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MEDICAI* ■ ;-. ; ■ , • , DR. J. OOLH.IB BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. IS THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE. P ITT ,OT? O TWIST!?! i'« admitted by the profession t* betke mort \JJIA.JLJ\JJ\)\JU > JL JJi Hi wonderful a»d valuable remedy ever discovered. y^TTTTT -B-i> T^^CXT&.T-ITTI *» &» b*B* w>»edy known for Cough*. Consump VJULXJV/XKWJL/ A. -Li JU cffeCtual]y <Aeck? and arre , te thoge „««„ <TI~O T iOiTO /"Vir&^7'l^rTP fatal diseases:—Diphtheria, Fever, Croup. Ague. I y B~H I A I IXIXO X -13! JjJ acts like a oharm in Diarrhoea, and U the only specific in Cholera and Dysentery. effectually out* short all attacks of Epilepsy, \J JLJIJIJXJ'.KXjXJ-&J> JL JJ% JUJ Hysteric, P<alpitation and Spasms. ■iTNTr-M-r r\Tk j"y ITVirT'Vr-r^l isthteonly palliative In Neuralgia, Rh«uaaati»m. MTT TjO X O I) V TV hi Gcmt, Cancer, Toothache, Meningiti., &c. The " Illustrated London News "of S«pt. 28,1895, says:-" If I were,uked which single medicine I should prefer to take abroad with me, as likely to be most generally useful I ,^onld«ay GHLORODYNE. I never travel without it, and its general applicability to the relief 6f a large | number of simple ailment* for its best recommendation. | Karl Russell communicated to the College of Physician, that he received ad«P*teh *r°m Her Majesty's Consul at Manila to the effect that cholera has been raging fearful^, and that the only remedy of a service was CHOLORODYNE.-'Ehe "Lancet," Ist Decembe*. 186 i. Oaution—Beware of Piracy and Imitations, CAtmoN-VicsChancellor Dr. W. Para Vfood stated that Sir J.Colus bk^7™* J? 8™: doubtedly the inventor of CHLORODYNE, that the story Of th* Detect Freonwa *ra* deliberately untrue; which bit regretted to say hai been sworn to.-See Times,' 13lh July, 1884. Sold in bottles at Is l^d, 2s 9d, and 4s 6d each. None is genuine without the Words " DX. J. COLIiIS BROWNE'S ChoLORODYNK" on the Government btamp. Over. "Whelming Medical Testimony accompanies each bottle. Sols Manufactures,—J. T. DAVENPORT, 33 Great Enssell-street, Bloomsbury, London. W.C. A IMftMnEDPII MPftlfMMK' powDisa , , KEATIWG'S POWftER —■* KEATING'S POWDER ARE universaUy admitted to oe worth a JOSATINCPS POWDER . . Guinea a Box for Bilious and Nervous Dia- .mrwmo ¥>ffVCtrDE& ■orders, suoh as Wind and Pain in the Stomach, KEATLMQ S ytfW •"*£* Si ck Headache, Giddiness, Fulness and Swelling ELEATHJG'S POWDBE A MA^T^Lo^^ C^pe£ BEATING'S POWDER Shortness of Breath, Costiveness, Scurvy and _ BUGS. Blotches on the Skin. Disturbed Sleep, Frightful O g I a jp| M «.i Dreams, and all Nervous aDd TrembUng^ensa- 8/ H | § V B TZiZZI. tions, etc The first dose will give relief m X || | MOTHS, twenty minntes. Every sufferer is earnestly W\ II H » B3BBtIJBB, WORTH A GUINEA A Bfo. S^ATDf©»S'^'WOaM J"l?ABIJB«S. KPATENCPS WORM TABLETS. JSrSS^&S^S^ZIS'^S^ KPATOra-S WOBM TABLETS. fcrrwnorte any obstruction or irregularity ot hrt-niafein& a most •«*f«^bje J»e™ «« the system. If taken according to the directions administering the only certain. *«meay given with each box. they wiS Boon restore fe- (of INTESTINAL or THREAD males of all ages to sound and robust health, WORMS. ** *B * perfectly oaie tina This has been proved by thousands who aav« m u a preparation, and is especially a4apttried them and found the benefits which are on- children. Sold tn Tins by all ured by their use. DnigsUrta. Proprietor, THOMAS KEATING, lioodon Tor a Weak Stomach, Impaired DigestlOß.atti "" . all Disorders of the Liver, they act like m«gi<V . : •^fJALin and a few doses will be found to work wonders JlWi^jj^a,'!!