Moon's Age: Full Moon, July 25, 4-0 p.m. Sunrise: To-morrow 6.58. Saisec -T ,l **» evening, 4.56.
'AaaßaEjl: *nii<a. evening, -5.32; to-morrow tmorning, . Onelumga: To-morrow morning, lO.n; Tomorrow evening. 10-ST. aiairatan Heads: To-morrow morning, &4T; to-morrow evening, 9.17. Kaipara Eeads: To-morrow morninjr, JQO2; to-morrow e-rening, 1.0.42.
TESTBKDAY. itoapwiri, S.S., 2*50 George Holford, •from FttL Passengers: 3Xisses Cartwngnt, Eeid. Barcielor, Steiks, Mesrtames Mmaain" and <-bild, Green. Shalforn, Stamlake, Messrs Mitchell. Park, Thomas, Cart-Krisiu. Green, Steiks, Fortescne, Parnfcam (2)Tt£e Rev. Fraser, and 8 steerage.— Union, Cα, agents. THIS DAS. Anpouri s.s., T. Haultain, from Tanlanga. Passengers: Miss Baugham. Bamrham and son, Messrs. Yonng, Bmreli. Bositer. Baoburr, Joss, Livock, lorner. Begs. Staff-Serst- -Major Walker, and i» steerage. agents.
YESTERDAY. Sliowera, s.s, 3504, W. J. N-ewton, for S.S-, W. ilcßride, for Whanga-s-s, B. Gl Hunken, for Knaotunu. Whangapoua, Mercury Bay, and. Clansman, "s.s_, E. JleLeod, for RnsselL and Mausonui- Passengers: SEsseT HilL Young, L. WUIiS, Manne. F. E. SJ. Rritton. Bersbam. E. Garrett. Mesdames Hall. Harden, J. Vaughan. Batsford and child. Messrs- H. Burton, Hayden. Ftynn, X Yanphan, Davis, Lanigan (2). Baxter. JD O" Moore, Lothian, H. Dickeson, Balfurrr lieiup. Xisbet. Gilfillan, a Nisbet, Cnlpan, Hayes, T. Sheen, A. Gillett, F. -AfaTrnin^. Ngaliawa, s.s., F. A. Stein, for Waangarei. Passengers: Mesdames King. Cleary, Messrs- jScKuinon. McKenzie. BOSS. S- fci/-1.-In, Harris;, W. I. Bray, F. jWells. Dingiey. Rara-a-a. s-s_ W. F- Norbnry. far HoKisnga and Onehunga. Passengers: SUsses Tregear, E. Worsnop, R. RoQibury. Mes•dames Haßowell, C. F. BolTon. Maxnell, Harris. Harhnid, Messrs. V. Hsrwfee, E. Edwards, Hubbard, Haltowett, 3. Decry. C. 2?_.Boltoa, H. D. Stewart. A. B. ReyitoMs. THIS DAI. Drznrmenseren. baxqne, 559, Joaannesen, for Maiden Island. Apamii, s-s_ R. BL Gibbons, fox Awamoi, Wafiiarara. and Houhora. Manaponri, s-s, 2060, Holfcrd, for WelILnjrton. ilofeoaa, s-s-, R. E. Smith, for Dunedin, xia posts. Passengers for Gisborne-; Misses Smith, Godwin, IviL Mrs. Staniake. Messrs. <3tase. Pirrie. Schallam, Mauttscaid, McConTiße. A. McLean. DaTWson, A. W. leuag. F. Hara-kins, HcSavenj. 3. A. Rcnciesb. G. T. WlHiams, L. J- T. Taylor, T. H<iaria3sd. Donger, F. Smifb, W. A. Smith, Franliham. For papier; Barter, M"Wells. Lcasry, Wnßams, Mesdames Haltett azwi boy. Hocston. Disher. Messrs. Houston, A. Sinclair, G. Graltam, J. Baiter, Apperby, iKsber, itnrrar, C. Bndd, J. Amess. Kar rWentDgtonr ilisses J<mes, Capper. H>cSsom, Mesdames Boot, Capper, Mr. La wry. Kor Lyttettan: Misses M. Bridges, Lociington, ilesdames Crorfer and two ohildren. Ctjrrdestey. Roberts, Bradley and infant, Messrs. Crozier. C W. Pickles, Slaw--17. Ooudftsley. Rolierts. W. A, Thomas. J. IM- MKcheU. For Danedm: Mesdames Boot, Hill, Messrs. HiIL Ailfield. Capt. J. MurI2j. For all partsi 40-steerage.
