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fßy RIFLEMAN.! Secretaries of all volunteer corps tiirougliout the Auckland district are invited to contribute to this column. "Rifleman" will be glad to receive any item of special or general interest for publication, not merely concerning town companies, but equally concerning the country corps. It is desired in these Notes to keep volunteers throughout the province well informed In news of volunteer interest, and it is only by the co-operatiou of country corps with the editor that this can be accomplished satisfactorily. News intended for publication in the current week's Notes should be in this office by Tuesday at the latest. They should be signed by a responsible official, not for publication, bnt only as a guarantee of good faith. Profiably nest week the date for Lieut.Col. Holgate's inspections of the country squadrons will be announced.^ Col. Davies, C.8.. inspected the No. 1 Battalion Infantry last night. There were satisfactory musters iv most cases. The No. n Co. G.A. hold a practice match, at Penrose on Saturday, for the selecting of a team to go to Huutly on the 9th. The "A" Battery proposes to trek out to Penrose on Saturday, and "work" the surrounding country till Sunday afternoon. The Bay of Islands M.R. go into camp on the 24th of this month for ten days. StatrS.M. Coleman will be in attendance as instructor during the camp. The Colonial Ammunition Company has donated a 15-guiuea cup to the South. Island Rifle Association, to be competed for at the Exhibition ritle meeting. The Victoria Rifles will fire their second match for Mr. R. G. Cox's trophy on Saturday and Wednesday next, November 3 and 7. Handicaps will be given on the range. The "A" Squadron, A.M.R.. intend to complete their class firing on November Oth (King's Birthday). The squadron will camp a,t the range the night before, and shooting will start in the early morning. The Auckland Garrison Band is holding a concert and dance in the Hibernian Hall on Friday, and I commend it to the sympathy of my readers, as the object is to raise funds for the Christchurch contest expenses. Arangements are still pending for the triangular match between the Officers' Club and the N.C.O. Club, and the privates of the garrison. The officers' team is being selected by Captain Hazard and Lieut. Kretschmar. ■ The date is not yet fixed for the match. No. 1 G.A. is the only company in the garrison, I believe, which is determined to send a team to Christchurch. Tho others* have definitely backed out. but. the two teams of the No. 1 Co. arc in hard training for the event. There is to be another interesting lecture delivered to the Officers' Club on Friday week. The lecturer will he Captain Porrer, D.A.A.G.. whose subject is "Artillery ou Active Service." He is well qualified to speak on the subject, as he saw two years' service with tlie big guns ia South Africa. Appended is tho time-table of dates and list of officers for duty at Penrose this month:—November ::, 200 and 500 yards, Lieut. Cox; 10th. 800 and film yards, Lieut. Derrom: 17th, 500 and Too yards. Captain Hosworth; 24th, 200 and Uoo yards. Captain Skinner. The non-coms, for duty I announced a fortnight ago. The Scottish Horse, who are going under eunvas o n Saturday. Intend to devote '.mc day—the glorious 10th—to some field manoeuvres with the Marsdens, who come down from Whanpurei to meet them in a locality about midway between Wsiipu and the Northern metropolis for the purpose, 'i'ho country just about there will be worked pretty thoroughly. The Scottish Horse hold their first camp between November rtrd and 12th, at Waipn. This is the lirst time, the squadron has been under canva.s since its nie.mbey< hived off from the Maredens. Staff S.M. Coleman is going up to give them Instruction, and given fine weather, a nice profitable, time should be spent. This certainly is the best time of the year for a camp. The following aro to represent, fhe No. o Natives iv a rifle mutch against the No. 1 Native Rifles next Saturday at 200 and ROOyds, seven shots and nne sighter at each range, teams 12 njeu aside: Lt. Lt. Borfle, Col.-Sgt. Kins. Hon. Sgt. Willoiigbby, Sgts. Rowles. Hogan. .Tenkinson, Kretr:chmar. Corps. Hogan, Wait, Martin, Rarringur, l'ts. Huntly and Browu. Things are looking up in tb» Vvay of mounted volunteering iv the North. 1 that another new squadron is likely to he form"d at .Vanpikahia. wbirb lies between Hokianga aud Whangaret. This is good news, indeed, and'l Dope that the formation will come off. This will be the second up!*- squadron the North has provided Auckland wilb during the past year. The other is tho Scottish Horse at Waipu.

