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Mooes Age: First Quarter, August IS, s>l p.m. S,ius<?t: This evening. 5.20. Sunrise: To-morrow morning, 6.41, HIGH WATER. Auckland: This evening, 9.6; to-morrow morning, i).">o. Onehuiiga: To-morrow morning. 1.15; to- ; morrow jfteruouu, 1.36. Manuktiu llcsiil.s: To-morrow morning, j 0..1o: to-uorrow uiu-ruoon, v.iv. K.iipaxa llead.s: To-morrow morning, 1-20; Lo-niorrow ai'lernc-on, 1.41. ARRIVALS. 1 SAT CUD AY. Kjinieri s.k, r. Seort, from Whaugarel. —Northern Co., y^vias. Muritai, s.s., A. S α-rihenson, from Mercury liuy, K.utiocunu, uinl Keuiudy's Bay. iPasßeiiv'.-rs: Messrs Pearson, Wheeler, Daileu, lla.rison, uud four tfteeriitje.— Northern Co., a; outs. Njjapuhi, s.s., E. Stephenson, from Wha-ajrai-'-i. Passengers: iiij-ies Mi:L'.'ii:i::u, D-pp. Diver, Fisher, BaUer, Morris, iitiafiames Johnson, Scoa- Vv-illains, Olliver and two chK&ren, Patterson, Harris, Messrs Harris Uiiiver. G.u uiud, (,'ulpa.u, ■ Ellis, Wright, SLiepti<vd. \> i.,l:i, W-oii , , Xremuin, Kyan, Ford, Ui.-id. Fursyth, MeDoiiaid, Salniou, ilouu, KicaardHoii, Mo;iLguni-e;-y Entertainers Company (.oj, and foui' steerage.—Northern Co., SUNDAY. Auohenblae, s.s., 3S&G, Miar, from Fiji- — Duion Co., ageuls. Waitangi, s.s., I". A. Stein, from Tauaua Tairua. Passengers: Mrs Bennett, MUs UoTvaivl, M.i-ais taiconer, Brett, Lang ion [2j, Gaibraiili, juil iour ■ —.\ii. iheni Co agents. Westralia, s.s., 2£>i>i, J. B. Rainey, from Myduvy. i J <,ciij,'<-T;s: Aiesdamus bra.l*azou uud !>eiy, DougUt.i aiwi four uiiildruu, ilaraliull, Kret.-i]. Dimuujy, Urittain, ilirijiali, .VU'Sii s Aidky, lilj'Lhe, lirowu, GoddiU'd, Hci,.suu, liuuL, Lawrcuce, McJ.iitoeli, llewtou, l'uterbuu {-), siiiitu, Wrlgnc, Alder .son, Uiniuiory, Lapialu I'aiu, aud Ov) eteoi-age. — L. i). >.j.Ui;iij :iud Co., ugfuts. Zoii,aadl:i. J..5., Zi 1 i, J. Wyilie. iioiu BouUi-c'iu J-.. 1.;; I'uust ports, l'itsseuger.s: i.ii ..-idiiincri iiy.T..i.i iriiifuul, TuruuuiJ, Dyson, Wilson. U !■ juagliuo, lleyes, I'yne, E-vard, .Missed I'yue, Kvurd. cajiLaUj:Toiia, I'aiiersoa, Nii Leuimu, Hyuiau, rioulli.cin, i j',11 , , Turubuil, A now. HuiLoa, Dyaoii, I. 1 am, \VUsxju. L'">ue, Cogswell. Uiivay, Fosier, A. G. .No lan, Liiiael, Krancis, WyilU', Gittos llollaaid. Weuo, ituU'iLs, Maccaett, .NiacUiU'U, Hcyes, Aiacsiers \\ jiiic-, Ford, U'Douu^auL , , and 2.S stc&i'ate. —L. D. NaLuau. aua Co., ttgeau-. TIIIS DAY. SLclla, s.s., jiciienzie, from Coast.— Loyland and o'iirSeu, agents. Sonoma, R.SI.S., C. F. ilcrriman, from San Francisco and vie Islands. Fakclw, S.U., -ill, R. lluiiues, H.X.R., from Loudoai.—L. L). uiid Co., agents. iJelphic, a.c., o-.,i, J. Breeii, from Glasgow aud. Liverpool. —L. D. uud Co., agents.. DEPARTURES. SUNDAY. Kanlerl, s.s., X. beutt, for Whanjjarel. THIS DAY. Chelmsl'ord, s.s., lUcharJs, for Awunui, Waiiiarara, uud llouuora. Marital, s.s.. A. Slephuuson, for Parengareuga, Te kao, liouhora, aoid Uokiantu. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Hirotha, banjue, from Newcastle, sailed Aus«si t:.i Kathltcii Ij.ida, barque, from Newcastle, sui.L'd (i Haiidu Islv. I'uiqueatine, from Newcastle, suited Ausutit o Southeru C:usl.. l>arquentlne, from Newcastle, saUi'ij August t; DenaiKf, UmjuiiUne, from Newcastle, sailed August G, s.s., from London, via Melbour:i..