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TE AROHA JOCEET CI.FES MEETING. T be following acceptances have been reved in connection with the above meetfl wWcn opens on the 17th and ISth p._ T Handicap, five furlongs and a half. = XP ',t Marie 8.1". Topsail 7.7. Sentinel nor:.' Littl- Mabel 7.2. Story6.12. Timati ~12. Freda G. 1.. """Si Seaton \vl LaVadH 7.0. Sweet *7q Lady Desbomugh 7.8. Ja.k Marie ..». l , j _ 0 Seiuiljel ujo, rial' BftallatiMU ll) 6.7. Discoverer 6.7. Timati 6.7. „ T . iTnnilieflD «-yen fufloci2~ —Better JStt SrtT IjO. Frankton_7.s: Marvel STtS Reality 7.7. Omati 7.7 secret 7.7. •■.:. Rel f ur rl 7C Sunset 7.0. Piikehoa Retaliation) 7.0 Timar, 7 0. r , T ; n <r Handicap. i3vp furlongs.-Lady 1e 7.0 O.IU. Topsail £u>. Miss Laatis 6"Hurdle Rnoo. oup mile => ■S^ Toekev Clnb Handicap, one mile.— flri 7.7 GrVswcu 7.U, Jack Bruwu 0.12. SOriH CLUB'S (By Telegraph.-Own ivrte.pond.--nt., HAMILTON. Saturday. tup foliowiDg entries havr been received rLiV.tuh Auckland Racing Club for Seir aunuaL meeting to be held at ClaudeX s HwJli«p.-Calleirl-.. Tatnwha. E^, e Kur.nui. Loch | *S.nrh AucklaDd Cap.—ZuleiUa. Grey i £»n, Corporal. Auohorite . fcrJtou. = inuove.l. Swagsman. SouitS Tradewiud, Xoletti. Solo. Rscape Lady Hune. _ .. ■μ-wedg Kinsman Croy Seaton. CorSf Putehoa X.oiorini. Peeress. Lava- j i-l Belfast. Tradewiud. loiene. <'■■', JJewtown. Zuleiku '"nact Handicap. — Fraakton. Taniwna. ami &»? x - kehoa ' Uiuatl. Kitty. Bel(Sd. Le Beau. Mlaua. , . . j HTiDg Handicap.- -Hautapu. Callelri*. ,:,:'.-"rp Gre-n and 'AM. Stepnr-y. CopKetford Lady Bobs. Peeress. Lyddite. | Golden Sands, Annoyed. Star of tlie riuutn. Dattodil, Solo. Sewtcwn. -Neowcua, Sttty. PAPAKURa RACES. Tie Pipitara Uacing Club Summer vL'{-z was Mid last Saturday at Papa- ~; -T- Qr vre-ither was dne. and there was a wd attendance for a uo-totallsator wss watoed to member.s oi Tatiersall -5 . oair Mr J. G. Rutherfor.i officiated as Sgk -ltd his dwision- with prouiptitnde.' Tne general arrangements of the EMiag were snperiutended by Mr r. l>. | loa-e the seeretarj'. assisted by a large cosEittee. and left no room for complaint with the exception of the accommodation ; Jor tie press: but no doubt this will be rectified before another peering taJces dace. The starting was in the nands of ; Hγ Cutis, who cannot be congratulated on ' tile manner iv which he carried out his duties, it is getting more manifest I every day taat he has do control over th." ■ riders, wiia «em to iiave lost all confident: 1 ; ia 2im. Proceeding opened witii tlie Maiden | Hate, a aeli of six going to the poet. Leo \ telaral made an even-money Cavuur- ■ z% 3 to I being oa offer about Aka Aka ; sM Seatuaia, wh<j were ue:t in demand. Satonia nrst away. uu>! akiiough Leo Maval jot within a l-asiii of hTS it wa. talj oa snSerance. as immediately rh-y , ntK fairly in the straight Mark Ryan , satok Seatonia u-i anJ s-iie had no diili- ■ dty in winning by two leajjths. Aka Aka. j who iras badly left, coming with a lons I mnand ;ening third positiou. Immediate- j ij lie horses returned to scale Mr Cutis | lodged a complaint against Bird, the rider «' Aka Aka. fur not t-i'd 'avouring ti> get twaj, but after hearing the evident-" of EiM and the owner .if the horse, it was i feuded to take no action beyond cautioniaj Bird to be more careful in future. Crwy. was served up pretty warm for the next event, the Flying Stakes, being kwked down to >j to 4 on: :) to ->) to 1 on offer aboat the rest of :h~ n—ld. Lacy Bob-* ewntnally startiog se'-ond favourite. The start was a very l7ad on-, (.'revy was first onherfeet. closely attended by i.ady Boos, the ren of the rield getting ■>!;' anyhow. Crecy held her advantage rill ir.sidt* the (Ustaace, where Lady Bo'ns g"i terms, j tad a good race resulted in Lady Bonn j rtaaing by a head, with Bonowiaua two i away thirl. Backers seemed undecided in the Pony f-iw. first VCtmwbai and then Solitary beag taad» favonriie. Solitary winuin;,' up :\ Bade the better jt v to 4.'with Wnawiii * l 2 to l, any price b"iug on offer about ■ tteothers. After tw ( . or three breaks away on whith the favourite v.