .per- dozen Wholesale jijcheese,. farmers!, -tixma. sd. : to)oi<l per-'lb- factory,'' 6_d"""to" 7d; -bacon, sides, BJd, rolls 9*d; bams, , '■": : Flour.—£ll 18/-per ton (less discounts); whentmenl, £11 15/ per ton .(less.discounts); Sharps,;.£ 3. 11/5: net .ton;: bran,, #.4t..1.0/-, oatmeal, £13 per ton for 25*8, wholesale. ■' Grain. — Oats, 2/5 exrutore; new southern milling .wheat, 4/ fjQ.b., sacks extra; fowl wheat, 4'/; ex -store, "sacks" In;' maize, '2/10 for wholesale lines on the wharf. Chafe.,'., Local, new, £4, per ton, station. . ;..-... ■ ) Potatoes..— £6,-10/.. to £7 per ton. i Onions. — £4 per' ton. ..-. Timbers-Ordinary building timber, undressed, up 'to -iftloig, Jin to lin or, more in thickness," and: -'from '3in to lain" wide, first-class 20/, 'medium 17/,' second-class 12/ per ,100 ft; :,updressed boards,, up 'to.24ft lonS not exceeding' 12iii "wide, 'and' lin' thick,-' 17/,' -15/, 9/;" 'rough heart parings, sftf GJn,x,}hi,'_B/. per 100. palings;.rough heart palings, 6ft x Gin "x Jin, 31/; per ~ 100 palings; rough lining boards, 9ih x'gin,"B/6;'' wide boards, Cd.per 100 ft superficial, extra for every inch in width over _2in and up .to lSin; overiSih upto 24i"c, 3d; -'6ver'24in to 30in, 1/; 30fc to 42in, 1/6; over 42in, by arrangement; rough "heart,. 17/6 per 100 ft superficial; ..- super,- planing,; -1/ per 100 ft extra; planed' both sides, 1/6 per 100 ft extra; three and- four sides, 2/ ditto. Flooring boards:; Planed, tongned and grooved, 22/6, 19/6,' 'we.', ""ianmg. boards: Planed, tongued, grooved,..beaded or Y-jointed, 23/, 19/, 14/, weatherboards, planed' r shot: - Out IJIn material, face measurement, 21/,:, IS/, ,13/;, out . of , liln material,' face hlc-asurement, 20/, 17/, 12/. Rusticated and special wwitherbonrdihg, 22/6, 19/6, 14/6. Ordinary -building:. scantling, 15/; boards, 4}in. to ,121n, 16/; second-class totara, 'scantling,; 11/6, J boards 12/; clean heart" -of totara - for• joinery,siantllng, '722/1. rough', heart of . totara (scantling, 16/; trough,.heart.of 7 - totara scantling, 6 _ " 2'and under, 14/;' "heart '. hiatal scantling, 18/6; rough heart matai, scant--iing,, 13/; ordinary building riinu, 7 boards, heart rimu, scantling, 13/; 4ieart -rimu (framing and bridge quality), scantling," 17/; clean, 15/6; second-class rimu, boards, 12/; rough 'heart ximu (dressing quality), scantling,,. 2ft/.... . ~,_'' . -'' ■■■'~ ,' ,_ G. W. BINNEY A^SONSf--IEPOBT. • On Tuesday, we. again 'submitted' extra large catalogues .of hides, "skins, tallow, etc. "iHides,T-Ox,: stout, ."-7Jd-to Sd; medium, 6_d to 7Jd; light, 6'd to' 6Jd.. : "Cows', best Unes,-'6gd to 63d; good," 6}d'fe 'Bid; seconds, sj!_;to.6d; -stags, 3Jd to 41d; .-to .64. Calfskins, host, 5Jd to od;'fgbod, -6d-to 7d; seconds, 3d to; cut and .damaged hides, 3d to 3Jd per lbT~~ '~- .. ; «« Sheepskins.—Market -continues -very > firm. Butchers' extra large; "to 9/;' large', 6/ tbT/6; medium, 5/ to 5/0; ""small, 3/ to 4/6; dry skins,: large, to. _/; medium; 3/-*p 4/3: small, 2/ to 2/8; damaged',"; 6d 'to T/." " Lambskins, best, to 3/6; good;- _/9 -to 2/9. Pelts, best, to 3/; good, J./6 Jto 2/3; damaged., 6d to 1/3 each.'' "" "''" '* ".'• - '> Tallow.—Market remains the same. Best mixed, to 26/; good, 22/6 to 24/6; medium, 20/ to 22/; inferior, -15/ to IS/ per cwt. • ..'Bough fat, lid to lldrper lb. ■ ■ Cow tails . 