- and bydui-y, sailed August 2. guatnl.iujba, iiaiqut, from Newcastle; sailed A isust Mimh-o, ri.a., from Glasgow and Llverpoui; k-11 laitei pore August 2. boiiiiii,::. ic..-.;.:;.. truiu Sau Fraueisco and tue i.ilaads; due Kin ua. v s.s., from Greenock; sailed July lGth; dv« about September 4th Apanu.a, s.s., from Calcutta, via fcintraport and Java; milled August 4 Walwe;a, s.s., ri-oin London, via Hobart; sal ed August l> Aldi-bai-dj. barque, from Newcastle; sailed August 10 Helen, barque, from Lytteiton, salied Aug. Indian Mouan.h, s.s., from New York, via Melbourne and Srclnry; sailed July 28. vV/V^i"'^ , " l "' ,,|; "' from iNew VorK. via vveliington; sailed December 25; left Wellington. August 12 Moana, s.s., from Sydney; due Monday next. Pendie Hill, barquentlne, from Newcastle; siiiled Auirust 13. Bnrgrernicistcr Ha.jbmann, s.s., from New York, via Australia; sailed August 4. Marie, sbip. from I'bilaaelpnla, via Wellington, sailed June 9 Bnr"rn» _ s b., from New sailed Jane I7tli; due Buriey, s.s., from Wpgt Coast Via Australia: left Liverpool. July 2nd; due about end of September A ft& n ?"» l & N ir wei - i r uTust LO 2 , 3 dOn Jmy 2 = VESSELS IN PORT. barque, at Quay-st. Jetty £*,l'l ■ I' 5 S - ,n l '« l "«opp Dock **la cur. barqnp. at Railway Wharf \v'l'arf bartiueDlllle ' at Uobson-street |» S; & B Buna Whllrf - Zealanclia, s.s., at Quay-street Jetty. PROJECTED DEPARTURES K< 1 It SI IJNKV _ Senoma, R.M.S., about Tuesday Ane'st 24"" VIU Tonsa ' SamQ a. and FIJI, Zealandia. s.s., this day FOR NEW YORKJijarne. barnno, this week FOR LONDON— Kflipara. s.s., about August 26th indraderl, s.s., about September 20 UNION S.S. CO.'S MOVEMENTS Dunedin. Lyttclton, Wellington NanW I and Gishorne; Talcapnna lea'va ' OnehuuL-a SfaET, 1 3 1 7 T - WeUln -*». -1 SS Bw d ?£JuZt )eave3 for East CoMt Saturday: Tarawcra leaves for Glsborne. Napier. Wellington, Lyttclton. and Bun' edia lit 12 noon: Rotokino leaves for Hluff, Oamaru, and Timaru, meantime; Waipori leaves for Westport. UUDDART. PARKER AND CO.'S MOVEMENTS. This d.iy—Zealandia leaves for Sydney I at 5.,'i0 p.m. Tuesday—Westralla leaves for SoatherD ; ports at 2 p.m. NORTHERN CO.'S MOVEMENTS. This day—Wellington leaves for Russell onci UpJa st 7 p.m.; Waltaugl leaves for Tauransa at 7 p.m.; Kimipri arrlvaa from Whangarel Town Wharf; Terranora leaves for Mercury Ray. und Whansamuta at 8 p.m.; Ngapuhi leaves for Whanffarei at iu.:;o o.m. Tuesday: Itarawa arrives at Onehuruja |i from New I'lymnuth about 8.30 a m ; KaV ieri loaves for Whiinffurcl Town Wharf at 5 p.m.; Ngapuhi arrives frr>m Whang-arel and Marsdeu Point: Waiotahi leaves for Tauranga and Opotikl at 0 a.m. II IMPOSTS. Per Aurhenhtoe, from Fiji: 3000 i'j raw suL'ur. I lUf, ' I , from Glas sow and Uver|l pool. 4.i12 bnndlps and l>jrH iron 1110 reel' i flm,v r< *- 3 -"'" tasns :iuci 1 " corn !i 7| l ? n |> o^° naon: l1 5 02 bundles

bundles and 22 sheets iron, 27 tanfcs, 18 case.-* tobacco, liuti box-es and 80 ingots tia, 40 casks uud 230 cases spiiits, a.ud eunPer Westralia, from Sydney: 214 sacks manure, 201 sacks bottles. 16i4 sacks chafl, 30 sacks onions, 99 bales hay, 131 Ingots tin, SoU cases schnapps. 55 cases whidky. 80 cases wine, 50 pieoes timber, 100 felloes. 20 boxes piaster, 40 kegs S. of soda, 3S reels lead rod, 60G cases fruit, 26 boxes j dates, 34u baj;N salt, 212 bars Jc,id. machines, ID bags peanuts. 