Patron, the Mayor (Mr A. M. Myers): president, Mr A. A. White; committee. Messrs C. Cbilcott, W. B. HalL 3. % Gray, H. Hayr, jun., E. T. Howell, W. Harper, R. U. Shepherd, W\ L. Annan, G. M. Shaw, and H. Gahagan; secretary. Mr H. B. Massey.
The sixteenth annual show heJa under the auspices of the Auckland Kennel Club opened to-day in the Federal HalL. It proved a most successful show, the arrangements reflecting credit on the secretary and .committee. Judging commenced at 9 ajn., and from that hour there was a large attendance of lovers of the dog, including a much larger proportion of ladies than usual. The number of dogs shown was in excess of last year's totaL A feature of the present show is the prominence of pointers. A few years ago these sporting dogs -were almost neglected, but latterly they have again come into favour, and the show of pointers on the present occasion is stated to be the finest seen in the colony for years, both in numbers and in the quality of the dogs shown. The deerhounds, though small in number, were excellent specimens of that class. Aexhibit of special interest was a Borzois, or Russian Wolfhound, imported by Mrs. Harrison, of Ponsonby. This breed oi hound has become very popular latterly in the Old Country, and., judging by the handsome appearance of the one shown to-day, should grow equally in favour in this colony. The one .shown to-day is the first Borzois exhibited in Auckland. English setters are better represented this year, and smooth-coated and curly retrievers are far in excess of those shown in former years. Cocker spaniels are also good this year. Bulldogs are very well represented, being of excellent type, while the number shown is in excess of last year's exhibits. Collies are not so numerous as usual, but the general average of the dogs shown is rtndoubtedly better.
As usual, fox terriers are a big class, but there are no entries this year from Drmedm or Napier, so that there is not so much outside competition. . Amongst those shown, however, are some really fine specimens of the popular fox terriers. Irish terriers show a falling off in the number of dogs shown this year, but those sent in are good samples of this favourite breed. In broken haired terriers there are a couple of nice-look-ing Yorkshires, and two Australians. A few very fine specimens of Skye terriers are to be seen, but the number of bull terriers shown is smaller than usual. Amongst outside competitors are Mr J. F. Adams, of Wellington; Mr P. J. Smith, of Mahawatu; and Mr Jorgenson, -who exhibits Skye terriers.
The onerous dnties of judging were undertaken by Mr S. Johnston, of Palmerston North, late of Derby, England, who had all classes, with the exception of fox terriers. Mr G. R. Hutchison of this city judged the latter class. THE AWARDS. The following is the prize list: — j ST. BERNARDS. Mr G. Wenninger's Bruce, L GREYHOUNDS. Mr P. Gillespie's Mongonui, L DEERHOUNDS. Dogs (open): Mr F. Brown's Grafton JWarrigal, 1, special, and challenge; Mr A. A. White's Grarton Bobble Burns, 2; Dr. R. Stopford's, 3. Bifches (open): Mr A. A White's Grafton L BORZOIS. Dogs (open): Mrs E. Harrison's Gentlejstan Joe (imp.), 1. RETRIEVEfRS. Curly Coated. —Bogs (open): 2_r J. H. CoiwUl'a Pango, 1 and special; Mr E. W. Laurie'6 Fritz Glitters, 2; Mr B. J. Kitking's Nelson, 3- Birches (open): MiJuo. g fmps""'n unehnnga Lass, 1; Mr E,W. Launb#3 Nell, 2. Puppies.—Dogs: Mr E. Dane's Onehunga Laddie, Xi Mr B. Palmer's Snowy, 2; Mr3. H, CoSo-Ul's Soot. 3. Smocth-tfoated.—Dogs or bitches (open): Mr Jno. Ir. Leonard's Chelsea Boy, 1 and special; Mr James Kldd's Mac, 2; Mr S. W.. Laurie's Buoyant, v-h.c Puppies.—Dogs or bitches: Mr Jno. -L. Leonard's Chelsea Boy, 1; Mr James Kidd's Mac, 2. SETTERS. English.—Dogs (open): Mr Geo. A. Davidson's Duke of Grafton, 1; Mr F. W. Hunt's Sir Roger 2; Mr McEnteer's Spot, 34 Mr J. A. Quintan's Elf, v.h,c Bitches (open): -Mr -Jno. -Brown's Lassy, 1; Mr Geo. A Davidson's Eugenic, 2. Puppies (dogs under 12 months): Mr Herd's Fits, 1; Mr C Johnston's O'Kooligan's Barney, 2; Mr X. W-oßey's Doctor, 3. Puppies (bitches under 12 months): Mr George A. Davideon's Eugenic, 1. Brace (any sex): Mr G. A. Davidson's Duke of Grafton and Bngeutg, 3Irish. —Dogs (open): Mr Walter SeavCTs .Voyager, 1 and special; Mr J. Geraghty's Shot, 2; Mr Ebeaezer Wood's Handsome Jack, 3. Puppies (dogs under 12 months): Mr A. Fenkola's Putty, 1. Gordon^—Dogs (open): Mr T. H. Bevin's Backet, i, special, and challenge. Bitches (opes): Mr Jno. Brook's Mlily and sts pupDies, 1 and challenge.