1/8 ■ per dozen.. "'."''. : •Bones,'__■; 17/6; per-ton. . .['■]:/• '-".J " 'liOAN'AND MHRCAJN':riX,B WEEKLY ' X"'' " '''.'"' ' BEPOBT.' .'"'. \*>'-;': T <'"- .. Tie New" Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Etd.', report as follows-: — "' ■ On' Thursday -we held our *weekly sale of dairy and store cattle, and had an average yarding of all classes. Although? the bidding was duller than the previous week, a good number changed handsT Best dairy cows, to profit,, sold at from £6 10/ to £8 10/; others, ,£3 15/ to £5-' 10/; yearling steers, £2 to £2 8/; empty cows and heifers, £-1-17/ to £3; calves, 8/ to 16/. v At the Durham Yards on Friday horses were brought forward in good numbers and met with better competition than some time past. Heavy daughts - sold at from £25 to £33, medium to £24; light horses, suitable for harness and hacks, *%S7 10/ to £20. A pair of light .harness- horses sold at £31; gig, £12' 10/;, cart,, £6 10/. 'At Westfisld "On - Friday we held our second sheep fair. of th_!season, when upwards :of .10,000, sheep .were,yarded. ."Prices were much better, and almost' everything changed hands.' i r Aged ewes "brought "from 3/9 to 3/6; fresh full-mouth, 7/8 .to ,13/9; 4- and- 6 - tootli,,:ll/D.,to„j_l/,- according to quality; ~^>r t ooth,: ;U>/3. r to *XT/SiS we'tißcs; 12/' 'to '_S/0;-.,shorn--ew« lambs,*7/*lhto. .0/,Sbt_ief»' 3/9 to 8/; woolly mixed, 3/6 to 9/6. Bams were in only fair'"demand. lancoliis'sold to 3* guineas', Bomheys'to £5.-5/,' English Eelces'ters to 3i guineas, Sliropslilres to *. guineas. Merinos' were dull of "sale. •A. We§tneld.'on' Wednesday we had an average yarding of fat cattle. .Prices were -'ranchi-firmed;' ■ although;- on' par with -last week," ox beef selJling t0.22/; cow's,-IS/-to 20/; steers sold at from £6 10/ to£9 7/6; cows, £3 10/' to' £7; calves, in shbrt'siipply, 'sold at 3/ to '£2 5/. ' Sheep i were yarded in ; good i numbers, - and sold at .late rates * Best "wethers., sold .at^from-14/6 to 16/9, others 13/ to 15/; <wes,' *"32:/6" to 15/5 fob "" extra heavy weights, lighter "sorts, 9/6- to 12/ i lambs,^horn-7/ to VU%': woolly 4/9 to 14/01 Pigs: Porkers, 14/6 to £1 10/; baconers. £1 12/ to £2 10/; weaners, 4/6 to 10/6. ? Hides, iqt9*r~7.We submitted and sold average catalogues Of hides,' shins, 'arid tallow on Tuesday. Competition was not so keen, and lastfWeekJs hardly maintained: - ! '-' .."'•' ' ' 'iOHAUPp - ; SA_da.-' : "': : ->-'.'■' '•* Tie- New ; Zealand" Loan "and Mercantile Agency Co. report:— ..:.-. •*..-.-: --i .; I At yesterday, we yarded 580 head .cattle and 800 sheep. There was a, fair deniaji^l" f<jr cattle, ' and all ' the sheep sold well. Four-tooth wethers made 13/2; two and four-tooth -wethers, -11/3- to 11/9: fouritootli. to XuU-,mouth ewes ~ln low- condition, 7/8 to- 8/10; ; _§ -'to- B'year-oia steers, £4 8/ to £4 18/6; 2 to- 23-year steers, £3 12/ to £3 13/; 18-imonths steers, ,£2 15/ to £3 5/; well-grown calves, steers, £1 11/ to £1 14/ } smaller sorts,-17/6 to'2l/; fat cows, £4 10/ to £s;' dairy cows,- up -to £6' 5/;-heifers,' dii caM. £4 5/.. ~ : V— •' \ .'jOHNSONVIIOJi: STOCK' ! SALES. : "' I JBy Telegraph.'r-O'wn Correspondent.) .. JOHNSONVILLE, this day.. ; ! Messrs., Abraham 'and' Williams report on their- :j<>hnsoiiville sale as follows:— .offered a heavy yarding of prime >sheep and i cattle, which sold readily at " late •'rates. ■Best'bullocks,'£B : 7/6* to" £8 10/; lighter, £8 to £8. 