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THE !F\A.:m:OTTS IRIEIMIEIDir IFOIR COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, AND CONSUMPTION. HAS THE LARGEST SALE OF ANY CHEST MEDICINE IN AUSTRALIA. . ' who hare taken this Medicine are amazed at its wonderful influence. Sufferers from any form of Bronchitis, Cough, Difficulty of Breathing, Hoarseness, Pa Those: wn (jjjest, experience delightful and immediate relief ; and to those who ;u-.e subject to Colds on the Chest it is invaluable, as it effects a Complete °ure- It jr fyxtn6® H" in allaying irritation in the throat and giving strength to the voice, and it neither allows a Cough or Asthma t» become chronic, nor Consumption to develo pogtcorowrtin^ j_ nown to cx j,. t waerc « Coughs ' have been properly treated with this Medicine. No house should he without it, as, taken at the begiuniH CoBfl"?P tIon era jjy sufficient and a Complete Cure is certain. BdoselsgeD ' BEWAEE OW COUGHS I KEMEMBER THAT EVERY DISEASE HAS ITS COMMENCEMF^F, AND CONSUMPTION IS NO EXCEPTION TO THIS BULK ! a Lady in London. A FEW EXTRACTS F&OM LETTERS. Gratitude and Appreciation. to POLDS~AND BBONCHIAL HUNDREDS CURED IN THEIR OWN !a nf.ABTY^ - ,OTO-vr a "I Ulieil y<)nr Bronchitis Cure for three of my family, and it cored each of tliem in from one to.three CIRCLE.• HJW» APlgUttA. doses.—P. I'ViIULLINS, Cowio's Creek, Victoria." " vru- ROTTLE OF HEARNE'S "Tb» Beieutifio JuatreKim Ottiea, —«j) BY ONft VV^ 1 m-c-c- "Yom-Br.raeliiUsCnrereKov-edinysonTronderfallyqnick. I only gave him four doses, and have some «n... wr. w "109, Qneen-atreot, MottwuraO C^ BRONCHITIS CURE. &% e,2ffi? ftf lam seniUng fer -othar ™?X caaß -1 Bh°^ «"* a-D' »**•* the^St^S^^^^S^S*S^^ ■ ~~ TVt A T VW. ,«••<»• darinc the last fsw years has boeri repeatedly woi -re nOCTOK SO INTER&bI-»u iJiAi. x^a msfar and gjadmr tbe praise* of Hcarne's Bronchi .vDTim OFF THE EMPTY BOTTLE. « Your Bronchitis Cure is a wonderful medieinc.-A. B. SIMMONS, No. 7, Rsnuy-Bt, Paddington, Sydney." c ™«. «is oar Mr Phillips. OARI"* 1^ f *•■ ffenUeman, aoiae throe year* ace, was reeo: .... -wow ..... ~.„,, mended to try your Bronchitis Cure by Mr Bariux M . Orange, «Js.vv. « My -wife is S9 yoars old, and I am 79, and I am to inform yon that your Bronchitis Cure has done us accountant, CoDiBS-fltreet, and the offWt that it had w _~ ■.■"-' . . . both a wonderfiU deal havinp quickly cured us both.—JK. BASBETT, ytrath Creek, utaßroadford, so marked that he l^s ever since been cocfchmslly! I'flßeKS!' Isocloso tor ronr own private perusal Victoria." comiuendbur it to others. ! *S"'J%lajea^eifr"^t^rm other,. wj——, . "Wo are ffod to add thi» oar testimony to the value JfjSto, BV^'J^'SeriW&.d«™ to a martyr " I have used one bottle of your Bronchitis Cure .riih great benefit to myself, as the smothering has com- H^;S' S ?" 03i T^Ma Bronchitis Cure, which has can "irtSffiM '"SE fdo noitrisfc any names pletely left ma .-(Mrs) JOHN itAHILLY, Giea^sgie, Victoria." * ' B - the •HttTeniiga oi hundreds and hundreds of people cv wiJStfy^"cat!ibCTt s'toaia)ieuse(! f »«n.™<W.rf«^ta«. ! jjn B^r^Aii letter you choose, and you cca confa- .. x j. ave toan(i y<rar Bronchitis Cure a splendid medicine.—JOHN MADDEN, SHpton, Victoria." relieve us always to Do, i «Wf f anjtodytome. . ." Yonrs most faith fairy, *?I bSrf »f *m e vo»r35cK dwhat lan SSmense " I have finished the Bronchitis Cure you sent, and am amazed at what it has done in the time. The "PHILLIPS, OEMONDE & CO." jjglwd, Yo^' nr3 fattMnlly ." difficulty of breathing has all gone.