POINTERS. Dogs (open): Mr A. Jackson's Sanger, 1 and c_—Jleage; Mr J. F. Adams' Semaphore Satanic, 2; Mr P. J. Annan's Sonny Boy, _; Mr X Adams' Semaphore Surreptltlon, v-hc; Mr P. H. Smith's 'Byland's Boaster. v.t_c Bitches (open): Mr Percy Smith's Byland's Spray, L special, and challenge; Messrs Dawson and Mutzig's Kate, 2; Messrs A""«u Bros.' Flying Fish, 3. Puppies (dogs): Mr A- Simmond's Bally, 1; Messrs Dawson and Mutzig's Bob, 2; Mr James Ash's. Boskill Bowdy, 3- Puppies (bitches): Messrs Dawson and Mutzig's Kate, i and special; Messrs Annan Bros." Annette 2; Mt C. Chilcott's Countess, 3. Brace (any sex): Mr Percy Smith's Byland's Spray-and Byland's Boaster, 1; Mr James F. Adams' Semaphore Satanic and Semaphore Burreptltion, 2; Messrs Annan Bros.' Flying Fish and Annette, 3; Messrs Dawson and Mutzig's Kate and Bob, v.h.c COLLD3S.
Bough Coated.—Dogs, maiden: Mr* W. G. JCamn's Chance, 1; Mr James Kernofs Scon', 2; Miss C A. Stopford's Captain, 3; Mr A. J. McLean's Nero, v-h.c. Bitches, maiden: Mr Stewart McPhail's Dinah, 1; Mr E. E. Good's Eden Zeala, 2; Mr D. G. Bum's Peggarmlne, vJi-C Doss, novice: Mr Hugh McDonald's Puke- I taeu Model, 1; Hiss C. A. Stopford's Cap- I tain, 2; Ml re F. A Clarke's Tarn Marvel, 3; Mr E. J- Clark's King, v-h-c. Bitches, novice: Mrs E. E. Good's Eden Zeala, L; Mr B. .Duftin's Lady Dashwood. 2; M»- ?}. G. Burn's Peggermise, v-h-e. Dogs, open: Mr Hugh McDonald's Puketapu Model, 1; Mr W. U. Timewell's Milton Majesty, 2; Mr H. B. Philcox's Buglin Jock, 3; Miss iFrancis A Clarke's Tarn Marvel, v.h.c. Bitches, open: Mr Stewart McPhail's Dinah, 1; Mr E. E. Good's Lady Flora McDonald, 2; Geo. *B. Watts' Peggy Pride, 3. Puppies, 'dogs under 12 -months: Mr H. McDonald's Puketapu Model 1 Miss Annie Jones' Bounce, 2; Mr Jno. W. Hall's Mahutu, 3. Dogs, colonial bred: Mr Hugh'McDonald's Puketapu Model, 1; Mr W. U. TlmeweU's Miiton Majesty, 24 (Mrs H. B, Philcox's Buglin Jock, 3. Bitches, colonial bred: Mr Geo. B. Watts' Peggy's Pride, 1; Mr B. E. Good's Lady Flora McDonald/ 2; Mrs S. Dufllhs Lady Dashwood, 8. Dogs or bitches (ladles' class), to be the bona 'fide property of exhibitor for three month* before show): Mrs-W; A Camp's Chance, 1; Mrs H. B. Philcox's Buglin Jock, 2; Mtos C. A. Stopford's Captain, 3; Miss F. a Clarke's Taw* Marvel, v.h.c. Smooth Coated,—Dogs or bitches, open: Mr Tho*. Church's Sharp, 1. SPAND3LS. Black Cocker, under SOlbs.—Dogs, novice: Miss Khcra's Sammy, 1; Major G. W. S. . IPatterson's Black 5tar,...2;. Mrs. W. "A. iHodgaon'B Chom, 3. Bitches, novices Mr G* l :
Quirke's Hene, 1; Mr L. H. White's I/ady Aniue, 2; Mr 5. K. Speiglit's Otaimhu Flossie, 3, Dogs, open: Mrs H. Lloyd Brett's Takapuni Kuri, 1; Mr E. H. Honey's jack, 2; Major G. XV. S. Patterson's Black Star, 3. Bitches, open: Mr S. C. McGill's Biddy, 1; Mr L. H. White's Cuban Lady of the Lake, 2; Mrs H. Lloyd Brett's Dinah, 3; Major G. W. S. Patterson's Leading Lady, T.n.c. Puppies, bitches under 12 months: J? _°. X- Speight's Otanuhu Flossie 1; Mr H. Kean's Desdemona, 2. TFIRBTERp Fox.