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EXTENSION rROPOS-SXS CAEBIEP. J j A TE>*I>EE ACCEPTED. j I ] A special .tneetiug of subscr.ters to tee J Auckland Scilors , Kcnic tvss in tae I Mission ilall last night for til purpose of , considering the proposals of tnc tOiacU I to rescind tiie resolution pissed at a ai-et iatr on December 14. 100 i. ti tiic c ect that the proposed extension of ihe Home he deferred till the end of tlie >ear. Air 11. Peake (chairman if rhe (>uncll < ! presided, and about 120 subscribers were present. I In introducing the business the chairman said that tue resolutions uari uoi Ueeu ! ;riven notice of by way of c. am? . Mac- , ; the last meeting he had been informed by several subscribers who opposed the scueme , that they hail not then Uad sufficient information regarding the enlargement of tue Homo, otherwise their votes would nave been recorded differently, lor that irason j the Council thought it wisi to call nnother j ; meeting to giv» an opportunity for further i considering yie matter. In any ;nse. they i lost nothing by the meeting. The pub.'lc interest now taken in th? Home had never I been paralleled in the history of the in- i siitution. The present Conccl cad done | more to encourage that Interest than any i preredlng Council that ever held office; at least. I bey wore entitled to gratitude j ■ >f I hose interested in the Home, and ho ; hoped that subscribers would give their careful consideration to Ihe proposals sut> ; mitred. Mr T. <rr.-»sham moved tnat this meeting of subscribers to tue Auckland Sailors Home Association hereby rescinds the n»s«ilurion passed hy a spteial general niepiin;: of .subscribers hi'iii on Thursday. D.ftiiiiif 11 1. Tin' cn.rf questiun was. lie said, whether ihe Association was to offer i: ore uci-ouiiuoUution tuan now existed towards* tlii» housing of seamen, lie lad the assurance of tne manager for slating t at in • | minimum number per week turned away for want of ac<o:umodat on was not 1 than six p>'v v.e*k. The rima y ot.ject or j the Home was t. c cor, o eal weitare <>r th<I men. (A \oice: ".No.") Well, he thought I it was after a. study of the articles of atssoj elation. I Mr P. J. Andrews seconded. His opinj ion was that the accouim dation at th.? Home was not worth 17 f> a It v»a-* j nlmost impossible l«>r a man to gPt away from the crowd, there only cne common room in wulch reading, wrninjr. :m:<k inc. talking and all s'tis of gnmes wont on. Mr T. \Vel)b said that the chairman had Mi.ted that the lmrtiug lad I.ecn called for the purpose •( pivl-g f_>r:her information. He nu«sested that this shojld be I forthcoming I i Mr .John I'aifursi/n tlinr \\i<vn unacquainted wlili the llo:i;e stun d taE * rhe opporiuuhy of u'liu;: through the Home, il whs uot worth IT •> a week, l'roper bo comniodation i.ot pioviritd. and b-' was- tatishV.l tl at the nsouti n was in I tb" iipfci direction. Mr P. K. ' I) al iii (uaf tile tr m>l - a*> j p~are't iy l/i- iliar they were r> ad ng t.'.e ru.'cs from ii:f,iviii \ iew poiuts. i.p c >n sidcred thai corpcieal wci.:u.« α-d v • ■ ••■ •"'•' first, Those v. ho aid thai tilers was -'iiliWent money to provide iurer<-;t tnd : ink Ing fund bkonld show ibat at ihe end • I !h<- tinanc-ial year ihere would be s.imelnl for the purpose. AltUonjrh theie weie tony in she liouii.' all the year round. ! ne , - ha.l not jiaid their way. and it look all of the t'.i-iley bi*qucßt. with the exception of aj turplus 'if 'j:;0. 'o make up the Imlaßci , . i The i]uc-uion was whether. ; f llit-y ion!: i;j.")tin from the f'ostley liequest. tlioy would, tttili il.i- reiUictd lucome .iiid in- c c-rea«;iil < x|» ndUure. hv able 1o make boili i-nds 'IK-et. He did not think U.ey v.o;ild. | The instit'ite provided ;imp!e accommoia- j lion, mi iar ;;s lodging was coocerned. Al- j lowlnj; rhat ea. h man wuii there for an i Hvrrau'fs if a foitni.ehl Iliat in»aiu l«"n men a year liaised thr«.«u.cli tuc institution, i v hii>-. if llie ;in'ni;i tten , l:ikm :'. c a I month, it meant .'.no annually, lie did n»t . think It pomlblr thai su «rt-at a number i could require itccoiniuodariull ill •< I I" ',, "' the size of Auckland, unless I'.'.e mim'ier Included men ri'sldint in iho district, and . he considered ihat the Home was mil if.- , tiMiiled i'or silfh. There was not m en. I' r.- , j lionic In the t nited Kingdom "li-ii , !"• » iX'sitliii , in the dUtrict were i" tiik.- up tlieir He was i-trnlMl.v hi favour <>r elrlnj; iin-ren>.<l a i-miino<la-tiuTi ;«ir iustructiou ai.d aniu>omeul. u'lt not for !><MTrrl and The i.Tidoncy at the present time v.i-.s that ih-' si-::ru rwere h'-re ior so short a Unae lliat : uey u\,\ ii..i «»tn to lodKi , in t'.ie liouir. tho'.igi , they taiqhi wai.i ninuseuieiU. Uy kl v ''"< I rr-.,i>.:i! < ■jac»ris. etc.. the Homo could I'" miuK' r.ini l>. caorr »*cful than at ,»rispr.t. TluTf s!v-.;!