-.i< proaiineut a;ul wag herself Brj good). Mr C - g-ave the Hpsltogu. Whav.-jai getunj a five 1-ugths MTantage. the rest of the field being left Sβ 1 * When a furlong liuil been covered «UUrj was alongsid- \Vhawhai. with tbof tlie runners bunclfil. At ui<* c;.- ,- - l a ? straight Solitary was uun-' 5.M. and although .'aallenced 'by S^-uUnel. "aawhai easily shook oil rh-- "opposition: waning by four leusths. ami Thus breaking c .wig line of defeats whicii have been roistered a;aiu=t him. aud giving oU *--7-. nt owner a wel! deserved wiu. uaiT f onr of ;bf . ?ix :1 ,,..p )r ,, saw T h. lor the Papakura Handicap, the big Bni Oi the da - v ' B,,nli eur was the one ~JM cut for favourite. 0 to 4 being the £?«*« aboui her: Defender aud Frances "vtjoy at 2 to 1. i; and 7 to 1 Jack Brown. I r- succeeded in getting them away hWi B t ven slarl - Bonlieur being first to r™"jtte u ne aud was suowiag tue w - ay kf P*. »Wt t nrlong. where she was joined tmmj El " 0W, J- the pair carrying on the hS~§ n!1 a furlong from home, when 1 '- cried euov.ira. Bonheur bad .t -~,m advanta-e .is th-y straightened up ti-^.T 1111 home, hut Defender coming com oemnd the field with a late run soon by , , me ?sure. aud going on won easily - th - ith Frances Lovejoy four *-raw a way third. B-Vp o ' l fi ° la " f IIiCJ -■ !f "J out for the S^ , !;,? 6 hh disappointlais Booc off-. f or - la - Ti "? « I--. 4 on her. 4 to I Bn&r.™ , . 0 - |J to 1 rhe others. Vanquish was oat m front wh "° tie flag fell, but tie f-n ' Q the I,rail fur a furlong, wh-n *sm^S-i? t0 lht " s"«llJit. where Refctßn, lik " making a race of n. easily shook her off. win-ii-,f fo - 7 1 ' bes t Part of two length.-. I.c-ii via ZZ ***** iway third. Popular, a< it has long been Fiv= UeTer realised. P'e last Out fur lhr Hallway Plate. *iti fw" x °'-»- Defender 2 to 1 L-ainst. few sWtoni, « A very iudiEEereut s= tart !T' a icbedtv rl ° v her fePl ' but ht - 15 wsv Tn Jl X nc *- and the pair showed CT «Tin S^^ na dr «PPed lack, leaving Xf d - fairly in a line pi an mfp. 01 P f' in a strong claim, ** half" • U:i ? finish saw Cr°-y win **" a " thim. "" ilSth> s «2tonia two lengths ?S.oon g c* racing during the r* WhiTrlia J , * su '- of the jockey ** of a Te i^i c ilj ur winners and a second !:", anu Crec - T - all of whom fc? OJ many m - r Dors « going in the «ama cc winning let us hope they will

Maiden Plate of IDsovs, seven — Seatonia. 7.12, 1; Leo Delaval, 8 8 ''•"Aka Aka. 5.9, 3. Also started: Star' of the South. Lot-hard. Vanquish. Bettin»- Evens. Leo Delaval, :; to 1 Aka Aka and Seatonia Won easily. Time, 1.33. Flying Stakes of 20sovs, five furlongs — Lad/ Bobs. T.S, 1: Crecy. 5.2, 2; Bonomiana. 7.0. 3. Also started-' sir Miss Bloodstone, Kohima, Minna. Bettin"°- 0 to 4 on Crecy, a to 1 Lady Bobs. Won' by a head. Pony Race Handicap of 20sovs, six furlongs.—Whawhai. 7.11. 1; Sentinel 6ld 2Ngahere. carried 7.1. 3. Also started- Solitary. Rapid. Betting: 6 to 4 Solitary 2 co l WUiiwhai. Woe easily. Papakura Handicap of 40sovs, one mile. —Defender. 7.5. 1: Bouheur, 7.4. 2; Frances Lovejoy, 7.. J. :/.. started: Jack Brown. Bettiug: 0 to 4 Bonheur. 2 to 1 Defender and i'lauces Lovejoy. Won easily. Hack Race Handicap of losovs. sis fur- | lonjjs. iiouominnu. 7.5. 1: Ketlewned 7 5 2: I.ofhard. 7.0. ;:. Also started: Matalanta : Minna, .Star of ttie South. Pukapo, Van- ! quisil. Forge. liettingr: t> to 4 on Bono- | niiunn. -l to i Redeemed. Won easily. Railway Plait? Handicap of iisovs sis I furlongs.—Crecy. 7.7. 1; St. ol«;a. S.k 2; I Seatouia. carried 7.12, .-,. Also started: I Defender, .lack Brown. Betting-, tj tv 4 on ! St. oijja. 2 to 1 Defender, S u> 1 Crecy I W.m by iiali' a length. ; POVERTI BAY TURF CLUB'S MEETING (Cy Telegraph.—Press Association.) GISBORNE, Saturday. The folio .ring acceptances have been reI i-eiwd for ttw Poverty Bay Turf Club's [ niceriuj; on FeL.rua.rj" IS: — Firing Handicap.