The company will also fire the sth match for Col. Reed's aggregate trophy. The following are the handicaps for the 200 yds and 500 yds: Lt. Kretschmar, scratch, scratch; Lt. Bodle. 4, 5: Col.-Sgts. King and Rowles, -1. -J: Sgt. Carron, 11. 11; Sgt. Hogan. 4, 0; Rgt. Kretschmar, 2, 4: Corp. P.arriuger, H, 10; Corp. Martin, 8, 8: Corp. Ilogan. 7, 10; Corp. Wait, S. 10: Ft. Hnntly. 8, 0: Pt. Brown, 6, 8; Pt. Evans, 11, 11; all othej: rccruitii, 12, 12.

The No. 1 G.A. went clown to the Bnstinn on Saturday afternoon in the Ilurn for the afternoon and evening. The afternoon was profitably spent about the guns, and :i picnic tea at the fort, the men wont back to the guns, and worked them diligently and with much waste of good powder ill repulsing au attack on Cb.p port by an innocent little launch, which didn't get through in spite of her size. About 9.3o—Jnfit before the hotels closed! —the company got back to tr»wn, well satisfied with itself.

Th." First Regiment A.M.R. has decided to bold a sports meeting iv the near future, and a representative committee is to be formed. The. matter was discussed at the conference of officers held at Fapakura on Saturday last, when Major Wynyard. who originated the scheme, put his vlewe before the. meeting, and it was decided to carry out the project. The committee is to consist of Lieut.-Col. Holgate. the field officers, and the officers commanding the squadrons. A. programme will shortly be drawn np and circulated.

The competition hy the "A" Class of the No. 2 Native Rifles for Major Bartlett's trophy, was finished on Saturday, and a close finish resulted in a win for Private Watson. The ranges were 200, 500, 600, and 700 yards, seveu shots at each range. Ttie following were the scores: Pte. Watson (scratch), 200 31, 500 32. 600 26, 700 28, total 118 points; Sergt. Phillips (scratch), 30, 32, 28, 27, total 317 points: Private Danziell (12), 20, SI, 2S. 10, total 106: Lance-Corp. Westray (4), 26, 20, 15, 24, total 80 points.

On Saturday nigiit last a conference was held at I'apakura b.v the mounted officers present at the joint parade, and tue question of holding the Regimental Rifle meeting was discussed. Major Wynyard, Capts. Whyte and Bent, and Lieuts. Rollett, McKenzie., Makgill, and Potter were present, and it was decided hy them to carry out the meeting In February at Penrose, on the same lines as before. Tnis will be tne third year of holding it, and as—ln spite of tbe weather—it was a success last Ome, it should be equally so on this occasion.

The competition for four trophies generously presented to the bluntly Klfles by Mr 3. J. Craig, of Auckland, brought out a large field, there being between Z'J and 3U competitors (says my correspondent). The conditions were: Ten rounds at 2UO and SUO yards, Bisley targets, any military position. The first stage only was taken, the second and final to be fired next Saturday. The day was dull and threatening, the llgnt militating agaJnst tall snoring. Including the handicaps the tirst dozen, among whom, most likely, the lour winners will eventually be found, are as follow:—l'te.- J. Sorners 60, Sergt. S. K. Hammond Pte. Jas. Uealey 51, Corp. H. Smith 49, L.-Corp. M. Kirk-wood 4S, Pte. J. tLall 48, Sergt. P. titone 47, Pte. 0. Holmes 43, Pte. o. Ryan 43, CoL-Sergt. A. Crowder 41, Pte. VV» Heatley 41, A-cttag-LJeut. Cmmnins 40.

The Xα 9 Co. G.A. put in an afternoon and evening at Takapuua on Saturday, and will bleed tie suffering country for a few half-crowns for the service—or rather five "bobs," for the affnir counted as two J parades. Rather an ingenious way of geti ting the men to parade was hit upon—it was announced that if the required number to get the '"boodie" from the Government did not attend, the fines on the rest who could have attended would be divided amongst those who did! Even if it was only a •"bluff," it was a good one!"'

