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'■ML. _ ... ►- j . •. fei SHAREffIARKET... . .*

iSHv ■aUKE-t&tAXAGESL.i REPORTS. . New Dart—The work of .stripping Ko ; 1 *eef over No. 2 Is being carried cm .2.0 quartz was broken during the week •»oft remains to be stripped to bring up xhe face. The country along the reef is of spoa description. On Friday a portioii of ice. reef came down with a shot, and reveal<ed some nice, dabs of gold. _ Tatrua Extended. —The contractors have extended the distance a farther "20ft., completing their contract, and making the drive a total length of 333 ft. They will continue on the same terms. The country is still a ■hit disturbed,. and tie course has been -changed from due west to a little north of yiest. - •■ - - • Thames Goldmining Company.—The main has been extended a further 16ft. has been, a change of country, the aiard bine rock giving place to good white sandstone in the face, so that better progress should be made., - - - Coronation.——A- winze Tra*a been commenced in McCumley's workings. The ground js hard ■ and progress, plow. A little fine .sold has been secured, but it is. very poor. 'In pounding the stone there is low- value, and there is very little quartz. Kapanga.—Tie pump has been lowered into position in the shaft; and a start was made on Friday to unwater. Old Hauraki.—The 300 ft. level towards ihe 4in. leader has advanced 7ft 6in. The -country is light yet, but more heady. On. The 220 ft. level the leader has advanced! satisfactorily, and the rock' is of a favour-1 able description- for gold. THe ■ fifth slope ■on.the sHde is in progress, and west b£ the Tise gold is seen in the stone. - No. 1 cross below the 1220 ft. level is being prospected to ascertain the best rise from the 300 f- level and connect and as good "was got from this- reef ..above the 220 ft. level by the .original company, there is a possibility -of its continuation downwards. The 160 ft. Igvel has been connected with ißunkers Hill crosscut No. 2., The .100 ft: Jevel underhand stope .is . prodicing f air seneral ore, and the reef averages about 3 inches. Watchman.—ln the stapes above the Intermediate lesel half a pound of stone was secured, showing nice dabs and colours of :go!d, and the dirt coming to hand is mneh ietten. . ■ ■ May Queeni —Sinking the winze on. the ■ xobtwaH branch leader has been carried f on as usuaL The qnirtz broken still shows sold freely. In the Queen of Beauty secthe work has been satisfactory. Driving south on the Xo. 2 level • lode is still an progress. The trial crushing from this ;realised 10/ per load. The lode is nojpi changing to.a rubtriy quartz formation. The; drive is being poshed ahead to cut I sthe Jfay.Queen lodes. . ..:..... J-1 Karzxnni In - Catrzn's crosscut .tie .reef fc-making in size, and cross stringers, Kearv.Qj mtoeraiised;. are cut at; times. Dish prospects give no goid; fire assay gives 22/6 per ton. The face is again dry; In th Hunt Eeef "battery. level, the reef : wa "broken, down an<l the ore trucked to th mull- The reef Is from 10 to 12 inches ii =crfdth. and runs moire to the eastward. - Ii tire hanging wall. No. 1 reef, the crosscut lias" been - advanced three feet, and ■ ■Etringer is 2 inches wide. Five feet has ueen driren in No. 2 reef, and as the face idvauces the cnnclitions improve. victoria. —During the week sinking, the ■wtnze en lead beiow No. 2 level has been is progress. The country is iiow somewhat fhanged. being of a poor idass.. Ihe lead 3e "piiic&ea very small, showing no gold. Sinking has been suspended for the time. ■nrA a drive started west from bottom oi •winze. Four stopes: are in progress above ■the lecei, east and west of rise. The ore coming to n&sd from t!ie~" western, stope shows gold colouring. ■ Old .ilbornia.— Drrring anfl prospecting nas been contrnned ii the Sons of Freedom rc&f- A. fornM.tioxi crossed the "fuce and cut the reef off, aiHl by appearance the reef is the left, so the drive has been turned in that direction, bnt so far the reef has not been pitied ua on. the other Si6>-Kapo-seri.—Tie lode being developed iii the 3xapowai miise at Gumtown is interlaced with tjcartz veins and day seams. •■ These have teen worked in the past, though ."t one point a stope 30ft wide was taken oiit with ssßsfactory results. At No. 2 level n crosseat has been driven for 100 ft across the lodo, and it Is not known whether the trail has yet been reached. For 80ft the lode vras gaid.hearing in this crosscut. The manager feels satisfied that the reef will so down, and that the low level has not been di-ivtiu far enough., The irew reef is about 200 ft west .of.aielsgjtc-'s leader, .and over 300 ft übdve' No.' 2 level. It is a formation . abcat 3ft -sside, ainj- gives fair prospects. A ' ziss is beiiks .pe t ■ njj 2iexe -to

with a surface, lefel abort. Tfie manager also suggests :a:\ crosscut shirald 'be "pat in at the low level across the'lode, and the mine thoroughly tested and assayed;-" Mining expenses could, he considers, be coveted us. a.cost of 3/ per ton,..and if satiEfac|ory results' followed there "would be an immense ore body to work on. He aisp thinjis the .Golden Eeels. sectioi' of the Tvbrifi a. trial. From the outcrop herein a little coarse sold cac be washed.