(l hf an instruct inn lo the in»" iifi-er liiHf ti" man should !>■■ ndtnttt-il i ' the Heme uiilrsw !ie could sriow .-a AuckInutl iltscharK.'. In "nj.-r to prevent deserters making use of the Home. A former inmate of the Urine said fat he hail seen men sieepius in slia'u-<l ,vus • •n the llnor of thi' hall— shipwrecked mou for whom accommodali-.n had to be provided. Mr i;«). Hifrsins said l Lai l.c had yen rwo or tlire. , ti:en In a bediootu. and men lying <.v the tiour of (tie pass-jye-s. Kid Mr Cost-| ley u<-slri- t U i -~ V Was there an.- to] prevent them giving accorani"dat oa to a i larcer number: Some nf :b.- p?<ipli> la.'hett | a ureal deal about the spirlf'al w. If a re o f | Ihe sailors, but they did n.)t '-»ui<> t> l ti- j evening tnectincrs. Why did they not sho« their anxiety Iα a print Ira 1 manner.' j Mr i. H. I'oolc thought Ihat the n<il!ors deserviMi every consideration a , the hands "f I a people. He «as ill rppoßitl-U ' t<i the res<lndl!i« of the muti.'n. lie nm i not asvi'e wiiLi t'.-.e proposal t" i niarßc the I Home. Accordiug to the prrs n: -ta:.' vt ■ overwa shipplua. if tLe Home were :;ir-.- ; I'iioiiL'li tift.'.n .M-ars iis". in tbe rt.-tys oC \ sailing shii)s. i: was liirt'C enoagh to .'Ui ply the demand to-day. Nearly every S'Jlp i aid- into port with her articles signed U'r rhp round uii>. Sallo.s were p. scarce ihe world over, and there was n> nerd f r any to reside iv ibe Homp more than a few j vve4-ks. and he was quite satisfied iliai ther ,, ; was sufficient accommodation at tne Home without enlerßlng it. If the Home wenkept clean, and a £vcat fffori heln;; made in this direction, there would te no need to extend It. If they cut off the source of revenue they were conrttng ills asier. and ir was better t» Katl--fuctorli.v provide for forty men than to iucrf-ase tbe i accommodation and to ii.ivc to appeal to two public for aid. There would be nccirnpanyins liabilities, and as tocu as t.e money on the building had been spent the I «'i<>!.- emlowniPiii v.-ould vaclsh. lie c iithat tlrny Hboiild hang on C" the en iowmpnt.-! until they had further iufurtnatiou than Uad an far rec i'.erl Mr A. Saiiford convinced that it was ntons to make iiny arfnipt to enlarge tic Sailors' Home. It misht hare necesnry y>'rs ago. when tho - c wore larsoiiumbers e< sailors, hui to-dny ir was unnecps- , sary. He approved of providing better nc commodation. but the endowment /Una mnsi noc be touched. It was a scandal to treat sailors the way some people wantftf I io. They should be "lifted up and lreit.d ' as men. not pampered. 1 Tastor J. Clark said that he bad be n n i impressed with the la«-k of information concerning the workin.s at the institution. Ho strongly opposed the resolution. Tbe ■ aiance for the last thrro years, after taking full advantage of the endowment, baa { been only jj'AO n year. He acreeil that 17 0 ; v we*k was a high charge, but if they wer" \ poms to decrease their revenu? ly ins the endowment. Low d!d tliey expect to maintain the institution without c.har?luc a still higher rate: It was due to the subscribers that, a statement of the financial position should We put before them, and if the results of the management of the new committee been euffic'.enily Mltls- ' lory, they Khould have been encour.-ifrfd proceed. They could spend no purr of 'be nacred trust -money, but if a practical scheme vrerc put before the. people he br- ( lieved that a ready response would be met with. ' Mr I*. .1. Nerheny said the extension idea ; v.acs not a new one. but had been welffhed out every ."ear for five years. In 1!>00 a resolution was moved by Mr (Villaru I bar tbe subscribers instruct tb» Council o ink«j in <> cor.sideratiou tbe advisability of > st ndi-g the Home. The Council considered the question, bnt decided that it mi?=t b -, deferred on account of the difficulty which then existed of realising assets. Tho ne"<l J for the enlargement had been bifore the , ; Council every day. seeing that endowments j I had been now realised w'«-*i "-■>-<> i ! than satisfnotory results. The money being j now in hand, the Council deemed it artv's:t'i!<' to enlarge the Homo to me""t demand-. I or to reinvest it i" securities. Tbe Oonncii I thcught tia: Kd^antag* , should bo taken at ;in- .ij.-.-r-i-r-e ?lm<\ t !i■■•■ ' " ="'•' -'•■- ---nor a siug'.'' p'nnv of th' erdowra«n<s sboul i lx> toucbf-J undvr any consideraflMi, y<' ; the same gentleman who said tbis i" t!.p clvi::y: hours of the last council votod to I bury Sl.SuO ueder the foundatiriis of the home. Whc»n he begged tbat tve matter should tw left to tbe new council he was told that the council hacl bo c. t-ri hy ! the association to carry ortt "fwrr w"i"k. j The new coirtcil had sone ce.refnlly into the j I matter, and as a result bad saved £900. i I Mienmriajremrnt was the canae of the fact 1 thac the home ivas largo enoagh In tbe days [tot jte eWpv the borne feetsc tke^j