—Dogs (maiden): Mr E. T. How ell's Hempera Bowler, 1; Mr A. Nowland'e Windsor Boss, 2; Mr W. B. Hall's Haurakl Hilad, 3; Mr J. W. Spence's Afcarana Prince, v-h.c. Bitches (maiden): Mr B iT. Howell's Glenmore Cobweb, 1; Mr J. W. Akarana Princess, 2; Mr Jno Noton's Kemnera Star, 3; Mr J. W. Spence's Akarana Actress v.h-c; Mr F. Wren's Kroke Surprise, h.e. Dogs (novjce): Mr W. B. Hall's Hauraki Hone Heke, 1 and special; Mj E. T. Howell'e Gleninore Combat, 2; Mr Jno. Shearer's Grafton Boxer, 3; Mr H. Tnck's Tosaer, v.h.a; Mr J. W. Spence'a Aiarana Prince, b_c. Bitches (novice): Dr. R. Stopfora's Selene, 1; Mr H. B. Massey's Notts Marvel, 2; Mr J. W. Spence's Akarana Princess, 3; Mr W. de R. Barclay's Melrose Rate, v.tuc; Mr W. B. Hall's Hauraki Hilda, h.c. Bo>s (open): Mr W. B. Hall's Hauraki Hone Heke, 1; Mr E. T.. Howell's Glenmore Nutcracker, 2; Dr. R. .glopjord'e Gleiunore Pioneer, 3; Mr. W. D. Wilson's Selby Seasation, v,h.c; Mr B. T. Howeli'e Bemoera Bowler v.h.c. Bitches (open): Dc R. Stopford's Selene, 1; Mr H. B. Massey's Notts Marvel, 2; Mr J. W. Spence's Akarann Flossie, 3; Mr Douglas A. Williams' Tul, v-h.c.; Mr J. W. Spence's Akarana Princesfe, luc. ' Puppies (dogs under 12 months): Mr B. T. Howell's Glenmore Combat, 1; Mr E. T. HoweU'a Eamnera Bowler, 2; Mr John Shearer's Grafton Boxer, v.h.c.; Mr H. Kneebone's The Larrikin, vJuc; Master F. Gordon's Akarana AstoniaUer, v.h.c; Mr Noton's Glenmore Jap, vJlc.; Mγ J W. Spence's Akarana Prince, c; Mr W. B. Hall's -Hauraki c SPECIAL PRIZE LIST. Hie tollovring special prizes lutve been awarded; — Best fox terrier (maiden class dogs): Mr X T. Gray's special—iMr B. T. Howeil's Bemuera Bowler. Best fox terrier (norice class dogs): Messrs Tonson Gaittck's epeclal—Mr Hall's Hone Heke> Best fox terrier (maMffli class bitches): Messrs Warnoek Bros.' special-—Mr B. T. Howell's Glenmore Cobweb. Best deerhound (doe or bitch): Mr W. Ryan's special—Mr F. Brown's Grafton Wwrigai'. Best curly-coated retriever (dog or bitch): special—Mr J. H. Colwill'a Pango. Best smooth-coated retriever (dog; or bitch): Mr F. D'Xonge's special—Mr Leonard's Chelsea Boy. Best English, or Irish setter (dog or bitch): "N.Z. Farmer , *" special—Mr SeayjHe's Voyaser. • " Best pointer (dog or bitch): Mr J. H. Love's special—Mr P. Smith's Byland's Siway. Best pointer pxtppy (dog or bitch): Messrs Cooke -and Co.'s special—Messrs Dawson and Mutrig's Kate Best Gordon setter (dog): Mr F. Jagger's special—Mr T. H. Bevan's Rocket. ' Best co'lie pnp (dog or bitch): Mr C, Chilcot'a special—Mr H. McDonald's Putetapu Model. Best cocker BpanleJ: Mr W. Griffiths , special—<3- Quirke's Hene. CHALLENGE CLASSES. Challenge certificates were awarded as follows: — Deerhoonds: Mr F. Brown's Grafton Warrlfii, Gordon Settezs: Mr J. Brooks' MUly and Mr T. H. Bevin's Bocket. Pointers: Mr Jackson's Ranger (dog) pTiri Mr Percy Soiith's Byland'a Spray (bitch).
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Auckland Star, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 183, 2 August 1907, Page 2
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1,780AUCKLAND KENNEL CLUB. Auckland Star, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 183, 2 August 1907, Page 2
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