-, on the most important organs in the human { &!>£ t T-^-m machine. They strengthen the whole muscular JlfeMinMi... system, restore the long-lost complexion, brmg / I '(«M>«TO t , I back the keen edge of appetite, and eroTUotnta WfiflfiPS^lSSOTl'W action wiOi the rosebud of health the whole < fZ 91 Y^fmM SteClHhri physical energy of the humanframe. Th«ear« CftUCKa'irwltw W|7/tCOLDS j FACTS testified eontinuaDy by member* of all .sfart^ifll JNfo 1 I classes of society, and ono of the beat tuaranfeeWl fl nnffi#%^ l^'Mfl'lhllUl'm to the Nervous and Debilitated is- |lj|}]t^M^!^ BUlllDHuiltl BEECHAM'S PILLS HAVE THE pSg^WfciHßOAt , LARGEST SALE OF ANY PATENT JLn2K^u"&Tmimrn MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. JliillW x Prepared only by the Proprietor, TBDMAS AlHl)""!'P''7iK3^^iw'"i^'^lL BEECHAM, St. Helens, England, in Boxea, »»-#% v% v% B*"% frlff? ilkß *1* ,lslid,B.nd2B 9deaoh. TQ PREVENT •aid by all Dniggiata and Patent Mediciisa A jg* |te Vk |^ ' DouJerseveLywhere. B^JTWkfm.l^W "i ■ TA X P direotioßS ate given Witt Mtffe 2t^£^2i^s=S^^^^^ "FOR THE BLOOD IS THE UFBJ." -^M^^*.,.Jw ffil, A ,T^^^.>.^^t ! THE WORLD-FAMED BLOOD PURI- M^ wV*',!. • L^J 1 1 ever cause arising. SLimb imui'Mi«mii ci B*h For Scrofula, Scurvy, EJczema, RES WHILST YOU SLEEP Sldn and Blood Diseases, Blackheads, "Til-* ■ jsMMßk*"" " l&?\ '' "" — Pimples and sores of all kinds, it ifl -f-^r • V*#JB -r-irr., W\^ a never-failing and permanent Ctlre. « ... £f*J&[ ":' -ss=f-3c=J[fc. *5v ISlrf HF"' Neck Aa'CHEfMSTS&: STORtI^EEPLRS Cures Biackheadfl Or Pimples on the ■ • . . . face. ' ' >■ ■ i ~~" Cures Scurvy. r=S:!^K. . • Cures Ulcers. , S^GUKE^^. "■ ■■>.." Cures Blood and SMh Diseases. y^FOR eozeiha^. Cures Glandular Swellings. ■ //- J\ Clears the Blood of all impure mat- // niinry pߣsft| ter 1/ bUnCA tinCnin \\ From whatever cause arising. li 'rn* •m.***,! aJ w i»i«I"' ll It is a real specific for Gout and | K^^»rt^^LSiS>. J Rheumatic PalnS. l\ pl«», BoreL«g», DtrScalySkia,// It removes the cause from the Blood \k U*TJ?£5>" C*, // and Bones. \ a'" , ™p' *h// As this mixture is pleasant to the Chemtet,^^ , taste, and warranted free from any- N^m^Vwkiii**!^^ thing injurious to the moat delicate • constitution of either sex, the pro^ _ ~ prietors solicit BUfferers to give it a «i ££,S£*miSSF MivTMDi: NEURALGIA AND HEADACHES OLMKE'S BLBBD - MIXTORE cured B t takxng Clarke's Blood Mixture is sold la pfeNTON'S NBURALGIA POWDfifeS, Bottles .2/9 each, and in cases con- s, „ ; taining six times the quantity, U/> ■ ' JC-mt-ZZm, Bufflcient to effect a permaQ«nt cure . ; FENTON " in the great majority of long-standing __,__ __ A_ . . T^, . _, .