5/.' (equal , tq. 20/3. per 1001b); tacealers, i 22/ to 28/6. " Prime v heavy wethers, 15/1; good quality wethers, 13/7; meriiio wethers, 11/;' prhne'heavy 'fewesi 12/11 to 'i3/' : .soo'd quality:, ev/es, 12/6; plain, 10/6;' pl'lme woolly lambs,. 12/2;- shorn- .lambs, 9/2 to 19/8:,-.,,.. ... ....;,,,,.,;.. ~ c ,.„ 4 PROPERTY- SAX.ES. ' .• - '.i ■■': ;■■**■■ r — <p- \ , Mr Geo. Abbott will hold an auction sale' of suburban -properties :at '-the' Chamber of' Commerce, Swanson-street, bo-mprrow (Fri-' day),' at 2 p.m., when ' the following places •will* be offeredi—A new house of- 6 rooms at ! O'Boi'ke-avenue,. Remuera;' House, 5 rooms,! pilphai{t-stree.t,. Ponsonby; new. -house of 9: rooms,' Bu«h'auah-street,. Glenmbre;. house of 5 rooms, Hinemoa liroad,' Grey- : ''X,ynii;' 3 building sections,-Grummer-road, Ponsonby;. house .of 0 rooms, BaiiiU'ejroad, Epsom^and 1 new house of 0 rooms at Coronation-road", Epsom. ..... To-morrq-n., Messrs Samuel Valle and Sons Will sell .by auction the balance of the Haiiiora Estate, Slorningside, comprising 23 building plots. This property ; was known for many years as' being owned by: the late Mr : Motion, , oho of Auckland's early pioThe Arm will otter at the same time villa "residpuce' In' the Avenue; vi''yn-yard-road, ahd 'Victoria-avenue, Mt. Eden, ' land Franklin-road, city. ••:-,. Messrs T..Mandeno. Jackson willholtr an auction of valuable .properties at their '.Customs-street E.,=,"at lilft'cjjock tomorrow, comprising SO acres on the' Pukekohc Hill, with residence' of 7 rooms and all' outbttHdings, in the estate of the late John Fausett; also a farm of 206 acres and 6-' roomed' house,' at Helensvllle; .a farm.of 30' acres, volcanic, and residence of 6, rooms, at ' Papakura; also' cottage of 5 rooms, on quar-t-tei' 1 acre ; 'section; ' hear. -Pa-pakura station,' .villa" of 6 rooms and section, 50. x : 120' Belle Vue-rpad;-.Mt. Eden, the goodwill of lease Of premises now' occupied by" Messrs Gib- [ hon? "and' Harris, engineers, Cns-t'oms-fitreet, with iron building -thereon';" will .'be submitted at the -same time; .. and.', a ■ 10-roomed house in ,1/o.wer Hep"ourn.-street .will be sold for removal.-'-: ■ ■-• ".v...- ..-5,.,. .a. , LONDON. •;,.,. :'1 : .'."■ -.;*(Received" 9.15 a.m.),. ~- ;. .. ■•'„■ ",i, • . ... LONBON, Maroh IS. , 'Tallow: At the sales, '93S* casks'" were offered, and 793 sold.*"* Mutton: Fine 37/6 IBM 1 *? 1 * 1 34/6., Bpefr-.F]ne 37/-,- imed-ium 34/' • Wftpl: Vhe sale to-day was animated with splendid competition." Merinos are harden: ing. -' '"■• i ~'-— - :—'- ~~ ? ." .- j ."S\ r bP3fe^The 7 .revisefl official .estimate of the A r S'"'tJfif i wheat, crop, gives'the amonnt available, for export as ?,_OO,OOO, tftna,' y

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Auckland Star, Volume XLI, Issue 65, 17 March 1910, Page 6

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COMMERCIAL. Auckland Star, Volume XLI, Issue 65, 17 March 1910, Page 6

COMMERCIAL. Auckland Star, Volume XLI, Issue 65, 17 March 1910, Page 6


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