(Victoria, as-, from Sydney, dne Sunday. 3ecentanr, s.-s, from "vancoover, via Fiji, sailed Jnly 14; dne Angnst 9 ladralema, s-s., from Lradoo, via Melbourne and Sydiievi sailed J,lay 19- flea Sydney, 3viy 20); due Thursday Earcioto. s-s_ from the Society a-n<* jCook Enmara, s-s o from London; sailed June 5, dne Tuesday indiaa Monarch, from New York, via. Australia, sailed May 15; ieft Sydney 3cJy 20; dne Tlnnsday KtrtgTan, barqae, froia Newcastle, sailed Juiy Z4. from London, via Melbourne and Syjlney, fa fled Jane 11: dne about Jnly 3L (at Helboume, July 16) jWaSaimi, s-s_, from London, sailed June 30; dne Amnist 29 ;lyi]iiitn, from New York, Tiia AnstraHa, Jnne 11; dne Acgnst 24 £&, from New YCTk, via Melbonrne and Sy>iney; sailed May 12; left S3=diiey, July IS; dne Tnesoay, TJa A.nstnaSa iDrajton Grange, from Liverpool, sailed Jnne !; due abont Ansnst 1 Joseph Craig,, barque, from EdlihbnrsiSaUed Jnae 10. Star of Scottentl, S.S.. from London, via ITeßKnraie and Sidney, saiTo<| Jnse J9; due Ade. IT
jHampttm. from New Xork, sia **tthtralia, sailed June 2S. tSJ&rtm, from Lirsrpool, sailed June 2&; due about August 20 s-s_, from CaJcutta, Singapore, and Samaraog, to in July JKaipshire, from Liyerpool," to sail J-uly
imfcagMri, from New York, via Melbourne and Sydney, sailed June 27- dne Sept. 6
ifxnKrrroa, sa. from Ixmdon. via Melbourne and Sydney: to saa Jury 31: dne aboct Sept. 23
Sussex, from Glasgow, sailed Jnne 2a iApanma. from Fiji, due about Friday Kish, from New York, via Australian ' porta, sailed July S.
' S Saed. l Ju% 2^ rquentin^^rom - Xe wcaEtle,
"PROJECTED- DEPARTURES. FOB BXDKEST— Zeaiandia, s-S-, Monday Aina, Tia Tonga, Samoa,- Fiji, -and Swiaey, to-day FOR LONDON: ■Rnfrafa, S.S., abont end of July diatatua, via. the South, about end-of Jnly
VESSELS IN PORT. Promethens. H.AI In dock Atua, S.S.. at Queen-street wharf. IMarjorie Craig, barque, at Hobson-st. wiarf BIITCr Clour, barquentine, at Railway wharf Defiance, Drigantine, at Railway Wharf. Aidebsxan. barque, at Hobson-st wharf .Kirrfrwz, at Queen-st. wharf
To-day — Chetmsford arrives from Kaaotncu. Whsngrrpoga, Port Charles. aid ilercury Bay, about 7 P-m.; leaves for Whansarei Town Wharf at 5 jvanjeri leaves for Whangarei Town Wliarf at 5 p_m.; KgaJaawa arrives from Whangarei about 10 p.m. Wednesday: Muritai leaves Gnehunga for Ttogii-.n and Kawlia at 1 pjn_; i£n<rapapa leares for Whaiaiane at 3 p.m.- Kanieri arrives from Whangarel CCowal Wharf) about 5 p-m_; Anponri leaves for Wiansarei at S p-m.; Cheimsforii leaves for Great Barrier at midnight; Jluritai arrives at Ooeimmga from Opiinaie and WanganxiL Ngapalii arrives at Ctaetamga. iroin New Plymouth about 9 a ana leaves for the same port at 3 p_m ''(train 2-Jfl p-m.); Kanieri leaves for Whangarei Town Wharf at 5 p-m.; "Waitangi leaves Oneiraosa for Kawhia acd Waitara at 9 a.m-; Chehnsford arrives from Great BarJT£* about 7 P-m.; Aupoari arrives Irom Wnangarei, Marsden Pohtt, etc about 6
Friday Uuly 25): Clansman arrrsr-es from Ecssell, Whangaroa, and Mangonui about 6 a.m., and leaves for Whangarei, Marsden Point, etc. at 1030 pja.; Kanl2ri arrives WHai-arei Town Wnarf about 6 p.m.; Ngafiawa leaves lor Mercury Bay Tairua and Whangzmata at 6 p.m.; Anpocr! lea-res xor Tanraaga at 5 p.m.; Eaiawa arrives at Onemmga from Hokianga and Auckland abont S a.m. "
Wednesday—Hanpiri sails for East Coast ioaySj at 5 p.m. Thursday: Waifcare arrives from Dnnedln I/yrteiton, Wellington, Kapier, and ■borne. Saturday: Waikare sails for Gfeborne, Uapier, Wellington, Lyttelton, aufi Dunedln et 12 (noon).