South Kapanga G.IL Coy.. Ltd.—Mr Badforfl reports on the reef has been continued during- the week with twc men. The reef is about one foot in width,, and of its usual .character.- No gold has as~ yet been seen. The coputry now in the face Is not so favourable as when last-reported, it being again disturbed,' Taut not so much as formerly. Prospecting on -the surface is proceeding with two men. So far, nothing of importance has been found, but now sinking on; a. reef one foot in.width, wfiich gives a prospect of coarse gold when, pounded, and which I think is .worth doing a little work on to prove its value, as, from what X can see, no work hag ever been done to

Kirt Kiri (March 21st, 1908) j—Tlie north drive has been further extended Oft—total 45ft. 1 am pleased to state that the flfna formation that was in the drive last week has cut out, and a splendid class of sandstone country has ' taken ■ its place. It Is well interfaced with silica and mineral seams. The reef has come together again, and is now a well-defined body of' quartz about 10 inches thick. Only.a little of this has been broken down, but some: nice colours of gold were seen. I will' continue stripping for a few shifts. I believe •Wβ will get good results from this, as the country is everything that could be desired/ being full of seams aud " crossheads. You ca'u judge for yourself the class of country, as there are only two lneu working '.In this fac-e, and they have driven 9 feet -for the week. I am in great hopes of being able to report good Uuuls of stone from here. The rise has been" eitendect a further distance of Sft—total 30ft. : Sets of timber put in, qnt.'. There is a;so a better classof country being cut in this. The reef, tliongh small, has the appearance of making again. This gives very fair dish prospects. We liave got some splendid mineral sams in this, though the reef is small, and they have got very little effect upon itbnt the roof has the appearance of making again, and" I feel sure that once it is strong again we will get gold. The country in the back of the rise is of the first order. We have made and put in the ladders. This is now up to the standard. . . . ; •Tairna Triumph (March ISth, 1905).— The low level to date has attained a. total length of 220 ft. This drive is now fully, manned, there shifts being employed.. Ftrr several feet the ground has not been favourable to good progress, though a .better class of country is apparently making on the western side of the drive. The tunnel is the only, work at present in hand, and I would suggest the early extension of the north cud on the course of reef No. 2 at No 2 -level, as at present a considerable distance separates the workings a.t -No. 2 level from the low or No. 3 level crosscut.