—J. HABBINGTON, Bin^egong, Moma4»h, N.S.W." the Queensland Testimony. iry 0 a will >* n T excellent I -wax very bad when "My cold, bad as it was, disappeared after two doses.—C. J. CURIUE, Solicitor, Victoria Chambers, _, on*i^i rS<lii't*iIJ'fle'Ttoit- That was last Queen-street, Melbourne." FROM BRISBANE WHOLESALE 8 """idftt hasqaite cured mo. Dr. is very CHEMISTS. rn^,tßreßte*in ft. He came 7**Z^'^jgg! ™* "I lately administered como of your Bronchitis Cnre to a son of mine, with splendid effect The ours s?ff.MmtTlHrt*l« to find out if he coma k« a ran ane wae absolutely miracalous.-F. A. PACKlilt, Qmera, Neutral Bay, Sydney, N.S.W.'' "68, Queen-street, Brisbane, Qaeonsland. tom»^k' whi,.i MfromnubiiMtiOT but will be "KrT. 6. Beunt, iW Bir,-Pleit9» send us JJagjSSwSJ-^*m desired. ' "Tom-Broirehitia Cure, as usual, acto<l spl^didly.-G. H. BABFOSD,' Casterton, Victoria." , O^aU^SSw^mm^ oFo^'r b°"t' Wo eacloße ° WVf" "wo oftuu hear your Bronchitis Care spoken wall < " Kindly forward another bottle of your famous Bron<datio Care without delay, as I find it to be a most A geatleinun told us to-day that hu hud given it to .„•__ r>,-,-ir/i-i valuable medicine. —(Mrs) J. SLATKit, AVarrazol, Victoria." ehildof his with most remarkable reiralt, the child beii Agonising uougn. -» qidte (^9i &ree fy>SWn " I am very pleased with your Bronchitis Cure. The reaalt was marvellous. It easod mo right off at We aro, faithfully jotts, MTVF MONTHS'TORTURE. once.—G. SESTBR,3ourko, New South "Wales." "THOIHASQN. CHATKR & CO., "^ . "'Wholesale Chemists." BY ONE DOSE OF HEARNE'S "Your medicine for asthma is worth £1 a bottle.—W. LETTS, Heywood, Victoria." cure, and cureu Cured in Ten Days. BY TWO BOrUJ-iEb. "I have tried lots of medicine, bnt yours is the best I ev«r had. lam recommending-it to evorybody.— S. STEELE, Y&nko Siding. New South Wales." " Dergholm, Victoria. ,J' THE EDITOR OF THE OLDEST NEW! . D «r Sirr-I ntoe "I suffered from Chronic Asthma and Bronchitis, for which I obtained no relief'-until I tried your mcdi- ■ PA^BK IN JTCTWITA^EXPRESSES •m »a^ i»!S^^M^^4XbSdat2iSSß ™ c , bat 1 can truly say that lam astonished at freedom, as v direct result of my brief trial.- GRATEFUL APPRECIATION. ■rfM4%2ffi3SSr3?S^hSl^X2 JOriNC. TBSSLAWXEY, Severn River, «<a ImtnU, M.B.W.- „w rr r T^^T , .< * 1"?" ""S^irf^ttS ? rem*di«*,' without avail. I tried w- G. Hearne, Esq. De^^x.-Permit me to eraro. riTic«,^toe<io[aer r^u , my ({rntcsftU aßpreciation of tfee ralne of your Baandut ,raii,»» I1Br?™i ? TJI h«!iTi,t twn hiHi.q T?™ t " E&st Yw J suffered severely from Bronchitis, and the doctor, to whom I paid seven tfameaa, did not do Cur«. I had, gome mouths aco, a savcre attack , tetdo^udtbrne^hwc^Da^vwo^Hes^ieeii mc any^o,!. btlt x hoard of your Broachiiis Core, and two bottles of it made mo quite well.—H. HOOD, BronciUds, and took yonr medicuie. with tlio resnlt lh; w^?l^fSvn»kmg known the ctilcaey of your BrooiUamia, Avoca-Btreet, South Yarra, Melbourne." at the oad of tun days tlie eeWffltaini had cmnplately lo D»y^3fCTfiß^?^^t o nei Bee afflicted »'J>"" me . -fy ß „„ now never without tbe i=edk-inc in tl WKtaMremeayw y „ H half-a^oaen. of your Bronchitis Cure. This medicine corea. >ne in the winter, and has Siilii^tiff" °f * eoldUistttke Vri^rZ Lnror,™,, now ctu-ed a friend of mine of a very bad BroiicMtis.