The hall attached to St. Alban's Church on the Mt. Roskill Road, has recently been considerably enlarged, and now supplies a much felt need in this neighbourhood. The work has been done by Mr Mackintosh, and has given full satisfaction. The building consists of two wings, one 3fift x 36ft, and tho other 18ft x 38ft, and it will seat about 400 people. The new hall was opened last evening with a social gathering of. parishioners and friends, which was well attended. The Rev. J. M. Devenish presided. Songs were contributed by' the Rev. Devenish, who quite astonished those present by his excellent singing, and he was enthusiastically encored, Misses Breton, Skelton, and Tanner, Mrs McKinstry, and Mr A. S. Reid. ,Mr Mackintosh recited "The Lifeboat" In good style. Refreshments were provided by the ladies, and the proceedings were brought to a pleasant end with a dance.
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Auckland Star, Volume XXXII, Issue 184, 16 August 1901, Page 2
Word Count
Auckland Star, Volume XXXII, Issue 184, 16 August 1901, Page 2
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