114 b-aies paper, 40 baas valonia, iiU pa-clsajjes machiaes, lo , cases drapery, 100 oases curraata, lo cJiests slieiiac, 00 ca&es soay, ajid Suudries. Per 7.>-alandia, from the South: 1132 sacks pouiues, 150 sacks oaLs, 17Ua sacks wheat, IOiU bags flour, 17 sack's oatmeal, ; lOj sacks puliard, 212 sacks brail, 94 sacks barley, 'J7-1 bags chaff, 45 packages raiigts. 2B 2 barrels and 12 ca&es ale, i>3 packages confectionery, 11 cases bacon, bO cases matches, S3 sacks skins, 52 cases meat, sZ packages rope, lid cases fruit, 00 cases jam, lo cases eaniied fruits, 2xl eases piekJes, 32 bugs calf milk, 73 rolls wire, 4o sacks bones, 12 cases camphor, -iv busts, 22 sacks seed, 23 packages ina.cniuei 0 -, os cases tobaff-> an.d clgiirettea, and sundries. The s.s. Buceros, from New York, should arrive at any mouMiit. The s.s. Zealandia arrived from Dunedin via ports at y a.m. yesterday, a_£ter a fineweather passa&e. The R. 11.5. Sonoma arrived to-day from San Francjsco and the Islajids; reaching oort at Z.'mj p.m. The s.s. Aueheublue arrived from Fiji yesterday afternoon with a load of raw sugar. Fine weather prevailed on the passage, which was commenced on Tuesday last. The S-β. Zealandia, sailing at 5.30 o'clock to-night lor Sydney, takes th-e following uasseu^ers: —Misses West, Pincou, ileiJauiec Wiisson, Thomysou, 1 •■eery, Johustan, Beedell, Cooper, Atessr* \\ e>ol., Browa, Weil , , ileldium, Clark, M-eighan, ELhell, Rev. Wasson, Tliuiupson, JJeeri, buiciair, and 15 steerTHB WESXKAXiA. The s.s. Westralia airived from Sydney at « o'clock last nignt, berthing at the liobsou btrcet Whari ut li a.m. to-day. The l-uiaer (Air h\ Chambers) reports that the >\ estralia leit Sydney Wharf at »15 p.m., und passed through i'ol\ Jacksou Heads at .) p.m. on Wednesday hast; passed the i'hree Kings at Z. 40 a.m., Cape Maria Vau Uiemen at 4 a.m., and Cape tsrett at noon yesterday, arriving as above. Light variable .winds and smooth seas prevailed during the passage. The Westralia sails for Kast Coast and SoniL.ii ports to-morrow alterncjn. THB DEL. HIC. The s.s. Delphic arrived from Glasgow and Liverpool early this morning. Capt. J. Ureeu is still in command, the other oui<eis being: chief, Mr J J. Symuis; first. Mr A. E. Jacksou; second, Mr H. L. Larchin; third, Mr A. W. Button; fourth, Mr A. (.}. liarton; chief engineer, Mr J. Sharpe; second, Mr J. E. Kngllsh; third, Mr A. S. Jackson; fourth, Mr J. Nicholl; chief refri-β-cnitor, Mr A. S. McDougal; second, Mr 11. Purvis. Of the voyage, the second offieiM reports:—The Delphic left Llverpoc! on the | 22nd June, and experienced line weather t. -, the Cape of Good Hope, which was passed on July 17. Fresh to moderate N.E. and E. pales were experienced thence till off tiobart on August 9. The remainder nf the passage to arrival was marked by fine weather. The Delphic is expected to complete her discharge about the end of this week, when she proceeds South. THE PAKEHA. The s.s. Pakeha arrived from London a , 9.30 o'clock this morning. The vessi! anchored In the powder ground, where sh' i.