Toe Countess of Banfurly's Own Battalion will probably- go into- camp during February. Lieut.-Coloned Heed has, 1 t>elieve, applied for permission to hold the camp as from February 23rd, but there Is a difficulty. Tlie ramp would thus run into the next volunteer year, and the Department may not approve this. It is very acsirahle that these Sates should be coucedcd, as rhero will not be the necessary moonlight available earlier in the montii.

To represent the linntly Kifles on November U, when the annual shooting for the cup presented by Mr Kimmelhag takes place at Huntly, a team of ten will be selected from the following, who are under orders to attend at the range on Saturday next at 10 a.m. for final practice, viz.: Acting-Lieut. li. C. Cummins, Aoting-Lieut. Alf. Turner, Colour-Sergt. G. Urowder, Sergte. K. Manning, i>. stone, and S. K. Hammond, Corpl. Ueorge Pearce, .Lance-Corpl. M. KLrkwood, Ptes. K. Boag, J. Holmes, Wm. i'arlies, and H. ltyan.

The No. 1 B.A. intend to spend another afternoon and evening at the Bastion nest Saturday. The members are indeed keen ou it. More power to their elbow. I belleve that the company intends to devote as many of its Saturday afternoons about ilic guns as possible, and provided it's not overdone, und the men made weary by too frequent repetition of the same work, it's a good scheme, which certainly will result In increased efficiency. That is the sort of enthusiasm that tells in the annual examinations—not the spasmodic enthusiasm, but the steady and persistent activity week in and week out.

The fLnal shooting for the champion belt of the Waiuku Mounted Rifles took place yesterday. The day was very rough, a heavy gale of wind blowing all the time. Sergt--Major Hull proved the victor, and holds the belt for the ensuing twelve months. A gold medal also accompanies the belt. The conditions were seven shots each, 2, 3, 5, and ten at 700 yards. Followiag are the results:—Sftrgt. M. Hull, 25, 22, 28, 29—104; Sergt. J-ohnstone, 20, 21, 25, 23— OS; Sergt. Hammond, 27, 25, 22, 20—94; Corp. James. 2S, 24, 25, 24—101; Private Bent, 16, 16, 21, 31— 98; Private McNaughton, 23, 14, 7, 13—57; Private Barriball, 2'j; Prirate Holmes, 24. 27, 20, 36—113. The competition is for the highest score In a three-day's match.

The Rodney M.R. have taken a new lease of life, I am glad to observe, and the squadron's numbers are going ahead. The squadron's officials intend to encourage; shooting as much as possible, and have got sevpra.l trophies in hand. The latest came from Mr. Williams, of Part Albert, who has genurously provided th<. trophies necessary for a competition based on that which the Pukekohe M.R. are holding next month for the Nathan Cup— a scouting competition, in which distances are judged, and not given in the shooting, and the conditions are as closely as possble approximated to active service. This competition o£ the Rodney's is to be held at Matakana about the second week Iα December.

Lieut. Harry Pawson's lecture to theOfficers' Club last week was one of the most interesting the dub has had. The subject was "Blockhouses in South Africa." concerning which Col. Davies, C.8., said tnere was no man In New Zealand more competent to talk than Lieut. Dawson. The reason was rhat Mr Dawson, who went to Africa as a contingent officer, got an Imperial commission in the Border Regiment, which was in charge of the blockhouse line for twelve months. Mr Dawson resigned his commission to return to New Zealand, and later on took h commission in the College Rifles — this by tno way. The lecture was very interesting, and was folio-wed closely. Afterwards some excellent limelight views (photographs, taken or secured by Mr Dawson) of the blockhouses were thrown on tne •.icrecn.