BCSXXESS DOSEiWaiotahi .. = 2/10, 2/9 Old Hanr3kl -~- ...J>/3 iChamnion (cant.) - —3/10 .CrowrT. -.... — ... .7/1 rGolden Belt *.-.•.. 1/10 HJoiden Cross • —'— : -.—— 5$d iSilTer Hills ..«....-...7d !Tainm Golden Hills- p.ii."..;.. _ 1/7 Zrairta. Golden Hills (6d p.u.) 1/3,. 1/6 iWaihi ..... *- .'.190/6 .SCew Zealand Insurance.......,., iUnicD Snipping ......................35/4 £V?isearan (ord.) 12/10 iSIASDARD STOCKS— Sellers. BTiyers. •Bank of Sew Zealand 1 ■ 195/1* .J — ' Xational Bank . 108/0 .. 107/0 Dvew Zealand Insurance....- 77/6 .. 77/0 iKational Insurance .29/0 ....— jSouth. British Insurance 59/0 .. 5S/0 N.Z.' and :RiYer* Plate 32/6 .. 32/0 iHiturangi Goal ... .„.. 15/0 .. 14/6 ■Northern Coal (10/ p.u.) 16/S ... 16/4 {Taopiri Coal 20/6 .. 20/0 ©rury Coal _ 4/6 i. 4/0 EDrory (pref.) , -.. 21/6 .. 19/0 lAncUaud Gas 296/0 ..293/6 IDnion SteamshSp .. •— ... 34/9 {Northern Steamship (p.u.).. — „ 17/3 INorthera Steamship (cont.) S/0 .. 7/S Devonport Steam Ferry.... 34/0 .. 32/0 Eauri Timber <j>-n.) ....... 25/6 .. — Kauri aMmber ... 10/6 .. 10/4 jKimn Tjinter — .. 23/0 Syndicate ...... 22-/0 -.. .18/6 lAuetland Tramways (pref.) 2^"0 : ,J.' — ■Aueklarul Tramways (ord.) 24/8 -. 24/0 Limited .".."......:. 5/0 ..' 4/9 iGrev and ilenzies (ord.)... S/ll ... 8/S mill" and PSnmiaer : 21/0 . ;- ■=— ■ (Theatre and-Arcade Co. (pref) 20/6 . . 19/6 bv T e-ir Zealand Cemeut .-..:. 32/0 .. — iXonson Garlick Co., Ltd 19/6 .. iCnion Uil — ..,21/0 '■VTiseman and Sons (pref.).. 20/0 .. 18/0 fWiseman and Sons (ord.) .. .13/0 .. 12vao Wilson Cememt (ord.) • 46/0 .. "44/0 t&k. Harbour Soard ,Deb. 1940/0 „ — iAucJtland Gas Debentures.. 1070/0 _, r^- .. i. . : Sellers. Buyers. Bonanza (cent) ;_..... 0/41 .. 0/2 Halcyon „■...„ 0/6... 0/4■Kara'mii .. Ofli Kuranui-Caledonian 0/10J.; 0/8* Slagnet (coat) ..« 0/3 -..- — Qlay Queen'- 1/11.. 1/7 aiay Queen Kxtended 0/8 .. 0/5, New Dart 0/6 .. — •New ifoanataiiai '. .' 0/6 .. 0/4 t\ew Mono-wai . 0/3 .. '— : Kevr Occidental , „.., .0/3 .. 0/2 •Sew SylTia -•„ 1/3 .. 1/2 Old AHmrnia. . .. O/ll .. 0/7i tJcandiuaacian -_..'.... 0/6i' .-. —- Thames , „; — 0/10 .". 0/9 [Victoria 0/11J...0/10 EWaiotahl „„... 2/10...2/9JWaitaugi _- . u_... 2/9- .. 2/S iWatchman 0/S ...0/6 IMt Zee±ian (cent) — .. O/3 iConsolidated GoIdfielOs 2X)/0 .. 16/0 „_.„ : ; - ■ -,. — ,.. 0/6 JBlackwater . - 20/0 .. 1G/0 Old HanraM Mines ._!.-. 2/4 .. 3/2 .Old Kapanga- „„ 0/3* .i 0/2 Bouth Katanga .- 0/ll •- 0/1 ■ - . x 0/6 .. 'jinctland ': ", '"" "i- ' '.".".' 0/4} .. iTokatea . . 0/41 Champion (p-n.) _._..i-ii._ 5/4 .. 5/0 Champion (cont.) ..„ — ..... 3/11 .. ,3/10 ■Crown „._„— 7/2 ;. 7/0 Durbar „_.__ ..„ _ 0/41 ..' — Golden Belt _.:.__ i... l/ll ;. 1/9 IGolden Cross „„.... 0/6 „ 0/5J iKiniin (conL) ~~_ 0/3} „ Ofif iCarangahake ,,,,,, l/2~ . 1/X ■Komata. Beefs . ■■■„ 1/4 " l/l Sew Waitetanxi „„..„._.« 0/5 „ 0/4 Keady Bullion _„„.. , 0/6 .. 0/4% Pride of TV'aUu ; 4_ 0/6 0/5BUver Hills „ .i . o/7i .. 0/7 [Rising Snn i_ O./7* .. 0/6 rraihoa .. ...._.:. .. 6/5' .. 0/3* Hairua Broken HHls.;.... 3/6 „ 3/l" JTainia Consols ».__„„„ 0/4 ITairua Trinmpb. H.-i_ 1/9 "i. 1/4 fTairua Extended ....„ 3/0 .. ffaHsman Consolidated 52/0 51/0 r aihi • : 190/6 ..190/0 fWailu Beach ._..„_ 0/7 0/5 aVaihi Consolidated .. l/o * — TWaihi Esiended, V,' -; 3/4 '- 3/3 iWaihi Grand Jonction ... 22/0 ; .1 20/0' , Mountain King (cont)™... 0/9* „ o/S .: . 0/4 "j 0/: y SNgatiawa ,....-„ 1/3 jOq ffairna GoMen Hills (p.u.) '2. 1/S 1/7 rs-> . ■ '

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Bibliographic details

Auckland Star, Volume XXXIX, Issue 71, 23 March 1908, Page 2

Word Count

THE GOLFDIELDS. Auckland Star, Volume XXXIX, Issue 71, 23 March 1908, Page 2

THE GOLFDIELDS. Auckland Star, Volume XXXIX, Issue 71, 23 March 1908, Page 2


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