so unattractive that men- would not go to it. The chairman sa:d that if figures were submitted audited by tbree or lour of ttie j best meu in town, Uisy v>ould not be ac- ; cepted. and those who .ook aa interest in the horn» were expecved . o look up tie balance-sheets of tlie iusi f.iur or fire years. There was no endowmcuc connected with rhe homo: there was a i'und for UDkeep, but no special endowment. To apenri the sum rriey proposed, would leave a attic over £400<J. The council bad studied the matter very exhaustively, and were supported by a. jarve number of business men in the course tn»y proposed. In reply. Mr Grcsham said that the present Council deserved some credit for raising the number of subscribers from what it was some years ago, '21. to what it now stood lit. 351. Up denied that a number of the inmates i>f the Hume were not sailors, stating that after careful examination he could vouch.for the fact that every inmate was a neaman. A Voice: .Longshoremen. Did you see tlieir discharges ? Mr Oresham: They were entered in the bonk. The motion was then put to the meeting ami was declared carried on a show of bauds. Mr A. Sanford called for a division,which was taken in printed bnlli'i papers, the restill being r»4 for the resolution and 4 "' against: Informal. T: majority for. f>. The resolution was accordingly declared carried amid applause. The Chairman then called upon the mover of the vest resolution. Mr Sauford snid tbnt they were ont of order in proceeding further. The stamping (if feet liis re-marts being heard. ;iiid the Chairman pointed m:t that the bjsin.-ss •α-us included i" th* , advertisement calling Ike meet i;ii'. ilr Sanforri said lie was m>. iixvare of that. Mr K. 1!. Potter. ;t iiieinbi-r of tiie Ci.unci!, moved a resolution authorising the Conndl to prore«-»l with the work forthwith, lie iledan-d that the Council was not jtoinsr in U>v a cheap boardinghonse er-heinc. Only i:iix> :i year was nnw taken from the endowment, and if they increased the unmher of boarders they would gradually make the Home self-snpportine. and woi'ld bsive an income from the additional £4000 above (be cost of the !>?ildiug. Mr Gen. [Tiggius seconded. Mr nzUl Xbzz n-r> definite scheme in which they could vote had been put hefort them. i<nri sairi they were askeri to depend entirely on a council which had already shown creat Incapacity in carrying out Us business. He moved as sn nni»ndn->°nt that tb^"matter be deferred for three mouths. The Clialrnian sni<l that they must take fbo business as notined. an'l he would accept no amendments. I Cries of shame). Mr Spetldinx s.ud this the first time he hail known of an amendment being re-ji-iteil by the rLiair. The rcsolnUon was then put and carried I.y v" show of hands. Mr Cheat ruse mid endeavoured to addrrss the meeting, but wait interrupted by flu- chairman, wlio di'clared thi' business r-Jiwf-il. and pronounced the benedi'tinn. Mr Cht-al n*tfd those In favour of a requisition (it another special meeting to r."s»lu(! the resolution just to rcnin'u behind. The hour being late, however, the dispersed, leaving the requisition for presentment. The Council met prior to tb»- snbscrib(ra and rvceri i»d ;i le-nder from Mr J. l> £17!."> for l lie i-xtension ur:d improv.nicrt.s to the homo. 11 w;is decided to accept the tf lider ?übji-ci to the approval of ti'.f subscribers. ;:u<l the voting f:ivourinc th-.' rxrcnelon <>f the Home. ;i siib■foitmiltii'c :!fii»oir.CHl for th" jurpose "Isncii the contract.

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Bibliographic details

Auckland Star, Volume XXXVI, Issue 12, 14 January 1905, Page 3

Word Count

AUCKLAND SAILORS' HOME. Auckland Star, Volume XXXVI, Issue 12, 14 January 1905, Page 3

AUCKLAND SAILORS' HOME. Auckland Star, Volume XXXVI, Issue 12, 14 January 1905, Page 3


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