A handicap match was fired by the No. 3 Waikato Mounted Kities on the Cambridge range ou Saturday last for a medal presented by Mr J. I'eake. The ranges were 300, LUX), and 70U yards, seven shots at each distance; wind gauges or verniers not allowed. A very strong and tricky crosswind was blowing, which made the shooting very difficult, and some of the younger members failed to strike the target at 700 yards, X requiring fully 12 feet to be allowed for the wind. Scrgt.-Ma.loi - Kruee won from scratch with 7!) points—a splenfUd .performance under the circumstances; and the rnnners-up. Troopers Wallis and Fe-ake, also did -weLI. The following are the nest scores:—Sergt.-.Major Brnce, auoyds 28, 600 yds 31, 700 yds 20 (scr), total 7!); Trooper Wailis, 2U, 29, IS (scr) — 70; Trooper Jr'eake, 30, 22, 13 (11)— 7fi; Bergf. Slinp.«nn, ;>4, 28. 11 (scr)—(>-!; Trooper K. Anderson, "_'4. Iβ (retired), (15)—55; Corpl. -Simpson, 1 , .), 16, 0 (10)—»15.

The three Garrison Aitillery <~ompanies held a. nipht out on Saturday—or rather the No. 1 and No. 0 Companies did. That Is to say, Takapuna and the Bastion were blazing away blank cartridge and making the Welkin ring as they made theoretical splinters of a tiny little launch that was preteudlng to bo a torpedo boat with ulterior designs on the. Devonport ferry steamers. These two forts had their searchlights going strong, but the No. S. stowed away in the Victoria and North Head forts, I'ovi-r spoke a word nor showed a light — why, I don't know. They didn't have any ammunition or crackers to fire off, which Is a shame, considering how close the tlth Is! I am under the impression the Government owes the No. S some real shell, .'Hid If they get It, the other companies' mouths will water, and the No. S will be happy again. Anyhow, they were aJI supposed to be working- in concert, aud a good night's work was done by all hands.

Some time hark ""Bulle-eye" (Christchnrch "Weekly Press") asked those corps whose non-coms." service aggregated over a century to forward mc lists. He received the following from the. Christchurch City tGuards, which Is the oldest rifle corps In Canterbury :—"Dear Bulls-eye,"—You were inquiring in your columns for particulars of corps wiiose non-corns.' service aggregated 100 years or over. Following are ou.'s, wuli oDe latce-corporal short:—Co'ou.'-Sergeaut E. F. Sauflford. 11 years; Sergeant G. K. Franklin, 12 years; Sergeant W. T. Haynes, 7 years; Serjeant T. Murphy, 16 years; Sergeant T. Noonan, 6 years; Corporal W. Wilson, 5 years; Corporal H. T. Wise, 15 Corporal J. Pitt, 3 years; Corporal J. Pitt, 3 years; Corporal A. Morrison, 3 years; Lance-CorporaJ A. J. Ailard, 13 years; Lance-CorporaJ W. J. Chapman, la years; Lance-Corporal W. Flanagan, 3 years: total, 133 years. Is there any Auckland corps with, a better record?

There was horrible danger, from the Southern point of view, that the King's Prize ut. Bisley would this year once more go to a Scotsman (says the "Pall Mali Gazette") since a very large proportion of Uie final hundred came from the other side of the Border, and many of these "were uncomfortably high up in the Jist. Happily, the calamity was averted. There wouid have been very general satisfaction throughout the Empire, no doubt, if Trooper Craster. of Rhodesia, had won the prize, bat there might also have been rather excessive moralising about "the younger nations " since, after all, if a few years of Rhodesia have put the finish on him as a marksman it was England and Clifton that first made him. In this part of the country we are all justly proud that Captain Davies of the Victoria and St. George Rifles, is the winuer. It is consoling to think that a Marl borough boy and Stock Exchange main an officer in a London corps, can manage to make oight points more at the butts than the most successful Scot. Nerves and eye, then, are not necessarily ruined even by I/ondou.

Some time ago I mentioned that Lieut - Col. Holgate had donated a special series of prizes for the Ist Regt. A.M.R. for compe tition amongst the sqnadrous on an efficiency basis. The conditions have now been diawu up, aDd are as follows: (1) Number of men on parade in proportion to number of men on roll; (2) accoutrements and equipment; (3) horses; (4) drill. Accoutrements and equipments mean good order and condiUon of uniform, as laid down in orders, Government arms, bandoliers etc Horse equipment: Uniformity of bridW neck-ropes, saddle cloths, etc wiLl be strongly commented on. Horses- Points wiV be given for (a) suitability for mounted rifle work; (b) condition and manner in which the horses are turned out DrillRefers to capability of officers and noncommissioned officers to drill men under their command, and the manner ia srhicb

tie men carry out the .■■movement's, and general appearance and • steadiness on parade.