Wednesday: Rotaiti arrives from Wellington, Nelson, and New Plymouth; and sails tor same ports, at 3 p.m. (train, 2.10 p.m.). Friday: Tataptma arrives from New PlySnonEh and Weliingtoa; and saUs fox New
IMPOSTS. Per Maaapoon, from Fiji—2349 bundles and 1240 cases bananas, 5 cases jiines, ali e sundries.
Per Miowera. for Sydney—43 sacto whale oD, 30 sacks gum pieces, 22 bales flay 28 sacks hides, 4 bales horns, 1 dump haix, sacks -gum, 1387 pieces ttaKer, 3.65 scais sand, 43 horse shoes, 23 drums ammonia liquor, 38 toaies flax, 200 bales fungus, 5114 eacks -copra, 628-pieces.imibeE.
The s.s. Manapouri arrived from «tjl 6.30 p.m. yesterday, and resmped itec- Toy.age for Wellington this afternoom. The barque Drammenseren sMtea at eight o'clock this morning for Maiden. Island to load gnano for the Blaffi. !
Thie s.s. Mlovera. sailed- lor Sydney, at> seven o'clock last nignt. According to the "New Zealand Times ** the capital of the Maoriland Steamship Co. is £30,000. Tae bnlk of the shares are held in Wellington, bnt there are many shareholders on the .West Coast and dt Auckland.
The Union Company is advised that the S-β. Aparima left Fiji at 2 p.m. on Monday last for Auckland, -with 10 osssgEgers asd 6SOO tons of sugar and 352 casks of nrolasses. The Aparima is expected to arrive at Auctiand atooat noon on Friday next.
The s.s. Atna sails for Tonga, Samoa, Fiji, and Sydney at seven o'clock to-night, with the fallowing passengers: Misses Snow, V. Wandsiev, Lanagan, Fnller, Hughes (2), Gibbs, Barter, Bnsor, Keane, Inthnm, PKmmer, Knignt, iilcLfiananScott, Mesdames W. S. Briggs, WeM, Allport, Gerrard, Baker, McCarthy, Plrmmer MVmcfeton, Knight, RimMn, Fraser, C. Banson, R. Simpson, Buchanan, Mcfilnrray Gaisford, Thompson, Lady LocShart, Messrs Taylor, R. Hobbs, H. B. Morton, c W Nicoil, "W. Thorne, Crichton, a Kanson* Hnghes, R. Simpson, Maxr, T. Alien Davet port, H. H. Scott. A. S. Biss, Masefield, Bnchanan, Gaisford, Thompson, Weld, Allport, C Davis, W. Moon, Knight J o Mclnerney, Williams and son, W. G. son, McLennan, Gerrard. Monciton, Hay H. Barter. Rev. Fib. Bowden, Hrland' Mears. Miissin, Coney, Sir Locknart. and seven 6teerage.
Messrs Strong and Trowbriage Co of New York, writing on June Hth, state-— "Since our letter of May 17th shlpnients from this port for Australia have beSn further hampered by the longshoremen's strike, so that the despatching of vessels both from this port direct and Ltrerpoo? bas been very uncertain. The United Ty=. ser lines, however, harre been able to adhere to their schedule very well, considerIng the conditions prevailing. They have, or course, been unable to obtain the full cargo for the vessels which have been, despatched, bat if they continne.the service which they have been giving us we feel that it should enlarge our trade with both Australia and New Zealand. The service rendered by the American and Australian line has been the poorest of the three Ones, as their loading berth is in the "heart of the district effected by the strike. The s.s. Katuna, which was advertised to sail the early part of May, has only jttst left Port, so yon can see the position they have been put in by the strikers. We trust that future sailings on this hne will be more regular, and boats will not be he'd on .berth for sis weeks. The U.S. and S-S. Company are rendering very good service, as they have accepted the demands of the strikers, so that they are in a position to load their vessels with very little delay. The s-s. Hampton, wlrt-ch they are advertising to sail on the loth of this month, has closed Howv owing to the rush of cargo, even though she has only been on berth for two weeks. They "have another boat for Australian ports, which is now en route to New Tori. and wil sail from here the first part of inly. The service by the White Star line has been absolutely paralysed, they having been unable to receive cargo since the lst'of May. They are endeavouring, however, to despatch a steamer from here onthe 14th and another on the 18th. and will dp their best to taie Acstralian freight- The United Tyser line announce the Mimlro to sail for Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, and Port Chahners on August 3, and further vessels" regularly every three weeks thereafter. The steamers will sail on dates advertised, full -or not full."
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Auckland Star, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 174, 23 July 1907, Page 4
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1,743SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume XXXVIII, Issue 174, 23 July 1907, Page 4
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