-i discharging 100 tons of explosives, ani! will probably berth at the wharf to-m-or-row morning. Sbo left London on Jun 4, and arrived at Teneriffe on the 12th. Left again the same day, crossed the equa tor ou July 3, and had mod-p.rate to strong v.esterly winds to Cape Louwin. On the 21st, iv lat. 4G.20 S. and 156.M east, th<sLeainer passed a iceberg, which was Ibsft high and IVSOft long. Eiperi nrod ,1 hpavy northerly sale on the 23rd. and arrived at L.aunceston on the 16UU toiw of machinery, and loft ajrain on the Sth August for Anck '.and, uiectinj; with Light northerly winds on the passage. Captain R. Holmes is in i-ommand of the Pakeha. The chief offi rer is Mr A. Banks, second Mr Reid, third ■Mr Carroll, R.N.R., fourth Mr Levack; chipf engineer Mr Muuro, third Mr Moss, fourth Mr Young: chief refrigerator M_r Flnlayson, second Mr Taylor. POET OF OJSEHUMGA. AURIVALS. SONDAY. Ohinemurl, s.s-, J. Goomes, from Kawhia. Takapuna, s.s., G. Lambert, from Wellington, Nelson, and New Plymouth. Passengers: Misses Grimes, Garrett, Halley, Waller, Tobias, Curtis, Mesdames Sandersou aud infant, Sergeant and iufaut, Smith, I'i.eld, Steveus, Latimer, liutou, Agar, Wright and child, Johustone, Fitzherbert aud child, Williams, Cottier, Messrs Bedford, Shanks, blood, Pirie, Pope, Glover, Johns, Jacobsen, Salmon, Grace, Lees, Andreae, Clifton, Aickin, Robson, Biss, Agar, yhaldrick, Stevens, Forrester, Collins, Hunter, White, Tregellis, Hearne, Shaw, Sullivan, Watts, Cranston, Craw, Johnston, Curtis, Kenna, Court, Phillips, Cottier, Captain Jackson Barry, Captain Meikeham, aud 31 steerage.—Union Co., agents. DEPARTURES. SUNDAY. Rarawa, s.s., W. F. Norbury, for New Plymouth. Passengers: Misses Andrews, lletitt. Wells, Speedy, Vercoe, Meehan, Macdonald, Cameron, Mesdames Pittar, Wilson, McKenzie, Knight, Messrs McGill, Brcwn, Sanson, Godkiu, Ramage, Moffatt, Klatotf. Pittar, Hetitt, Cunuold., Curtis, Mitchell, Shields, Sutherland, Twlgg, Dickey, Young, Patterson, Sprutz, Abrahams, Johnstone, Farrell, Healey, Knight, Tatton, Short, Marriott, A. McColl, Mclvor, Harvey, Master Tierney, the members of tne J. C. Williamson Comedy Co., and 29 steerage. TELEGRAPHIC SHIPPING. Whangarei, August 15.—Sailed at 8.30 a.m.: Kanieri, s.s., for Auckland. Kaipara, August 15.—Sailed on Sunday: Eliza Firth, sch., for Lytteiton; Bravo, scow, for New Plymouth; Surprise, scow, for Wanganui. Cape Maria Van Dlemen, August 14.— The barque Quathlamba, bound from Newcastle to Auckland, passed east at noon today. Gisborne, August 15.—Arrived: Star of Ireland, s.s., from Wellington. Napier, August 14. —Arrived, at 7 p.m.: Star of New Zealand, s.s., from Auckland. Westport, August 14.—Sailed: Waipori, s.s., for Auckland. Lytteiton, August 14.—Sailed: Helen, barque, for Auckland; Elizabeth Graham, barque, for Kaipara. OVERSEA SHIPPING. Sydney, August 13.—Sailed: Victoria, s.s., for Wellington. Melbourne, August 13.—Arrived: Warrimoo, s.s., from New Zealand and Hobart. THE CANADIAN MAIL. Brisbane, August 13.—Arrived: Aorangl, K.M.s., from Vancouver, Honolulu, and Fiji. ■rpHE -yTJRY XA TEST TNVENTION, TVRTED Tl/TILK. EQUAL IN EVERY WAY TO THRESH pOW'S TU^ l " l^ NO mOTTBLE TO MIX. ALWAYS GOOD AND FRESH. -1 / PER TIN. Can only be obtained from TT jVi gMEETON, TIMITED, GENERAL PROVIDERS, QUEEN-STK.EET. ' W. BUCHANAN, LTD. THE QUALITY OF OUE BREAD AND CAKES IS BEYOND DISPUTE. Tel. 1004. KARANQAHAPH BOAS.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXXV, Issue 194, 15 August 1904, Page 4

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SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume XXXV, Issue 194, 15 August 1904, Page 4

SHIPPING. Auckland Star, Volume XXXV, Issue 194, 15 August 1904, Page 4


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