The Auckland M.R. trekked to Papakura on Saturday afternoon last, and there met the FrauUlin and the Waiukn M.R., who had ridden over for the purpose of holding joint manoeuvres in the locality. There was a pretty fair muster—about SO all told—and some g-ood work was put in. There were harjlly enough on parade to do anything very extensive, but what was done was useful—such as taking the men out and givin? them practice in judging the distances of fnr-nff objects—a nice, peaceful Sundaymorning exercise. After that mild and post-prandial occupation, the squadrons assembled to hear Chaplain Capt. Fortune preach. On the previous evening the squadrons held a joint and sociable smoke concert, at which a very pleasant time was spent, honouring the usual multitude or toasts and listening to some excellent songs, etc. In the afternoon the squadrons assembled and bade each other an unwilling farewell, prior to riding back home. There will probably be another trek next month — to Howick, I understand. These joint affairs are very pleasant and useful, and shouia become popular.

Says my Walhi correspondent:—On Saturday at the local range two matches were tired off for prize money amongst the members of the locs I volunteer companies. Lieut. Clarke won the lirst match, and the veteran J. Parslow the second. Appended are the scores:—No. 1 match, UOO and SUU .yards: Lient. T. Clarke, W.K., £1 10/, U3; Pte. S. Clarke, No. 3 0., £1, 93; Sergt. Devereaux, W.K., 15/.-92; Corp. Magee, >'o. 3 0.. 10/, Pte. Slbley, W.R., tyro, 5/, 89; I'te. Crapp, W.R., tyro, 5/, 64; Lieut. Heady, No. 3 0., 00; Pte. Parslow, No. 3 0., 89; Sergt- Salmon, No. 3 0., S7; Major Jieurick, No. 2 Bat., 86; Capt. Koliluson, W.R-, t>6; Sergt. JJawsou, W.K., So; Seigt. Conies, No. 3 0., SD: Sergt. Hall, W.R., S'J; Capt. Lloyd. No. 3 0., 82; Sergt. Gardiner, ISO. 3 0., 81; Pte. Sau.uders, JSo. 3 0., 81; Corp. Green, No. 3 0., 78; Pte. HuDter, JNo. 3 0., 77; Pte. Draniu, No. 3 0., 73; PLe. Kandell, .Nn. 3 0., 47: Corp. Emerson, W.K., 38; Pte. Laing, W.K., 35; Pte. S. Clark, W.R., 30; Pte. Deane, W.K., 2S. No. match, 600 and 700 yards: Pte. Parslow, No. 3 O £1 10/, 79; Serst. Devereaux, W.R., £1 77; Lieut. T. Clarke, W.K., 15/, 74; Sergt. Comes, No. 3 0., 10/, 74; Pte. F. Clarke, W.R., tyro, 5/. 42; Pte. Randall, No. 3 0., tyro, 5/, 40; Pte. Saunders, No. 3 0., 74; Sergt. Gardiner, No. 3 0., 73; Pte. S Clark, No. 3 0., 72; Corp. Magee, No. 3 0., 72; Capt. RolUnson, W.R., 71; Lieut. Keady, So. 3 0., 68: Pte. Draffin, No. 3 0., 66; Corp. Green, No. 3 U., 64; Sergt. Hall, W R Capt. Lloyd, No. 3 0., 58; Pte. Hunter, No. 3 0., 57: Pte. Sibley, W.K., 38; Corp. Emerson. W.R., 2W; Pte. Dean, W.R., 16. Aggregate of N'os. 1 and 2 matches: Sergt. Devereaux, W.R., £1 0/9, 169; Pte. Parslow, No. 3 0., 17/tt, 1(58; Lieut. T. Clarfce, W.R., 12/, 167.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXXVII, Issue 254, 31 October 1906, Page 7

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VOLUNTEER AMD DEFENCE NOTES. Auckland Star, Volume XXXVII, Issue 254, 31 October 1906, Page 7

VOLUNTEER AMD DEFENCE NOTES. Auckland Star, Volume XXXVII, Issue 254, 31 October 1906, Page 7


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