-A. ALLEN, Ozone House, Lome, Victoria." with immediate eur A ti%e effect. , jAJsLlsb AbIiJURY." "I ana, my dear Sir, yours faithfully, "B. QUAKRILL, "Yonr Bronchitis Cure has done me much good. This is a new experience, for all the medicine I previously " Editor Gesltmg Actverttter." _. it ™J«r.iffnAd have had occasion to obtain took made me mu;-ii worac. lam r.iitisfied tiiat the two bottles of Bi-onchitis Care I got from yau ha>v« pulled Jfflffl5 lw^ertifyS it w™ mo through a long and dangerous illness.-HENRY WURLOD, Alma, uar Marybwough, Victoria." —-— IKSXreeeessfal under rfrenmstances wfich " Ufon lookrna U.rmiah our beo*s, we m itrack wil ' iuml Tirhre its distinct healing power.—Si«ned Hie steady and r»g»d lncmae in the sales of yoi Jr.S rE,JfiS& SINCLAIR, Mver3-street, Geefong, " The bottle i»f Bronchitis Cure I got from you was magical in its effects.—CHAS. WHYBROW, Enoch's Bronchitis Oure.-E CLIOM BROS., Ltd., Wkolosa jLlflSfcs otter leading residents. Point, via DariiK^ford, Victoxia." ' BraggisU, SydJiey, SAW.r I bbs »-<»—»-«-<iiii minim. J PREPARED ONLY AND SOLD WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BY THE PROPRIETOR, W. G. HEARNE 9 Chemist, Geelo-ng; Vietopia. N.Z. Branch Office: Coffee Palace Buildings, Moray Place, Dunedin. gmall Size, 2s 6d; Large, 4s 6d. Sold by Chemists and Medicine Vendoi'S. Forwarded by Fast to any Address when not obtainable Locally. Postage, 6i for Sn> 'i, 0 ' <r>r Larrre Size. AGENTS—SHAELAND & CO., LTD., AUCKLAND AND WELLINGTON.

(SPORTSMEN are invited to inspect oar New Season's Stock of j guns, sgogrmg km saukm .rifles, which are SPLENDID VALUE. . SMOKELESS OARTBIOOES UWd fp|lfpiM^?Sß^filßl^y BESTand MOST KIM EDWARD M^4£i: -%*" '* j Sn^'?i Sn the*" "SOUTHERN CROSS *■' GREEN CARTRIDaBS A good serviceable Black Powder Cartridge afc a LOW PRICE. • SOLE AGENTS for J. HALL & SONS' Celebrated BLASTING POWDER and PELLETS. \/\ Sporting Powder, Skot, Cartridge Belts, Game Bags, j\V Revolvers, etc, at Lowest Prices, fINGATE & CO., 33 and 35 QUEEN STUEET, AUGKLAND, ABE WARRANTED IN EVERY PARTICULAR. THERE IS NOTHING JUST THE SAME. NBIST ON HAVING « ZEALANDIA," AND SUPPORT NEW ZEALAND INDUSTRY. SHIRTS A2TD COLLARS OUR SPECIALTY, jjgjfc Full Ttoarislwnent. partly pretested. Sterilized. 1 * BEST FOOD FOR WMIS Affl) IJWAUOS 1W AIL CUMATfS.

TO mmmmmmam^mmummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ; If purchasers of this useful material for underwear all the year round would buy the best English make, which can be obtained from us, they would avoid the risks they undoubtedly run with inferior qualities of Flannelette, Patterns on application, D.S.C. Supplied direct from the Factory at Wholesale Prices. We manufacture every variety of Furniture in quaint, original, and distinctive designs. Specimens of Fumigated Oak Furniture for 1902 can be seen in our Showrooms. Schemes submitted for the complete furnishing of every class of residence. Apply D.S.C. "SVII4 k^rob /SJT*, "IWiJ'i mW*n uuwmwwEWi "^iUVKmny r?i^iv_B»tja j*"""w^| English, Scotch, and Colonial Blankets, direct from the Mills, will be sold at WHOLESALE . WAREHOUSE PRICES. By buying from us we guarantee to save you thfc middleman's profit.

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Auckland Star, Volume XXXIII, Issue 115, 16 May 1902, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XXXIII, Issue 115, 16 May 1902, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume XXXIII, Issue 115, 16 May 1902, Page 7


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