—Murmur 5.13. TutuI ngareiui 5.12, Crou-pier s.lo, Tyrone S" Oudonarjj S.O. Good Spec 7.5. Roseplot 7.3, KfQi'j 7.2. liinetaupariki Ul2 ESS lol di M^tr HipPUW;U 1013 ' ne L U / a J , f ii " a " dl ™P- - Taura 9.G. Ballynferv 5.5 Soultlim 5.4, Croupier S.O. Maniwaru i.e. ilineuipauriki U.KI, Rajjs 6.1 U. C.J.C. MIDSUMMER MEETING. (By Telegraph.—Own Correspondent.; CHEISTCHUECU. Saturday The weatntr was fine but the attendance not very jrood for the second day of the C-J.c. Midsummer Meeting. The ractog wa» of an interesting character. The St. Albany Handicap was reg-arded a≤ a matcb between Uladsome aau Bagpipes, bur Mr held s splendid mare found most opposition from Terrapin, who tiui*hed very Cast, bur could make no impression upon" Gladsome, v,ho won comfortably under her big impost. Her performance stamps her as one of the best three-year-old.* that ever stood in New Zealand. In the Linwood Welter Blazer, although carrying top-weisht. ran the mile right out. ami making "his own running and winning easily from Speculate. Natalie and nine others. The victory o( the old fellow was well received, and the performance was really an excellent one. He seems to be staying much better now than of old. The .Selling Race wj,s the best <it good things for Te TaiaAa, who appropriated the same eveni" on the first day. He was again bought in, his new owner having now got the horse and olteors for nothing. In the Flying Handicap Kr<rinlin was made favourite, bat. ignoring: her drst day's running, and recognising rhat the hau-Jicap was a very flattering one. there was plenty of money for o' CluTha. whose name waj whispered about early in the day a≤ likely to be associated with this event. She was early away, and running on-t the race gamely scored comfortably from Kremlin, whilst Sacdy also shewed" good form. The Post Handicap, which closad the day's racing, was won easily by De la Rey, who dividr-d favouritism with Terrapin. The totallsator tarnover was £s>7 less than last year. Results: Richmond Plate. —Zetland 1, Chryseis 2. Malakoff i. All started. Won by 2i lengths. Time. 1.2 2-5. Dividend, £0 6. Belfast Plate. — Reliance 1, Poacher 2. Saranges :>. All started. Won easily by a length. Time. 2.40 1-5. Diridend. £2. Midle Park Plate.—Machine Gun 1. Silkworm 2, Stronghold 3. These were the only starters. Won comfortable - by a length and a half. Time, 1.13. Dividend, £1 2/6. S-t. Albans' Handicap, one mile. — G-rad-some. y.13 (Jonesi. 1; Terrapin. 7.8. 2: Bagpipes. 5.4, 3. Also started: Wind whistle, I Nell Gwynne. Turning for home (Jl.ndsomi: aud Bag-pipes moved up. and at the distance the favourite was in fn nt, easily stalling off the late challenge from Terra pin. and won easily by three lengths. Tim?. ! 1.42 3-5. Dividend, £2 SO. Linwood Welter? one mile.—Blazer. 9.13 (Godfrey;. 1: Speculate, 8.4. 2; Natalie, 7.7. 3. ALso started: Secret Society, Catherine Gordon, Djlu-Djiu. Ilagabrash. Clanbiirn. Roscommon, An-ti-gone. Won by a length. Vime, 1.43 2-o Dividends. ■£."> S and £t; 10,'. Selling R.aee, sis furlongs.—Te Tahiha. 5.4 iDonovan.i, 1: Orcln-anre. 5.4, 2; Roslphele. 8.11. "■ Also started: Summer Ro&e. Maijes-s, Bayonet (coupled with Te Taiai a), <.'annonite. Sahara. ZingareH-a. Qtilctfl.-e. Won very easily by three lengths, Loslohele a lengTh away third. Time. 1.16 Dividend-. £2 ID.AJ and £1 10/6. The winner was bought In. Flying Handicap, five furlongi;.—Flower o" Clutha 7.4 (Cotton). 1; Kremlin, 9.4. 2: Sandy. 7.0, 3. Also started: Lolah SoUiistic. Cerise and Blue. King Dick Woff by two lengths. Time, 1.2. Dividends, £2 17/ and 17 "Z. Post Handicap, one mile.—De la Rey^ ».a ~ v . J. The Mohican. .•■• -■ lurepi, | s "ai!; started: MagniScent., Narcissus. Zingara. Won length. Time, 1.44. Dividends, — is/" and i-- 18/6.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXXV, Issue 39, 15 February 1904, Page 3

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RACING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume XXXV, Issue 39, 15 February 1904, Page 3

RACING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume XXXV, Issue 39, 15 February 1904, Page 3


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