__ __ . . cases-BY ALL CHEMISTS and CfHEMISTi KABANOAHAPE ROAD. PATENT MBDICINE VENDORS ■ Telephone 108& throughout the world. Proprietors: ' '■"'.. '... ; *' THE LINCOLN AND MIDjuANDS , -.__. ' ' ' ■ "•, ±~— . COUNTIES DRUGr' COMPANY, LOST. LOSU SgSSob M EIS?RE.« Tradß ""* A SPLITTING HEADACHE IN A THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS "PHEW" MINUTES AFTER TAKING OF WONDERFUL CURES FROM Ml fS D fl I' ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. ffl I U n U L ■ . • CAUTION — Purchasers of Clafke'B 1 dozen Powders 1/S, df 2d each, Blood Mixture should see that they tet ' the genuine article. Worthless imitations ' Sole Age-fit—j£l S. i, LAMB and substitutes are sometimes palmed off ■■> : _. . , ■ „ by unprincipled vendors. The words ._: ,; Chemist, Syroonds-st. "Lincoln and Midlands Counties Drug T a VPtr»TTR.Ar'<? to rm»«ftft-y t*att? S vm Company, Lincoln, England," are en- ] J AYB"llJK.N S NURSERY HAIR AND graved on the Government Stamp, and i . Nil "Clarke's ■ World-famed Blood Mixture" , LotlOh for School Childrwn blown in the bottle, WITHOUT WHICH Destroys at once all^rasUeT^tafestiiw NONE ARE GENUINE. i^siroys at once^ali infesting ■ , -. ~- ~' ,' ;' . ■ A GREAT BOON. ; ■ : . .< _~..,. Price, 1/ afld 1/6, postage, extra. S\>l- -/ _,«,.... ..AH^fa.whAtt., M..8 m lowing Chemists are Agents: Woe-Hams, r»» r ,«i /i « ' Qmn-sfreet; Copper, Victoria-street; rOn FEMALES. 'land Murray, Pamell; and procurable at , /^VtJIOKLY CORRECT AtT. IBHEGUI.AHITHSB, KE, „,, rt ft,A* r»hr>m(o:t«i WholPSale 6t SJI i ViJ KOVSATJJOESTRtJCTIOHS.AKDBKLBBVBjS| ail °*°f r « : ' nemlsts- . wnoiesaie oi aai DISTKBSSINa BYMWOMB so PSBVALKRi with Drag Warehouses. .; . .. . THE SEX. Boxes,.ls. ljd. and 2b, 9d. (oontaias three ' jsjv ■ trr ~ v . *; \-A' rtT > ttaes ths quantitr), ot »U Ohemlitlu fteat anT*lwr9 /^APIL«LARIE, OR on receipt of IS or 34 stfanve by K. X. TOWLE A CO M V^ ManulaoUurcrs, Dryden Stroet. RotSiiigluan. miincmV UfllD I rtTlftW Beamt ef IntiMm$ t i^mkm mi uvrtJOem. NUKoCnT HAIn LU ! lUni Cure and Pijeventative Of Nits and _... -. -~~ - rr%/~\Tn *TYVt t \ Vermin in Children's Hair. ■^w**?J3*/Lfl d& J-ORAJjI-NE' . In 80-ttles, one Shilling each. r Wm Clears thft Tubes and Prepared only by , ®i#l ? ffiOr Saves the Lungs. ARTHUR G. KENDETRDINE, IJk . i/- and 2/-. Pha.rmaceutical .chemist, JilLJ^ldlffll At aU Stores and of __Karangahape_Rojid : _ /^Xt%^\lq3i :FENTr':'N' Newton; NURSE DB YOUNG'S Wt\WMl^M^r^ FEWSALE PILLS AND TONIC t» 7*588 tl^t^J^lm- Remove all Female it*******. Price, SON, Symonds-st.; THiED, Newmarket. 2/8 each. Postage extra. Wholesale T^UNDr^^Sprliig Blossom Ointment," from Drug Warehouses. Following Chem* -t" Cures all it touches, 6d and V; i ß tg Agents: Woollamg, PonsOflby; BVn"Spring Blosspm Pills," 6d &tid 1/; ton Newton; Coopef, Victoria-Stfieets B&%%?SdSr* U*™.****•. b i e at ** Storekeepers. other CheWJHW*

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Auckland Star, Volume XXXIII, Issue 116, 17 May 1902, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XXXIII, Issue 116, 17 May 1902, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume XXXIII, Issue 116, 17 May 1902, Page 7


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